"Who are you again?"
[ NAME ]Jane Smith
[ AGE ]Three hundred and seventy.
[ GENDER ]Cis female.
[ APPEARANCE ]Pandora is a beautiful white woman, having sculpted her own face to be that way. She has vibrant red hair, bright orange eyes, and fair skin. Standing at about 5 feet, 6 inches, she looks to be about 25 years old.
Pandora always wears crop tops, and usually shorts of some kind. They always compliment her toned, muscular physique. Deep red bandages are an uncommon sight, but one might spot her in them while she's working out. She doesn’t really have a super hero outfit, though she will occasionally suit up with a bullet proof vest and camo if the situation calls for it. Basically, she's super hot.
[ PERSONALITY TRAITS ]Bitter, cruel, sarcastic. She messes with people for fun and has a mile-wide mean streak. Yet Pandora helps people all the same. It’s all a very immature front, especially considering her age.
These days she’s much more outwardly apathetic and calculated. If respected and tolerated for long enough, Pandora becomes wry and bantery. Still, it all can feel very surface level. Pandora doesn't often reflect on her life or herself. People say that with wisdom comes age, but that might not be the case with her.
Moreover there is a kernel of genuine human compassion within her heart that she cannot crush nor extinguish, no matter how hard she tries. It’ll be there forever and she has to act on it.
[ BIO ]Pandora was born a long time ago as Mary Madison, growing up a peasant farming girl in rural England. There she had a family, and when she grew up she married a man named Steven Silverstone. She lived a whole, normal life, from sister to aunt to mother. When she was an old lady, her husband passed away. Mary Silverstone, as she was then known and would be known for the next two centuries, was content with her life. To pass away and join her husband, mother, and father in heaven. And then, the X-200 meteor hit. After an unpleasant transformation experience she found herself a young woman again, now with incredible powers.
For few good decades she was a cheerful, glad to be alive superhero called the Changer. But as she realised she would outlive her entire family, she ran away and threw herself into the army. There she became a powerful nurse and soldier. It didn’t make her feel any better, though, and she became an evil imperial warlord. Known as the Shark of Crimea for her ability to swim through the ground and pull enemies under.
Then she was depressed, but she got better just in time for World War One. Shortly thereafter she was a soldier and then a spy in World War Two. The evil there crushed whatever faith she had left in humanity. After World War Two she barely participated in the Golden Age of Superheroes. She fell off the map. The last of her family died, the Silverstone line coming to an end. Pandora faked her own death, ending the life of Mary Silverstone and coming to America where she took the name Jane Smith, or rather, Pandora. There she opened up a flower shop and lived there for a while. Her last living relative, a child named Rose, implored her to become a hero again. Eventually she did, and for the last thirty years she’s been doing her part to make Castleburg a better place. She’s in a better place than she has been in a while, but that’s not saying much.
| MISCELLANEOUS |Has adopted a family of dogs named after various types of flower. Currently she has Petunia II and Daisy II.
[ POWERS ]Alteration of Matter
Has the power to precisely and quickly Alter any matter within a 50 foot radius, as long as she can use her hands or feet. The further away, the longer her will has to reach out. Usually every ten feet adds one seconds. But once her will to change something reaches that spot, it happens instantaneously. Still it's possible to dance along the outside of her range and avoid her powers. She can only interact with four things at a time, one for each limb. If her fingers or toes are covered at all, she has to push through that material. And the more things she Alters, the slower they are to change.
Still. It is any state of matter into any other state of matter. Or just changing one thing into another, though complicated machinery and technology won't be functional.
Her internal biology has also vastly changed, her organs having coagulated into a purple goo. Now she doesn’t need to eat, sleep, or breathe air, and she doesn’t age. Her Alteration powers can be used to heal or repair, aswell, but the effects are dramatically reduced on herself, any change taking months to go into effect. This is the source of her immortality, and the reason she can't effectively Alter herself.
Pandora has trained her strength, so she is stronger than the average person. But she has no strength related powers. 3/10.
[ AGILITY ]■■■□□□□□□□
Same here. She is more agile than the average person but has no agility related powers. 3/10.
[ INTELLIGENCE ]■■■■■□□□□□
Pandora has literal centuries of experience under her belt and knows many different kinds of powers. She has been a prestiged military officer and is the most veteran of all the veteran superheroes. However modern technology continues to somewhat elude her, and she can be forgetful. 5/10
There are few people on the planet capable of the amount of precise, accurate destruction Pandora is. “Damage” is not necessary for her destruction, all she has to do is be near something and Alter it until it’s falling apart. Or set something on fire, or freeze it, or liquify it. The carnage can spread quickly if she so chooses. 9/10
[ LETHALITY ]■■■■■■■■□□
Pandora is a highly trained combatant. She knows many martial arts and is an excellent markswoman. Her main advantage is once again her experience, all the wisdom that comes with age with none of the physical downsides. 8/10
[ ENDURANCE ]■■■■■■■□□
Pandora is resistant to damage, having no vital organs when her powers are active. Her limbs can work independently of each other, even her head. The best place to strike are her abdomen or thighs, the places where she has the most blood to lose. And of course, her endurance is high because she cannot die of natural causes. 8/10
[ EFFICACY ]■■■■■■■■■■
Forever. Forever, forever, forever. Too long. 10/10
[ SKILLS ]She is a skilled florist. She’s picked up and forgotten a few hobbies over the years.
[ EQUIPMENT ]While she can’t create complicated technology, she can change it and then change it back. So Pandora has a utility pouch full of trinkets and knick knacks that she can change back into useful items, like a handgun or a GPS tracker.