Level 1: 7/10
Word Count: 711
Location: Museum
Points Gained: 1
New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 8/10
Jesse tilted her head the side in agreement with Joker's assessment. The guy was irresponsible, reckless, and was willing to hurt people to get his way, but at least he wasn't trying to maximize harm. It wasn't saying much, but still. When it came to paracriminals, Jesse would take what she could get.
(At least he isn't committing terrorist attacks on the off-chance the site gets haunted. Wait. Mission control?)
Jesse listened to some kind of interaction between the one who called himself Joker (a code name?) and Mission Control. "Yeah, the courtyard." The Director followed the crew out. They knew their way around this place, that's for sure, and it didn't look like they worked here. Maybe they were regulars. But regular tourists didn't have a mission control or codenames. There was still the matter of the way they carried themselves. Something beyond these minor quirks that suggested something deeper. Jesse wanted- needed- to figure out what it was.
Jesse's eyes widened and her mouth cracked into a smile as she saw a real-life UFO. (Fun.) More than that, however, she saw it going after the paracriminal. And it won- big time. The suspect was apprehended in a few seconds flat. He was useless without that thing and could be safely ignored. That alleviated some of her frustrations, but not all of them. It wasn't really about the paracriminal, it was about her ability- or lack thereof- to catch him. Even then she had gotten distracted from her real priority: the Object of Power.
It turns out Mission Control is a talking alien space ship with tentacles- who was shy. Still, it acted like an endearingly normal kid. The crew had a banter going that spoke to their familiarity with each other. (Necronomicon? That's a hell of a code name with a lot of baggage.)
Langston would be having a panic attack if he could see how flippantly they treated the Object of Power. Joker was poking and flipping it around, the barrel being pointed in every which direction.
Jesse...really wanted that Tool Gun. The Altered Item knew a parautilitarian when it saw one. Langston always said he could feel a connection with Altered Items, Object of Power in particular. He was definitely right. Everything has a history, a memory, and those memories make a personality. An object becomes an Object when we believe it so be so. Even if it still felt like there was a wool over her eyes, what she wanted was finally within her grasp. Getting this Object under control would be the victory she needed to get the ball rolling.
"Excuse me, Joker." Jesse said. "My name is Jesse Faden. And I'm specially trained in the operation of Objects of Power like that one." She points to it. "Listen: there's a one thousand gold bounty on that guys head. Since you guys captured him, you should go ahead and take him in and collect it. But I'm really after that thing. If you give it to me, I might be able to figure out how to use it and..." She looks to the cat. "...Fix your head."
If she managed to get a hold of it, she would attempt to bind the Object of Power to herself via the Astral Plane. The process might be a bit strange to behold, as the Tool Gun would float between her hands and begin to vibrate wildly and glow white. If successful, she would be able to use at least some of its abilities in a limited capacity. That was how it worked with all the other Objects of Power she linked with, anyway. There was still the potential to unlock more of its powers later, should she focus on it. Ideally, she would be able to undo the damage the labcoat clad man had done to the cat.
"I'm a bit rusty. If I can't use it..." Jesse began to reason aloud. "Then we could just threaten the suspect and get him to do it for us. Or make him tell us how." She said casually. How she would go about this was left unintentionally ominously to the imagination. "But obviously he can't be trusted. So, hopefully this works." Jesse surmised brightly.