Avatar of Zoey Boey


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Current Cassandra Cain
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im 24 now
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Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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2 yrs ago
one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
2 yrs ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk


Spider-Man is my favorite superhero

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yup its true, joker has too much plot armor to lose

(which is also why the 'debate' about why batman doesnt kill him is very silly)
Amy Rose

"Oh, I know, he's such a sap, isn't he?" Amy said, whimsically staring off into the horizon. "It's just in his nature. I wonder if some people are just born good? Is that fate?"

Amy giggled, nodding at Mina. Amy sat on the branch and started to explain, her legs swinging underneath her. "You're dead on, sister. I was wandering away from my village when we first met. I got bored easily and well, I was convinced there was a big wide world out there."

"I must have gone pretty far away. I was kidnapped by an evil robot version of Sonic! At that moment I thought 'wow, I've never seen a boy hedgehog before. Are they all this mean and shiny?'" Amy said. "I also had a different hair style, and my favorite color was green instead of red and pink." The hedgehog added for some reason.

"Aaanyway. So there I was, kicking and screaming and then trying to strike up a friendly conversation with my kidnapper. I'm pretty sure this was back when Dr. Robotnik wanted to power his robots by putting creatures like me into his machines. And turning us into robots? Putting us in robots? Just copying us and keeping us imprisoned while our robot dopplegangers wreak havoc? Something like that, I can never remember." Amy said dismissively.

"So this was robot was all like: 'YOU'RE GOING TO BE A ROBO-SLAVE OR SOMETHING.' And I was like: 'Noooo please I'm just a little girl!'" Amy made a convincing robot face and voice, before switching back to being a damsel in distress.

"And then," Amy shot to her feet, balancing precariously on the extended branch. She slashed her arm through the air like a knife.

"In comes that handsome boy I would come to know as Sonic the Hedgehog! He's all: SWOOSH, VOOSH! It was the most epic battle I've ever seen. The two almost seemed evenly matched, but of course it was like he said: 'No tin can is a match for the original! Give it up!'" Amy took a Sonic-like pose and did a shockingly accurate impression of Sonic, despite the two being of the opposite gender.

"Then he saved me and took me back to my village! Oh, my hero!" Amy sighed, placed her hand against her forehead and swooned. Swooned so hard she fell right off the branch. Mina Mongoose would have to catch her to prevent the pink hedgehog from falling thirty feet onto the ground.

Once caught, Amy looked at Mina. She slung her arm over the Mongoose's neck. "So yeah. Afterwards he was like: 'Hey, you're cute! Can we be boyfriend and girlfriend forever and ever?' Who was I to say no! Besides, I was about to ask him the same thing. Yeah, it was pretty much true love at first sight..." Trailing off, she laughed nervously, twirling a strand of her hair in her finger. Amy just stared past Mina for a moment, biting her lower lip. After a moment she shook her head and seemed to snap back into reality.

"...Anway, I'm his girlfriend, not yours. Could you set me down, please?"

On the N-Train

Two heroes left the nuke room to travel elsewhere. Following them were various, colorful sounds. Gunfire. Ice crystalizing. Chainsaw. The distinct sound of someone being utterly pulverized by a hero with super strength. Breaking bones, impact, mid-fight commands. Rending flesh and spattered gore. Truly, it sounded like a blood bath in there. Pandora was almost sad she was missing it. Almost. Trying on actual modern (ish) clothes was a new thing for her, instead of just wearing what amounted to street pajamas. Getting clothes spattered with viscera...there was something uniquely uncomfortable about it. As opposed to before, where the got mostly on her bare skin. Or aforementioned street pajamas.

Young people getting exposed to horrible violence wasn't new. Pearl clutchers may pretend to be shocked and appalled. Children, eighteen years old, they decry. Killing and seeing people die. It's awful! The minimum age to sign up for the army is seventeen. Kids start learning to kill early. Then they're shipped off to war and start mowing other people down.

Hell. Back in her day, they'd have 12 year olds strutting about the battlefield with drums! Mind the flying limbs, now, dearie.

Pandora gathered all her items in her purse carefully. Kicking off her shoes, then her socks, she gently pushed her shoes into the floor, where they might be safer. Rolling her shoulders, she made the 'table' was pushed neatly back into the wall from whence it came. Rising to her feet she strolled leisurely down the train car. Before her was the space between train cars. On the caboose before her, in which the battle was taking place, she could see Chainsawyer currently attempting to terrorize her young teammates.

This situation was why it was good to keep forces in reserve. He had severed the train cars, and the nuke car was slowly drifting away from the train. No doubt isolating it from the rest of the train would be ideal for them. Perhaps they even had a plan to lift the whole thing up and away, or something ridiculous like that. Though she doubted the super villains of today had that much pizazz left in them.

Needless to say, it would do the children no good to be cut off from the rest of HERO. Pandora angled her open hands towards the chain. Her willpower extended outward like little feelers. Connecting herself to the coupling, she willed it to extend forward. Pulling from the metal of the train car, the end of the coupling snaked out towards its other half. Once there, it molded together, good as new. Then she demanded that it shrink back to it's previous length. It obeyed, pulling the speeding caboose forward from where it had drifted slightly.

Once that was done, Pandora reached out for the door of the caboose and opened it.

"Excuse me, Chainsawyer? You there, the vermin." She called teasingly out to him. "You missed. The train car is still connected." Using her left foot, she kept a 'lead' on the coupling. If he went to chop it again, his chainsaw would melt right into the coupling and become attached by the blade.

If he went after her instead, that was his mistake. If he turned around and kept going after her teammates, well, that's another mistake for him, too. Big dumb brutes like him were easy to handle. Pandora kept an ear out for the train car behind her, making sure not to get snuck up on.

Level 3: 15/30
Word Count: 901
Location: Al Mamoon Northeast- Rocket Inc
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 3: 17/30

While Joker's plan was nice, Jesse had the feeling this was going to be total chaos. That's how it was in her experience, anyway. Once super natural powers got involved, and people entered a big fighting room, shit goes wild fast. Improvisation was the only plan available. Especially since this team she was working with seemed to have little experience as a cohesive unit, and no obvious leadership hierarchy.

(Just try not to die.)

The big guy with the hammer activated his shield. Reinhardt, huh? This meant he deflected her spear attack. However, she did manage to make the smug leader hit the deck, which was nice. Energy shield probably couldn't be No-Collided, which is something Jesse learned back at the Museum.

What really sucked as that Shadow was very slippery. Not only did he dodge every single one of Jesse's bullets, he also executed his magical abilities while under fire. Considering that her throwing objects was only going to be slower than bullets, Shadow was probably unbeatable to her. He's too fast. Unless, she could try hitting him with the Tool Gun. No travel time on the little blue beams, as far as she could tell. If he managed to enlarge his already oversized head, he'd probably die of an aneurysm or something.

Jesse wouldn't get time to contemplate these ideas. While the rest of the team had scattered, Jesse had definitely been one of the ones to scatter the most. And she had drawn quite the bit of attention to herself. She had a lot of attention on herself.

First up on the agenda was this weird imp lady, Orendi. Jesse squinted at her taunt, and looked around at the circle of death that had formed around her. Not ideal. Sprinting out of the way, she ran for another pillar. She almost peaked, when a sniper bullet slammed into the pillar. Several. Mordecai was shooting at her. Blinking, she scooted away from that angle. The Orendi lady also fired a giant laser in her direction, which caught Jesse's arm. Her Health ability protected her, but Jesse screwed up her mouth into a frown and grunted. Now, what? She hated being stuck like this.

At that moment Futaba Sakura gave her some kind of speed bonus. "Thanks." Jesse felt more confident being able to move around without getting hit.

The fight had developed while she was busy trying not to get blown to pieces. Ciella managed to trap Shadow and Nastasia from escaping, which was good. She was their main target. Both the Resistance and the Seekers were evenly matched. A prolonged battle would be a deathmatch. However, Nastasia was the weak point of the Resistance. If they could kill her, that might make things a lot easier.

Jesse had to focus entirely on keeping herself alive. The Director was a very hard target to hit, especially with Futaba's magical help. But there was too much pressure on her to actually fight back. Sprinting, ducking, and evading, glancing shots harmlessly gliding off the invisible force that protected her, Jesse was on the back foot. She put objects between herself and her enemies but they kept forcing her to move. Be they solid pieces of cover, or floating objects. This was a bootleg version of one of her more advanced telekinetic abilities that had been stripped from her by Galeem. If this kept up...

If this kept up, Jesse felt like she would win against the sniper and the imp. Mordecai had to reload at some point, and that witch surely had to pause to regain her magic. However it might be too late. There was more to this battle than just this 1 vs 2.5.

(I hate that bird.)

Woes no more! Sectonia went crazy, shooting magic at every foe. This gave Jesse the moment to advance. Tired of missing, she switched to Shatter, the powerful shotgun variant of her Service Weapon. The barrel widened, the blocks forming, shifting, trembling into shape. Firing off a blast at Mordecai's annoying bird, she sprinted forward. Orendi's magic was slow to start up, which Jesse felt like she could take advantage of.

To ward off any incoming sniper shots, she tore another spear out of the ground and flung it's pointed tip towards Mordecai at high speed. This attack was no joke, but she really just wanted him out of her hair. Her true target was Orendi. Sprinting forward, hand shotgun pointed at the ground, Jesse locked onto Orendi. No where to hide. Cover would do her no good if Jesse was right on her ass.

Her goal was to circle around a pillar and get right up in Orendi's face. She even ripped a concrete chunk out a pillar and flung it where she thought Orendi was going to do, just to make it so she would have to dodge backwards into Jesse to get away from it.

If successful in closing the gap, Jesse would open the imp up with a flash of white, kinetic force. That should send her reeling. Glaring down the hovering iron sights of her Shatter gun she lined up a point blank shot and pulled the trigger. Psychic pellets would tear and pass through flesh, the combined force enough to knock someone back, or down. Failing that, they'd be shattered to pieces instead.

Unlike her target, Jesse wasn't much of a talker in combat.
sorry for the delay! finally got a post up.

Yonaka Aimi

'They think I'm a kid', she says. Yonaka smirked ruefully under her mask. Aren't you? Aren't we all? But she didn't say that part out loud. Yonaka knew what Mai meant. Even though it wasn't an issue Yonaka herself ever had to deal with. People took one look at Yonaka and, well, 'kawaii' wasn't exactly what came to mind.

"Guess you'll just have to prove yourself, then. Don't worry, I know you got the stuff." Yonaka reassured her young...friend? Protege? Student? Understudy? Just who the hell put this lost child in her care, anyway?

Oh, right, she did. Mai had a lot to prove, just like Yonaka did. And underneath all the bluster, if Yonaka was a good judge character, (and she believed she was), was a good, brave heart. The makings of a strong woman who looked out for others. But if she was left to drown in the dust of stupid-ass racists and social isolation, she'd never have a chance.

But Yonaka would never say something like that out loud. No way. She had a reputation to uphold!

"Lookin' forward to crackin' some skulls tomorrow..."

Yonaka actually had a couple of targets in mind of her own, but she wouldn't be surprised of little Li could scrounge up some leads of her own. Some...Li-eads?

First of all, Denki. Or, "Snot-Rag", as he is known. He was one of the kids that got assaulted. Denki was a popular subject for bullying. But physical assaults? Not so much. It came up on her radar as it were when he didn't show up for his part time job at the video store.

Next was Mitsu. Art student, member of the track team. Real model kid. Unpopular dweebs getting bullied was nothing new. Poor children like Denki being on the bottom totem pole was just the nature of things, unfortunately. But middle of the road, contented, reasonable achievers like Mitsu? That went beyond enforcing a bad hierarchy. Now it was just senseless violence. The distinction probably didn't mean much to adults, but it meant something to Yonaka.

But she had time. She was going to talk to Denki at his work, and then catch Mitsu on the field during gym class.

Yonaka walked into the school courtyard, missing her kendo stick but still wearing her signature mask. She spotted Mai Li and noticed it looked like the shorter girl wanted to talk to her.

Yonaka made eye contact and nodded. Smoothing out her long skirt she sat on a stone bench under a tree and crossed one leg over the other.

"So, you got any leads? Think of this as high stakes initiation!" Yonaka said brightly. "Now, despite my reputation..." Yonaka lowered her voice, leaning in towards Mai. "I'm not sure it's the best move to threaten kids into telling who beat them up by threatening to beat them up. Seems kind of pointless to me. Today is the day of a soft touch Yonaka. Of course I'm not going to go around flirting with a bunch of first years, but who doesn't want the approval of a pretty girl like me, right?" Yonaka chuckled.

"In any case. They might be able to relate to you, more. After all, you're in danger, too, right? Maybe they don't want to be treated like helpless little kids either." Yonaka said, observing her fingernails and checking for dirt. Internally, she realised she might be letting the tiniest glimpse of empathy show. Oops. Quickly, she concocted a scheme to correct this. Blinking, Yonaka looked up and squinted at Mai Li.

"...You are a first year, right?" She asked, looking the tomboy up and down like she was just seing her for the first time.

Level 6: 10/60
Location: The Maw: The Depths
Word Count: 811
Points Gained: 2
New EXP Balance--- Level 6 : 12/60

Kasugano Sakura breathed a sigh of relief as the proxy was defeated and Peach was restored to good health. "Phew! That was a bit close." She smiled wearily. Standing and brushing her dress off, Sakura felt like they were making progress. Junior had managed to drain the entire place. That meant they could start making their way downwards.

Sakura peaked over the edge, hands on the railing (that was almost head height with her) to see below. Moreau, that poor wretched man desperate for approval, was flopping around quite pathetically.

Ace Cadet got knocked down from above, causing the little girl to gasp. "Watch out!" Unlike some of the others, the thought that Ace was seriously injured didn't cross her mind. She knew he would be fine. Ace was way, way tough. And she knew what laying on the floor with the wind knocked out of you looked like. Sometimes all you could just do was stare up at the sky and re-evaluate your life choices for a few moments. Usually when that happened, Sakura was staring up at the ceiling of the Kanzuki estate after being span around in the air like a pinwheel. Everything worked out, with Link and the others doing their hardest to distract and avoid being smashed by the big fish monster man. Sakura wished she could help, but she was a totally useless kid. Being useless- a liability, even- wasn't something she was used too. Didn't feel great.

But Sakura blinked in surprise when she noticed Duerage walking around by himself. Somehow, he must have gotten separated from the others. Heart rate increasing, Sakura's eyes widened as Moreau locked onto Duerage. Duerage must have been hurt, or something. It's like he wasn't even there.

Then he got crushed to death. It happened so fast. A cold sweat flashed down Sakura's face and she backed away from the railing. Her eyes snapped over to Mirage, who almost must have seen it happen. Her hands were shaking again. Her heart was sinking, she felt like she wanted to throw up again. Nothing came out as she retched quietly, covering her mouth. The pain in her stomach weakened her jellied knees and she fell down. There weren't any more tears to shed. All out. Was it just dehydration at this point? When was the last time she drank fresh water? The campfire, probably. Sitting around that fire with fresh fruit and a cast of colorful characters from other worlds...it almost seemed like a lifetime ago. Before they entered this terrible place.

Duerage. Poor Duerage. Mister Geralt was right. He could have been happy. Not anymore. Snuffed out. All he wanted to do was help. He was Mirage. It just felt so surreal. It wasn't so much the grief of losing someone, as much as it was the new life being cut so tragically short. Duerage was full of so much potential and now, it was all over.

Mirage, Geralt and the others had already descended below. Dart jumping, or something. Bowser and Rika followed after. People were going on the floor to fight Moreau and target his weaknesses. Sakura had a pounding headache and her joints were sore. Like she had fallen down a flight of stairs and then starved for two weeks.

Things were moving fast, and she didn't want to get left behind. She couldn't be overwhelmed by the loss. By the guilt...already she was thinking that she should have stopped Duerage from ever leaving. His charismatic confidence had duped Sakura into forgetting the dangers of this place. Sakura glanced around to make sure no one was being left behind in the Command Center. It was then she noticed the Blue Magnet half. Shrugging somewhat apathetically, she scooped it up. Might come in handy. Holding it in one hand over her shoulder, she did her best not to drop it. Then she followed Rika and Bowser down to the others as they descended to the floor of the Depths via some hopping platforming. Sakura almost slipped a couple of times, but she didn't make a big fuss out of it.

She caught some traces of what Rika and Bowser and Kamek were talking about, too. Something about that machine they were working on.

Once she was within range, Sakura tried to work through her headache to consider what was going on. "Cheat, Mister Geralt..? Cheat how?" She held the side of her head. She really wasn't in the mood for that style of planning. If he was hoping someone would come to the same realisation he was coming too and narrate parts of plan back to him, well. Sakura wouldn't be providing that.

"Maybe we should just feed Moreau some of that goo Mister King Bowser found...can't imagine it's edible." She mumbled. She watched Nadia and Junior run, eyeing them with concern.
i dunno why i didnt say anything earlier, i guess i forgot. but my intention was that nuri crushed the lone skull under her foot. i can edit my post to reflect neffy's actions i just thought i would mention it.
i plan on posting still

Do not engage with any of Arkham or Blackgate regulars without accompaniment. Do not make yourself known if you don't have to. And never kill, even if that's all your mind is telling you to do.

Don't engage. Don't be known. Don't kill.

Three simple rules. One problem. Batgirl was bored out of her mind. Helping people like Bruno was nice, of course it was. It made her feel good. Taking on the armies of misguided crooks in Gotham used to be fun, too, but that quickly got old. Without anything to break up the monotony, she'd lost track of the simple joys of crime fighting. There was no variety, no challenge. Criminals were a...how did it go?

A lot of scaredy cats who were easily spooked.

Something like that. She'd have to figure something out Busting gangs and common crooks wasn't doing enough for her. Maybe later she could convince Batman to move the schedule forward...

As Batgirl silently crawled with her predatory stealth, her limbs elongated in shadows, wordlessly stalking her prey, the criminals of Gotham City quickly became afraid of her. After all, she did carry the pedigree of the bat symbol. Especially when she put on her scary mask. Most often, she wore the Domino style mask. The type that the Robins wear: showing her mouth, nose, the expression in her hidden eyes, and her short black hair drifting from underneath her hood. People knew she was human, and could read her face.

(As limited as their understanding would be. Surface level observations, like happy and sad. Not the gospel of the human heart that The Batgirl understands.)

'The Batgirl.' Ugh. My inner voice takes itself way too seriously.

Showing part of her face like that was for reassuring people. But when she wanted to scare people, she put on her scary mask. It showed no part of her face. Black canvas, stitched over the mouth like some kind of hideous monster. Eyes completely masked in shadow, as if she were blind, too. In other words: Batgirl thought it was quite spooky. Back in the day she had two big bat ears and a leathery type mask on all the time, but she figured it didn't let her be friendly when she wanted to be. Nightwing had this affable nature about him that she wanted to emulate. She wanted to let common people know that they could trust her. As tempting as it was, Batgirl stopped herself from doing that thing where you sneak away in the middle of a conversation.

You'd think after a certain point Commissioner Gordon would have gotten used to it. I wonder if Batwoman ever did it to her own dad? Does Batman think it's funny? I think it's funny.

Where was Batgirl now? People often spotted her out and about. It wasn't an uncommon sight to see the costumed vigilante, armored up and ready to go, just strolling around town. At least for brief moments of time, before she seemingly vanished from view and ended up on the other side of the neighborhood. But if she ever felt like not attracting attention, she would remove the top layers of her armor, stash them somewhere, and go about town as a normal girl. That wasn't the case tonight. Night was the time of Batgirl. Patrolling around town, seeking out danger. Waiting for one of the members of the heroes that had taken her into the fold to reach out to her and ask her to do something.

As the moon loomed overhead, so big and bright it felt like she could reach out and pluck it from the sky, Batgirl stood on a rooftop, fists clenched, eyes closed. Scents and sounds came to her. Honking horns, gas, food, metal. Rain, wet cement. Buzzing neon lights. When she opened them, there was an endless sea of stout brick buildings, highways, and lights. In the distance the forest of steel, concrete, lights and glass that was downtown Gotham erupted forth from the earth. Like waves pounding against pillars of rock, buildings around this central area grew ever higher. Beyond, or somewhere in downtown, the Bat-Signal had briefly shown into the sky. Painting the clouds as a beacon. It looked different from normal. Batman was probably meeting someone. Was it Gordon? Waller? Rogers? Would he mind if she paid him a visit? Or would that be a bad time to try and up her crime-fighting privileges?

To her left the watery sister of the moon watched the world from underneath the waves. In her own dark sky, visible only in the reflection of the water's surface around Gotham, it was much more peaceful. Bridges were rebuilt over it in the seven years since the bigearthquake. Gotham City had almost become a no man's land. Batgirl stared at the waves, thinking about what might lay beneath. What could have slipped underneath there and never returned. When she first arrived in Gotham, it was a much wider, much deeper river. In that rainy season a lifetime ago, the Gotham River had flooded the streets, before receding.

One year ago. Smoke pillars rose from the city. Cassandra Cain, sixteen years old, stood on the gravel covered shore of New Jersey. More than a mile of black, icy water was between her and Gotham. Behind her the ground was uprooted and twisted. Pillars of smoke joined the skyline. Flames danced in windows, the only light available in the darkened city. Chilled winds carried those scents and sounds, though now of panic and blood. Squinting, she saw someone on the opposite beach. A young woman. Isolated from humanity, for she was surrounded by four people who Cassandra could tell had malicious intent. What they wanted from her, she could only guess. To the west, the sun had mostly set, only a single stroke of blue painted the sky and the haze. Grey clouds above gently sprinkled the Gotham River. Ice slushed against the gravel and sand. Cassandra was tired, hungry, and dirty. A homeless, wandering nomad for just under a year. Ratty sneakers clung to her feet, a baggy green t-shirt was tucked into a pair of pants. Over her shoulder a burlap sack full of meager supplies was slung.

5500 feet of freezing water between her and someone who needed help. Someone who had been chased to the lonely edges of a broken city.

It was then that Cassandra made a deal with the universe. Smirking, the girl kicked off her shoes. There were no socks underneath, just the calloused soles of her feet.

Here. A deal. Let's settle this.

Thud. Burlap against rock. Next, she pulled her t-shirt over her head. Under it was a black tank bra, and uncountable scars.

I'm going to swim for it. I'm going to go help that person that needs it.

(Don't. No point.)

Shut up.

She unbuttoned her jeans, pulled them down, and kicked them off into the dirt. A pair of briefs, and on her legs a latticework of regularly spaced bullet wounds. Right around the arteries.

If I make it, I'll save him. If I drown, then consider my scores settled. I'll just wash up somewhere, pale and bloated.

If I help im, I'll help someone else. And so on. Until my luck runs out. My work won't be finished until I am finished. Deal?

A cold wind howls.


Cassandra took a running start and dove into the Gotham River hands first. Immediately she was drenched in freezing cold water. The powerful heart within her chest tensed up in surprise. Muscles twitched from the shock. But she pounded forward anyway. Arms wheeling through water, she surfaced and shifted her head from side to side to take in breaths. Swimming wasn't her speciality, but when your body has been modified with techniques, training, and rituals, one can reach times that make olympians blush.

All you gotta do is trade your life for it. Dedicate yourself to being the perfect weapon, and you can swim real fast. It's definitely worth it. Cassandra thought to herself.

She wouldn't be able to focus on this glib monologue for long. All of her focus had to be on treading through this icy abyss beneath her. Lest she slip underneath calm river waves. Freezing fingers seemed to wrap around her arms, legs, and shoulders, dragging her back and under. One minute. Two minutes. Three minutes. Was the person even still in trouble? Or had the danger passed, one way or the other? She didn't know anymore, and didn't particularly care either.

Four. Five. Six. Over halfway across. No one should be able to swim this fast. Mechanically, rhythmically, the human projectile pushed and pulled her way across the surface of the water.

On the shore, a man had found herself inside a broken down car, unable to outrun his pursuers. Tears down his face, the man desperately clung to a paper bag with only a few cans of beans in them.

"Thief!" A woman in heavy black clothing shouted, making another go for the window. All of the doors were locked, leaving only the windows to enter. But as she did, the frightened men inside lashed out with a knife. The henchwoman swore and backed up. Her face was mostly hidden behind a face mask, her red hair was covered by a beanie with the symbol of a predatory looking penguin skull on the brim. She glanced around at her fellows, the rest of whom were men, wearing similar outfits. One of the men slammed a metal pipe against the car, earning a frightened shriek from the man on the inside.

"How are we getting in there, boys?" The woman asked, clearly frustrated.

"I dunno." The guy with the pipe replied. "I know I don't wanna get stabbed."

"One of us is gonna have to take one for the team." An unarmed bald man said. The fourth one was kicking at cans and rocks, not really paying much attention.

"When I get my hands on him..." The female thug walked over to the window. "Nobody steals from Cobblepot! Gimme those cans!" Jasper kicked at her. He knew she was going to be on the receiving end of a beating. A hard and brutal beating. One hhe might not walk away from afterwards, in this cold, with so little energy. This man's name was Jasper, and he had nowhere else to go. A criminal before the flood, and a criminal now, though he broke different laws of different orders.

"Alright. Anyone got any bricks to throw?" The man with the pipe asked. He went over to the window and began poking at Jasper with the pipe, more like blunt stabs, to bruise and break. Jasper, like a cornered animal, couldn't back up too far lest the other woman grab him from behind. The unarmed man began searching for bricks and heavy stones.

"Yeah, we've got him now." He said casually, kneeling down to heft a stone in his hands. As he looked up, he blinked in surprise. From the nearby shore, about a hundred feet away, a ghostly figure had emerged from the Gotham River. Shivering, exhaling moisture from her open mouth, a drenched teenage girl in her underwear had crawled her way from the heavy waters.

"What the fuck?" The bald man said, rising to his feet. The other two were two busy harassing their prey, and the fourth member was still kicking absent mindedly at the ground.

"Better run, before we kill you two." Her black hair hung over her eyes, but he could feel her staring right through him. The girl, shaking, holding her arms, began making her way closer with staggering steps. "Are you listening to me, you little shit?" The bald man backed up, a curious creeping feeling crawling up his spine.

"Jones." He indicated the fourth, distracted member. "Take care of her." Jones perked up, looked between his boss and the newcomer, and nodded. With that he strolled the remaining 80 or so feet to get to the girl. As Jones approached, he began to make out details about the girl he couldn't before. A tapestry of scares wove itself along her densely muscled form. Haggard, surgical, wide or narrow. Long or circular. This girl stared straight ahead at the car.

As he reached out to grab her roughly, she slipped right through his grasp by turning slightly. "Come on, kid. You're not supposed to be here." As he went to grab her again, he found his leg swept out from under him. Stumbling forward and to the side , he landed on his hands and knees in the soaking wet gravel, scraping his hands.

Baldie turned around from his prepared stones through into the yet unbroken window the car Jasper was hiding in. "The fuck's the problem?"

Jones, face turning red from embarrassment, stood to his feet and wiped his hands on his pants. "All right. I mean it." He went to wrap his arms around her entirely from behind this time. Once again his efforts were frustrated. It wasn't even like she was doing anything. He couldn't notice the movements she was making. It was like someone placed an invisible barrier against his knee and pulled her aside. Suddenly he fell over again. The girl kept walking, making her way to the car.

"What are you doing, dumbass?!" The bald man shouted. This got the attention of the first henchwoman and her accomplice, who glanced up from trying to ensare their trapped victim. Now Jones clambered to his feet, not wanting to underestimate this girl again. Spurred on by his superior, he moved in for the attack.

"I tried to warn you!" Winding up his powerful punch, he prepared to knock the kids head off if he had too, and drag her away.

His fist caught nothing but empty air and he was on the ground, a knee against his chest. From beneath her wet, ratty hair she stared at him, eyes like pools of silver. A startingly piercing gaze that froze his breath. She jerked her head to the side, and then winked at him knowingly. Shoving Jones against the ground again, the shivering girl rose to her feet and began making her way to the car again.

"...fuck this." Jones muttered to himself. Scrabbling up to his feet he sprinted away from this otherworldly encounter.

"What the fuck!" Baldie shouted, watching Jones run. "Hey, Tyrone, get over here." The man with the pipe was watching this now, walking over.

"What's the problem?!" The woman shouted. "Just get rid of her!"

Yeah, come on. Try. Cassandra found herself smirking, uncurling her arms around her body and spreading them wide, taunting the two six foot toughs. She had already affectionately nicknamed one Baldie, and the woman in the back was now called Meanie Bo Beanie. Some kid called her mom that while Cass was sleeping behind the dumpster of a supermarket and it made her laugh. Unfortunately, she learned Tyrone's name so she couldn't call him Lackey, or the Pied Piper.

Growling, Baldie narrowed his eyes. "You take the left, I'll take the right." Baldie whispered. Of course, Cassndra easily heard him. But she was in the open, and not nearly fast enough to avoid their flank. Instead she watched them intently, figuring out what they were going to do.

Baldie had a rock, he was going to clobber her over the head. Tyrone was more cautious, going for her knee. Tired of being criticised for it, these two goons were going to attack the hero at the same time. People always gave them shit for that. But it was harder than it looked. Nevertheless, they were going for it this time.

Once it came in, Cassandra lifted her targeted leg and fell forward, avoiding the strike to her head. She rolled forward and landed on her feet, but Baldie slammed the rock into her belly. Skin rippled and her organs bounced into each other.

Oof! Cass bent forward. Oops. I'm too slow. Shivering, Cass dashed/stumbled towards Tyrone and away from Baldie. Tyrone swung and she took the hit on the arm. With a crack she fell to the ground. Tyrone kicked her, but she caught it and swept his leg out from under him. Gravity slammed him into the dirt and he grunted. Baldie approached, but she swung Tyrone's pipe swiped out at his knee. As Cassandra rose, so did the pipe, and it smacked into his ribs. Prone Tyrone kicked out at her legs but she jumped over it and stomped hard on his knee. It felt like she was jumping on Jupiter. Legs like jelly, she fell onto all fours and began crawling to put some distance between her and the two large men. Baldie was complaining as loudly as he could about his injuries while Tyrone quietly moved his injured leg back and forth, wondering if it was broken.

(Shatter them!)

They're hungry, desperate, scared. It's made them cruel. Or merely given them an excuse? I don't know, I don't know. But their violence can't go unchallenged.

Cassandra struggled to stand. Veins full of ice. Teeth chattering. Flesh pale. She sat back down.

I'm dying. That's all right. I just need to win, first.

(We can't just win. Not like we usually do. Hands are shaking too much to stop their hearts.)

I really don't think I want to stop anyone's hearts.

(Fine. Target Tyrone's knee. Break his stoic composure. Baldie is angry- make him angrier. Snap his pinky and break his toes.)

First, I have to get up.

(So get up, Cassandra.)

So she did. Darkness crowded the edges of her vision. Breathing came in shallow gasps, her limbs were apart to come apart at the seams. Drenched, it was like she was fighting underwater. Sluggishly, Cassandra lifted herself to her feet. Tyrone and Baldie were up, too. As they got closer, Cass lunged forward and kicked out at Tyrone's knee. He blinked in surprise as it hyperextended, he had to fall over to prevent it from breaking. Baldie went in for a punch, but Cass glided out of the way and snatched the tip of his pinky, twisting it as the fist soared past. There was a sound like popping bubble wrapper and the man cried out. Grimacing, Cass stomped on his foot and then practically punctured his abdomen with her fist, sending him wheezing to the ground.

Growling, she whirled on Tyrone, who scrabbled backwards. As he turned to crawl away she threw Baldie's rock at his hand, sweeping it out from under him and sending him groaning to the floor. Both men were incapacitated.

"A-all right..." Meanie Bo Beanie said from her position outside the car. "Don't come any closer." She reached into her jacket pocket and produced a handgun. A simple little pocket revolver, but lethal enough. Jasper ducked.


Yeah, it's empty. Can see it in her eyes.

(You should have picked up on the empty gun in her coat from a glance.)

I just wasn't paying attention- whatever, it's fine.

Mouth screwed up into a defiant pout, Cassandra stared Meanie down. Each step was a topple forward, halted by a stagger.

"I mean it. I'll shoot you." Meanie said, face darkening. Cassandra put her hand on the car for support, walking around to face Meanie.

(Wait. Wait a minute.)

Oh. There is a bullet in there.

(How did you miss that? Idiot!)

I really am compromised.

Cassandra's eyes widened, and she stared at the guy. Slowly, her hands came up. Satisfaction lit up Meanie's face. Emboldened, she smirked. Cassandra could see the lust for power in her eyes. The way she had successfully hidden this secret gun from her companions. With how difficult it was to find a gun and ammo in the new, broken Gotham, she was waiting for the right time to reveal it. With this little thing, she could move up in the hierarchy of respect. People would start taking her more seriously. Even though she always knew she could take Baldie and Tyrone in a fight. All of this played across her features and posture like someone had projected it onto her for Cassandra's benefit. A slideshow of shadows.

"Yeah. That's what I thought." Meanie said. "You." She pointed the gun at the man in the car, who froze up. "Crybaby. Out." Hands up, Jasper slowly opened the car door and rose to his feet.

"Bring the- bring the cans, dumbass." Meanie order. Jasper, desperate for a stay of execution, scrambled around inside for the paper bag of stolen goods.

"You... weird girl." Meanie said awkwardly. "Hands on the car. You too, crybaby. Wait, what's your name?" She asked.


"All right. Jasper. Hands on the car roof or I shoot you." She levelled the gun at Cass. "You. Tell me your name."

Fuuuck. Not so death wishy now, huh, Cassandra? Man, I'm screwed.

(This is what you get for trying to play the hero.)

I'm not a hero. I'm just trying to...

"Bitch!" Meanie interrupted her thoughts. "Gimme your name!"

Cass compressed her lips. Raising her shoulders, she shrugged.

"What? You don't know? Bullshit!" Meanie looked Cassandra up and down, seemed to consider where she had come from, and what she had done, and what she looked like. "...So, what? You a freak or something?" Cassandra knew Meanie was considering the possibility that this weird person didn't actually know her name. Meanie was now thinking about shooting Cassandra straight up and bullying Jasper with the empty gun. Cassandra was an unknown variable, Jasper wasn't. On the other hand, she didn't want to waste the bullet. And Cassandra appeared to be dying in front of her eyes. A mountain of buildings slowly sloped upwards behind the gun woman, the vertex of the peak being marked by a looming, crooked W.

A pause in the snow. Nothing happened for a moment, a brief moment. Focusing on the gun as hard as she could, Cass was trying to think of a way out. Mind, body, and skills; all were failing her. All were frozen and damaged.

Aaaah. Hmmm.

(Hm, hm, hm. See her drifting? Wait for it to drift upward a few millimeters, duck, and then go for it.)

What if she brings it back down a few milliseconds later?

(She won't!)

How do you know?


I can barely see straight.

(Well. Maybe we just lose. Let her beat up Jasper, take his food, and then hopefully she'll spare your life.)

I can't let that happen. He's exhausted, and not as durable as me. Regardless, if she hits me...if I even just fall over into this snow...

(You're dead.)

I just don’t know if I’ll be be able to get back up. No, we need to win. Somehow. I'm warm, and getting warmer. Hypothermia is setting in.

"Hands on the car." Meanie said hesitantly.

(Jump over the car.)

What if she takes him hostage?

(Who cares?)


(Well, gosh dang it. Is it too late now? I don't feel good...)

Hold on a second. Just hold on, we need one more thing. One more move.

"Hands on the car!" Meanie ordered. Cassandra didn't move. "Now!"

Shivering, Cass's blue eyes slowly drifted upwards to the night sky.


The girl wobbled to one side, then the other. Meanie kept her gun trained on her center of mass. Cass stumbled a few feet to the left, and then collapsed on her side. Cold, wet gravel pressed against her bare arm and face.

Meanie trained her gun on the fallen girl. Circling around to see her face, she saw her eyes were closed. Her breath, slow and shallow, was visible in front of her mouth and nose. "Shit" Several options ran through her head. Kick her while she's down? Plug her anyway? Ignore her? Meanie wasn't sure what to do. Her main priority was on securing the cans, and punishing the thief. Kill him, probably. Maybe give him a brutal enough beating that he could crawl to a safe zone and die as a warning. But this weird ocean girl had really creeped her out.

"You-" As she turned to face Jasper, she found he was already making a break for it.

Meanie swore and went to aim at him. At that moment, glass shattered against her hand. A beer bottle thrown at high velocity crashed into her arm. The gun went off into the ground, the bullet ricocheting over and into the river. Cass barely heard the gun go off.

Cass was up on her feet already, silently screaming against the cold death that had gripped her. Faking passing out from hypothermia almost turned into the real thing. Running forward, she tackled Meanie, knocking them both to the ground. "What?!" Meanie exclaimed. Cassandra struck her in the face, but got punched right back. Like a bobble head, she swayed and fell onto her side.

Kapoot. That’s all I got. Show’s over, folks. More like Cassandra in Vain. Cassandra rolled onto her back and Meanie wrestled on top of her. Cass squinted at her as Meanie wrapped her hands around her neck and began to squeeze. The penguin thug had a manic, angry look in her eyes, warm blood running down her hands from where she was cut. Trembling hands came up to her wrists in a vain attempt to pull them away, but Cassandra knew it was over.

I guess I saved one..? Better than nothing.

(stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid)

"You..! Ruined everything!" The tough cursed down at Cass.

On that, you and I can agree.

(no no no nonononononono)

Cass grimaced and kicked, bucked in vain. Ow.



"I don’t like the little birdies..." The penguin thug trailed off before tumbling off Cassandra and landing in a heap. Through the spots in her vision Cass turned her head and saw the man who had fled, holding a can of beans as a weapon. A knife in the other. He chose.

Running up a few moments later in a huff was an older woman. They started talking about something. Had she been attracted by the gunshot and Jasper decided to lead her back there? Something like that, she would later find out. This older woman, who's name was Candice, hooked her arms under Cass's armpits. Jasper lifted Cass by the legs.


After that, her memory gets foggy. Cassandra was dragged to one of the safe zones in the city in crisis. Warm enough tents, hypothermia treatment from travelling nurses. Fresh pairs of clothes. Above her tent, tucked against the wall of a highway overpass, was a symbol. A yellow symbol of a bat, like a torch to ward off evil hiding in the dark. Those people saved her life, and before she was done recovering, she left them in the middle of the night. As to why, she couldn't be sure. Maybe she just didn't want to hear, or see their questions. Or maybe there was just more work to be done.

Blinking out of the memory, Batgirl cast her eyes over the calm waters that surrounded Gotham. Watched the stars stare back at her like distant eyes. Judging and damning. Cloying seaweed lay in wait for the moment she returns to the water. Or perhaps, a moment where it can once again take over the land, devouring the city whole. Cassandra Cain should have died that night. Maybe she did. Maybe a Cain went in, and a Batgirl emerged. A baptism of ice. A deal ongoing.

I haven't drowned yet.

Batgirl turned away from the river facing side of the island and back towards the concrete jungle she called home.

I'm hungry. Pizza sounds good.

With that, she took the plunge over the edge, carefully and quickly descending into the depths. Submerging herself once again in the shark-infested waters of Gotham City.
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