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Hello all, I'm on the discord but I'll salute anyway. I have a nearly finished sheet. Usually I'd post it done, but since I'd like to at least make the character known, I figured I'd post now. I hope the storytelling I've opted for isn't too bloated for some.

Current circumstances have led me to put my position here on hold, I'm afraid I have far less time at my disposal than I initially thought. I'll keep tabs here for I won't be entirely gone, but I'll be withdrawing the character for now (saved and the such, but removing for the time being). Good luck!
@ObaSuzu I'm no GM by any means but given some people have dipped since the last character was posted, I think you're good.
@TheMushroomLord Make the character you want to make, bud. Don't let a butt-appendage lady get in the way.
Aye, just going to finish some parts of the CS and fix some formulations and it'll be in there! Not in the biggest of hurries.
@RoflsMazoy Thanks! I did put in a little bit of time, took me a nice evening. You did put quite a bit of effort on your premise, I felt like I should repay it with some effort too. That isn't to say quantity makes great, I mostly chose that route to do something new. Now it still need some tweaking with some formulations and typos, but the big parts are done.

Gotcha on the PM's. C:
Alright! I've got this character up. I've went for a very different style than I usually do, and I still have the personality section to fill. I do feel like the CS itself covers the character's personality in many different ways, but I'm thinking of how to make it interesting. I've also tried to take an interesting take as a fighter despite being more 'scholarly'. The CS should be read as a sort of 'case file', while the abilities section are Tamako's own recordings kept to herself (She wouldn't want everyone to know all her tricks!).

EDIT: I hope I didn't over-do it with some stuff, such as the talents. I feel like the concoctions are more so 'tools' she can use born from her expertise in bio-engineering and medicine. There isn't much skill to just ... Throwing gas bottles.

Well I'm certainly manifesting interest when there's this much care put into a premise with well-defined parameters. I'll also have to agree with what's been said about specialists, it's going to naturally be the primary pick for many given the big appeal here is the supernatural side of things, no need to feel obligated to cover other roles. I'm inclined to make one myself, although I'll give it a little thought first. There's no big deadline right now, is there?
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