Avatar of yoshua171


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Just...drifting along.
6 yrs ago
The Truest and Most Ultimate Showdown has beguneth. Goofykins V.S. SpongeByrne!
1 like
6 yrs ago
Does anyone know where I can figure out how to unfabricate memories? Asking for a friend.
6 yrs ago
Check out our new and improved thread. Just an interest check for now, but oh boy is there so much more to come! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
8 yrs ago
Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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"Hey man, no worries. After all, I'm sure you'll make it up to me."

"Hey man, no worries. After all, I'm sure you'll make it up to me."

"Hey man, no worries. After all, I'm sure you'll make it up to me."

"Alright! Let’s...um, make the world a better place, one piece at a time! Yeah...."
Consider it done!

"Alright! Let’s...um, make the world a better place, one piece at a time! Yeah...."

She's not a Ward, but hey, she could be a mentor, hope y'all like her! :P

Edit: I made some CS edits because I had a few incorrect history details pointed out to me, they should be fixed now.
'The Wards Version'


"Alright! Let’s...um, make the world a better place, one piece at a time! Yeah...."
Well @Lewascan2, you know what they say: Reuse, Recycle, Re-roleplay. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
Hey there @Lewascan2! Weren't you interested in REACH HEAVEN THROUGH VIOLENCE?
<Snipped quote by yoshua171>

Still open, yeah. As for PC baddies...Leaning away from those for now, but I'm not entirely opposed.

Hmm, is there anything, in particular, you'd like more filled out than it is now, in terms of the stuff you've got going on? Also, this conversation would probably be easier through discord. Feel free to throw me a friend request (any of y'all tbh).

I've got a bevy of Worm characters, and an avid love for making more that's expanding all the time. Since I haven't honed in on anything specific just yet, I figured I'd just offer my services--for whatever they're worth lol--in the interest of filling things out ^_^
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