Avatar of yvnogasai
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 5 (0.00 / day)
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    1. yvnogasai 8 yrs ago


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Alrighty hello there :3

I'm 21 and live in Germany, Hamburg so please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes oki? Good.
Since I cosplay some characters from animes I really enjoy roleplay <3

Things I like:
- Anime
- Music (lots of Metal-genres, some Electro, Dubstep and other stuff – open for new music tho :3)
- drawing
→ really enjoy this since I was little im still not that good in drawing digitally but I love drawing by hand on paper. It's just making me happy to create things by my own hand :3
- writing/reading
→ I read mostly fantasy or crime/horror books <3 I'm not that good in writing in english but I might give it a try soon :)
- gaming
→ I spend most of my free time in games actually besides working but well I also got time on the weekend for writing and so on :3

Things I don't like:
- pushy people
→ gimme time and space like jeez... I'm only a person, no machine
- can't think of anything else atm so... bugs maybe lol

I have some knowledge in Photoshop CC and previous versions so if you got questions belonging to this – just go for it!
If I can help out I would be glad to help :) ♥

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Thanks for all the warm welcomes ♥

@yvnogasai Oh... But your sig.. :/ I was so excited for a second there.
German seems so cool, though. I've always wanted to learn German!

nawww only have this from a friend that spammed me with faces x'D and it reminded me of Levi from Attack on Titan xD


German is hard tho lemme tell you that xD
@yvnogasai Ooh do you speak Korean??

nay german and english and some italian and japanese words but thats it xD (If that was sarcasmn then sorry lol)

@yvnogasai Welcome to the guild! More artists-- huzzah!

Thanksy ♥ I see you like jinx... she's fun to play (and no I dont play league much xD just felt like adding that xP)
Mmm... new souls. I don't suppose your Australian?

Nope I'm German. Quite the potato soul then x)

Lol, Tokyo Ghoul and Mirai Nikki are nice selections though quite bloody.

Nyes my kind of animes x3 And thanksy will think about it :)
Oooo anime, what kinds? And welcome to the server!

Thanksy dear ^^ Like Mirai Nikki, Tokyo Ghoul, Erased, Neon Genesis Evangelion and so on xP

Welcome to the Guild!
You made the right choice joining our kooky lil' corner of the interwebs. ;) As someone whose first language isn't English, I can confirm that this little hobby definitely helped with my writing skills. If you've got any questions, wanna RP, or just looking to chat, don't be be afraid to hit me up.
See you around!

Also thanksy ^_^ Hehe I'll have a look around ♥

Oh forgot to mention... I like to derp around so I'm one to have fun with :D

How I found this here? A Friends friend needed help with editing a picture and yeh. I helped out and got curious where he met that person so I joined the Discord server and jeez so many channels and all nice people I met so far :D So I thought why not register on here. Yep. Now I'm here sooo.. hi! XD

Wondering what I'm doing here now? Me to. :P
I'm not that much experienced in roleplay besides cosplay and some roleplay chats involving anime characters. Since im from germany I was used to write in german all the time but meh. Trying to level-up my english - learning by doing I guess :P
Let's just say I'm inexperienced but interested in learning new stuff! :3

My interests are on my profile and if you wanna know more about me just ask ^_^

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