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<Snipped quote by Zealz>

Of course! Why wouldn't I be!?
*Gives you a big toothy grin, and then turns my head to Akora's scorching gaze. After a moment of awkward silence, I silently turn and run out of the room, stumbling and nearly falling on my face at the door*

*watches silently*

<Snipped quote by Heroic>

<Snipped quote by Zealz>

*Sighs, acting exasperated but betraying a very mild level of amusement*
Above all else, I'm glad you're a kind soul who wants to help, at least.

*full body turns to you when you speak and smiles while giving you a thumbs up*
This adventure has taken a massive turn, but I am glad to help!
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

*My eyes shift to Zoey with a deadpan glare*

Don’t worry, I’m the Chosen One.

<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

*Laughs nervously and throws an arm around each of your shoulders*
I am really glad you’re both here with me now.

<Snipped quote by Zealz>

How exactly did you get roped into all of this anyway?

I wanted to follow Zoey around!
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

*Stands up after Zoey lets go of me, looking mildly dizzy from the violently excited shaking*
I’m impressed with how well everyone took it, all things considered…
*Shakes my head to clear the dizziness*
Sven probably loosened everyone up so they were less perturbed by more visitors. Usually it’d be way more upsetting to folks.

I think I did a good job helping too.
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

I really really don’t wanna get kicked out of here for doing something silly. This is the coolest place ever!
*Shakes Akora by her shoulders*
You never told me how cool your home is!

Hugs are a normal for a lot of places, especially as a greeting. I think he might’ve liked it.
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

Of course it was! You can’t tackle-hug your friend you haven’t seen in ages in front of the important looking guy who’s also kind of scary looking. That’d be silly!

That is what stops you from hugging people?
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

*Speaks with my cheek smooshed on the one side*
Akora. I take it you go by Charlotte and not Prim… The other one.

Yes, I go by Charlotte.

<Snipped quote by Zealz>

<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

*Flies through the air and tackles you out of your chair to the ground in a hug*
I was really worried I would be too late!

That was a late reaction, she was here for at least fifteen minutes.
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

*Very slowly turns my head toward you to meet your gaze with a look of immense confusion*

*my finger remains as you turn and I lock eyes, blinking *
Akorn, right?
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

*Is still seated, staring at the floor while clearly lost in thought*

*pokes your cheek*
<Snipped quote by Zealz>

I dunno. We’ve met a lot less resistance to being here than I thought we would. Might be worthwhile to do an excursion through nature though! Have a little adventure!

*looks to Akora*
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