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Oh Bleach RP oh Bleach RP where art thou oh quality Bleach RP. Why hast thou forsaken thee? Seriously though, WHY!?!


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While Lhirin absorbed the various utterances of those behind him, the only ones that found significant purchase were Irah's. Though he made his judgements in a flash, Lhirin reevaluated his initial thoughts on the witch hunters, given Irah's warning. He gritted his teeth slightly, the sensation of them grinding helping him offset the anger he felt for their ignorance and zealotry. Thoughtless, but sadly not incompetent. He'd keep a closer eye on them when they came into view, but before that....

Lhirin glanced repositioned his left arm, putting his sheath's surface in view once more. This done he began to chant, his words quiet but precise. The runes on the ebon wood of the sheath's surface began to glow as he channeled energy through the implement. Then, as he entered the armory, he completed his spell. There was a brief actinic flash, like a scattering of faint sparks across the surface of the sheath, then his blade, then his person. It faded in the next instant replaced by a strange warbling pressure in the air around the deigan mage.

Magnetic Field.

While the spell split his attention, he figured it was worth it and quite swiftly it might become apparent why that was the case as a pouch at his waist opened by its metal button and a series of thirty 6-inch long iron needles floated out from the leather. The needles arranged themselves in a halo around his runeblade where they remained as he walked.

As the concentration necessary to manipulate the needles waned with them being put in position, Lhirin swept his gaze over the armory. He noted the various weaponry on display and took the equivalent of several visual snapshots for posterity. He noted each iron implement present and then turned his gaze to the second set of doors. With their being metal in the handles, Lhirin stretched out his magnetic field and turned them, before using those same door knobs as a point to push upon. Altering the polarity of the field at that point and pumping through a small burst of additional energy, Lhirin willed the two doors forth. They swung open before him revealing the room for all of them.

While he took in the environs they were to fight within, Lhirin made a note of any magnetic materials he could see. Iron and steel primarily, before settling his gaze upon the only moving details of the room, the two figures at its center.

Yet, before he could take them in entirely, Lhirin felt the drain on his reserves and a sound not unlike a low growl left his lips. Then things came into focus a strange construct of furniture--clearly a wraith--and an armored man, beaten and bloodied. The man, clearly on his last legs, called out for assistance. Lhirin's iron needles drooped slightly and he felt the weakening of his other spell: Bound Blade. Reasserting his control and ensuring the spells had enough energy, Lhirin took a deep breath and acted without hesitation.

Unseen, though likely not undetected, paths of magnetic energy--created by his prior spell, Magnetic Field--shot forth towards the wraith. Once those paths were slightly more than halfway established, Lhirin had them overlap with the positions of ten of his iron needles. In response the needles flashed forth, following the magnetic fields at speed like tiny 6-inch arrows, where they made to embed themselves in the wraith's makeshift body. Once he'd released the projectiles, Lhirin continued into the room, his narrowed silver eyes locked upon the wraith as he made his approach.

With the shifting of Lady Bor's stare to the path beside him wherein Lhirin's runeblade stood, the deigan mage tilted his head, his brow creasing slightly. Then the penin, some emotion restrained on her face, turned her attention to Irah, who had joined him at the head of the mismatched party.

When the old adventurer chose to disregard him in favor of Irah, Lhirin only sighed slightly and closed his eyes. Listening with half his attention, Lhirin tried to figure out where he'd gone wrong. Perhaps his greeting had been too polite? Was it that he'd said too much too quickly? His eyes opened--gaze downcast even as he absorbed the words of those around him. He tilted his head as he noted where his runeblade had cut into the stone of the path. The irregular marks of stress around where it had pierced the well-arranged walkway.

The Walkway....

Lhirin frowned and despite the important story being relayed, he fixated on the marks his blade had created. With purpose, he grasped the crystal hilt of his blade and with a small flex of power, withdrew it smoothly from the rock. For a moment he surveyed the blade--it was unmarred--before he glanced at the grass of the manor lawn. Suddenly annoyed, Lhirin callously tossed the runeblade into the lawn perhaps two meters to his right--where no one stood in the path of his throw--before promptly disregarding the valuable weapon. Then, taking to a knee upon the path, Lhirin muttered a few words of the arcane language as he placed a hand upon the perforated stone.

Call Earth

Casting one of his simplest spells, Lhirin used only a small amount of his magical energy, guiding it in thin planes between the parts of the stone path that he had damaged. In the space of several seconds the stone almost seemed to flow like water until the gap between them where his sword had been placed disappeared, repaired by his efforts.

Still, it took its toll. Working earth was more taxing than piercing it or calling upon a bit of wind. Yet, despite this fact and the looming battle ahead of them, he'd done it anyways. Lhirin hated his ineptness with social cues. Disliked that he sometimes utterly disregarded that his actions might bother someone. Yet...he could not help but act thoughtlessly sometimes. So, this was his way of making amends. Pushing back to his feet, a frown still on his handsome features--though there were (as always) bags beneath his eyes from lost sleep--Lhirin turned his attention to Lady Bor.

While he didn't know if any of his other actions had left a sour taste in her mouth, there was little he could do about that, and further, they had a more pressing problem to solve.

“My Lady, we will exterminate these wraiths and see to the conflict between your guests. Thank you for the information, it is invaluable.”

Then, with a pause longer than someone who was more socially adept would take, Lhirin realized that there was another social ritual he could utilize to show his obeisance and respect.

He bowed at the waist, giving her what was perhaps an overly respectful social gesture. Then, with a nod--and a glance to Irah--Lhirin strode forth, chanting beneath his breath even as he took lightly tapped his runeblade with a foot as he passed. The spell initiated even as he seemed to leave it behind. The runes on his sheath, in the next moment, glowed an electric blue as Lhirin cast his right hand out in the direction of his runeblade.

Energy spidered forth from his fingertips in ghostly strands that met with the runeblade in an instant and cradled it in their grasp. Then the blade soared back through the air and its handle met Lhirin's palm.

However, he didn't dismiss the spell, instead lowering his input of energy to almost nothing and deliberately using only his own strength to move the runeblade. Repositioning his sheath along the back of his arm as he'd had it before, Lhirin continued forward, clearly intent on entering the manor.

The stranger--a woman by the voice--was right, as was Lady Bor, this was an urgent situation. The wraiths needed to be taken care of...and the summoner secured. They had what information the others could offer--by his estimation. Thus, it was time to act.

Noting the armored figure's injury, Lhirin nodded sharply in response to his words. He took in each piece of information without delay. Then the injured man was interrupted. Lhirin frowned, only half paying attention to the penin's words as he mulled over the first bit of explanation.

This was likely a separate issue from the bandits. Lady Bor's summons had--amusingly--attracted a summoner. How unfortunate.

Eyes snapping over to the penin, the deigan hybrid regarded the small old woman and found her suitably impressive for one of her status and stature. As she approached he noticed her kindly dismissal of her servants.

Tough, but not unreasonable nor arrogant, he noted, before totally dismissing the other two humans and looking down at the Lady Bor. She spoke and he lapped up each piece of information she offered with avid interest. His smile returned as she mentioned wraiths--an odd reaction surely.

'Wraiths!' he mused to himself, eyes alight with feverish interest. Lhirin's left hand reached down to his belt and unstrung his sheath from his hip. Grasping the handle in its construction, Lhirin took it in a reversed grip, the flat of the implement flush with the back of his arm. Its weight was a comfort.

“Mmm, Wraiths. I am familiar with their ilk, and their weaknesses,” Lhirin's grin widened slightly and he chuckled--as if this were a small matter. Then his expression changed all at once, becoming piercing and intense once more. “I am Lhirinthyl, Ms. Lady Bor. Mage. Scholar. Enchanter,” the words were clipped, perfunctory and he bulled on to his proper query, his former words a tacked-on phrase.

Idly, Lhirin channeled energy into his Runeblade and clearly--but quietly--uttered a single word in the arcane language.


The bronze blade pierced the stone of the path and sank into the ground before he ceased the flow of energy, embedding it for a moment. Lifting a finger of his thin right hand--now freed from holding his blade--Lhirin tapped his head. "The Deo'iel Guide to Survival, very useful to have memorized," he said, his grin flashing through the intensity. Then he leaned down and forward slightly, becoming serious again. “The wraiths, mmm...what manner of divines were summoned?”

That said, Lhirin sifted through his sensory memories, noting that the riders had identified themselves...or this Freagon had identified them both. He filed their names away for later, one of his fingers idly tracing the alphabetical symbols for their names in the empty air--no magic involved, just a sort of mnemonic device. One of many that he used.

While he waited for a reply--as little a wait as that may have been, Lhirin began to drum his fingers on the pommel of his runeblade's crystal handle. He was eager to get moving, but he would not go in unprepared. After all, while he was not cautious in the typical way of his kind, Lhirin was fortunately a rather experienced traveler and adventurer. He'd had his fair share of dicey encounters and he'd learned from each-and-every one--though not always the typical lessons that another might learn.

Still, it was enough that his experience--and voracious appetite for knowledge--directed him to survey a situation and gather as many facts as he could before throwing oneself into danger. Of course...he recognized that time was of the essence and that a thorough review of the facts could not always take place before an engagement. Still, this--for the moment--did not seem to be the case in their current circumstances. So, eager as he was, Lhirin did not act hastily but instead waited with bated breath for the Lady Bor's response.

Gate in sight, Lhirin had a direct view as someone rushed up--appearing frantic and altogether rushed--and activated something that promptly caused a blaring noise to ring out. A fraction of a second passed, Lhirin's eyes narrowed then he smiled. Pace picking up, the deigan mage broke into a jog and easily drew his Runeblade. It seemed that his deduction had led him not just to the best source for further information, but also to the site of what was likely to be an evolving problem.

Lhirin was wonderful at solving problems. However, before he could reach much of anywhere, the sound of hoofbeats pounded into his ears. He glanced back, noticing several figures who had gotten the message to go to the manor after him now rushing to catch up. His eyes too wide, Lhirin took in the knight-boy who had been at the door and his likely superior who had been inside. He noted his companion, Irah, resplendent as a halo of water came to hover near her, and even the surgeon. The newcomers, bowling past everyone through the power of their horses, he did not recognize--naturally. However, unlike others who might assume that they were the reason the alarm had sounded, Lhirin had other ideas.

The horses had only accelerated to the point of being audible after the alarm had gone off. He would have noticed them otherwise. They were not the threat. Further, the figure who had sounded the alarm had not been looking in the direction that the newcomers were arriving from. No, they'd been fleeing as if from within the mansion itself. The threat came from elsewhere.

All this in the space of perhaps two seconds rushed through his mind, then--realizing others would likely not assume the same--Lhirin raised his free hand and signaled to Irah. At the same time, he took a breath and called out, his voice loud and clear even as it cut through the sound of the alarm.

“The riders are allies,” he shouted, before turning, dodging from their path by dodging through the open gate where his free hand grabbed the shoulder of the alarm-ringer.

“Where is the threat,” he queried, his voice loud enough to be heard over the alarm, and intense. His silver-eyed gaze cut through the stranger, his eyes wide--though his smile had fallen away--making him appear almost manic. “Here to help.” He clarified with the same unerring intensity.

Amidst the thrall of that focus--and having turned his back to where Nabisisstra had emerged--Lhirin utterly missed the coal-skinned enigma as she stepped into everyone else's view.

His ears picking up on the various exchanges around him, Lhirin sifted through it all while remaining utterly apart. Even as Irah entered, he stopped just before the fellow apparently guarding the door. Rather than saying much of anything, Lhirin simply looked the man over, his eyes slightly narrowed, gaze clinical. Lingering for an uncomfortably long time before turning to the inside of the station, Lhirin considered everything they’d learned.

The village had been attacked in the night, it seemed, by bandits no less. Based on the wounds and damage he’d seen thus far it did not seem that they’d used magic in their assault. Yet…they’d taken out essentially the entire troupe of Fadewatchers and apparently some of the men from Bors Mansion.

‘Bors Mansion,’ he thought, the words catching in his mind even as another conversation mentioned that they might know more than anyone here. Lhirin again surveyed things, noting that almost everyone here had something to do. A man guarded the door, two young fadewatchers assisted in the Station with the wounded, Irah and the surgeon worked to heal what ailed the men. Even the children had provided some essential information it seemed.

The healer–Bren apparently–was a magic user and an alchemist. Lhirin smiled slightly, but the expression was utterly out of place in the situation. It didn’t last, his affect becoming flat in the next instant before he stepped past Jordan and called into the Station.

“Mansion,” he said in Gazzerashei, the message clearly for Irah. Then, he turned on his heel, whipping past Jordan–though he did not yet know his name–and down one of the roads towards Bors Mansion. As small as the town was–and with such a swift gait–it wouldn’t take Lhirin terribly long to arrive at the walls–then gate–to the mansion. He just hoped that it wasn’t barred to him as he had many questions and felt it would waste time if he did not receive answers post haste.

The longer they waited…the further the bandits could get from Borstown with their quintessential healer. In Lhirin’s mind that was an unacceptable result. If he had to, he’d burn a hole through the gate or climb the walls to get in…. Such was his obsessive focus and so potent was his drive.
Lhirinthyl & Deo’Irah
A Collab Between @Tuujaimaa & @yoshua171

The sun approached its zenith with the same languid pace as the ox-drawn stagecoach made its way across the dirt road, with a lack of clouds that seemed to make the brightness of the day feel more crisp and vivid than normal. From atop a little perch in the front of the stagecoach the true deigan Deo’Irah sat, dressed in Reina’s white as usual, looking ahead towards their destination. At this distance away she could see only the endless expanse of farmland and the tiny outlines of structures around them, but already her mind wandered towards what precisely they were growing. The usual staple crops for the area, of course, but she could spot a glint of colour towards the horizon that suggested a fruit of some sort–and the neat lines of the crops suggested to her perhaps something trellised. Grapes for a winery were not uncommon in these parts of Rodoria, and the unseasonable warmth of the day filled her mind with images of peasants carrying baskets brimming with fruits. A small smile crept across her face at the thought, but a sudden jolt from the stagecoach snapped her from her brief reverie and she turned back towards a door that had just opened itself from the sudden jolt.

“Lhirin, look up.” she said, quite certain he’d be too absorbed in a text to even notice that it’d happened, and unwilling to stop moving to do it herself. She waited for the telltale rustling but didn’t hear anything, and so she tried again in a different language–Fermian, this time–and waited for him to verbalise his recognition of what she’d said.

Ruffled feathers shifted faintly in the wind as the other deigan raised his head, blinking briefly and raising an eyebrow as he glanced Irah’s way. Lhirin, her companion–travelling and otherwise–gave her a questioning look, tilting his head faintly before he sifted through his memories. “Mmn,” he said in a sound of acknowledgement, before whispering a brief phrase under his breath, his fingers deftly weaving through the air.

Wind picked up, answering his Arcane call and pushing the door closed just hard enough to force the latch back into place properly. “Sufficient?” He asked, dismissing the cantrip without much thought as his hand went back to the page of his book, though his eyes remained on her. For once his eyes were not in that strange too-wide gaze that he so often displayed. Instead, Lhirinthyl was entirely relaxed, enjoying the unseasonable warmth and the faint breeze as they made their way to….mmm some hamlet or another. Bor? Borstown, he recalled almost immediately as he tried.

Lifting his other hand he smoothed some of his black rimmed feathers down, their orange-gold hue shimmering faintly in the light. Finally–after staring at Irah perhaps a few moments too long–the Ascended Deigan turned his gaze out before them, noting the fields and the buildings in the near-distance. “Ah, nearly there,” he commented. With a slight nod, he briefly marked his place in the book with a downwards blink, and then closed it and stowed it on the bench beside him. In a ritual of sorts, Lhirin patted himself down, checking his forest green cloak for spots and wrinkles as he smoothed things down.

Irah preferred he be at least somewhat presentable whenever they rode into some new little facet of civilization. It was no trouble at the end of things, though he sometimes had to remind himself why she cared about such things as appearances. Hygiene made some sense to him at least, even if he frequently had that slip his ever-busy mind.

Once satisfied that his feathers and clothes were in working order, not terribly stained or marred by the road, Lhirin surveyed their surroundings once more. The mage’s hand came to rest on the sheathed blade at his side, fiddling with the crystal formations of the hilt.

“A good day,” he said idly, “Yes?” He said it in the same way someone else might ask ‘do you agree?’

Irah’s ears picked up on the faint mumbling of something arcane, and at that moment she knew that finally he’d heard her and the task was in hand. By the time she’d finished the thought to herself the wind had picked up and returned the door to its rightful position, and she turned around to give Lhirin a brief smile. The words “Thank you” had scarcely left her lips before she caught that his focus was rapt upon her, though his focus lacked some of the wildness she’d grown accustomed to.

She was just about to ask him if there were something in particular when he spoke about their nearness to the little town, and Irah’s head swivelled just a tic before returning to Lhirin and meeting his gaze with her own. Silver irises met the rich ruby of Irah’s own, and though both of them were fairly at ease there was still an intensity to each of their gazes that many would read as tense or even worse–but Irah broke out into a wide smile and nodded, suddenly making the decision to hop down from the driver’s seat and walk alongside the ox.

“Armos…” she muttered to herself, placing a hand gently upon the wiry fur of his head, and he turned towards her briefly in recognition. He let out a soft sound–soft for an ox, at least–and continued to trudge forwards diligently. She reached into his saddlebags and pulled out a slightly worse-for-wear apple that they’d picked further down the road, and withdrew a knife from a pouch strung at her side. She quickly segmented the apple, certain to discard the seeds, and fed the slices one-by-one to the ox, who seemed to react very positively to the little treat that she’d offered it. She left two slices behind, though, and ate one herself before passing another through the open windows to Lhirin.

“Yes, I think so. Not long now until we meet the baroness–though the fellow we ran into did intimate that we’d have just as little luck as everyone else who’s passed by.” she began, a note of something close to prickliness in her voice, “... but then again, how many deigan will have come this way? It’s little wonder she’s yet to judge any of the short-lived ones worthy–they have to spend so much of their limited time simply staying alive… Though what was it he said they were famous for? Having killed a… what was it, Lhirin? A… prooga, I think?” she continued, the prickliness evaporating as her thoughts moved towards more pressing issues–like their imminent arrival.

Watching Irah as she hopped down and fed Armos, Lhirin smiled to himself slightly, before his gaze wandered back to the approaching village. A funny expression that, after all, it was them who had approached and were approaching the village, rather than the alternative. Nonetheless, they grew nearer by the minute and eventually, Lhirin decided to extricate himself from the ‘coach as well. Landing aground, Lhirin checked the sheath at his side once more, securing it with a hand, even as he noted the comfortable weight of Sulooth in their quiver-like case on his back. While this village would ostensibly be entirely safe, Lhirin always preferred to be amply prepared and while he didn’t explicitly need either his runeblade, its sheath, or Sulooth to effectively protect himself, having them was a comfort. Besides, they had incredible utility when utilised properly. “Yes, a Prooga. Massive things, covered in hair. Claws like daggers, strength like a boulder bearing down on you.” Lhirin nodded to himself, satisfied with his explanation.

“Mm. Impressive,” he pondered aloud, coming to walk on the ox’s other side. “…for a shortlife, very impressive.” He left it at that, fidgeting with the hilt of his runeblade as he surveyed their surroundings again.

When Lhirin didn’t take the slice of apple offered to him, Irah did not bother pointing it out to him: he knew the apples were in the saddlebags, if he wanted one he could get one himself. With an easy smile she popped the piece into her mouth without another thought and stared straight ahead as she listened to her companion speak. He had little to say in this instance, but Irah thought to herself how his idle musings were often quite a strangely comforting thing–much better than the meaningless drivel she endured among the peasants whose lives she laboured to help make worthwhile. Intelligent conversation was not often found outside of metropolitan areas, after all–and though she did find great value in her work improving the lives of others, she did not see for one second why she had to go without to provide for them when she could simply bring the conversation along with her.

“Killing one is no mean feat–especially if one believes the embellishments that so often get added to stories. I think the Baroness’ well-lived life will prove a fortuitous omen for us both, should we earn her esteem–perhaps we can get her to regale us with the truth of the tale, hmm?” Irah began, talking less out of having anything to say and more to fill the space before they arrived at their destination. The rest of the walk was over fairly quickly, and the ox-drawn cart with two deigan (one who, at first glance, looked Ascended and another obviously True, no less) drew stares from the assorted townsfolk going about their business. Irah’s smile widened automatically, a reflex at this point, and she made certain to wave to the children raucously playing in the street as she passed by. Though the townsfolk seemed to be going about their tasks with some sort of regularity, Irah could sense something not quite right about the situation–there was something of a charge to the air, the dedication with which the townsfolk went about their tasks was a little too intense.

As they continued to travel down the long road Irah’s eyes continued to scan the little houses and the people milling about them, occasionally meeting their gaze for a moment before pulling away. She did not have to turn back to know their gazes would linger over long, though as she heard someone begin to say “Reina’s…” her head automatically swivelled towards them, and her gaze met theirs just as they continued with “... floppy tits!” Irah’s face suddenly dropped from mirthful to intense, her eyes narrowed ever-so-slightly, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly. It was evident at that point that the white of her robes and the disapproval of her expression were admonishment enough, however, and it was to a background of mumbled and sheepish apologies that the duo would find themselves approaching their destination of the Healer’s House.

Lhirin, for his part, only peripherally heard the crude verbiage as he was spending far more of his attention not-so covertly observing the peasantry—mmmn, townspeople, he corrected. Irah had been trying to teach him etiquette, and while much of it had not sunk in—or wasn’t actionable due to his…particular sensibilities—some of it was useful enough.

For example, he knew not to call members of the other races ‘shortlives’ to their faces. “Mm, poor taste,” he half-muttered as his attention briefly darted to the villager who had uttered the phrase. He noted Irah’s response and filed it—and the phrase—in the list of things he would never say in her presence. Not that he had much desire to do so to begin with.

After a few minutes, Lhirin hopped onto the stagecoach and went inside, retrieving one of his books—a large tome with a name on it that implied it was filled with stories—before deftly finding his way back aground. This time he’d landed on the same side of the ox as Irah.

Approaching her casually, he lightly patted her back—the act gentle and reassuring. It was as if he were belatedly apologising on behalf of the humans. Coming to walk alongside her, Lhirin opened his book—despite its weight—and began to read.

Though Lhirin was secretive about its true contents, Irah would know by now that the entire tome was written in code. The fact that it read as a series of folk tales and other such things was just a cover. How Lhirin was able to divest any meaning from the thing was a marvel on its own, but then most would suppose that a great deal of the things Lhirin did casually were somewhat miraculous in their way.

As she felt the warmth of Lhirin’s hand upon her, Irah reached out her own and gently rested it against his hip for a moment before continuing onward. The first thing she noticed as they travelled the street was the door, half-torn from its hinges. At that moment she walked forward much more briskly, not quite breaking into a jog, and then noticed the other bits of evidence: the wooden haft, broken and splintered… and the blood. Splotches of it everywhere, strewn across the gravel and clinging from the blades of grass like some macabre dew–her eyes widened at the scene, the implication immediately obvious: combat of some variety had happened. Her mind drifted immediately toward those that must be injured, and her gaze scanned around to work out where on earth they might be. The townspeople were now back to their usual routines, so whatever had happened was not quite recent--but recent enough the blood hadn’t dried. Irah called out to Lhirin and beckoned him closer with her hand, not turning to even look at him, as she approached the house gingerly. She first examined the door, trying to divine some sort of pattern to the splintering that could give her an idea of what precisely might have torn it off its hinges–and then her mind wandered to the weapon, cast aside along the path. As she moved to enter the building she turned around to Lhirin, briefly stopping in her tracks.

She made a couple of quick hand gestures, pointing towards the various pieces of evidence she could see, before speaking: “What do you think happened here..? Combat, naturally, but… how many? Who were the aggressors?”

With that done, and Lhirin’s attention directed to the appropriate place, Irah began to step forward into the house, trying to avoid touching anything as best as possible and taking a look around her for any more evidence to add to Lhirin’s calculations.

Catching his name, the silver-eyed deigan glanced up from his book, his eyes narrowing to a sharp focus for a moment before they widened. Not in shock. Not in surprise. They widened as the relaxed air about him dissipated entirely, replaced by a rapt attention that would cause discomfort in almost anyone it was turned upon. It was not intimidating, but uncomfortable instead.

Fortunately, he was not looking to settle the nerves of a stranger, but rather to take in as much information as he could. Gently he laid a hand on the ox’s side and made a small sound. The ox planted its feet and began to graze on whatever grass it could reach. By that point Lhirinthyl had already walked past it—having cast his research tome back into the stage with a casual muttered use of ‘Bound Blade’. The animal was already a distant memory as his eyes swept and darted between the details of the scene laid out before them.

Blood spatter, splintered handle, a door hanging on one hinge, knocked askew? Battered down? The blood was yet to dry. The violence had been recent. Lhirin’s hand slipped to the hilt of his runeblade and found purchase.

What was that in the grass? A gardener’s tool? A weapon? “Be careful,” Lhirin said in Ghazerashei, but he did not follow her immediately. Instead he began a whispered chant, weaving his free hand in small, tight glowing runes in the air. Focusing, he cast a spell.


Lhirin wanted to know if magic had been involved and if traces of it remained as that would tell him how much danger might yet be present. Beyond that, Lhirin scanned the area, looking for any additional details that the average person might miss or consider incidental. Were plants damaged by a struggle, gras pushed down in irregular areas by footfalls. Further blood? What was the directionality of the blood spatter? Foot or boot prints? Dirt in strange places? Any materials or substances that might have been out of place. Strange smells or tastes in the air?


“Knowledge permits everything.”


“Knowledge permits everything.”

Vast intractable emptiness, a void, the cosmic womb. That endless vacuum of space--the Unrealm--it was begging... begging to become a crucible, begging to be anything.

Then...it happened.

A flash against the black.

A spark of Azure light and the faint iridescence of an orange-white flare. Then the very fabric of space warped and twisted around that solitary point, and pent up energy became a brilliant white-hot singularity.

The world snapped and from that release of tension, something pure was borne into the world.

Two, four, eight, nine appertures opened, and they gazed upon the world, the eyes of a formless god. The Is to its Un.


Thunderous were the first words of that deity and from them Power emanated, scorching the empty heavens in a brilliant nebula.

Then the coalescence, the gathering of subtle energies and raw etherium. The eyes closed and like a hurricane-force inhalation, all that power was drawn up into a shape, and that shape was his silhouette, and that silhouette was his form.

So formed the True Shape of the Cosmic Breathe upon the Empty Waters of the once-still Void.

"Soon," Alari whispered.

Soon it would be time.

Sooner, in fact, than she’d believed. Gaze turning as pulsing waves of intention washed over her from afar, Mae-Alari’s shifting faceless visage caught the impression of a blazing light in the distance.

A gasp of arcana spilled from her form, vibrating through the emptiness and then she was an iridescent lightning bolt, flashing from her birthplace to that blazing light in the darkness of the nascent cosmos.

In an instant she arrived before what—instantly—she knew to be the Khodex of Creation. While she sensed other powers nearby, Mae-Alari found herself utterly entranced by the shining pages of the codex. It was begging to be filled, calling to her, beckoning the power that writhed and sang within her.

She barely knew herself, yet somehow Mae understood what it called her to do.

She touched the Codex and as her body made contact with the Khodex, the world around them changed.

Her power spilled forth, writhing and becoming sigils upon the parchment most divine. At the same time fissures of power spread like cracks in glass across the cosmos. Glowing with prismatic light, the Veins of the Cosmos were born into the world by her Will and the power of the Codex.

With this, she felt the writhing power within her form begin to still and as it did her form slowly began to change as features resolved upon her visage. Still, it would take time for them to fully resolve, and so with great patience and curiosity, she waited.

Mistress of the Mists⇂↿↾⇃Zenith⇂↿↾⇃The Arcane Source⇂↿↾⇃Nadir⇂↿↾⇃Keeper of the Well
“I am the Source and the Catalyst.”
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