Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
1 yr ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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On the N-Train

Pandora really hoped they didn't show up. She just wasn't in the mood to deal with flying train pirates. Her eyes closed, one leg crossed over the other, leaning back in her chair. Listening to the sound of this preposterously fast magnetic train. Might as well be magic to her, for all she knew how it worked. Unlike many of the others, Pandora was not in the storage room. She was in a passenger car.

Unusually for her, Pandora was smartly dressed. A red dress up shirt and black trousers, kept on her waist by two slick suspenders. Some dress shoes completed the look, and her sleeves were rolled up to her elbows. Her hair was still that vibrant red color, her eyes that Altered orange color she had made herself. And of course, her hair was still tied into a loose bun. That much hadn't changed. One new thing was the watch on her left wrist. It might, just might, help the long-lived woman keep track of time.

The Assistant Director, the one that went by Man-Titan, explained their mission. If she bothered to open her eyes and look, she could spot his personal vehicle keeping a calculated distance from the train. Pandora sighed.

"Couldn't they get the robots do this?" She asked the air. Maybe another Hero was in the train car with her, she couldn't tell. "They're only people with jet packs. Just-" She mimed a finger gun. A little tiny explosion happened on the edge of her finger trip as she did so. "Shoot them."

On second thought, perhaps she should be hoping they show up sooner rather than later. Like ripping off a bandaid or having to put down your favorite horse with a shotgun, best do it quickly and get it over with. Jetpacks. Absurd. They weren't real pirates. No, Pandora knew what real pirates were like. For a while she had served the Queen in hunting those bastards down. Utterly depraved scoundrels, the lot of them. Even worse was the pirate-themed supervillains. Or that one time, with the kraken. Now what? They steal weapons from trains? Pittering around with their little school-boy backpacks? It was insulting, is what it was. Pandora didn't know why she was complaining internally. She'd chosen to come on this mission. Complaining was just something to do, she supposed. Something she could think about. She had vowed off drinking and smoking back in the 1910's, and there wasn't much to read. So she just sat here. Waiting. Of course she knew in her mind, the waiting would be nearly instantly forgotten. Nobody ever remembered the actual amount of time they sat in boredom. It all got compressed in retrospect.

Didn't help her now, though, did it?


Darkness. A city at night. Each stalwart light like a star against the sky. An artificial substitute as the progress of man dominates even the radiant beauty of the heavens. Streets still warm from the heat of the machines and the sun. Concrete cracked under the weight of a thousand years of hierarchy and disrepair. A people, a world, closer together than ever before and yet so divided. Race, class, gender, metahuman or not...

A spinning wheel, set in motion by events. When the time where times passed passed into the time of when times went past. And now the will of millions hibernates in the tenement halls and torn plaster walls. Kept asleep by the alluring siren's song of convenience and false luxury. Modern civilization in all it's glory, built in by the plundered value of labor and resources from all over the world.

The only way to shatter these chains is to unite. Only when the common man truly realizes the shared humanity of his brethren. Only when the chains of oppression can be melted down and reforged into the links that can united us can we truly be free. The people need heroes, now more than ever! And more than that, the heroes need the people! That is the power of human compassion! That is the power of Shadow Scythe-


"Wuh?" Penny blinked into focus, looking around the storage room.

"You were day dreaming again, dear." A kindly elderly woman that runs the Brookside Homeless Shelter says with a smile on her face.

(I was night dreaming. The shadows are where I belong!)

"Oh, uh, sorry, Ms. Tabernacky." Penny says aloud, smirking.

"Are you done moving these boxes in, sweetheart?"

"Yes, ma'am." Penny nods.

"That's wonderful, thank you dearie. Would you mind helping out in the soup kitchen for a while? Robert needs to head home soon."

"Sure thing."

"And goodness, girl. You should turn a light on if you're going to be heading in and out. It's practically pitch black in here." The woman flicks on a light in the storage room.

(It matches the color of my soul.)

"Sorry, haha." Penny rubs her shoulder.

"What if you hurt yourself?"


"I'll be more careful." Penny smiles warmly, grimacing slightly. "I just, uh, don't mind the dark."

Ms. Tabernacky shakes her head. "Well, okay. Sometimes I worry about you, that's all. You're such a sweet girl."

(Justice is sweet. I'm not.)

"I, uh, appreciate it ma'am. But you don't need to worry about me, I'll be okay. Soup kitchen's on the left?"


The halls of the Brookside Homeless Shelter (BHS) are nicely painted, freshly done only a couple years ago. Cardboard and plastic boxes full of miscellaneous supplies are scattered throughout the halls. Or stacks of chairs, or ladders, occasionally a janitor's cart. Distant sounds of chatter become louder. Pushing open a pair of swinging kitchen doors, Penny enters the kitchen. She smiles and waves at the soup chefs. Penny isn't much of a cook, but she has a pair of hands. And that's all a person really needs to help others. Sometimes you don't even need that much.

Her role was to move food out of the kitchen and into the lines, where it can then be transferred onto the plates and trays of the people in the cafeteria. Penny was a regular volunteer at the BHS, often showing up after school or on the weekends. It was a community center, a place where folks could come together, create connections, and lift each other up. Penelope Mai Lu liked it there.


Later that evening, Penny was at home in the bedroom of her apartment, finishing up her homework. The bedroom had a small TV, a face camera, a Playstation a generation or two behind. There were posters hanging on the walls of heavy metal bands. A bookshelf full of political theory books. A closet and a backpack within. Overall pretty normal room for a teenager. Ish.

Her father could be heard negotiating with the management of the massive tech company he worked for. The place where, very occasionally, Penny piggy backed off his access into the building and made off with some of their weapons. The expensive stuff they well off to security forces and riot cops. You know, thicker boots to crush people under. Penny thought they were much better off in her hands. That way they could be an implement of the people, not the government. Besides. They screwed him over a lot. It was vengeance.

Penelope finished off the last of her homework for the night, sitting back and sighing. The sooner she could get out of high school, the better. The flexible schedules of college would allow for more versatile community service. She would just do easy courses. Ideally she could get enough funding from the public through donations that she could be a vigilante volunteer full time. And being a video game streamer. She just needed to be in college long enough that her parents wouldn't get suspicious, really. Then she could just be vague about what she does for a living?

Ugh. It's hard. She would tell them, but they wouldn't understand. They would just think it was her being reckless and stupid and inconsiderate again. Just another manifestation of her condition. Not like she could blame them. But she was being careful. There was even a doctor that had agreed to help her off the table!

Beep beep beep. Bum bum bum. An ominous alert from her cellphone. Penny quickly checks it. Several people have noticed suspicious activity from an abandoned warehouse. Running theory is a meth lab. Stange smells, people in suits, under the board activity. Meth in Brookside? Not on her watch.

Penny grabbed her Duffel Bag of Doom or Something. It was heavy and full of useful supplies. She headed out of her bedroom. Her father was in the kitchen, her mother, Susan in the living room watching TV.

"Where're you off too, hon?" Susan, her step-mother, asks, concern lifting her eyebrows.

"I'm heading to the gym."

"...You've been heading off by yourself a lot lately."

"I'm practicing my independance. Just, moreso than usual. You don't need to watch over me every little step of the way." Penny goes to the door. "I'm not a kid anymore."

"I- I know. I just worry about you, sometimes."

Penny exhales sharply through her nose. "Lots of people do. But I'm fine, I promise. I like going to the gym and hanging out with my friends, and spending time at the BHS. I'm-" She rolls her shoulders. "I'm happy, Mom."

Her mom smiles sadly. "I'm glad to hear it. Just be careful, all right? I do trust you. I love you, Penny."

Penny smiles back, nodding. She opens the door, steps outside and begins to close it. "I love you, too, Mom. After I hit the gym, I'll just be doing some more community service." She growled, squinting enigmatically.

Susan looks startled. "What?"

"Some community service!" Penny repeats, brighter this time. "Love you bye!" She closes the door behind her and smirks. Easy peasy. She's totally clueless! Now it's time to fight some crime.


Much better. Shadow Scythe Vengeance is on the prowl. After biking to the general area of the warehouse, she deposits the Cycle of Violence and the Duffel Bag of Doom or Something and takes to the rooftops like a panther. Fully suited up, she's lithe and agile. She's got her two Scythes attached to chains, sheathed in her hips. As well as a pair of bolas. Two fighting sticks placed in holsters on her shoulders. Several pouches and a belt full of more easily concealable and compact tools, such as grenades and bolas. She was a veritable arsenal, even if she couldn't unfortunately bring every little gadget with her on every mission. Otherwise she would sacrifice her impressive stealth and acrobatics.

SSV took to the rooftops. Making jumps as long as fifteen feet, the vigilante had pushed herself well beyond what most people would consider their limits. And she was only going to get better. This was her hobby, her career, and her passion all in one. Nothing else mattered. In this world, people could fly. If they could do the impossible, then so could she.

(I fly on wings of hope.)

Once the warehouse was in sight, she pressed a button on the side of her mask. Two lenses covered her eyes, creating little beady white dots on the inside of her skull mask. Very creepy and badass, if you asked her. Zooming in on the building, she confirmed it was the correct warehouse. Setting a metal case she had carried with her down, she remote piloted the Guardian Angel quad-copter drone. Silently it scouted out the entire place, looking for an entrance. She set the empty box down, but left the Guardian Angel floating in place.

(Rooftop ventilation shaft. There's the way the Shadow Scythe shall enter. No better way to strike down enemies of good then from above.)

In order to cross the street, she tossed her scythe across to a building opposite of her. It embedded itself in the edge, and connecting the chain to her other scythe, she created a makeshift tightrope, pulled taut. She grabbed on to it and climbed across rather quickly, her legs hanging beneath her.

Once she was there, she leaped over a few more rooftops and made it to that of the warehouse. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she quietly unscrewed the vent (it was already falling apart, so it was very easy to do.) Then she set it aside. But she wasn't going to enter- not yet. First, some recon. She piloted the Guardian Angel around the place. She peaked into windows and got an accurate count of the people inside. One of them was a mutant, possessing a fish head. He could be more powerful than the others. At the very least, he had a bigger bite and she couldn't phase him with water. And yes, this was a meth lab all right. There were workers and chemicals, set-ups that she recognized from other labs she's busted. Not on her watch.

(Divine sight sees all. No evil can escape my vision.)

Guardian Angel continued rotating around the building, peaking into various windows. Some of them were cracked open, or slightly broken, allowing the quietly whirring machine to get a good look at just about the entirety of the inside. Moreover she found hiding spots, paths to take, places where her enemies might find cover or security. And she was looking for more metahumans, since apparently one was involved. Metahumans can make things trickier, but in her experience they often rely on their powers as a gimmick. No versatility. They all have a weakness that can exploited. And rarely do they have anything that would help defeat the element of surprise. Getting the jump on someone negates almost all superpowers.

(Just one more reason I was born in the night. An invisible protector, a grim avenger. I walk into the darkest depths of humanity...and become their master!) Shadow Scythe Vengeance thought to herself, her eyes on the little screen infront of her as she sat cross legged on the roof, her back against the ventilation shaft she was intending to enter.
Lizzy just nodded, her eyes wide and hands shaking. This was a little embarassing, she had to admit. If she had known someone was watching her she might have stifled her trauma as best as possible but this luchadore caught her off guard. Apparently, he was a ranger. 'Distracted'...you mean while that disgusting, evil creature is devouring the flesh of a human being? Right. Everyone was so jaded these days.

This car was good sign. She needed one at some point if she was going to get out of here and to a place that had some real sustainability to it. While she was confident she could find a working car on her own, this one was right here. And currently this wrestler ranger scavenger, whoever he was, was offering her a seat in it.

Heart pumping, Lizzy did as she was instructed. Quickly and quietly she entered the passenger seat. Unlike him, she didn't buckle up.

"Okay, go. Go, go, go!" She whispered urgently to him, her eyes glued on the spot where she last saw the fly. "Get us the fuck out of here." The girl had her hand on the armrest and wrapped around the handle above the passenger door, her knuckles white. She wasn't sitting as much as she was hovering over the seat.
@BenG85 I'm certain your character is showing up to the meeting, lol
yes I didn't want her to call him "Mister Ishida" or something like that, that's for sure!
@pugbutter that's all cool. I was kind of just acting like she was speaking english though, except with the -chan at the end i guess. I'll probably settle into it as the RP goes on
@pugbutter Yes. I wasn't planning on it but she got referred too by her last name a bunch of times so I just went with it. besides I think it fits her better than Aimi.
im excited :)

Yonaka Aimi

The volatile one was next. She was late for class, a slacker in her studies, but when Minato asked for her Yonaka was never far away. Well, maybe Minato was just passing down a request, and really, it was Ana that told everyone. But still. She knew Minato would be there, so...she always made sure to show up on time.

Yonaka walked through the doors backwards, leaning into them and backpedaling through with a gait full of swagger. Over her shoulder was her kendo stick. As she turned, she span it around with her wrist, letting it fall and twirl like a marching baton. Her purple eyes, with small, predatory irises, met Minato's. Though her mouth was covered with a cherry-blossom patterned surgical mask, her eyes carried the energy of her wide smirk underneath well enough. A black school uniform, torn and unmaintained, flowed loosely in the wind. The space between her top and her long skirt showed several inches of her pale midsection, the waistline of her dress only barely covering her belly button.

"Hello boys~~~" Yonaka greeted in a sing song voice, striking a pose. Then she began to approach, heavy boots thudding across the concrete of the roof top. She gave Yuya sassy little wave but her attention was on Ishida.

"It's me, Minato. Your favorite." She teased. Skipping a step she moved to his side. An outstretched arm wrapped its fingers around several links of the fence, and the other rested on a kendo stick that was now stabbing the ground. Deliberately she placed herself between Ishida and his line of sight of Yuya. He'd have to look past her to get to look at him. Forget the cigarette or the beer or whatever he was offering. All eyes on me.

Tap tap tap. Yonaka clicked the tip of her kendo stick against the concrete. "Unfortunately I didn't run into any council parasites on the way here. Otherwise I woulda..." She cut herself off and looked at Ishida. "Played it cool and moved on, just like you wanted." One eyebrow was raised, her eyes wide as if to say 'What reason could you possibly have not to believe me?' kind of way.

"Anyway. Mai Li-chan should be here soon, too. She's great, you'll see." She glanced between Yuya and Ishida. There was an underlying mote of uncertainty in her words. Didn't seem like anyone was as desperate to prove herself and stand out as that girl. Yonaka straightened her back, and her voice was back to it's normal playful, devil-may-care tone. "Even if her face does look like a little mochi. She can be our mascot! Like the class pet. Just don't try to feed her a treat, she might nip your finger off." Yonaka 'advised.'

"...And watch your ankles around her, too."

Level 6: 01/60
Location: The Maw: The Depths
Word Count: 1,273
Points Gained: 3
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 04/60

Sakura looked up at Geralt with big, wet eyes. She accepted the hug, squeezing her lids shut and listening to him speak. A friend did sound nice. But she couldn't help but laugh, just a little bit.

"You're so little, Mister Geralt. But somehow you still sound like you did before." Sakura sniffed and wiped her eyes. The girl listened to his story, grimacing as she imagined the horrible scenario. Sakura was a woman, too. She could fill in the blanks of Geralt's ommission. Girls are filled in pretty quick on that particular situation whether they like it or not. One of the first times she ever got into a street fight was when her and her friend Kei were being targeted by a similar group of men. Maybe this once it would be her preserving Geralt's innocence, in letting him believe Sakura hadn't been affected by things like that already. But, she was lucky that she lived in a world where she could happily kick their sorry butts. Even if she was still an amateurish 16 year old at the time. Their faces made for good practice. Fortunately, it seemed to be Kei who didn't really get what was going on.

Sakura stared off into the middle distance now, thinking about Geralt's words. What he was saying- it made sense. She had said something similar after the battle, but she was losing faith in her ideal now that the Maw was affecting her so badly. But hearing someone as wise and as experienced as Geralt reassure her, well, it certainly made her feel better. That her feelings were valid, and not just valid but good. It was what Sakura wanted so badly to believe, because she simply couldn't do away with them. Even if she tried sometimes. To be "tough."

"I thought you said you weren't good at this." Sakura wiped her eyes again. "I just feel so guilty and sad for Mister Carl. I thought it would make him better." She lamented quietly. "And nobody else seemed to care, which made me even sadder. Plus the idea of using him after I...got rid of him." She shuddered. "It's horrible. I don't have the stomach for it." Shaking her head, she let out a breathe.

"But of course you all care. I'm just- not good at-" She clenched her fists and shook them like she was holding a box. "I don't know. I'm used to taking hits. But not ones like this. I've never made such a horrible mistake in all my life."

Now, she looked over Geralt's shoulder at the situation brewing with the two Mirages. Blazermate and Bowser explained it, but she didn't feel like they understood the implications. That was a clone of Mirage. A person was that suit. She thought she would explain it to Geralt.

"Now, look. Oh, God. It's horrible. It's not a ghost. The Mirage in the suit is a copycat. But he thinks he's the original. Do you understand, Mister Gealt? That's what happened to Carl. He was a person copied into a robot body, still thinking he was the original. But if you can think you're a person- you are a person. Now there's two Mirages and one of them will never be able to live the life he wanted too. All those hopes, dreams, and puns are now knocking around inside that big metal head of his." Sakura weeped openly, the tears continuing to stream down her face. "It's horrible. Trapped in a body he doesn't want. How could someone find happiness like that? I can't even begin to imagine."

Bella, Peach, Nadia, Ace and especially Junior were making good progress on escaping. That genius kid was really brave, hopping right into the submarine. There must be some cultural differences in turtle people and human people, since big Bowser was perfectly happy to let his son get aboard. Junior was certainly smarter and overall more capable than Sakura was from what she could tell so far.

Sakura watched their dangerous ploy. The most disgusting fish monster yet tried to eat them, sinking back into water. "Eugh! Who the heck is that?!" The brunette recoiled visibly, even from her more than safe distance. "Why's everyone trying to eat Blue Team? Not cool." She wiped her eyes again. Taking a few solid breathes, Sakura rose to her feet.

Now the Universal Helper that used to be Carl was being put to good use. Sakura flinched and looked away, putting it from her mind for now. From what she had learned, he was no longer in there. It was just a regular robot now, like the day it had been built. No more Mister Carl. She would just have to remember him, like Mister Geralt said. Maybe some good could come out of it, now that she had learned her terrible lesson.

"I'm not gonna let this happen again. I'm gonna do my best, Mister Geralt." Sakura looked shaken up. Maybe it was mistake but she was cutting her breather short. Someone was in trouble. "I'll also need to tell Nadia it's okay. She seemed to feel bad that I felt bad, which is making me feel bad." Sakura smiled a sad, appreciative smile. "Gee."

With that she approached the looming, confused, agitated diving suit. Sakura stood next to, and then a little infront of, Rika. Looking up at him, she held her hands together. "Um, hi, Mister Mirage. It's me, Sakura. You're really confused right now, and that's okay because there's a lot going on. The kid over there has red eyes for a different reason, he's confused too." She said. "But you know me, right? Sakura? At least a little. I wouldn't lie to you. Not at a time like this. Please just hear me out. I think this is important." She took a deep breathe, gathering her thoughts. How could she say this? It didn't seem like anyone else wanted to step up, so it was up to her.

"So, Mirage. Do you remember Mister Carl? That guy we met earlier? The guy that I..." Sakura hesitated.

"Got rid of? By accident? Well, he was a copy of the original Mister Carl. Put into a robot body. But he thought he was still in a human body, right?" She cleared her throat and took a sharp breathe, keeping her energy up. Then the girl took a few ginger step forward, setting her tiny hand on the diving suit Mirage's knee. Her eyes were still a little red from crying so much. Then she moved her hand from the knee and up into his metallic hand. "Here. Follow me, please."

Carefully, she lead the diving suit Mirage over to the water. Where the kid Mirage looked at his reflection earlier. "And, um, if you remember, you sat down in a funky looking chair everyone was worried would mind control you. But it didn't. Instead you got a headache. And so now, it, uh, copied you. All of us, here, in this room, see a diving suit. A diving suit with another Mirage inside." Sakura said. She indicated for the diving suit to look at his own reflection in the water.

"So now there's two of you. One in the original body, and one here. In a diving suit." Sakura summed up somberly. "I'm...I'm so sorry." Hopefully her explanation got through to him. And he would have the time he needed to process and calm down a little.

Level 3: 08/30
Word Count: 782
Location: Al Mamoon- Rocket Inc
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 10/30

Believe it or not, things didn't get lessconfusing. It was utter mayhem. A firefight the likes of which she had never seen. Jesse was having trouble keeping track of who was on who's side. While she did have a pretty good memory, everyone in the room looked so unique and strange. In the past, it was pretty clear who the monster was. Now, in here, everyone was a person. And unlike Jesse and the team she was on, they weren't interested in taking prisoners. She had this giant rocket launcher strapped to her back, but she didn't want to use it. These people weren't in their right minds. Especially Jinx. She looked super crazy. That's why she was "just" smashing her with a desk. Though on second thought, if she was tough to tank that, she was tough enough to take a few gun shots.

Wait a minute. That weird black anima guy. Was that..."Shadow the Hedgehog? What the fuck?" Jesse uttered in amazed, wondrous bafflement. It wouldn't last for long, as he did some crazy time control shit. It put everyone in their tracks. This Jinx lady would be annoying, if Jesse let weirdos like her get under her skin. Clearly she didn't realise everyone in here was going easy on them. Though Jesse realised with how powerful the Resistance was, going easy on them was probably a waste of effort.

When the time stop ended and the chaos resumed, Fuse fired a sniper right at Midna's head. It connected, and Jesse prepared to watch her new princess ally get splattered. Fortunately, it just bounced off. Guess she was tougher than she looked.

Jesse wasn't so lucky. The exposed Director repositioned behind fresh cover, taking many hits from Jinx in the process. The bullets seemed to bounce off, but Jesse grunted. Lightning, too? "Aagh!" Though no blood was drawn, her resistance to damage was now almost gone. She still had a hit left but she would need to do some damage to get her health back. Without that force protecting her, she was just a squishy, regular human. Maybe in this new world she would be slightly tougher, but tanking raw damage was never her strong suit.

Jinx was being handled by the Phantom Thieves, and Jesse figured they could take her.

Now it was just her, Midna, and Fuse. "Yeah, we did." Jesse replied simply, hoping this meant he would surrender. When he inevitably didn't, she tossed aside the cover he was hiding behind only for him to already behind the next one. When he emerged he...plugged her. Jesse coughed in surprise as several shots penetrated her abdomen and chest. "Uh-auh." The Director dropped to her knees and then onto all fours. Blood began to drip from her belly, soaked her black shirt and then pooled onto the floor beneath her.

(No way. Not like this.) She thought in disbelief, eyes wide.

The red-headed Director glanced up as Midna offered her something. Jesse! Healing! Catch! A pink heart! Exactly what she wanted!

She reached out with her telekinesis and pulled the heart towards her. When it touched her hand, there was a flash. All at once, it made sense. And all at once, the pain was gone and she was feeling back up to full strength. For a breathless moment, the woman considered her situation. That moment passed, her gaze hardened, and she refocused on the task at hand with renewed vigour and understanding. The Director went on the offensive. Sprinting faster than one might expect, Jesse dashed aggresively forward. As she did, she un-shouldered her new eldritch rocket launcher and held it with one hand.

Jesse didn't like this Fuse guy very much. Raising the Tool Gun, she predicted where he was going to hide by her current movement. Then, whatever cover he was planning on using, or whatever was nearby, suddenly became utterly intangible. No-Collide. It looked like it was still there, but it really wasn't. With any luck, the guns he had hidden would clatter to the ground, their hiding places no longer working. Jesse stopped moving forward and took a knee behind one of the pieces of cover she hadn't no-collided, a chest high heavy desk.

This rocket launcher was a new toy she wanted try out. Why not on this guy? It was a disgusting, creepy looking weapon that looked alive, with a toothy maw for a barrel. The aesthetic was just right for Jesse. If a little cumbersome.

Tracing Fuse with her rocket launcher, she fired several high velocity explosives in his direction. The gun came to life with something like a scream. And the explosions were freezing cold. Badass.

I'll reply tomorrow :)
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