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Foodie's Mano e Mano Records

Teatro Sorridente

Abdel Varga

Ariadne Hyde

Vyshta's More Favoured




Zarina Al-Nader

It was both the blessing and curse of Zenobucks to be open just as Ipte gave way to Shune. It was still and dark, the sun just a glow on the horizon, the great hordes of commonfolk just rolling out of bed, the brilliant blanket of stars starting to fade from the brightening sky.

There was a serenity to it - a peace - and Ersand'Enise, that great burgeoning metropolis that always seemed to be welling with people, magic, danger, and opportunity, felt oddly intimate at this hour.

As a tethered, Marceline had been taught from the moment she first opened her eyes in the Refuge at St. Agustin, some girl with strange dreams, no memories, and no name, to block out the noise, lest it overwhelm her. In the silence of the desert, she'd practiced: a small unnamed person atop the sandstone parapets, watching their long, somber shadows skew and shorten as the vast golden sun peered over the horizon.

And every morning, she would return, as Amanda Escarra, her mother, observed and guided her from below, shaping the unnamed girl into a Marceline who might someday thrive outside of those walls. She learned the hum of the insects and the heat of the sun, the way the stones gathered it in and bled it out. She felt the people sleeping in their beds: the tiny pulses within their minds and bodies, the changing chemicals as they began to stir. Then came the voices, and how they devastated her at first. She shut them out and wished she couldn't feel them for, even here, deep in el mar de dunas, there were too many. So much movement, so much sound and heat and energy!

Over half of tethered failed to ever acclimate. They shut their sixth sense out, denying the half of their curse that was Gift. Gradually, in bits, Marci had opened herself. As mother's health had waned and she had moved from two to zero, the girl had strained to give her this present: the knowledge that it had all been worth it, that her daughter would succeed, that she might make something of her short life.

And then she had stood alone - truly alone - atop those walls, though sometimes she might sense Abuelo in the distance. Still, she opened herself, ever more. Still, she encountered the wonders of the world: how those small hills she had never questioned were a pack of halassa hibernating in the sand, the great reverberating rumble of the heavens as vast anvil-shaped clouds flowed like rivers overhead and then opened up to bring the desert to life. Then came the long grasses, the bees, and the lizards for those next few months, the enormous ancient shape of a distant sand wyrm in its endless trek across the wastes, far out there at the very hazy edge of her range.

How blessed she had felt to live in this world and to be able to sense the things that she did, but time began to steal the girl's happiness. By Marci's third year, as the Afortunado came to select her, her feet were alien things and her ankles could give her no more. Every morning began with strapping on a pair of braces and the climb up the stairs had become an arduous one. Her mother had well and truly cloistered and, for the first time, her imminent death had become a real thing, and a source of endless anxiety. The wagons that would come and go twice each month grew into objects of intense interest. She well understood that the sensory bombardment of the real world could be too much for some tethered, but mother had managed it in her younger years, when she had gone out on assignments.

Then, they had assigned her a wheelchair and bade her to practice and it had all come to feel so small and hopeless and limiting. By the age of thirteen, a deep anxiety had set in about her future, maybe even a malaise. It was only the arrival of six students of Ersand'Enise that had saved her, in every way possible.

Now, Marceline's footsteps, swift and sure, clattered over the flagstones of the city's streets. Her senses swept for the usual early morning denizens, and she made her way with purpose.

Dew sparkled on lawns and hedges and the iron balustrades of fine homes. A fox skittered towards the arboretum, where it kept its den. A cat rubbed against a planter box at the door of a townhouse, its eyes glowing faintly golden in the early morning murk. Marci reached into her bag and pulled out a smaller cloth sack as she neared her destination. Her senses were alive with the city now, as Shune finally burst over the horizon in all of his brilliance.

Somewhere up above, floated Jocasta, as was her early-morning custom. Born-on-Solstice and a handful of sunblessed sat on rooftops, recharging for the day. The aroma of strange sauces met her nose as she passed a guesthouse where some Retanese were staying and already cooking themselves a breakfast. One of the great bells of the cathedral lay dormant, its clapper gently swinging as a trio of pigeons landed on it. She could sense the tarnishing of its bronze surface: the subtle chemical changes.

Then, she was there. The fourth Zenobucks location - the one close to the Proving Grounds - was the newest, and they were on event hours, event pricing, and event staffing. She had determined it was in need of some extra care, especially with Tku absent, given that he was a competitor in the Trials, after all.

"Good not-quite morning!" she chirped at the staff. None of them were students by necessity, and a couple had been poached from their duties as carpenters, housewives, and washerwomen. "And thank you so very much for helping us out today." The booth was looking shipshape, but for one corner of the sign where the cheap wood they'd used was warping and pulling out the nail it was bolted in with. Marceline took a moment to focus her binding magics and render it passable. She made a mental note to replace it, contingency budget allowing.

Laying the cloth sack down on the table, she pulled out tarts for all four of the shop's employees: Muriel, the head baker; Lisette, the cashier; Vittorio, the deliveryman; and Franz, who handled maintenance and whatever else was needed - truly a versatile man. They wasted no time in ambling up and they were a good crew: capable, friendly, and generally problem-solvers where needed. Why, Muriel had even come up with a new type of tart the previous week that had been a hit with customers. They would be piloting it in an official capacity starting tomorrow. "Oh, and for the little one, Franz," Marceline added, pulling out a tiny bonnet for his newborn daughter. She spent two more minutes catching up with them, clarified a few things about the rollout tomorrow, and was on her way to the next store. Successful businesses did not run themselves, and Zenobucks - once little more than an inside joke - had become successful indeed.

It was a little over an hour later that Marceline was finished her morning rounds. The sun was up, all four locations within Ersand'Enise were open, and she had one more errand to run. Twice, she had nearly tripped in the areas of the city that had cobbles. Thankfully, only one of the shoppes absolutely required that she cross the picturesque little ankle-breaking stones. What it highlighted, however, was that her toes, with the vital balance they provided, had gone almost completely numb.

The shimmering coins jingled faintly in her coinpurse as the young tethered made her way through the Queensgate and out of the city. It took annoyingly long for, once more, there was something of a queue. A handful of tents and lean-tos hunkered under the palms and by the guardhouse and in them were yasoi who'd fled the invasion of their nations by the Tarlonese. Some appeared normal enough - or as normal as a yasoi could ever be - while others twitched or talked to themselves or looked about hungrily in ways that were profoundly unnatural. Addicts, the girl knew, feeling distinctly uncomfortable around their blank, leering stares, restless dashes to nowhere, and endless fidgeting. There was a reek to them too. "'scuse mem, I loss my wagon on go in," said one, grabbing at the folds of her dress, "lend coin Lachon pay back. Just need small lend. Lachon get wagon. All good!" His hands were on her and the girl stumbled back, nearly falling, and scampered away. Instead, she was stuck waiting in line while he and the other hovered around.

Once she was allowed through, Marci quickly made her way past, enhancing her speed with kinetic and chemical magics. The entire experience had unsettled her and she found herself happy to see the signage of the Vermilion Swirl. It was time for The groove and another Grey aberration. The last time she'd taken one had been back in Tiptos and it should've lasted her until the end of Mittria, at least, but here she was at the start of Assani. She hoped it wouldn't become a pattern. Maybe The Groove's merchandise was faulty. Maybe the place was a scam...

That was when she sighted Abdel, hanging around outside the famous - or perhaps infamous - pleasure house. Just like she had when they'd been children, Marceline snuck up behind him. "Well well well kiddo," she teased, "Fancy finding you here. I'd say I never took you for the type, but..." She trailed off with a merciless little grin.

Abdel perked up as he felt his personal bubble be a little too invaded. He preemptively turned to confront the little rogue, only to meet a very familiar face. “Well well,” he parroted, arms crossed before his chest as if she spoke some truths. He cocked a brow at the joke. “how's it going with Fiske, Brandaeble?” he smirked, eyes not-so-subtly shifting between her and the esteemed establishment they were, or were about to be, frequenting. “But really, what brings you here? Zeno Bucks aspirations?” he smiled with brief checks over his shoulder as if he was waiting for something.

Marci arched an eyebrow. "No, Abdul. I'm here to visit my secret hunky boyfriend, Chad." She tried rising onto her tiptoes to peer over his shoulder, but they were dead things: all the more reason for her to do this now. "Who ya lookin' out for anyway, though?"

“A friend.” the intonation and briefness of his tone, as well as the context of a brothel made his guarded posture all the more telling. Abdel stared at his childhood friend's eyes, lingered and then snorted. “An actual friend. Her name's Tiff. She-” then it clicked. “You're not here for business, are you?” his pointer finger stuck out of his crossed arms and wagged at her direction. “It's that 'secret' tavern-club thing, isn't it?”

Marci saw no point in hiding it. She nodded, crossing her arms as well. This was often how they seemed to speak to each other: behind crossed arms and layers of witty remarks until he just went earnest and she was reminded that they'd grown up together. "Yeah, it's The Groove." She sniffed and uncrossed her arms. "Stupid name, but very useful place." For a moment, she hesitated, as if about to say more.

Abdel snapped with the wagging finger. “That's it.” he pivoted to have the entrance to the establish on one side and Marci to the other. “Tiff chaperoned me the first time. I was hoping to see her again, but ...” he pursed his lips and shrugged. “I didn't, and still don't, have any of their coins. So ... I never found out if this was the real deal. Abs 'n' all.” he looked Marceline's way with an inquisitive eye. “So, is it?”

"Why do you think I'm here?" she inquired, kicking at some sort of nut that had fallen from one of the trees overhead. "Gonna go in and take a grey." She scrunched her face up for a second, annoyed. "Last one hardly lasted. My toes are fucked." Her eyes flicked their way for a moment before rising to - briefly - meet Abdel's.

Abdel's heart beat a twinge faster when he heard 'grey'. Not white, nor black. Grey. But then Marci's additional comment brought his brows to furrow. “Really? Was it just small? Or lousy, maybe.” he shrugged, opting for optimism before letting reality disappoint him once more. “Frankly, I'm giga-broke. But one of the girls here actually brought up work.” he paused, realized what he had said and shook his head. “In the Groove. Work in the groove. For coins. Figured if I was gonna make a living, I'd do it standing up.”

“Anyway, shall we? I'll meet up with Tiff later.”

Marci didn't wait for his hasty explanation. She began cracking up even as Abdel realized what it was he'd said. "I mean, shune..." She trailed off. "I don't even wanna make fun of that. It's too easy." She began heading for the door, shaking her head and still grinning. "You can come with me, but I'm not just giving you a sympathy ab, you know. They're... not cheap."

“And you're not charity, huh?” smirked Abdel, letting the lady pass first before they made their way to their exclusive club. “... How about a credit ab instead?”

The girls - and boys - of the Swirl could sense that Marceline wasn't here for their offerings and so their greetings were simple and friendly and perfunctory. She led Abdel past the bar area, which was at its emptiest at this time of day, and towards a curtained room near the latrines. She sighed and regarded him evaluatively, hesitating. "You're not gonna leave me hanging, right?" she asked with an unexpected intensity.

Abdel, on the other had, tried to keep himself tense-free. “You know where I live. And where my girls live.” he chuckled. “I wouldn't do you dirty, Marci.”

She seemed to slacken a bit at that. "Yeah, I know. Sorry." She laughed weakly and scratched at the back of her head, kind of like Rikard sometimes did. "It's just... you know: people like us really need this stuff and I always have to keep enough cash on hand just in case." She forced a smile and a pep in her step. "I can spot you for now, even interest-free this time."

“Interest-free?” Abdel grimaced. “Who are you and what did you do to Marceline?” he jested. “This is almost too good to be true, if you ask me. Either the abs are not what we thought, or these coins are going to be the end of me.” he sighed.

"I am a generous god," she chuckled, pushing through. Beyond was a dark room, and a couple of large shadowy figured hovered about, but the underaged duo was never approached. "But I have my suspicions as well." She twisted and shrugged in the dimness. "trying to stay optimistic." She led Abdel to a door near the back, then, and opened it to reveal a closet within. "Hand," She commanded matter-of-factly.

“Sure thing, Jo.” the hand was ordered, and so it came.

And, finally, they set foot into the Groove, the supposed salvation of their kind.

Abdel's attention was quickly taken by something that was not the aberration café, or even the bar. “Is that a frog?”

Marci knocked on the back wall in a distinctive pattern and then... stepped right through, taking him with her. Inside was, well... The Groove. It still hadn't quite lost its wonder for her either. "You know, I've never actually asked," she admitted. "Looks kinda intelligent, though, right?" She'd lowered her voice, of course. "Or as intelligent as a frog can be, at least." She'd released his hand and was leading him towards the bar anyhow, sparing glimpses in the strange being's direction.

The closer they got to the bar, the easier to was to notice the sign next to the notorious Goroci. “'Cee Weird Sign One. Is - Is that a lot?” he took a seat but just couldn't get his eyes off the improvised stand of the Zweihander wielding individual. “If it is, there's your guarantee.”

Marceline had seated herself as well. She glanced over her shoulder. "Abdel," she replied, voice barely above a whisper, "you don't have to go on a suicide mission." There was a quick, tight smile. Meanwhile, a couple of yasoi were letting out sighs of delight as they twirled about inside of black aberrations. A sickly-looking old woman took in a white and seemed to recover before their very eyes. "I trust that you're good for it. Pay me back when you can. Okay?"

Abdel turned to look at her. The levity was nowhere to be found in his eyes. There was something in there, something serious and that needed to get out. Anger, or maybe fear, that grew exponentially when concern mistaken for pity was tended to him. But, quickly enough, he smiled with his features softened. “Almost had me there,” he shook his head. “but we've seen the worst before, haven't we, Marci?” his elbows rested over the counter as he leaned forward. “Dictators, demons, infested dragons ... What's some Froggy odd job with a bit of peril at this point?”

She snorted. "That's exactly why I trust nothing at this point." There was an unsure smile that grew, with some coaxing, into a smirk. The bartender was a thin, towering, unusual-looking woman who strode up to them silently. She must've been over eight feet tall and was distinctly yasoi and... something else. "Hello, dears, and what can I get for you?" she offered, tilting her head. With every word she spoke, a series of colours and images that seemed to support her meaning flashed about her.

Abdel looked up to acknowledge the unusually tall woman. Ogauraq, he thought, with a good serving of Yasoi too. “Uhm,” he looked at Marci for the okay before passing the order. “Two,” he pointed at one of the options on display. “Greys ...?”

"Small greys," Marceline hastily amended, and the towering woman bowed her head in a very Retanese way. "And that will be all?" Images of money and conclusions and the aberrations flashed through the air around them. Marci seemed entranced. "Oh! Why yes," she confirmed, taking out the necessary coin and blushing. "Very good. I certainly hope they do the job." The barkeep smiled and moved off: huge and ponderous on the one hand, incredibly graceful on the other. Marceline leaned in "Is that... an ogre-rack?" she whispered with no small measure of wonder.

Abdel's zoned out completely, he himself entranced by the aberrations. When beckoned by Marci, he had to shake himself out of his gluttonous daze. “Huh? Oh.” he shamelessly gawked at the bartender. “Yeah. They always do the funny image thing too. We -” he was about to go on a tangent. A not so pleasant one, considering what happened to the giants of ReTan during their visit. “Nevermind.” he focused on what mattered. “Bon appétit, I guess?”

This did not go unnoticed by Marci, but she wasn't about to prod. That wasn't the sort of relationship they had. The bartender arrived and with a surge of magic and a double snap of the fingers, a pair of cantaloupe-sized grey aberrations appeared in front of the pair of young tethered. "You enjoy it all, now. Alright?" More of those images flashed about.

"Guten appetit," she replied, heart already starting to beat faster. She wanted it and now it was hers. Marceline reached out and...

Out of the Vermillion Swirl came out two teens with swollen with energy, hopes and RAS. The Greys, as they call them, had done their work and the staff waved yet another set of happy customers goodbye.

“Really makes you think,” Abdel couldn't help but question his blessings. “how do they get these?” he said as the overflow of energy had him do a couple of leg intensive stretches. The persistent ants pricking his feet were gone were gone.

Marci was busy flexing her toes back and forth. She breathed a deep sigh of relief. Everything was back to normal. Jauntily, or perhaps just to bleed off some of the excess energy, she twirled on the spot. "Oh, I wonder quite a bit as well," she admitted, coming to a stop. Her hair swished about her and she took a moment to reach up and fix it. "but as long as the keep-me-not-crippled juice keeps a-comin', I won't ask any questions..." She furrowed her brow and there was a surge of magic as she dropped a sonic negation bubble around them. "unless there's a way to cut out the middleman, of course."

Death. Destruction. Pandemonium!

Core tenets of the Mad Avatar, ordained by the voices of the black tears in the world. All that stood in her way, all those that were a stain to her grand design, all that failed to quell her fury, they had to perish.

Dorothea nearly lost her life. Yuliya was next. But before long, an awe-inspiring flash of light rid the world of the Mad Avatar. The shunned hero, Born-on-Solstice may very well have saved many lives. But only Intaba knew this wasn’t a once and for all deal. Vaughn Marbrand made his move, and Juliette was now among them once again.

So help the established order the day the siblings make peace with their endeavours and unite.

When Juulet came to, still quite dazed, she was in a room, on a bed, surrounded by the fluffiest pillows. Her childhood stuffed toy, Miss Monke, was there beside her. Leaning over her was... Tannifer. "Oh thank Oraff!" she exclaimed, "You're okay!" There was no pretense. The yanii leaned in and enfolded her in a warm, tight embrace. "We've been looking for you for so long," she bawled, blinking back tears. "So long, sugarplum." She pushed herself back. "And you're so..." Her eyes searched the yasoi's. "Grown up now." She glanced over her shoulder. "I can't believe we've found you."

The groggy and very recently half-alive Juulet awoke to ... Yaniis. Not just Yaniis - familiarity. The first thing that hit her wasn't their faces, or voices or even the linens. It was the smells. The odour of a person, even through their cologne was recognizable to those close to them. This woman's evoked memories, but the plush by her was the one to trigger the most. The hug was met with surprise and a half-hearted pat from a still dazed Juulet. A stark contrast to the consistently aggressive and bombastic creature that terrorized Ersand'Enise.

She silently reached out for the toy, looked at it with longing. Tannifer could tell she remembered, if only a little bit.

“That's what happens when years pass by.” she remarked as she regarded her elder sister. “Many, many years.” a twinge of bitterness could be found in her tone, but her eyes remained half-lidded with little emotion to be communicated. “You've gotten old too.” she smirked, head tilted cheekily. The plush was clenched close to her chest.

From the nearby kitchen could be heard the pop and sizzle of something being cooked on a stovetop. The unmistakable aroma of omelette, with Mycormish parsley and Lindenholdt sausage slices, wafted towards her.

For a moment, Tannifer's face filled with rueful mirth. "I thought I'd hidden the greys pretty well," she laughed, tilting her head in the exact same way. They were nearly mirror images of each other. Then, her expression saddened. "I'm so sorry, suunei." She swallowed and reached out for her little sister's cheek, to stroke it. This was very much not the roguish, fly-by-the-wind zeno that most students knew. She seemed an entirely different woman. At the last moment, she paused, as if unsure, as if waiting for some sort of permission. "It happened so suddenly. You were there and then you weren't and... Shune, we tried, but we couldn't find you." She shook her head. "We searched for years. You were deep within yasoi lands, weren't you?" She swallowed and shook her head bitterly. She opened her mouth as if to ask more, but then a small thump to the side drew her attention. There was a cat there: old and grumpy, with brown and orange stripes.

Juulet initially went to lean into the attempt caress, but found herself quickly retreating back when the hand that touched her was not the one she had grown to know and love. It didn't feel right. Only one ever showed this tenderness to her.

“I was with my mother, yes. In the homeland.” she answered somewhat dryly, in an almost defensive manner. “Everything was fine,” she claimed, her look intense at first like she was trying to simulate confidence, but upon meeting her sister's eyes, she softened. “I promise. I was alright.” she smiled, internally hoping the subject would just vanish.

Luckily for her, a distraction occurred. A cat! “Is that Mister Biggles?!” she was just about ready to bounce, but just reached for the animal to tug it close and join the monke. “He's so big. He was sooooooooooo small! Teenie tiny. Yer a grumpy one, aren't you, huh?” she nuzzled the poor, old animal that likely wasn't used to so much attention. “So, what's cooking?”

The cat tried to squirm away, but it wasn't able to muster a hiss. After some time, it settled into dull acceptance.

Tannifer, meanwhile, could sense that her younger sister - half-sister, in truth - was very much not the girl who'd been stolen away a dozen years ago, and how could she be, in all honesty? Fine? she thought, You were aberration mad and minus an entire leg! Yet, it seemed a sensitive topic and Juliet seemed happy enough and that was what was important right now. The Zeno knew when to back off. She retracted her hand and rose. "You don't recognize the smell?" Tannifer shook her head. "Where's that bloodhound sense of smell you used to brag about, hmm?" Turning on her heel, she began padding softly to the kitchen. "Don't stand too suddenly," she added, motioning in passing at the girl's crutches. "He took most of the sickness out, but, well... you know how it is with balance after one of those."

That both elder Marbrands had taken them in the past was no secret between the three, but their younger sister, half-yasoi to boot, had been to young to join in. She had only just started to develop her first hints of magic when she'd been stolen.

Mr. Bigglesworth - or Biggles, for short - merely dug his claws into Juulet just enough to cause discomfort and ensure his grip. He let out a small noise of feline annoyance.

“Eggs.” Juulet, or rather Juliette in this household, realized quickly enough. “I haven't had chicken eggs since ...” she wiggled her nose and squinted. “A while. And meat. Defo some meat. Oh yeah.” and despite the warnings, she hopped off her bedding after gently prying the discontent cat off her. Still, even with her experiences and inclinations, she regretted not heeding the warning a little more as she nearly fell on her rear and just barely found balance with her crutches.

“'Ey, Vaughn.” she called out, her voice changed but the cadence was almost depressingly nostalgic as if time hadn't passed at all. She made her way to the source of the food with the help of her crutches. “I heard some guy called Marbrand ate shit with the school-” she couldn't help opening with a little bit of provocation. “Did you actually shit on the Yanii squares?” an impish smile took form on her visage as she regarded both him and the feast dedicated to her. “Badass. Heh. Heh.”

He was just scooping the omelette delicately into a plate and he scowled. "Still a little fuckstick, I see." He shook his head. "And you know that was a good job." There were beans, as well, and toast, and her old favourite: lindenholdt sausage. Vaughn slid it onto the table and went back to the stove. "Pay was sweet, and I got to steal all their secrets." He winked. "Tanny's still there, you know."

"Haven't managed to get fired yet," she agreed, sitting across from her sister. Vaughn slid a second plate her way. "I missed you, kid." There was no big sappy speech, no attempt to hug her, or anything like that. "Lots." It wasn't his way. He was thirty-two and, by his reckoning, she was nineteen now. They were far from being peers but, while Tannifer had seemed a bit like a mother at times, he'd made no pretenses at being anything more than someone who'd teased and played with his little runt of a half-sister.

He brought the last plate over and sat at the head of the table. "First time in a long time - even for me and Tanny here - don't tell me if my cooking sucks, okay?"

“Fuuuuuck youuuuu.” Juliette flipped off her brother and took a seat. Her early education had gone out the window and her posture could be generously described as casual. Nothing ladylike. A little fuckstick indeed. Immediately she dug into the coveted sausage and couldn't help but speak whilst eating. “Fwuck yew fer bein' - Mmm- such an awesome cook. What the fuck. Why teach? You should do this.” and, for a moment, she immitated Vaughn's voice, accent and all, “Where's m'fuckin' lamb sauce?!” she tapped the table a couple of time before continuing her feast.

It was a nice moment, one most would believe she'd have forgotten, but clearly she hadn't. This was home, and for a moment she could forget what she truly was. “I-” she pursed her lips in hesitation. “Missed you too. Even papa. But, I couldn't write to you. Not with the blockades.” she regretfully expressed, although were there ever such embargoes in Yasoi lands?

Then she regarded Tanny, her half-sister and a near monther-figure. “You might not have a job anymore after this. I fucked up.” she realized, eyes peered down and jaw shifting in growing nervousness. “I fucked up hard, and because of that you did too. You shouldn't ...”

For a brief while, there was laughter around the Marbrand family table: Vaughn, Tannifer, and Juliette brought together for the first time in years. Biggles wove his way between the various legs beneath it, rubbing up against them, purring, and being a generally adorable nuisance. It was a stark contrast to how things had been for far too long.

Then, as all good things do, it had to end. At Juliette's words, Tanny regarded her and, for a second, there was a hint of sternness. "I shouldn't what?" she replied, "let someone hurt my sister again?" She shook her head, stabbing at her sausage. "I won't fail you, Juli, never again."

Vaughn's face was serious. "They won't send their dogs after me. It'll either be an arch or nobody." He shook his head. "I'm not defenseless."

"And they keep me around in hopes of gettin' to him," said Tanny, jerking a thumb in her brother's direction.

He nodded, swallowing some omelette. "But here's the truth, kiddo:" His eyes both narrowed and gleamed. "We're strong, and we have strong allies." A grin grew. "Yeah, you goofed."

Tannifer nodded. "Nothing wrong with some of the good stuff, but you know you've gotta self-regulate." She pursed her lips. "Or that happens." She tilted her chin back at the bedroom.

"Anyway, truth is, they're scared of us." Vaughn was grinning now. "And with all three of us?" He laughed and leaned back, dabbing at his mouth with a kerchief. "We can really start to do it. We can build our own power base. We can topple this whole fuckin' order."

Tannifer arched an eyebrow. "Or just do family things in peace..."

He shrugged, fingers drumming on the tabletop. "Yeah, or that," he admitted. Notably, perhaps, they hadn't spoken about their father. A couple of glances were exchanged. If it was a large kitchen, the elephants hiding behind the furniture had the potential to make it seem much smaller than it was.

It was there that Juliette remembered who she was - Juulet, the true Avatar of Vyshta. And her remark, initially one of concern, had another facet of pride and hubris worthy of one convinced they were a God.

“You shouldn't have, because those nothings couldn't do anything to a Goddess.” she said in a tone that could be interpreted as a bad joke at first, but the lack of any follow-up made it quickly come off as genuine. “I was fine. You shouldn't have fucked your gravy wagon over my bullshit.” she leaned back on her chair and crossed her arms, stump over her opposite thigh too.

Then the notion of family came. Juulet felt a warmth take hold - something good that she felt like she had to stifle. It felt too good, to the point of feeling like an indulgence, and thus a weakness. She was beginning to feel too vulnerable. “I can't stay.” she said bluntly. “I ... Want to stay longer, but I have a responsibility to my people. As their light and leader.” the way she spoke, it was the Juliette she had naturally emerged from over a decade of absence, but something that sounded recited.

However, she didn't let this wave of cold spoil the moment. “But you're right. Us three's a banger. After Yasoi lands are saved, we could do some good to the Yanii world too.” she regarded her brother in particular with a complicit grin. “Or just chill ... Maybe take a break before the six years pass. Kinda thought about that until these Grey islander fucks rushed me and-” she shook her head.

Vaughn very much recognized, in that instant, what he had suspected all along: that his little sister was quite insane. Twelve years apart and... Gods only knew what the world had done to her. For starters, she'd been fed a consistent diet of aberrations. The addiction was obvious and severe. Then, they'd taken her leg and... had people simply begun worshipping her as the fallen goddess' avatar or had she purposely crafted herself into the role? A darker thought occurred to him. She'd mentioned a 'mother' earlier. Had someone else done it instead? In any case, she'd have died, beyond any shadow of a doubt, had he and Tanny not intervened. They'd been unsure. They'd taken the risk. They'd been right. It was her, but it was... not her. No, that was wrong. It was Juliette, but she'd grown wild, feral, outside of their supervision.

Not that Mr. Bigglesworth seemed to notice. The cat appeared to be making up for lost time, rubbing quite aggressively up against Juliette's lone leg and purring, batting playfully at the tips of her forearm crutches, gnawing on their goma rubber treads.

Tannifer, finishing her omelette, smiled grimly. "I wouldn't dream of trying to stop you, but... don't just disappear on us," she entreated. "We're stronger together, and..." She sighed, fussing with her hair a bit. "Doesn't hurt to have people who have your back, even for the strongest of us."

Vaughn, not quite finished eating, placed his knife down gently. "Then you go," he decided, "and be the goddess they need, especially with the Grey Fleet." He stood and pushed his chair in, signaling an end to the affair.

“Anyway - Is Papa still kicking?”

"Father is..." He shrugged.

"Gone," Tannifer confirmed. "Aberration madness." She wrapped her arms around herself almost... protectively.

Juulet scoffed, and then chuckled. “Lightweight.” she muttered at the announcement of her father's passing. Then, she laughed with the shakiest of voices. “Fuck. I'll miss the man.” she clenched her fist and raised it, hesitant to just unleash like she always did, only to let go soon after.

Vaughn nodded. "Petrified, in the end." He scowled. He could've warned her to learn from their father's example. He could've lectured. It wouldn't have helped. He loved her, his little sister, but he had to let her go. He could tell that the feeling was mutual.

Tannifer brushed around the table to embrace Juliette. "You stay safe, you little shit, okay?" She reached up and brushed some hair from the teen's face. "Use every ounce of that godly power if you've gotta, understand?" She shook her head. "Well... I'm sure you do."

"Oh, and if there's anything you wanna take with you, help yourself. It's yours, after all."

Vaughn was leaning there against the counter: shoulders broad, arms crossed, watching his younger sibling. Breakfast was cleaning itself up behind him, in the grip of chemical, blood, and kinetic magics. He nodded her way. "Write sometime, huh?"

Things remained sentimental, something Juulet had never been good with. The discomfort was evident with the avoidance of eye contact whenever Tannifer manifested her cares and worries. “Nah, I won't write.” spoken like a true brat. She reached under her leg to seize the increasingly affectionate Biggles for a brief cuddle session, even if the notion of being held in such a manner never enthused him. “I'll just pop in here. Now that I know I'm welcome.” she smiled. “I figured after being gone for so long ... I guess I overthought.” she shrugged before releasing the poor animal with a peppering of kisses on his head to go.

It was Juliette's turn to be showered with affection. She still didn't quite know what to do with something so ... Genuine. Her arms closed in a mechanical motion as if her joints had long since petrified. Her body was stiff, on guard. But eventually, after resting her chin over her sister's shoulder, she let herself melt into it. Eyes closed and deep breaths to take in the finer details of the moment. “I'll be safe. Not so sure about some fucko's that think they can pull fast ones on me.” As departures were inevitable, Juulet reared her head more and more. This wild critter was going to be trouble no matter what, and yet it seemed her family wasn't going to give up on her. Gods, she missed them.

“Actually-” as she presented her flat hand before her sister she had since parted with, Miss Monke appeared on her palm. “Monke. She kind of reminds me of a friend from Hyparii. And he goes to school here too. Far to good for us scumbags.” she chuckled.

It was on that note that they parted. Vaughn sighed when she was gone. Tannifer closed the door with her own hands instead of magic. Then, the two of them were in this room together, alone, for the first time since their father had gone. "We can bring her back," Tanny said, with a shaky sort of certainty. "She's been through the wringer, but she's still there. She's still her."

Vaughn's arms remained crossed, his eyes lingering on the door. He dropped a sonic bubble around them, just in case. "Maybe," he allowed, shrugging and finally peeling his eyes away. "But whoever 'mother' is, we don't have a chance until she's dealt with."

The whole derby was essentially free time to share between themselves. When the aberration chaos occurred, they were perched safely on a dragon that had no interest in joining the maelstrom of death below. Before any sense of heroism could take them, however, the Zenos had taken control of the situation and the event was cancelled early.

“Well,” Zarina hopped off her grounded dragon, right at the back of her property with the fire melon still in their possession and neutralised. “we did good. Didn’t we?” she offered her hand to the object of her immense affection with a shining smile greeting the Yasoi that had recently returned from war. “Ah!” the Virangish girl clicked her tongue. “Before I forget - I have something for you.”

She gestured toward the cellar. The large Froabas behind them was first to look in that direction in expectation for a treat. “Right, right.” she produced a steak of dried meat from one of her pouches and hurled the thing right into the beast’s maw.

Miret cocked her head to one side. “Well, I had something for you too,” she replied with an enigmatic smile, “but ladies first.” Much as she loathed closed in spaces and, particularly cellars, she made to follow.

“You did?” Zarina perked up after failing to hide her surprise. The dubious grin had her visibly nervous. “Hah, way to make me conscious on whether my gift's good or not!” she giggled as they descended. With a flick of her wrist, the nearby lanterns were lit up, revealing multiple crates and tools stored inside, as well as a door leading to an adjacent room.

With a light kick to the corner, a crate unfolded itself in the most satisfying manner imaginable and revealed a crescent shaped mass with a sharp edge. The thick end of it easily identified it as some sort of claw. “Voilà.” Zarina gestured dramatically. “Sand Wyrm claw. 'Cause, you know ...” her hands went to her hips as she fumbled a bit with her words. “War and stuff. I probably shouldn't be doing this, giving top armor material stuff, but ...” she pursed her lips and eyed her beloved Yasoi's visage. “I'd be real heartbroken if something happened to you.”

“Aww shucks,” purred Miret, “You really know how to butter a girl up.” She dawdled around, glancing uneasily up at the ceiling. But then came the gift, and it was... quite the rare thing. “Hah!” the yasoi laughed. “I'd be pretty gutted too,” she admitted, accepting the gift. “Sand wyrm claw... where in the five hells did you get this?”

“Uhhh.” Zarina looked Miret straight in the eye, deadpan. “Torragon. From a Sand Wyrm.”

Miret blinked. “It, like... died?” She arched an eyebrow uncertainly.

“No,” Zarina smirked. “I made a trade deal with it.”

Miret's eyes widened. They remained that way for a second before narrowing. “Oh... Hah! Aha! You're messing with me. Holy shit. You really killed a sand wyrm?”

Zarina snorted. “You know, I did make a sort-of deal with one before.” she crossed her arms and feigned some exaggerated smugness. “But, yeah, me and some comrades. Like, a year ago. The thing was huge - this big.” she stretched her arms out as far as they could to add to her skit. “And aberration mad. We almost didn't make it.” then she tapped the big piece of Wyrm. “Anyway, yeah, all for you! You may needa very good smith, however.”

Miret leaned in and kissed her, one leg up in behind her, hands clasped at the small of her back, fairylike. She pulled back, smiling. “Well shucks, now you've got me worried my little souvenir is gonna pale in comparison...” She'd been carrying a rucksack with her the entire time and had only put it down once they'd gone indoors. She began to reach for it.

Zarina was completely disarmed by the kiss. All the faux-confidence and flexing just melted away. She held onto Miret by the neck, even as the grand reveal was about to occur. Although the suspense barely got to her, as her attention hardly alternated from the Tanso survivor's visage. “Glad you like it.” she whispered.

Miret held the bag out. She batted her eyelashes and giggled. “It wasn't easy to get,” she admitted, holding back a large smile. “They don't usually allow us war trophies and all." She blushed, “But -here - take a look! It's the severed head of that bitch queen!”

Zarina flinched. Did she hear that right? The smile was still there, and she let out a giggle. “No shit?” her heart began to beat fast. The Yasoi's acting was on point, if it even was an act. “Isn't this how the wild folks of the other continent propose?” she joked, but concern only grew. She began to draw - only a little of course - just to peek inside the veil. Was she in for a gruesome surprise, or did she fall for a grand troll?

Miret nodded earnestly. “It is customary to bring the head of a fallen enemy to your beloved in my culture.” She blinked and smiled uncertainly. “This is how we Tarlonese demonstrate that we will provide and protect from the dangers of the unforgiving wild.” She thrust it with greater enthusiasm into Zarina's arms. Something vaguely round thumped against her chest.

Zarina backed up, only to actually have some space between them as the spherical souvenir from Tanso was thrusted into her arms and chest. Fuck. She did her best to barely cover any surface of the 'gift', mortified by the notion of feeling a nose or eye cavity. She looked up to Miret with an uncertain smile. “O-okay then.” she just had to be sure. The back was loosened and slowly opened to reveal ...

Indeed, it was a head…

Of lettuce.

“Savages, cabbages,” Miret joked, grinning widely, “Similar sound, nuh-uh?” She flipped her hair over a shoulder. “This is Eluuxo,” she explained, “a rare and valuable plant that has an effect like coffee, alcohol, and... well, it excites one in other ways as well." She pursed her lips. “I did take me down a bitch queen of Tanso,” she admitted, “and her palace was just full of the stuff.” Miret shook her head in disappointment. “Bloody degenerates.” She smirked.

A cabbage. A fat sigh of relief was warranted. “Fucking hells.” a big burden gone, although a tad bit of frustration had to be released in the form of a harmless punch to the shoulder. “Eat my ass, you had me there you wicked bruja!” she shook her head, and then took a moment to admire the head in her head.

Then, she cackled. “Other ways, eh?” and with little hesitation, she plucked a leaf and took a bite. “Not that I need it with you around.” she stepped forward in a sudden, brisk movement to reach her heand onto the small of Miret's back. “Tell me all about your grand exploits, great conqueror.” she leaned in, nose meeting with Zaz's hair falling onto Miret's shoulder. “Show this Yanii who's on truly on top.”

“Getting some head already?” Miret teased. “You know there's a way to prepare it, you degenerate.” She leaned in for another kiss, took Zarina's hand, and closed the door with a thought and a bit of magic. Locks clicked. Lights dimmed.


It was dark out, although not yet the hours of Ipte. There were no melon themed celebrations, leaving the streets eerily quiet for a trials night. A quietude born of a quickly stifled tragedy, but a tragedy nonetheless. It was nice, Zarina found, if she didn't think too much about it.

“Hey,” she cooed behind her partner's pointed ear whilst embracing her from behind. “did you actually ... Kill that queen?” the big spoon tightened her hold a little more. “Did you have to do a lot of that?”

Miret had wanted to lie there and fade into the embrace of sleep, but there was an unwelcome whisper in her ear from a welcome voice. Her hazy mind settled on pretending to be asleep. She shifted slightly, as one does when disturbed from slumber, and let out a soft moan. “Mmm.”

Zarina swallowed when she fell for the ploy. “Sorry.” she uttered in the mousiest of voices. “Good, hmm,” she paused for a moment to recite a word that wasn't all that intuitive for her to pronounce. “saluuv.”

Miret's heart hammered a little faster and a twinge of guilt prickled inside of her, ready to join its many peers. She made a tired sound and squeezed Zarina's hand with a tired tightness. “Y'too,” she murmured, before drifting off. Only, she didn't sleep for a good long time.

Ever since the Student Faire, Zarina had a certain glow about her. She had already been less of a recluse and now she was the radiant light of the room. It was undoubtedly that Yasoi girl that had made it a habit to come over that was behind some of it. While opinions may vary on the nature of her second wind, one couldn’t question the Virangish's drive for productivity and even the over-the-top games of the Trials. Zarina was back with a more approachable air to her, essentially.

The Dragon was the next trial, and with it came an unusual announcement in regards to the leg taking place in Citivalunga. Or rather, a warning to maintain good behaviour and consideration.

“So it’s actually happening, eh?”

Marceline had made a habit of meeting with Zarina every morning so that they could discuss business and, while the coming of The Trials had forced some adjustments to their schedules, it was not going to get in the way of this initiative.

They stood beside each other in the crowd, both slightly separate from their teams, Marceline updating her older partner on the operation of their locations and Zarina filling her in on supply chain matters. There was a good deal of friendly and, at times, teasing banter regarding the earlier Melon Derby and, presently, High Zeno Bastaner was discussing the next event on the docket: The Dragon.

Marci's eyebrows went up. "Yeah. Wow. They're actually acknowledging it." She wrinkled her nose. "I don't like it one bit." She twisted to look over and up at Zarina. "Means it's close: dangerously close."

Zarina peered to her younger business partner. “Scared?” she smiled with an air of confidence to her. “I kind of am too, really.” she deflated, her hand rising up to brush some hair that had already been neatly tucked behind her ear to undo it so she could put it back in place. A typical nervous habit of her's. “No more coffee lines. The fuck do we do after that?”

Marceline furrowed her brow. "That is the big looming worry. Thing is... if we've noticed, others have." The Zeno was moving on to the conclusion of his speech and she'd have to go within moments. "How much do you think the prices have risen already?"

“Too much.” answered Zarina, arms crossed as numbers were crunched in his simple little head. “Do we just unga-bunga Eskandish-style it?” she regarded Marci, uncertain.

Marceline nibbled her bottom lip. "Yeah," she agreed. "I think we do. We just... need to raise the capital somehow because, if we do this, we do it all the way." Her eyes flicked Zarina's way again, in seriousness. "We'll need an obscene amount to ride out a bloody war."

Zarina shrugged. “We do what upstarts always do.” she began, a tad cryptic before shooting a grin at her close friend. “Borrow it from whales and have a backup plan for running away with it if shit gets that bad.”

"And I'm the devious one," Marci joked in response. She shook her head good-naturedly as the High Zeno bid them to join their teams and prepare for the opening of the portals. "Looks like we'll have to discuss it later," she replied in earnest. "But you're right, and we'll need to get a move on it soon, too." She'd already taken a few steps back, but then she paused and darted forward, enfolding Zarina in a quick embrace. "You look happy, suunei." She smiled and blushed a touch. "Stay well and good luck!" Then, they were separated and she was backing away into the crowd and her focus turned, in its entirety, to the race ahead.

Zarina flashed a smirk and winked at Marceline, before departing with a thumbs up out of her extended arm.

You got this Zaz.

Zarina was in full leotard, hair tied into a net and goggles tightly bound to her head. One would barely be able to recognize her.

It’s just a race, they’ll revive you if shit goes wrong.

Although it wasn’t the girl that stood out but the gargantuan creature she was riding. Bigger than anything else and visibly grumpy from having a minuscule creature ride it. The Blue Water Behemoth was her choice and apparently she was the only one crazy enough to take it.

I’m gonna taste death for the first time, aren’t?

A low, reverberating growl was emitted from the creature. Almost as if it could smell her fear.

Just do like you did i-

A whistle indicated the relay for Raffscallions. She was first! Zarina, instead of panicking, spurred the beast into action, surprising it instead. Her partner followed behind, slow and steady.

Drugs, that was what her wildblood colleague had found. A boost for threshers, one she mindlessly fed her steed right before Abdel’s long-range disruption.

Chaos ensued.

Few were spared from the Behemoth’s wrath. Zarina did her very best to hold it back, and to a degree she did with control over where the rage was channelled. A select group was pursued, and the ruins were made even more ruined. Ultimately, though, the Behemoth became unconquerable. Nothing could stop its aquatic stride and damned be those that tried.

Deep in the centre of the sunken city, Zarina dug unperturbed while Axolotl secured their win conditions with the stalwart crackclaw. And there she found it -

The Calesardes Mechanism.

That’s what it would be called if Zarina actually knew what it was. In her eyes, it was a peculiar, oddly unscathed triangular pyramid apparatus with wheels and gears as well as an 'eye' on one sidethat could be of value. Although the faintest hint of temporal stain was perhaps what attracted her to it in the first place.

The rest was merely an ascension with a still agitated Behemoth, but one tuckered out enough to not resist Zarina gentle guidance. Once emerged as an unexpected first, likely due to the chaos she and Abdel had generated, she secured her victory and set her sights on Oweyn soon after his arrival.

Still on her beast, she merely looked down at him.

He looked back.

“You got a box for me?”


And then he walked off, unimpressed. Zarina didn’t dare hop off her crack-Behemoth just yet.

“Well screw you too.” the beast stirred. “Not you, Ruben.” the tapped Ruben’s carapace, doing little to change its demeanour.

And now, you will bear witness to the trial of the century, pitting the ruthless Prosecutor, Zorino Chorizo, and the legendary defence attorney, Horisius Justiceman, in one of Dami’s most challenging cases!

The curtain split open, revealing the stage. Flat, wooden props created an improvised courtroom with a witness stand, a judge’s bench and other minor elements that were filled with shadowy silhouettes.

“It may as well be case closed, Horisius! The evidence is overwhelming …” spoke a ‘man’ with exaggerated mannerisms and a fake-deep voice. It was Zorino, wearing a cheap costume of a Perrench attorney, a false moustache and a pair of round glasses. Her index finger waved accusingly to the opposite side of the stage she was standing from. “Your client clearly stole the Monseigneur Box!” she accused dramatically.

A new light shined upon a small, dark figure that waddled into the middle of the stage. It was a black feathered monkeybird! “You are wrong! You are wrong! ZOZZY ZOZZY! You are wrong!” it waved its wing-arms in the air as it paced around to deny the prosecutor’s conclusion. At the tip of its beak was a mustache much like Zorino’s, and a white wig on its head. That was it. “Wrong wrong! Your evidence is bad!”

Zorino blinked as he stared at the talking bird. “Mister Justiceman, why are you not wearing any attire?” he crossed his arms. Although not before quick tossing a treat into the animal’s beak and briefly let out a girlish giggle.

“Because! Because! BECAUSE! I only wear one suit in trial! One suit!” it bobbed its head rapidly before turning to the audience. “A lawsuit!!!!” and with the inevitable laughter of at least some, the animal flailed its arms in an overdose of excitement. It even squawked in celebration.

Zorino nodded. “Touché.” he grumbled, then turned to the audience, head by his cheek as if whispering to them. “This guy’s good … His confidence off the charts!” and Horisius let out another howl of joy hearing this, earning him a treat.

“But your client has yet to deny the allegations and you have to refute the evidence! And now I turn to the suspect …”

A light shone onto the witness stand. And it was none other than another monkeybird popping its out from below. This one with a bonnet and a small dress. “Didn’t do it! Didn’t do it!” it bobbed its head like the other did. “Innocent! Was not me! Innocent!” and it earned itself a treat.

Seeing a treat being given, the lawyer also joined in. “Innocent!”

“And yet, miss Maatilda, how can you explain Captain Nibblar spotting you the previous night by the auction house, hmm?” hands on her hips, he leaned into the bird’s space, and then looked to the audience

Then, an awkward pause.

Someone even coughed.

Zorino blinked, the monkeybirds were wide-eyed and grooming themselves.

A little sack of treats had to be shaken. That woke them up!

“OBJECTION!” shouted the dark attorney.

“Objection! Objection!” added the suspect, waving one arm in the air.

The veil on the judge’s bench opened, revealing none other than …

Judge Duyuniros, the Gurgler! The big Skuggvar almost looked to be standing on two feet, both front legs on the big podium, wearing a judge’s wig, a proper magistrate’s attire and a fake beard.

*Gurgle Gurgle*

“SUSTAINED?!” explained Zorino in disbelief. “That was my key witness statement!! Lord Justice!”

A low growl escaped the beast.

“No, I apologize.” he raised his hands in surrender. “No contempt intended!”

“Shame! Shame! You should be shame!” it was Horisius’ turn to point fingers, this time at the prosecutor. “So bad! How do you sleep at night?!” its little feet couldn’t stop hopping in excitement as it looked at the audience.

“Well, that’s easy. Like any good public prosecutor …” he turned to look at the audience. “I lie on one side. And then I lie on the other!” big, goofy smile, followed by more treat distribution.

“Question question question!!!” Horisius turned to the witness/suspect. “Who stole? Who stole? Who stole?”

Then, another pause. This one, purposeful, as Maatilda raised her wing to point at Zorino.

Everyone gasped, and the judge burped.

“W-what?! Impossible!”

Then, a box resembling a bootleg Monsigneus music box fell out of his suit. The audience was stunned!

“I can explain!”

“Enough!” a voice clearly coming from the back shunned the attorney. It sounded masculine, and the deepness artificial. “As Lord Justice, I condemn you to five months in Eskand!” the foot-gavel stomped.


“Take away! Take Away!” said one monkeybird. “Take, take, take!!!” wailed the other.

Another skuggvar, one with a lamplighter uniform and a goofy constable hat, walked from one end of the stage to the other, dragging Zorino with it, without a single care in the world.

“Another to my flawless record!” the disembodied voice said. “If I keep dishing out justice like this, I should become a chef!” then, the judge gurgled.

“Justice! Justice! Risotto Artist. Did you get?! Did you get?!”

A light shined on the one last spot that was left dark. There was a white horse’s head with a paintbrush held in its mouth. The canvas was turned, revealing only a carrot. Everyone, including the animals, facepalmed.

Then out came Zorino, now in a prisoner’s attire.

“Looks like he couldn’t draw a reasonable conclusion!”

And then everyone struck a pose.

The curtain closed, only to open a minute later with every participant. Zarina, Abdel, Dayanara, Qadire, Horus, Maat and Riesco. With claps, they bowed!

Leon Solaire sat on the edge of the stage, allowing his legs to dangle off the side. He was close enough to be in talking distance to the student's who filtered in earlier. He spent the time chatting away and telling stories as the crowd filtered in.

Once the audience was in full attendance, or close enough, he addressed the crowd.

"Welcome, welcome, I'm glad you could make it." He declared with arms open. "While it pains me that I can only be here tonight before the road calls me back, I plan to give you all an unforgettable show."

Leon stood up and grabbed his lute. He gave the instrument a final check to make sure it was tuned. "I would like to introduce the Spirito Dell'alba band who will be providing back up music. Although, they are very good musicians, very good. I'm a little nervous I'll only look like a pretty face by comparison," he joked.

"Well, I think I've kept you all waiting long enough. My first song will be a new song, first heard tonight! I was inspired by a figure who I met a few days ago on the road. A king of honour and kindness. Despite wearing a mask, I could tell that he was unnaturally handsome and charming as well. I was surprised to find he is competing in your trails. So please give all your love and support in my place. This is Flight of the Sun King."

The song begun with about thirty seconds of Leon alone playing a simple tune on the lute while singing along. Until the light displays characteristic of the performer started and the show had truly begun.

Here came Zarina, along with this Tarlonese Yasoi girl she had been one upping with for the majority of the faire. The looks she not-so-subtly returned to that girl were not going to stop, even with a show like this one. But, it was about fifty-fifty. "Hey, you still owe us for the trials last year!" she called out and waved.

Back up on stage, Leon prepared for the finale.

"Before we begin, I have two tokens to hand out. One a token for these faire game, and one a token of my undying appreciation."

He tossed a token into the front of the crowd, then a rose straight into the middle of the audience.

"Now without further adieu, the finale." Leon set his lute aside and took the lyre out from his back, playing a divine melody for the crowd.

Zarina was the lucky one to catch the rose.

Zarina, gaining the rose, would feel a metal clink around the rose. Three tokens painted green had been tied to the rose.

The Virangish winner grinned, realizing the spoils she had just won. But, her focus was on something else, truthfully. A token was flung toward her close friend's direction - Marci's. And two others were tossed into the air, letting Dami choose the worthy!

And now with the symbol of Ahn-Ipte, Zarina turned to Miret with the look. The rose-prop in hand, and then cornily placed into her mouth. Come. She gestured. She wanted to dance.

Miret leaned in, trying to snatch it away with her own lips. After a moment, she pulled back and giggled playfully. "Yes. Let's!"

All the while, Zarina was unusually fixated on her dance partner. They radiated an energy that would be promptly denied if ever asked afterward - one of passion and want! She was, after all, a dancer since her childhood. It was her element, even if she had long since lost the passion for it. She led the footwork, and taught Miret as they went, and in turn was receptive to her partner's own style.

"I never knew yanii dances could be so fuuunnn!" Miret squealed, giggling and trying to snatch the rose away every time that they came close. Zarina was always a half-step ahead of her, though: light and elegant and... Miret usually preferred men, but - by Ypti - she felt a stirring and would not be one to deny the goddess. On their next pull together, she squished herself right up against her partner and winked. She reached down to smack her bottom... as a distraction. Then, she'd get the rose. For sure.

Zarina eep'd! And so loosened the rose. Just slightly, not enough to fall. And just as she faltered, lips met and everything around her went quiet. Completely frozen, a foot still off the ground. It lasted a short moment, and ended with Miret as the new avatar of Ipté. "... Wicked Yasoi." she grumbled, burning red and forehead pressed to the other's. "Making me so, so foul."

"We're all a little foul," replied Miret, eyes searching Zarina's. "It's the sinning that makes sainthood worth something, you know. Over here, though, nobody cares. Ypti only desires love... of every kind." She backed off slightly, dancing: smooth and svelte, strong and graceful and elegant.

Oh the little sweet nothing sayings and mental gymnastics. The admitted foulness they seemingly mutually shared only deepened her fixation over her partner. Now she was the one pursuing. And she played with her food - perhaps out of playfulness, or maybe out of hesitation. Did she want this? He body said yes, but ...

Their eyes met once more, Zarina behind her Yasoi partner, one arm coiled around Miret's waist, and the other extended out with the other's, her's over it, reaching for the rose that was now at the very tip of her fingers. Any sort of conflict washed away in this moment of closeness and warmth. For the first time, she felt intimately close to someone - and loved it.

After a kiss for their audience to see and judge, she whispered. "Let's go."

Miret took the rose, gently, and held it up to her nose. She smiled and took Zarina's hand. "Let's."

“You won’t hurt me, right?”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, suunei.”

“I’m trusting you. Fully.”

“Don’t be scared. Look into my eyes. And join me, Zaz.”

It had been a while since Zarina had a full night’s worth of sleep. Although maybe not the entirety of the night, the sun had long since risen. Birds were chirping, and other birds were whining for attention - Zarina’s Monkeybirds to be precise. But today, they were not her problem. Today, she was a transformed dragon with nobody really questioning it, and as such chores were taken over by the residents of her home.

Today, she had her favourite new friend to hold close and feel things she had never allowed herself to before. Thoughts of the future ran like a film in her head, from their endless love for eachother, to marriage, to kids, to whatever else a girl could dream when they found their one, true love - generally their first ‘love’. It was all impossible and even silly, and she knew this. But it didn’t stop her from feeling all these fuzzy feelings. The shame and regret was going to come later, so for now it was all goodness and indulgence.

Except, there would be no woman at her bedside. Only an empty spot without even a trace of heat from a recent level.

Zarina refused to open her eyes. It couldn’t be real. Was she really just a one night stand? Surely, she was dreaming.

But she couldn’t help it. Her eyes opened and the worst case came to be: Nothing. Dumped like a used rag. The poor girl just went limp on her bed, one eye peeked out of her pillow with her long, brown hair partially hiding it. She so wanted to cry, but her ego and anger toward herself stopped her from showing such vulnerability. She wanted to scream, however …

The smell was still there. Her smell - Miret’s. On the opposite pillow, in particular. Zarina reached out weakly to pull in the fabric and just clutched it like it was her lover.

She stayed like this for an hour, drowned in self-pity with sniffles managing to escape her despite her stifling efforts.

It was only when she heard a noise that she noticed more than the pillow before her and the white wall of her room. A note on her nightstand, and again she slowly reached out to read it.

Going off to war after a memory-making fling.

Zarina grit her teeth and felt her fingers hook. She was angry, at first, but then she giggled with a wide, mirthful smile on her visage. There was even a light blush on her face.

Kinda romantic. Even bothered to write a note.

She carefully folded the paper and delicately placed it back onto the nightstand.

“Scandalous Sanguisoi. Gods, don’t crush my little heart, you heartthrob.”

She bit her lower lip and sprawled on her bed. No magic today, and so no worry. But, even with the relief that came with a myriad of emotions, there was a certain loneliness that took her. Even as Somnes came, it felt a tad cold in Zarina’s bedroom.

Until they came.



The Monkeybirds had managed to push the door open and noticed their mother in bed. And they were sorely lacking in morning attention.

Zarina smiled as she was bird-piled in mere seconds for cuddles and playing.

Thank Vyshta for this fortune.

Now to make sure the others don't realize I'm as useful as a fire sword ...

Incessant scratching plagued Ingrid’s residence on an early Victendes morning, a good hour before Quentic mass was to take place. It came from her door, with the source being a ginger cat with an envelope under its paw. It meowed a couple of times whilst leering at the Eskandish girl, head tilted slightly to the right. Then, it dashed away!

A similar encounter occurred with Valerian, this time at his window. A black cat with an envelope in its mouth tapped against it until it received the attention it wanted and dropped the delivery into the home. Then, off it went!

Dear Friends of the Rettanese Empire,

Let’s meet for real! We have much to share and many events to prepare for.

Dorm 17B - Merchants’ Quarters. After church.

Stay Dope!


The time for worship had come and passed like any other week, and like any Victendes most students would find ways to spend their free time, whether in hobbies, self-improvement or simply nothing at all. It wasn’t the case for the two fresh Sanguinaires, however. They had a date. They could decide to completely ignore it, of course. How dare this individual walk on their limited weekly break? On the other hand, she knew where they lived (like most of Ersand’Enise).

Do they attend the rendez-vous?

Ingrid tried to pet the cat before it took off. Damn, Ingrid snapped her fingers as she watched it dash off. She picked up the envelope and shut her door. She made note of the wax cat stamp binding the letter close.

Ingrid leaned on a side table and melted the wax away into a pot. Rather short, Ingrid thought. She weighed on rather to skip mass or to push back her duties to her business. She went to her room to think but more importantly she kept examining the letter, the loops in the letters, the tilt in the words. Punctuation if it was longer.

Ingrid fed the letter to a flame, I can go on my nature walk some other time, my businesses needs some tending. Ingrid worked on the paperwork she needed to do and dropped off what she needed at the banks and handed her letters to the postmaster along with the fare. And away Ingrid went to Stormcloud's dorm.

Flames flickered in a drape drawn window like lantern light as Valerian wrote his reflections in a journal. He’d had the habit for some time and found it helped him process everything he dealt with on a day-to-day basis. Now, with the events in Retan it seemed he had even more to unpack than usual. As he finished a page, Vel heard a faint scratching at his door. Raising an eyebrow slightly, Valerian finished his thought then closed the book before he pushed up from his desk and headed to the door.

Lock moved with a small kinetic spell, Valerian opened the door and glance down the hall. No sign of anything beyond a small cat bounding away. Looking before his door he noticed a letter, which he pulled towards his hand with a bit of kinetic magic.

Catching it in a hand he moved back into his dorm, closing the door behind him as he opened the letter. As he moved through the well appointed door room, the small flickering flames reoriented around him.

Eventually he read the letter’s contents, at which point he frowned slightly. Sighing, he flicked it to the side and into an orb of flame where it instantly ignited and burned to ash. A moment later he’d grabbed a coat and left his dorm room, locking it behind him. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Valerian made his way to the meeting place.

He made a point of finding cover and shade whenever possible, but when that wasn’t an option he used a bit of clever magic to shield himself from the sun. If anyone asked, he’d say he overheated easily and the sun had been getting in his eyes.

“Come in!”

Called a voice, maybe familiar to the two, maybe not. The new resident wasn't exactly the most chatty of the Black Guard. The door opened before the guests with only a chubby tabby welcoming them with a loud meow and expectant look before U-turning, butt out and retreating inside in an elegant gait. The door gently shut behind the visitors once they stepped inside.

The dorm room was spacious, as one would expect from the higher-end merchant quarters. Though there really wasn't much else other than space. A few crates at the corner, a simple blue rug in the centre of the large room and a desk with a chair and a few bookshelves behind it set at the side of the room that had all the windows. There was only one framed painting on the wall opposite to her desk - one of a dune sea and a castle at the distance. Judging by the style, it looked very old.

Stormcloud we under her desk, loading up the drawers with various baubles the two couldn't see. A pale face stained by green paint on her cheek with long, dark hair poked out with a wide smile plastered on it.

“Hi!” she chirped before hopping on her feet, and then hopping again, over her desk this time, to close the gap between herself and the teens. “Please, have a seat.” she opened her arms to gesture toward the entirety of her abode. She wore a freshly paint-stained, white hanfu mismatched with Constantian-style shoes. “First thing's first.” she regarded the tall bunch, quite a bit taller than her mere five feet and three inches, and let her smile mellow into a more neutral look. “How are you adapting to your new lifestyle?”

Ingrid gave a light nod to greet Valerian before they entered Stormcloud's room

Ingrid couldn't help but to very obviously inspect the room. The mysteries of what a centuries old woman does in her spare time intrigued her but the room left her mostly disappointed. She had expected dozens of small knick-knacks to strewn the room but instead, all Ingrid could find of note was a painting of torragonese dune seas.

Maybe her home from years ago? Then she noted the paint that laid on Stormcloud's cheek, Or she is just a painter with lots of styles under her belt. Only time could tell. She took a seat as she asked.

Ingrid was unsure how she was doing. She sat silent for a few moments trying to figure out how to word her experience so far. "I find myself struggling with it. Every time the lor burns me when I worship in the sacred grove, I wither inside," Ingrid spoke candidly in front of Stormcloud, not giving any care of Valerian hearing it. "The blood thing hasn't had as much impact on me as I thought. It's odd, don't get me wrong. But it could be worse."

Giving Ingrid only a small perfunctory nod of acknowledgement, Vel glanced about the room as the feline granted them entry. There wasn’t anything particularly impressive about the Blackguard’s room, but it wasn’t drab either. As he noticed Stormcloud beneath the desk a somewhat amused expression crossed his features. As the woman rose and greeted them with a pep in her step, Valerian found himself liking her.

Cheerful was the first word that came to mind. Funny how they had almost been enemies. At the thought he almost grimaced before hiding his face behind a practiced mask—in the form of a courtier’s smile. Turning his eyes to find a seat, Valerian eventually settled on his own. With a brief cast, the air itself was trapped in between a series of invisible ‘panes’ of kinetic energy such that as he moved to sit, the air caught and held him as if it were solid. “It is…certainly an adjustment,” he stated in a plain yet ambiguous manner.

He’d been rationing himself, a difficult thing when blood starvation would have…rather severe consequences. At Ingrid’s words he nodded somewhat, “I agree, the Sun’s newfound hatred for me is…certainly disconcerting and more than a little troublesome…but not entirely intolerable.”

A smile of delight graced Stormcloud's visage once more. Both were sitting, in a room with no viable seat, with one sitting on the floor and the other straining himself for something more high class. It was nice when people did as requested. It also made her feel just a smidge taller.

“No substantial challenges.” she made oral note to herself, making her unusual Avincian stand out. It didn't sound foreign, but rather accented in a manner that put emphasis on different syllables than one would expect. “That is subl- Err, Swell! Dope, even.” she nodded.

The black guard turned chaperone scooted into her desk a little more under she could cross her legs for extra comfort. “I think I should introduce myself, actually. We'll be working with each other for a long time, after all.” she regarded both of them with a sweeping glance and then focused upwards to the ceiling as she began. “You know me as Stormcloud. My name is Ariadne Hyde. No, it's not my original name, but it was one of my names. I am NOT Enthish or Thalak. And I am here to make sure your transition into the life of a Sanguinare happens seamlessly.” big breath, she was reciting something she had rehearsed and forgot to breathe. “Also, to make sure you don't get yourselves killed and keep the peace between the school and ReTan, I've been sent to intervene on most matters regarding you. Whether for assistance, or reprimand.” another deep breath, and then she went briefly silent whilst tilting her head. Did she forget something?

Ah, right! “Feedings! That, I'm supposed to teach you proper methods. And manners. And our cycles.” she firmly nodded to herself before peering at her group of sitting kids. “I think this is where you can start asking your first questions, before I continue with the, errr,” she had trouble uttering the final word. Or maybe she was unsure if it was right. “deets ...?”

Ingrid nodded along to StormcloudAriadne Hyde, surprised on how seemingly normal it all was compared to the stories of Sanguinaires she heard as a child. What should've been surprising was the school knowing and permitting it. But that ship has sailed. Ingrid's once strong support of the school had shifted to skepticism. The trip to ReTan was a real waking up moment. Upta had known so much more than she told even when asked.

Did they have a role in Hugo's passing? a thought fluttered in for a moment...

Ingrid raised a hand, "So, is there any kind of blood you should avoid? Like the dead or animal blood?" Ingrid decided to start with a simple question. She was somewhat aware of what can happen if she does but asking it from their resident expert was better than any book she could read.

Raising an eyebrow as he listened to Ariadne's rather unique communication--both in annunciation and affectations--Valerian considered what he might want to ask. While he was considering, Ingrid spoke up, asking her first question and though it was a good one...his probably would've been more related to the ethical concerns of feeding. Nonetheless, he was eager to hear a response, his eyes training on Ariadne to show just that. Still, not one to be left in the wings, Valerian spoke up, posing his own query.

"Speaking of the sun..." he began, referring to both their earlier comments, "...do you have any suggestions for dealing with it, given that we do still need to be active during the day?"

Ariadne's fingers drummed over her calves as she listened to each one. Her head canted to one side when Ingrid spoke, and then the other when Valerian did, all the while her gaze drifted about as if she was thinking of something entirely different.

“The bad kind of blood.” she answered Ingrid completely deadpan. “Animals won't nourish you. The ones that won't kill you, anyway. Even dead people, unless very freshly dead, will not sustain you. You will just get sick. Stick to people - mages in particular. RAS, as they call it nowadays, is the indicator you should follow. The higher, the better.”

Then came Valerian's turn, and her expression turned into one of smiles again. “You stay in the shade.” and then a pause. An awkward one. Was this really it? “Although,” she eventually broke it, of course. The grin turned into something impish. “You could cake yourself in makeup. You WOULD look like a clown and utterly suspicious. But, in theory, you'd be safe.” she chuckled. “You're going to be suspicious to some degree, especially to those that came with you to ReTan. Accept it. You're likely already found out by the faculty. It is, in all likelihood, a matter of time before everyone and their dog is aware of what you are.” she snapped her fingers and pointed right at Valerian with a finger gun. “Which is a problem for you, Parrencheman. Your people are particularly vicious to our kind. Whereas this one here,” she nudged her head toward Ingrid. “will likely be ignored so long as she doesn't cause a fuss, YOU are a noble. A stain on their image. They WILL come for you.” she tilted her head slightly. “No matter how important you may believe yourself to be. The biggest nation of the Twin Continents does not hinge on a few superficial pillars. They'd gladly sacrifice their own King for the grander picture. Be careful, fledgling.”

Then, she clapped her hands together. “Dull questions answered. Now you will answer mine before I hit you with the 'deets' and the catches.” one hand retreated to her ankle while the other was kept raised at shoulder level, fingers wiggling as if machinating something devious. The High Sanguinaire grinned wide. “What are your three preferred blood types?”

Ingrid leaned back on the wall as the next question was posed. An illusionary scorecard manifested for everyone to see. She put down some obvious ones and then started to dig through her mind to find more of them to consider.

Logically she needed things that were easy to hide. She already has a sun weakness now but if she suddenly makes plants whither and is 9 feet tall, she will be found in an instant. Things that could help her take down her targets should be high priority as well

After about 3 minutes, Ingrid speaks up, "I think for hunts it would be Sensemaster. For power it would be Fireblood, you can't go wrong with extra power. And because it is interesting, Timewalker." Ingrid answered. Though she did wonder if these would just be dangled above her to control, either way there were plenty of other interesting ones.

Listening to the explanation for Ingrid's query almost brought a frown to his lips, but he schooled his expression as he'd long been taught to do. instead of the shift in expression he simply nodded and gave a small amused chuckle at the idea of caking himself in powders and makeups. That simply wouldn't do. He'd have to find his own solutions it seemed. He supposed nothing easy was worth it, at least that was the common wisdom. Then Ariadne pivoted from educating to inquiring and he raised an eyebrow, admittedly surprised by her question.

He'd not given it much thought, but in that moment he drew on his studies and considered what might be beneficial.

"Glowvein," he said, looking thoughtful, "...and Sensemaster as well." He'd seen the strength of awareness and the danger of Atomic magics and while he had little desire to meddle with such energies, it would be wise of him to have a means to combat them. Then a third came to mind and he nodded to himself, "...Rosebud as well, I think."

Those were a good start. Rosebud covered social situations and could eventually become an asset even in combat. Glowvein gave him an innate resistance--if not immunity--to the invisible fire of Atomic power, whereas Sensemaster let him not only enhance his own awareness--and thus faculties--but also to afflict others with reduced capacity in such areas. In tangent with his own innate talents they would make for a potent combination. Still, as he lifted his gaze and met Ariadne's eyes, he wondered why she was asking.

Ariadne continued with her habit of canting her head to one side when paying mind to one pupil, and then shifting when the other spoke. It was her way of communicating that she was paying attention, even if eye-contact was flimsy at best.

“Sensemaster is a big favourite. And a tad bit of a trap.” she uncrossed her legs and let them instead hang over the edge of her desk while supporting herself with her hands gripping the opposite end of the desk behind her. “If you've managed to touch them, you've probably succeeded in your ambush anyway. A good mana-type, but there are better starters, like ...” she snapped her fingers before pointed to Valerian. “Rosebud! Why take risks when you can seduce or mislead your prey with words and presence alone?” she flashed a toothy smile at the two.

The finger then pointed toward Ingrid. “I expected you to want Glowvein, actually. With your propensity for ... The more destructive spells outside of the forbidden, it would suit you. But Fireblood!” that same finger wagged side to side in denial. “Tsk tsk. Unless your mark is weak or easily mislead, it's a trap that claims many new Sanguinaire lives. Only jump into an ambush for Fireblood if you are convinced you can get a strong advantage. Otherwise,” another click of her tongue. “Better off steering clear until you've fattened up a bit.”

Then, Ariadne snorted. “Timewalker ... Are you suggesting you have a growing interest in Temporal Magic, Ingrid Penderson? Much like Linlin did, or maybe she was sick of having two evil eyes.” she chuckled smugly.

“I wanted to know your priorities. It's good to see you're not TOO ambitious, but have some spunk. It'll at least be entertaining.” she raised her hand to brush the stray locks of her that his a fourth of her face behind her ear as she continued. “Now, for the bummer - You're gonna start wasting away, and I do mean WASTE, if you don't feed semi-regularly. Ideally on a weekly basis.” she announced with a stern gaze and a hardened tone. No more happy-ditsy fun-time, it seemed. “And, you will only hunt in my presence. If I deny you a mark, you obey. If I give you a specific target, you go for it. Defy these two core tenets, or cause enough of a mess to get the hunters on Ersand'Enise, then I will be taking away your acquired abilities and you will be banned from hunting for a month.”

She hopped off her desk, now standing straight and her arms crossed under her chest. “Is this understood?” she inquired, waiting for a response, before continuing. “I'm not difficult to please. Come to me for Sanguinaire-related problems only. Otherwise, we're merely peers. Jolly, youthful school peers. That definitely attend clubs. Yes. And fairs.”

Keeping her words in mind, Valerian nodded along, only finding himself hesitation as she made her second stipulation.

He didn't much like that, her dictating in any instance who he was and was not allowed to hunt. It wasn't that he'd prefer particularly ambitious targets, nor that--as he was sure some Sanguinaires might--that he wanted to target someone and hunt for sport, but rather that he had no idea what the woman's moral scruples were. Stifling a sigh, he nonetheless acquiesced...at least for now. She was stronger than him, that was a simple fact, and there was little he could do to go against her if she truly wanted to put him in his place. As such, it was better to lay low for the moment and question her judgement later even if he ended up following it anyways.

"Very well," he said, nodding once, his expression serious.

Ingrid listened earnestly to Ariadne, making note of sensemaster being a trap and the benefits of rosebud. Ingrid was not much of a seductress. She liked the act but most men found her size to be unappealing, even in Eskandish circles. And Ingrid only grew more perplexed about showing her face in to get it. Maybe she would have to try though.

What Ingrid had been surprised about is fireblood. She knew it was strong but she thought of the manatypes with affinity to a school of magic, fireblood would be safer with their lower RAS. A lot safer than an Atomic mage with Glowvein at least.

Ingrid was obviously curious about Linlin, leaning forward to only lean back as she felt a little teased by Ariadne. "Who wouldn't be interested in it? But trying to become a time mage right now? I'm not sure. I think just feeling time would be worthwhile though."

Lastly came the rules. Ingrid made no fuss or face about them. She just nodded at the conditions placed in front of her.

“My remark, Ingrid, was meant to underline the fact that without Temporal magic, you shouldn't aim for known Timewalkers. The moment you fail your ambush on them,” Ariadne snapped her fingers. “done. Time stops and in the blink of an eye, your head's spun the opposite direction. That said,” she raised a brow as she mused. “You're always rolling the dice whether your prey has that sort of magic to begin with. Which is why I recommend sticking to the semi-familiar, if you can, or study potential targets.”

Pale and dirty hands clapped together, prompting the self-grooming cat to perk up and stand. It brushed against Ingrid's calf. “With all that said, I think we got the important things sorted!” she flashed her pearly whites. “We all got to meet each other, you know where to find me, now ... You're free to go if you have no further questions! Thankies for attending!” Segu, the cat, meowed and yawned.

Nodding, Valerian rose and made his way from the place to enjoy the rest of his day.

The two were dismissed, and first to leave was Valerian. But before Ingrid could cross the door, Ariadne hollered at her.

“Oh! Ingy! I have a small request.” arms reached up for a stretch. “It'll just be a minute.”

Ingrid was so ready to leave after the successful disaster that was the first hunt. But Ingrid knew better, that display of hers earlier taught her better. She turned to Ariadne with a smile and stepped back into the room shutting the door behind her, "And what can I help with Ariadne."

The High Sanguinaire canted her head. “What clubs are you signing up for?” she smiled.

Ingrid was suspicious but thought there wasn't much harm in answering. "Well, I'm continuing most of my clubs from last year. The Eskandish Circle but that is more of a religious outing for me. I actually have become more attached to the Draconic Order." Ingrid rolled her eyes and smirked a bit, "Originally I only joined because of an enthusiastic friend of mine but now I go there because it's fun. He made me into a dragon lover before I knew it. Oh, but back on topic." Ingrid steered herself away from talking about her dragon friend.

"Eshiran's Own I've been a member since last year, and the same with the Pageturners. I think you might enjoy some of the more experimental literature people test out there from time to time." Ingrid gave a light recommendation, always looking for another book enthusiast. "I've also am trying to join the Special Ones for pretty obvious reasons. I had a spot open after I left the Golden Mushroom."

Ingrid then in a hastened whisper, "Fingersteeplers as well, And that's them all"

Ariadne hummed, tossing a few m'hm's and uh-huh's to Ingrid's need to explain the why's for her simply query. Eye contact was also broken in favour of gawking at various details of the somewhat ascetic room she had been working on. Once the question full answered, her head adjusted back to look forward at her pupil.

“Okie! We appreciate it!” she beamed at Ingy, eyes closed to emphasize her delight. “You are dismissed. Have a pleasant day.”

"Thank you, and a good day to you as well," Ingrid left without a fuss. It was actually quite pleasant though Ingrid resisted both the urge to speculate and the urge to believe it was out of mere curiosity. Ariadne didn't come off as malicious but she could be conniving, Ingrid believed. Either way it was not for her to worry about today.

It wasn’t unusual for Zarina to visit the sanctuary she had helped build in Eskand with the help of someone like Jocasta for mobility. But today was different - she was going to relieve her sensei of any responsibility and take over the reins, once she felt ready. After all, she portal’d in a big dragon before, what was a person or two?

The first time was difficult, even when she chose Maura to accompany her - someone of small composure that would theoretically not require too much strain to accommodate for. A panting Virangish Pepper was left in the wake of the portal’s creation. “Rolling ladies first.” she huffed out, gesturing dramatically into the tear in reality that showed the familiar sights of Somnes-time Eskand and the reserve barn in the distance. “I suppose that trade agreement you got going with ReTan considers these thingies. Like that Silk Gate. Boats can’t do it all nowadays.”

"There are volume, risk, and price considerations. Fortunately, portals are only available in limited supply and specific areas. After all, we still need to ship goods from Revidia to the Silk Gate somehow.” She smiled as she looked up toward Zarina, “Beautiful ones first it is then~” As she made her way through the portal her friend made.

As they travelled through the portal, their perspective of the Snowsweeper Sanctuary expanded. The once modest shelters had been replaced by much larger structures, and several new buildings had sprung up, indicating the development of some kind of industry in the area. However, the most breathtaking sight was the Snowsweeper family in the field, frolicking in the meadows. There were three adults, the bull, and two pregnant mares, along with five juniors playfully charging around in the grass. Surprisingly, they all appeared to have shed their thick winter coats for the warmer season.

Maura smiled widely as she pointed towards one of them and playfully giggled, "That one clearly takes after you."

“Guaranteed it’s Adnan.” remarked Zarina with a proud grin on her face and hands on her hips in a triumphant pose. It was a delectable sight to be sure - the fruits of their efforts laid right before them with no catch. The Sanctuary had gotten bigger with the massive amount of land ever expanding and secured.

Zarina approached the youthful animals, prompting a couple of them to look her way, but only one was curious enough to approach. It was the one she had guessed. Out of her pocket came a few sugar cubes she presented to the animal with her hands flat. The small feast attracted the attention of the others, and soon they were all congregating toward the two students much like cows would once a single one had made a friend.

“Hey, Maura, look.” Zarina was surrounded by bovine heads all sniffing about and releasing light moos for attention. She began to swing her hand up and down, which led the animals to mirror her movements with their heads bobbing. “I’m now queen of the moos.”

Maura simply giggled as Zazzy proclaimed herself the Queen of the Moos. She directed her attention to the runt of the litter, appropriately named Ayla. The little cutie with its reddish fur was persuaded to come over as Maura presented a treat. The Snowsweeper had certainly grown larger since last year, definitely too big for her lap now. "Even Ayla has grown into a big girl now."

As they spent time with the Moos, they started to attract the attention of the staff working at the Sanctuary. A small crowd of them began to gather before approaching. "Say, Zazzy, you did let them know we were coming, right?"

“Nope.” answered Zarina, carefree and drowning in Snowsweeper scritches and licks. When the security rangers were closing in, she absently waved at them. “Heyyyyyyy!”

The rangers approached with frowns on their faces as they observed the two girls playfully interacting with the Snowsweepers. "Denne helligdommen er ikke åpen for publikum," one of them stated, gesturing towards their weapons and the outer fence.

Maura paused for a moment as they spoke Ingrid to her, not fully understanding but getting the gist of their interaction. "We don't speak Eskand. My name is Maura Mercador, and this is Zarina Al-Nader. We have come to see our investment."

Zarina squinted at Maura. “Investments? You’re actually making a profit out of this?” she shook her head. “Admit it, you just fell in love with these fluffy shits.” she turned her head to one of the animals and made baby sounds whilst nuzzling its big, damp snout. “Whosagoodgurl mmmm!” and it moo’d back in all its ugly goodness.

Then she attention went to the Eskandish staff. “Ah! Yeah, uhhh,” she reached for her chest and then just emphasised what was not clearly bigger than her’s. “Idun! Friend! Uhhh, Thorinn?”

"You know what we meant, talking about our donations and our rescue of them," Maura clarified, rolling her eyes in response to the gentle chiding regarding her choice of words. However, her aloof demeanour quickly shifted to shock when she realized that Zazzy was trying to inquire about their mutual acquaintances. She buried her head in her hands, feeling the second-hand embarrassment from her request.

The rangers exchanged glances among themselves. They had limited knowledge of Avincian, so they gestured for Maura and Zazzy to remain in place while one of them went off to fetch a colleague from the nearby buildings.

Meanwhile, Ayla, the Snowsweeper, turned her attention to Maura. She attempted to sniff Maura's hands before gently licking them with her slathering tongue, as if trying to comfort or cheer up the girl. Maura couldn't help but exclaim, "Eep! Ayla's eating me!" She tried to fend off the tongue with her hands, but the playful Snowsweeper nudged her hands away and continued licking her face.

Zarina laughed. “Hah! She really loves you.” and then she just slumped into the big adult female nearby, with still a little bit of white coat left, and just stayed there while the animal indulged in some tasty grass. “Mmm, fluffy.” she sighed, and after a moment of waiting for the staff to get a supervisor, Zazzy looked at Maura. “Heard you had quite the encounter with, errr, big creatures in ReTan, by the way.” she remarked as we went back to feeding the youths some cubes. “Big animals and grumpy boys.”

"Have you ever eaten battered squid, and when you put the rings in your mouth, you playfully go 'nomf' as if you were a giant creature? Well, its big brother escaped your nightmares and loomed over us all in the sky, like a walking mountain. A creature known as a Knower Titan," she sighed, "Not even sure if it was real; it happened so quickly." She shook her head to dispel the memory. "The boys weren't too bad; Abdel was sweet. The girls were the worst, except for Kaureerah—she's great."

“Shit.” blurted out Zarina, leaned against the big male they had rescued. He was so thick and strong that he barely felt her weight against him. “Sounds like bad calamari. But not all that unbelievable, I don’t think. I just expected something like a big Rettanese dragon or whatever.”

"There was a large arrow dragon who could transform into a human at will, named Wu Long. We collaborated with him for a while, but we eventually ended up in a conflict due to... well, various reasons," she paused, uncertain of how to succinctly explain what had transpired.

The ranger returned with Thorinn by his side, the RASgardian extending his arms toward them in a cheerful manner. "Ladies! It's good to see you again," he boomed, his long, flowing blonde locks trailing behind him as he strode forward. With a mischievous wink at Zarina, he declared, "I hear you've been appreciating these mighty pectoral muscles of mine," while thrusting his chest out proudly. "You should've sent word ahead; we're ever vigilant against any who might threaten these lands. We're not ones to ask many questions."

Zarina snorted. “Damn, Snowsweeper raising does a number on the body sculpting creed, eh?” she regarded Thorinn, hands on her hips and lips pursed as she nodded, looking visibly impressed. “Yeah, my bad.” she waved in surrender. “I don’t have a total grasp on this magic yet. I didn’t plan on popping into the middle of the field, more like … Somewhere I would NOT be ambushed by these cuties.” she smiled, hands back to doing what they do best: Scritches.

“How are you guys holding up?” she inquired, her tone a tad deeper, signifying the end of pleasantries. “The Sanctuary has its needs met, right? Any threats? Special considerations?”

Thorinn scratched his chin, "The fundraising continues, for we must amass a worthy treasury to feed these fine creatures as their appetites grow more insatiable." He gestured toward the two expectant mares, "And lo, we've embarked upon a Snowsweeper wool workshop, a venture that shall, in time, lessen our reliance on donations. But alas, breaking even remains a distant dream."

He snapped his fingers with a hearty laugh, "Idun, she's off to the trials this year, armed with cuddly creatures and certificates to grace your auction house! We're hoping her charms will ensnare a wealthy noble or two, for the cause!"

Zarina scratched her cheek as she pondered. “I’ve been thinking about this, actually. This self-reliance thing.” the snowsweepers were congregating more toward Maura of all people, likely intrigued as to why ‘Ayla’ liked to lick her so much. Was she made of salt? “I was thinking of the Varrahasta Zoo. Maybe that could be an idea. Get a few animals in this sanctuary, and people will want to see them. In fact … This can be a good way to expand the menagerie here, with other creatures that need help.” then, she snapped her fingers as she recalled something. “Were we able to get the other two known males here, by the way?”

Thorinn crossed his arms, and let out a hearty chuckle, his voice booming. "This, my friends, is a sanctuary, not some pitiful zoo. Those places lock up creatures in deplorable conditions for the mere amusement of the masses. Here, we're on a sacred mission to save a species from the brink of extinction," he declared, casting a glance at Maura, who was being thoroughly licked by the Snowsweepers. "Besides, humans can be quite the perilous lot. Just look at how comfortable these magnificent beasts are with us already."

He shook his head solemnly in response to the second question, his golden locks dancing as he did so, "Studding them might be on the table for our lovely ladies, but Snowsweepers, my friends, are a rare and precious treasure. We simply can't scrape together the coin to meet their exorbitant price tags."

“Well, then, be a zoo that doesn’t exploit. I think the best way to get people to care is by letting them meet the beasts.” a couple of pats were placed on a pregnant female’s side. “It’s gonna be about money at the end of the day. So we gotta get producing, so we can get all the remaining snowsweepers here.”

Then, she looked over at Maura and smirked. “Another idea is to make this famous. Lemme explain.” she gently tugged on some of the animal’s fur, and it just slid off as if it had barely been on the animal. She was shedding, after all. “You sponsor Trials teams. Mine, Maura’s and of course Idun’s. If we secure some good places, we can stand on the podium with Snowsweeper tees and a cause to flaunt to the world.”

Maura chimed in with enthusiasm, "Advertisement is indeed a splendid notion, particularly when you're dealing with merchandise as fine as Snowsweeper wool. It can fuel demand, which, in turn, inflates prices. And let's not forget the positive impact on donations."

Thorinn grinned, his voice resonating like thunder, "Ah, you've got the spirit, my friends. Let the world know about our noble cause. As for attracting those pesky poachers, well, let's just say they won't enjoy what I have in store for them if they dare set foot in these parts. Consider it a not-so-subtle deterrent to keep them far, far away."

Zarina clasped her hands together, prompting a nearby snowsweeper to perk up. “Awww, did I spook you?” she reached out to embrace the beast’s neck, and even dropped a few smooches on its cheek, sneaking her head under the thick horn. “We … Could always be proactive with the poacher-snuffing. Surely there are established groups that have been hired for years. If we want them to stop, it isn’t by reacting and scaring them away. They’ll just come back even more prepared.”

The Virangish left the beast to its eating with a couple of pats and gestured for her two colleagues to come closer. “I say we gather a team and start dismantling these dickheads. It ain’t like they’re hunters, they only hunt the exotic and rare. Total fuck-o’s.” she shot a conspiratorial grin at the two.

Maura contemplated for a moment before responding, "Barring opportunistic poachers, a successful operation like that would require some serious infrastructure and logistics. They'd either need buyers lined up or access to a network that can move that type of illicit merchandise. It's not something easily done."

"I shall investigate this further, and I shall keep you both informed," Thorinn declared. He casually spat out the snuff he had been chewing onto the ground. "Looks like I'll be doing some questioning after all, if these troublemakers come knocking on our doors. Come inside once you're done with the beasts."

Assani 19th

Location: ReTan - The Royal Palace Grounds
Day of the week: Lepdes
Time: Dawn
Characters: Everyone.

Abdel was back with Maura by his side. A simple shared look confirmed their experience to both of them, and they hugged. A moment of true tenderness after all the death and destruction they had to endure. But it did not fill the hungering void inside Abdel. There was a need to make things right, or at least try to bring his justice to those he could no longer tolerate.

He, Maura and Dayanara made their way back, passing through the soon-to-be confiscated mollusk cadaver sprawled onto palace grounds. Rikard nearly paid the ultimate price, but freed himself just in time to save Captain Zhu, while Trypano stood idly behind them. It all went unusually fast, but ended with nobody harmed, and Tan Zeno Re dealing with the hazardous material. Good.

Once reunited with the others, two were conspicuously missing: Ingrid and Valerian. Both of which Abdel did not hold to the highest regard. Especially not after this battle. They were out of sight, but not out of the Tethered’s range. A gathering of individuals made the tracking easy, and the combination of close contact and shifts in their internal biologies made the outcome of that meeting obvious: They were promised a great power to turn on their allies. Well, Valerian was, anyway. He could only imagine Ingrid was attracted by the promise of power - having something else above others.

Both were going to get what was coming to them. Maybe in a day. Maybe a year. Abdel would not forget.

Then came trinkets from the Emperors. An abundance of wealth, which so many salivated upon. Many that had committed murder and treason. It irked Abdel, deeply so. To the point where he acted quickly to claim the Royal Qilin, distrustful of what his peers would do to this animal. Then, the pendant he’d offer to a prize-less Valerian as a poison chalice with a disingenuous smile.

And then, a first effort to hold these people accountable: Niallus was challenged for his helm. The young Eskandish was left burnt and defeated, begging for death with only his void-stained sword he traded the life of Dragon Smirk for. The young man did not smirk as he passed, but Abdel certainly did as he walked away.

With three prizes guarded by Skuggvars and an increasingly confident Abdel, he made stood with Maura and Joscasta as one of the big winners, along with Kaureerah as a close fourth.

Then, finally, a familiar sight of a grove, now made physical in this world, came before their eyes, and Abdel made his choice:

Truthfulness - The Lychee.
Skepticism - The Almond.

His prime virtues as an investigative tracker. And his main attributes that allowed him to see through the deceits of all the power players, and yet he cursed his lack of strength to make the choices he believed to be the best, in hindsight. But now, with growing power and confidence, he could make everything right.

The wicked will be punished, and their kin will learn to fear the few that could actually touch them. And his reach was about to become even greater.

Zarina straddled her Alpha Froabas, leaving Riesco at the stable with his friend Nuro and the safety of Zox and Jascuan. In truth, she would have preferred to leave Alqasas there too, but without the mistress the beast could prove to be a problem, especially if something happened to the beastmaster. The dragon led the herd of tuskers in the air, with An Zenui as their destination.

The duo of human and dragon split from the herd as they approached An Zenui, as to not alert the authorities, but also to provide Zarina with the privacy she needed. A stony plateau that had a view of the city and was decently elevated would have to do. The mount found its footing and rested where it could find the last golden glimmers of sunlight. Meanwhile, Zarina sat down at the edge, legs hanging want shoeless. In fact, most of her clothes were folded under a shrub barring a few light pieces ton her. Her few goods were put in a sack with a long belt tied to it, placed next to the clothes. And finally, her shield remained by her, just in case. On her lap, she pet Nibbler who was enjoying a fruit from Jascuan's garden.

Zarina pouted, lips flapping. “Ipte darn it, I would've liked to see some of that festival.” she swung her legs and waited, her eyes flicking up to the clear skies from time to time. Soon, the moons would provide beautiful, natural lighting to the event.

“Wh-at a mess.”

Blood surrounded the girl. No longer was she the soft-skinned Virangish girl with a bit too much money, hiding behind a pristine armour of platinum and dragon scale. Now, she was a beast. One the word had not see in so, so long. Curved, goat-like horns twisted just above her scale-ridden ears. She still resembled Zarina Al-Nader, right down to the eye colour and facial features. But she was distinctly Tryannus Horrifer too. Most of her body was covered in scales barring portions of her appendages and her abdomen. Her arms were abnormally long with a membrane still forming between them and her sides. The nine foot humanoid dragon loomed over the desert and once again grew familiar with this wretched form.

She whistled, prompted Alqasas to take flight, while Nibbler casually hopped onto her shoulder. By the time she was ready, satchel tied to her waist and shield slipped on like a perfectly tailored shoe, the message was received.

“It's g-go ti-me.”

And she vanished, while Alqasas was ordered to circle the skies of An Zenui until called upon. The four-moon Horrifer remained static above the city itself, witnessing the chaos unfold below. Her peers were successful, and she could even feel the Ayla's power - a power that even dissuaded an Alpha Sand Wyrm from rampaging.

Then, she felt it. Her instincts captured the signs of imminent danger, and then her energy senses confirmed them. With people dying by the hundreds, she had to act. She had to save. And she had to kill her enemies.


Time slowed down to a near stand-still. Only briefly, in her own timeline. She could see the inevitable coup de grâce reaching for the precious Centaur. In a small fraction of a second, the black dragon stood before the girl, arm-wings wrapped around her as a shield. The spell was not going to pierce through the black scales.

The dark curtain opened, liberating Classa. Nibbler hopped into her arms for comfort. The transformed teen smiled, showing off sharp teeth that rivaled her Froabas'.

Zarina looked over her shoulder to witness what had happened as her long, wicked tail sporadically whipped in the air and obliterated the occasional piece of debris.

How they writhed and contorted. Blood poured from their mouths, their ears, and their eyes. Their teeth fell out and their skin fissured, crisping, cracking, peeling, a red mist hanging in the air. Bones cracked and hair caught fire. The unholy sound of their dying screams filled the night and the would-be revolutionaries fled before a fell power they could not begin to comprehend.

The blood hung there, thickening, and then came the bones, the skin, the flesh. Twining together in vile tethers, it snaked across the burgeoning hellscape at the heart of An Zenui. These rivers joined and grew, steaming and hissing. The ground trembled and heaved, swelling and burning.

Then, there were veins, threading through the night sky, rising a hundred feet in the air - two hundred. They twisted and solidified and... began to move. The circulatory framework of a great hand plunged into the ground and pulled out a chain of screaming, wailing demons. It raised these to its mouth and then there were bones, congealing, building, hardening: teeth that tore them to shreds, skeletal fingers, arms, legs, and a vast ribcage, within which beat a molten heart. Steam and smoke rose from the growing monstrosity as flesh began to entomb it. This vented through the air, whistling and hissing. Atop the head formed a gnarled crown of bone and then, from its back, sprouted vast, skeletal wings that dripped a foul black mist and sheets of flaking skin as they spread. Its bones groaned and crackled with every step. Its flesh seared and one could smell the sickening sweet stench of cooking meat.


Then, came the noise. Its toothless mouth unleashed a warbling scream that held enough force to tear back the curtains on the battered stage and send people running for cover. Skin now covered the demon, and it was a lithe, towering female figure with a lumpen, misshapen crown growing out of its head and yawning eyeless black sockets. The bones of its fingers extended beyond what its blackened, pestilent, and peeling skin could cover, ending in gnarled, branching talons. White smoke seeped and vented from fissures as it moved and burning black blood dripped from where the bony crown and vile wings emerged from its tortured skin. Its feet were massive and thick, like an elephant's, and they pulverized the ground wherever they touched it, burning and scorching as they went.

Last of all, came the eyes. They grew into those empty sockets, hundreds of branching veins, hardening and blackening and burning. Yet, instead of forming into two complete eyes, each stalk formed a little ball of its own that moved as it wished. There were hundreds, each fist-sized and, from behind them, came a hungry orange glow that licked and snapped and flared with eager malevolence.

Thus, for the first time in a thousand years, was summoned the Grand Demon of Cruelty:



It commanded an awful, inhuman voice, multitude joined as one, in truth. Immediately, for dozens of individuals present and nearby, their manas began drawing energy uncontrollably, filling them with it to bursting point.

The beast merely glared, expelling copious amounts of heat as it was forced to draw.

Fire everywhere. None burned as hot as the unrefined rage inside the Wildblood. The instinct to lash out at the unnatural was strong, and the indignation for all the deaths and desecrations she had just seen was even stronger. The immense violence she was about to usher into this world was going to be the justice both sides implied in their own, animalistic ways.

Her allies minded the people and the fires, while Zarina charged head first into the monster. The blows, as mighty as what at least two of the others could muster up together, made her better for this role anyway.

An utter slugfest with the amalgamation of flesh, and yet it hardly hit back. Was it ignoring Zarina? Or did it not see the point in taking down the resilient dragon first, and aimed for the weaker ones? None of these thoughts crossed Zarina’s mind. It didn’t matter. All she wanted was to destroy this thing in particular, no matter what it did.

Then, it took a particular aim toward Josca with a concentrated blast of energy - one the cazenax could not stop alone.

Driven by both a desire to devour the energy but also the human portion’s instinct to channel the will of Oraff-Zept, the half-transformed wildblood appeared before the girl and halted the blast with some light aid, and then returned it to the demon.

Nothing. Not even a scratch. If anything it claimed the flames to use later.

The dragon was vexed. Any thank you or call was zoned out. All that mattered was hurting that tower of flesh.

The struggle was real. Her blows hardly scratched the mass, and the efforts of her peers merely chunked a few insignificant pieces of flesh. Something had to change, NOW.

Taking to the air again, the Horrifer inhaled slowly, syphoning in energy with the help of Gorge and its own special organs to contain the specific conversion and transformation she was doing. Arms opened, a ball of green energy began to form inside her opened maw. Then, she fired. A loud screech that rang for many hundreds of metres. A beam of energy got to the upper right of the beast, and with a simple turn of her head, was dragged horizontally down fast like a blade carving a piece of meat.

The grand demon recoiled, a massive burnt gash on its core and the first significant damage it had taken. It was vulnerable.

The dragon recoiled, overheated from the previous attack with steam erupting from her orifices and pores. She was vulnerable.

But she also had allies, and they capitalized fully, until Hetraxa’s fury grew into something new. For all of the devastation that this demon had wrought, those arrayed against her had struck back and struck truly. After eating a nuclear blast from Benedetto, bound by Ayla, she paused and released a colossal amount of scalding steam. Those surrounding her reeled back as she began to change …


An enormous swarm of insects began to form.

Kneebiters and Sanguignats. None passed through the exorbitant heat around Zarina, and they quickly learned the futility of doing so. Instead, the others were prime targets, while the Wildblood’s position didn’t change.

The pounding continued, and the state of the group was starting to deteriorate. It gave Zarina all the more reason to prepare her next nuclear blast.

But then, as she readied her claws to gore a nearby portion of the demon, Classa was dragged before her!

“I... LET ME GO! LET ME GO, YOU BITCH!” the girl let out a terrified sound.

Zarina stared right at her with gold, feral eyes.

“Don't hurt me! PLEASE don't hurt me! I don't mean it!”

Then she looked at the demon. And finally to the nearby bugs. They were too close, and so she unleashed a stream of acid that morphed into a corrosive cloud to consume all the vermin. And with enough time, Ayla was able to clear the Dominion curse from the centaur, letting her scurry off so that the grown ups could end this.

The next big laser was in order: One that’d pierce through the core of the monster, leaving a bleeding hole in its place and causing it to stagger once more. Enough for Desmond to claim another significant piece with his special bullets.

Although not before finally getting a swipe off Zarina. The massive set of cleavers finally caught her off guard in overheat. Her reaction was slow and she had to catch the blade to hold it back, creating massive gashes on her palm, abdomen and forearms. Slowly, these would begin to heal, but now it was clear that even the Horrifer’s scales could not entirely stop this monster’s rampage.

Once again, Hetraxa was undergoing a change …

This time, a green mist surrounded the colossal creature and it sunk deeper into it.


It rang in ALL their heads. Madness from the Void. A sickening feeling. An enraging feeling.

Zarina began to gather energy. An obscene amount, and concentrated the excess into her core, where her final Horrifer blast was to take form. All that had to be done was survive. Survive the plague mist that infected so many. Tku, some of the snakes, Marci … She could sense it - the sickness in them. Taking their skin.

This needed to end quickly.

In position, the Wildblood took aim. Everyone could now sense the obscene quantity of energy she had focused into one point. The madness had made her even more callous to the potential destruction she’d bring, but perhaps considering that angle was a ticket to death. Maybe this was necessary.

And just as she was about to attack, Zarina turned to her friends. No longer was she in control of her body.

“NO!” she screamed. “NO! WHAT! NO!”

No amount of rage could stop this. Her grand finale was no longer pointed at Hetraxa, but at her own sister. She could not even self-destruct, everything except the mind and speech was robbed of her.

She fired.

And Marceline Hohenfelter-Escarra survived, nearly unscathed, to a Horrifer blast that even put the Nox Arcanum one to shame. With the Zox wall and some help, of course. The smoke cleared, revealing no casualties to the relief of the now burning dragon, exhausted from her last attack.

It was there that Benedetto came to deliver the coup-de-grace to the exposed dragon, with no way for her to defend herself. She looked Nyax-Acan right into the eyes - his furious and regretful eyes - and prepared for the end.

Except Marceline once again defied the odds and hurled her remaining wall to protect. But it wasn’t enough, Benny’s nuclear blast was going to push through …

Until a wailing Alaqasas tackled the blonde young man off his footing and redirected his attack to the sky. The Froabas had acted without Ayla’s command and intervened to save her handler. The animal stared down the possessed Benny, while Marci got to work.

The Cure-All in Zarina’s pouch was swiftly ripped out of the bag before Hetraxa could intervene and the vial shattered to coat the Wildblood with the stuff. In just a few seconds, the curse was lifted. Zarina was back in the game, right by her dragon. She layed a gentle paw onto the alpha’s snout as a thanks.

The hour was dire. The sickness was spreading further. Soon, they would all be dead. And Zarina was the last singular heavy-hitter with Benedetto still possessed. And she did not have the mind to strategize quickly enough.

But Tennaxi did.

She knew a new dominion was coming. The young raider-turned-close ally was more observant than most. Something had to be done before the many eyes glared once more unto game changers.

Josca and Desmond, in one coordinated assault, shattered the remaining barriers the demon had put up. It could not be stingy anymore and needed to put everything in its next attack. An attack it could not be allowed to have.

“It okay.” something called to Zarina. “Friend.” and then it came from behind. She recognized it as a shadowy aura surrounded the Horrifer’s body with a little, dark form grabbing onto her from behind, this time with legs.

“Together.” she said simply. The dragon understood.

To the heavens they took, and even higher. They did not move normally, however, and instead Zarina had rapidly warped to the stratosphere. A cold and beautiful place. She could see the stars, and all of Sipenta! But her eyes were on one, minuscule point: Hextraxa.

“T-T-Together.” she uttered before descending down. Gravity and her own immense power made exponential by Tennaxi’s influence made of a crashing celestial body that terrified many ages.

High up, it looked like a simple, red comet slowly making its way down. Dangerous, but far. However, as Zarina his maximum velocity and burned bright, she vanished.

And appeared right on top of Hetraxa with a single, darkened fist lunging right at its centre.


Tried as she might, the creature’s defenses quickly crumbled and the Wildblood pierced right through her, leaving a massive hole that traversed through her body, to the point of rendering the body near-unusable.

Massive tendrils of thick, oily blackness snake up from the abyss. They entwine themselves about her arms and legs. They wrap around her waist and up over her shoulders and the bony crown growing from her head. The ground opens up, glowing with an unholy dark fyre.

""N O ! I W O N ' T G O ! I ' M N O T R E A D Y !"

Her eyes become sharp, black things that burn with fury and hatred.

""T H E Y M U S T S U F F E R ! Y O U A R E I N S U L T S T O C R E A T I O N !"

She thrashes and struggles and the tendrils begin to snap, but more emerge. She manages to break one massive hand free and her bale gaze settles upon…

""Y O U ! ! !" she roars, fist clenching Ayla tightly, with bonebreaking force. ""Y O U C O M E W I T H M E! T O W H E R E Y O U B E L O N G ! ! !"

It takes notice of the spell that was used.

The great stone pinnacle shudders.

Further towards hell, Ayla is dragged.

She sees the truth of it in that moment, below her, above her, all around her.

She is weightless.

She is everything...

and nothing.

Then, as the ground begins to close, the VOID of hell wavers and writhes.

This... THING that should not exist within reality is met with the world's fury, its disgust, its.... wrath.

All of this channeled through one boy - almost a man.

The great, desperate hand crumbles to ash and the ground... implodes.

The force is terrific. An Zenui rises and falls.

Great boulders and shards of rock hurtle in every direction.

Ayla, however, is not returned to reality.

For she is of it and also not of it.

She hangs there, in limbo.

Assani 19th

Location: Xochiyeiteteo - 4S Farmstead > An Zenui - Omenaxan
Day of the week: Lepdes
Time: Morning
Present: A lot of people.

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