Avatar of yvnogasai
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 5 ( / day)
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Alrighty hello there :3

I'm 21 and live in Germany, Hamburg so please excuse any grammar/spelling mistakes oki? Good.
Since I cosplay some characters from animes I really enjoy roleplay <3

Things I like:
- Anime
- Music (lots of Metal-genres, some Electro, Dubstep and other stuff – open for new music tho :3)
- drawing
→ really enjoy this since I was little im still not that good in drawing digitally but I love drawing by hand on paper. It's just making me happy to create things by my own hand :3
- writing/reading
→ I read mostly fantasy or crime/horror books <3 I'm not that good in writing in english but I might give it a try soon :)
- gaming
→ I spend most of my free time in games actually besides working but well I also got time on the weekend for writing and so on :3

Things I don't like:
- pushy people
→ gimme time and space like jeez... I'm only a person, no machine
- can't think of anything else atm so... bugs maybe lol

I have some knowledge in Photoshop CC and previous versions so if you got questions belonging to this – just go for it!
If I can help out I would be glad to help :) ♥

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