Avatar of Zombehs


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7 mos ago
Current And maybe most people don't like getting a single line back in response to a few paragraphs? Like whatever floats your boat, but there's a reason Free exists.
2 yrs ago
Hey now, he's becoming self-aware. Don't take that from him.
2 yrs ago
If the man's is asking for a ban, might as well give it to him. Good riddance.
2 yrs ago
Then you'd just be crying about why it's permanent instead.
2 yrs ago
Oh no, oh no. Someone warn his "roommate" Smarty's about to lose it.


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This is not nearly as problematic as you might think it is for Runik.
Yay. Something for Runik to do.
Yeah, Runik's about to enter a small cafe.
Can't see that happening considering he's not on Academy grounds at the moment.
The initial surge of speed has stilled. Now we must continue to truck on.
@Rune_Alchemist Seems like the mall would be Sorcha's best idea.
Runik Brandt

More had probably been done thanks to the Erasal attempts from last night, but Runik appreciated the expedited opening of the arenas and training grounds most. It was certainly more convenient for practice than a trip to the waterfront that was his other option. As he waited for the system to read his ID and grant authorization, he slipped out of his vest and set it aside. Whoever had gone through the remains of his room and belongings had been rather thorough and definitely skilled. He had found all his belongings in one piece and untouched when he returned in the morning and it was as if nothing had ever happened to the dormitory.

A slight chime called for his attention and Runik pulled his ID from the machine as the process finished. The open wall shimmered for a moment as various targets popped up at differing ranges. A soft glow spread from the hidden tattoos on his chest to the sleeves that wrapped his arms and his body warmed comfortably. Spheres of flame blossomed around him rapidly and he smiled when it didn’t cause him any discomfort. Icicles the size of his forearm grew as the fires lowered the ambient temperature, and he loosed the dozen projectiles with a thought.

The icicles hit their targets with enough force to pierce deep and knock them down, while each sphere of flame detonated and wrapped the target in a brief storm of fire. Targets popped up to replace those destroyed, but newly formed projectiles met them just as quickly. It took him a few moments to ascertain that this level of spell flinging was no longer a problem.

The air seemed to shake before a much larger target materialized about a dozen meters ahead of Runik to his surprise. Rolling with the challenge, what projectiles were already formed slammed into the target to much less effect. The icicles slowed its momentum and portions were blackened by flames, but it continued to move towards him. The glow intensified as mana surged through his circuits and his expression twisted in pain as he planted his palms to the ground. A pillar of flame burst skywards and completely enveloped the reinforced target. At the same time the ground beneath his hands froze solid before a wave of frost raced forward and impaled the ignited target, stopping it cold.

“H-halt!” While loud, pain tinged Runik’s voice as he struggled to his feet with a heavy sigh as the range stilled and began to reset itself. ‘At least I found my limits for now… Probably need a good night’s sleep...’ After everything that had happened, even sleeping in later than usual, he had only gotten a few hours of rest. Rolling his shoulders he walked over, grabbed his vest, and threw it over a shoulder before he left the building.

The soft glow had faded almost completely by the time he stepped outside and a soft breeze helped him relax as it carried away that fleeting sensations of pain. A hand dropped to his stomach as it rumbled quietly and Runik cocked his head thoughtfully. The cafeteria was definitely one of the better eats on the island, but quite expensive for every meal. Maybe when he was treating others like Eli yesterday, but for only him? Well one of the various shops and restaurants at the mall or in the surrounding city would do just fine. Reaching into a pocket for his phone to check the time, he saw there was enough time to grab a meal before the next period.

After a few stretches to warm up, Runik broke out into a swift jog that carried him out of the academy’s grounds in just over a minute. The main streets were, unsurprisingly crowded by students, and he didn’t feel like getting swept up in a crowd. With that in mind, and several years to familiarize himself with the city, Runik ducked into the closest alleyway without breaking his stride. It was a winding maze of twists, turns, and walls that were hidden away from the sight of the streets, but a bounty of shortcuts with the right knowledge and a bit of physical conditioning.

A foot planted itself only to kick off from the wall as hands grabbed at the rooftop's edge. With a grunt he pulled himself upwards, got his hands beneath him, and swung his legs over. A few steps and he dropped back onto the ground, tucking into a roll. He came to a stop this time and turned on his heels to look up at the sign that hung above the shop's entrance. Nekoa, a small cafe that laid at the end of an alley. While visible from the main road a dozen meters or so behind him, most people didn't bother to glance down this way. A pity considering the people that worked here were fantastic at what they did, even if their passion was questionable. His gaze dropped down at the sound of bell chimes when the door swung open.

"Why am I not surprised it's you Runik?" He didn't get a chance to answer before the owner of Nekoa continued. "Oh right, because we heard you on the roof as usual. Seriously one day you're going to break through." Runik at least had the decency to look sheepish as he scratched the back of his head, eliciting a sigh from the old man. "Well, it's not very busy, so just find a seat. You'll have the usual?" Runik nodded and the old man returned inside afterwards. He was quick to follow, trying to catch the door before it clicked shut on him.
@GrafRoy Zeppeli Wow, no need to share her frustrations around. If it takes that long, Runik doesn't mind being a Cake Ea-.


Also post is now up. Free-running through the back alleys of the city? I wonder if Runik will run into anything.
@GrafRoy Zeppeli You'd be frustrating me, not Runik.
Dark clouds brew above the academy. Coils of lightning writhe in the sky above, drawn out for longer than what seems natural and forcing any observers to look aside. The rumble of thunder follows almost immediately, broken only by the shattering of stone as Sorcha slams into the ground. As students finally find their vision again and look towards the sound they're greeted by her imposing form.

And on that note time to go work on my own post...
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