Avatar of Yours Truly
  • Last Seen: 23 hrs ago
  • Joined: 7 days ago
  • Posts: 14 ( / day)
  • VMs: 0


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Unbelievable, I decided to check online, and against all odds it's somehow recognized as a legitimate word by Oxford English dictionary. That monstrous term is somehow as valid as "What the hell?"
1 like
4 days ago
I hate to be captious, but that bizarre concoction of letters certainly isn't a word, moreover it is impossible to enunciate. I almost choked attempting to pronounce that dastard riddle of a 'word'!
4 days ago
Admittedly, I much prefer the word 'zydeco' when it comes to musical preferences, because it's phonetic. Starting xylophone with an X is a crime against the English language.
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5 days ago
The sun is shining... There's not a cloud in the sky... It's almost thirty degrees. Ah, what a wonderful day to be inside typing.


Ostensibly, it would seem you've stumbled upon my little corner of the world wide web. It's certainly not the most colourful or exciting part of the internet, yet I'm grateful for the visit as I'm always looking to connect with new people creatively. If you also happen to enjoy writing fictitious and emotional tales then I believe we can get along, and I graciously implore you to peruse my newest interest check for more titillating details. But if you've just arrived from there and wish to get a better feel for who I am, it would be my pleasure to oblige. I'm currently going through a relatively tough spot in life, and whilst I do consider myself lucky and know I've got a lot to be thankful for, I honestly hope to vanquish my sense of loneliness by bonding with people here. As such, I'm looking for a relaxed friendship with good plots, and I'd be delighted if you'd be a willing participant in the journey of which is my life.

Also, allow me to cheekily post this here: roleplayerguild.com/topics/192743-an-…

(Currently seeking Pokémon and Undertale roleplays, details on interest check)

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