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    1. ZacksQuest 11 yrs ago


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Bumping again, you can already post your character sheet on the CS page or PM it to me if you have a character in mind already!
Bumping again for interest!
Bumping to look for interest and also posting a link to the thread here. The first page so far expands on the general idea of the setting and certain factions/groups that can be encountered.
Tarot or astrology-based powers would work. Maybe it's because it's late where I am but both of those seem hard to conceptualize outside of polymorphing or summoning, but if you're able to work tarot and astrology into your character's powers however then I think it'll work just fine!
Bumping for interest.

I thought it would be better to give some basic ideas about how certain pantheons work and how they get their piece of business. This goes for human non-mage, human mage, pantheon, demon, and fairy factions. This is sort of a working rogue's gallery of some of the most egregious instigators and some of the closest allies.

There are way more factions and each one can be gone into in more depth, but this is really all you need as a basis point and it's really a list of all the major players as far as the setting is at the beginning. Not all gods from certain pantheons (Greek, Egyptian, Norse, etc) have to hail from these factions, and you don't have to feel obligated to be a member of any one faction outside of the II Team. You can absolutely descend from independent operators or be a lone wizard, but for those who want more direct ties to the world around them, this is a good starting point.
@DeadDrop @jynmi88 @Inertia

Hey everyone, thank you all for showing interest in this! I put up the first OOC post for it now. I changed it a little bit so you can mention your preferred build to make it easier for everyone to know what position they want to be as far as missions go or even what missions to choose, thank you @CaptainSully for that, and I also changed the structure of the Infernal Intervention team a little bit so @Laplace you are by all means welcome to make that asshole wizard.
Infernal Intervention Squad

Infernal Intervention Squad is a team-based tactical RP set in a world where all the pantheons and gods exist in some capacity, and magic is a scientifically measurable force. It has some Magitek eliments, but it is by and large an urban fantasy that takes tours of full-on low fantasy or sword and sandal type locations as well. The story is mission-based with missions, targets, and the overarching story guided and partially decided on by the members of the Infernal Intervention (II) squad. Missions could include infiltrating a compound of demons, pulling off a heist to steal an ancient soul-powered weapon, busting a gang of Siddhe working a glamor hustle, collecting information on military operations, doing damage control from magical or supernatural disasters, assessing new rifts or formations on Earth or in the Other Side (the worlds beyond Earth), escorting or protecting high profile people or guarding against invaders, or straight up clashing against forces willing to destroy the balance in the name of power. Missions can tie in to a larger narrative story arc (in fact, expect a few of them if the RP lasts) and will on request be able to tie into the overall character arcs of the team members.

The team, which will be able to hold an absolute maximum of 12 people, are human mages or halflings whose lineage descends closely enough from the Other Side to have serious power. Full-blooded members of the Other Side can be considered, too, but on a case by case basis. Each member of the II Team will need to know a few things about themselves before they can join up. They need to know either the Other Side realm that they emigrated or were sired from (knowing the name of the god, creature, or demon that sired them helps but isn't a necessity) or the magic practices they specialized in (i.e. thaumaturgy, druid magic, summoning, Vodun, potion-making, hexing, glamor crafting, evocation, alchemy, etc.). They also need to have certain sets of skills that make them a solid candidate for the team (generally speaking, two supernatural skills- one combat based, one knowledge based- or two magical arts, and a few non-magical skills in combat, research, stealth, charisma, survival, or any other field that may be of use). They need to have some kind of backstory, even if it's a short one, and they need a basic idea of their overall qualities and their flaws. Have a decent idea of the character's appearance or use some kind of image reference, either one. And finally, any special requests about your character or suggestions about the direction the II team should go (this is the important stuff, like if you have any suggestions on the overall story or how your character's history can tie into the present or if you're okay with them dying or not or if you want to emphasize that they're a combat/research/stealth/charisma-based build and should be put on those kinds of assignments).

With all that, it's a first-come, first-serve basis, and the IC will begin as soon as there are at least six people joining in.

All forum rules apply for IC and OOC. No hijacking the RP since suggestions are going to steer the RP anyway. No killing off other characters without the creators' permission and really under most circumstances no killing off other characters in general. Act as a part of the team and accept the IG consequences for breaking your assignment in-character even if it was a definite character choice, and expect some IG consequences for being outwardly aggressive to the team. No harassment, no spam, no overtly sexual references, and no discrimination. That's basically it on rules, otherwise all the tactics and the rules of the team can be self-governed so have fun!
Infernal Intervention Squadron

Out of the roughly 8 billion people on the planet, only about 10% are aware of the supernatural plane around them. Gods, fairies, mythical beasts, djinn, spirits, and all the creatures in between are- if you're in the right social circles or climbing the right ladders- actively a part of mortal day-to-day life, and where our souls go upon death is one of a motley number of afterlives, each governed by their own hierarchical systems. And out of all the afterlives and all the spirits, Hell and its ranking demons are the ones raking in the big bucks. Business at the Home of the Sinners has been booming and its infernal denizens have been amassing power and spiritual flak for years. However, all that power in one spot leaves a dangerous precedent, and pantheons, traitorous demon clans, and power hungry human factions across both worlds have their eyes on that much power and are willing and potentially capable of bringing it about. Demons, too, have their eyes on a plan to take their business cross-dimensional, and lay down a complete supremacy over Earth.

Neither, of course, is permitted to happen, which is why a team must be assembled.

A team of halflings that straddle the line between human and inhuman: half-demon, half-god, half-fairy, half-monster, the details are mostly irrelevant. The necessary requirements are a mixed parentage and a willingness to do hard work maintaining the balance between both worlds. You most likely have a set of skills, abilities, and a knowledge of some form of the arcane that will aid in protecting the sanctity and stability of the Other Side and Earth.

You will be placed into a special team known as the Infernal Intervention Squad, a team agreed upon by the leaders of twelve Earth nations, rulers of the Heavenly Host, the ruling class of Hell, and the leaders of fifteen pantheons. The job is funded and paid for through a joint task effort by all available parties, and the assignments involve keeping the peace, preventing catastrophes, stopping inter-dimensional war, and imprisoning or destroying masterminds of any origin who wish to bring about destruction or conquest against any other group.

The assignments are almost always high-priority affairs, and we need half-demons who are capable in combat, investigation, communications, exploration, and subjects on the arcane. Having inherited supernatural powers is not a requirement but will be taken highly into consideration. The assignments handed out will often put your team in favor with one faction, clan, family, or group, and while you are on that assignment you will be pitted against high ranking demons and gods alike, and many of them are adept and experienced in their abilities. The job is dangerous, but the reward is safety and security and enough compensation that you will never want for food or shelter or money again. So do you take the job?

The RP would be somewhere between a small group and a large group, I would say between six and eight people ideally but I would be willing to go below or a couple above that. The characters in the RP, due to their diplomatic status between the natural and supernatural world, would be half breed people, such as half-demon and half-god to name the top examples. The character would need to know their parentage and upbringing (the parent's name preferred and the more detailed you want to make the backstory the better), two dedicated supernatural abilities (both specific enough to not be OP in terms of limits on functionality and would be one combat-oriented and one investigative or practically oriented ability respectively), arcane study (rune reading, potion making, summoning, folklore, spirit warding, whatever information you could apply and bring to the team), preferred build (investigative, combat, civil, or support), and a description.

Once all that's in place and the team's at least partially put together, the assignments will begin to come in. The assignments are story arcs within themselves, each one containing a healthy mix of investigation, world building, explorable branches, and fights. There can be as much down time as needed between arcs, and while certain story arcs are essentially pre-mapped based off of old ideas, the assignments taken are entirely up to you. Characters' backstories and plotlines will, on request, be interwoven into the story at large and may affect the overall direction the story goes in. Assignments, too, will all have certain unique aspects to them and require different levels of expertise. Some may be almost all intimidation and combat, while others include escorting important people, gathering information, sabotaging a growing war party, pulling off an infiltration or heist, or even just rescue operations from supernatural catastrophes.

I'm just putting this up to see what people think about the setting, thoughts on how well the gameplay ideas would work with it, suggest any changes, and just to see if anyone would be willing to play this. I'm trying to go for something somewhat more streamlined than the last RP I tried to do a while back, Beyond the City Walls, mostly due to the sheer openness of the narrative. So yeah if anyone would be interested in being part of this RP please let me know!

I absolutely am planning on bringing this back. You can feel free to use your old character again but it's starting anew so what happened with your character the first go probably won't this time? Also @Crosswire you probably could scavenge the parts for vehicles that aren't City-controlled (sometimes the things akin to streetlights, fire hydrants, and yes even cars in the City could very well be alive), and have a vehicle. When it comes to trading between the Sectors that are farther apart, these are almost a necessity. The only difficulty is how given the City's eponymous layout, and the fact that the lines between Active Zones and Dead Zones are jagged and probably marked off through trial and error, the safe roads that don't change layout and dimensions on you are winding and more suited to trade than full-on Road Warrior chases. Doesn't mean it's not possible, it certainly could work to your advantage, but you'd need to be able to not drive through a barricade between Active and Dead Zone and find yourself somewhere completely unknown to you with a hell of a time getting back.

That would actually liven up the roleplaying even further. I'll certainly put some thought into adding in a more comprehensive looting system for developing and customizing the kind of things your character can use as well as a basic idea of what different items sell for. Nothing outlandish or akin to Dead Rising but impromptu weaponsmithing and improvising would definitely work. Generally you won't be finding ammunition, guns, armor, medicine, or anything not generally mundane outside of taking it off of the dead or finding it in a Cache, so unless you have enough to buy what you're looking form when in a Sector, you really do just make do, and when you would find a Cache or loot a body, I would definitely list what's there. Thank you for the advice!

I will say that, no matter how big the Cache is, in the end it's mostly going to be stockpiled by the Sector that assigned you to the Cache. You might get one or two items in there if you're lucky, but generally you get paid your Cells for your hard work and go about your business until the next assignment or change of plans.
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