Name: Jorm of Pharn
Age: Very old.
Gender: Male
Race: Half-Giant (Dark Elf)
Appearance: From his size alone, many would assume
Jorm to be a full blooded giant than a half-breed. Standing at close to 14', his elvish heritage expresses itself in both his greater height and his slightly thinner physique. Course, most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference given the rarity of meeting a Giant in Thaln. Another sign of his elvish heritage would be the glow that occasionally lights up his body and eyes as mana courses through him.
Jorm does have a
set of armor ready to be worn. It's not uncomfortable to wear constantly, but the slight clinks that inevitably occur grow annoying when they are a constant companion.
PersonalitySomewhat detached from the troubles that many of the Order's members plague themselves with such as social status or position, Jorm's primary drive seems to be maintaining the peace and ensuring that the Order's purpose is never lost. The loss of association with the Church is unfortunate, but more so from a practical side as Jorm views it. Those devoted to Mayon simply seemed to uphold the tenants that the Order was founded upon. Since it became more open in its recruitment, he's seen many join up simply to associate themselves with the prestige the Iron Roses hold.
Still, if they can serve to stomp out the evils that might plague Thaln then so be it. Though it can be hard to instruct for many given the differences in physique, he nonetheless serves to pass on knowledge and techniques accumulated over his life time. He prides himself in the martial prowess he has developed, and very much sticks to it within the Order. Dealing with the politics that have become more entwined as nobles and parties worm their way into the Order is very much something he disdains, but puts up with. He might be old, but he isn't important in the same way they are.
Brief BackstoryBorn and raised beneath the frozen lands to the far North, Jorm occasionally leaves for them to visit family and friends. He may be old among the Order, but compared to his father and the rest of Nu-Gorath he might as well still be a teenager searching for his place in the world. Though his departure from the subterranean city wasn't the most diplomatic, their relations are largely amicable at this point.
His relationship with the Order is something of ancient news, hardly relevant to those who still serve it today. When the Order was still young and its numbers lacking, he sought out their aid in saving one of his brethren from the shackles of magic. Despite the magic being successfully dispelled, the damage left on the victim's mind were permanent and scarring. Perhaps the High Elves could have done more, but the Order was there and willing to help. It was not enough to make Jorm kneel and pledge himself, but it was the planting of a seed.
With the years came more brushes with the Order as he passed through Thaln or its surrounding lands. Not always for the best as some didn't approve of an outsider's involvement, but he could appreciate the ones that saw the practical use for a half-giant like himself. Slowly but surely, he grew to become more than a passing ally. When he had at long last sated his wanderlust, he turned to the capital to see if he had made himself useful enough to the Order. He'd come to see Nu-Gorath as a home of sorts by then, but damn was it still dim and cramped.
The first few generations were when Jorm made a name for himself among the Order. Plagued by open conflicts in which he could wade in and crush the opposition, the half-giant racked up a bloody count through the many battles the Order saw itself involved in. As new blood replaced the old and familiar faces and peace settled through Thaln, he saw himself hanging back from the battles. Giving others a chance to bloody their blades and test their mettle in combat.
Nowadays, Jorm only really fights when there's slavers abound given his ire for the ilk. He'll occasionally accompany a group on its tasking as oversight, but the actual fighting and job is left to the new blood. They'll need deeds and fame of their own if they want to rise up in the Order, though it only helps to a point. A point of contention in recent times, and one he's pointedly avoided weighing in on. No need to pour fuel to the fire.
Equipment: A variety of weapons of dwarven make that have then been enchanted to boast great durability. Finding anyone capable of forging weapons for someone of his physique is enough of a challenge, and their size alone makes enchanting them heavily all but an impossibility.
Jorm also possesses a mana reservoir. Originally an invention of the High Elves before Dark Elves copied it for their own use, these are objects that an user can store mana in to be withdrawn at a later time to fuel their spells or replenish flagging reserves. Given his lack of magical aptitude, Jorm carries this around as a boon to allies who may travel alongside him. A jagged black crystal when empty, it gradually fills with a multitude of dancing lights as more and more mana is stored within.
Skills: As befitting as a half-giant and veteran of the Order, Jorm is a dangerous and skilled opponent. With years to hone his abilities with a myriad of weapons, he's moved past just using his physical might to overwhelm and pairs it with genuine technique and understanding. To that end, he serves as something of a drill sergeant for the Order and concerns himself with the martial skill of all involved.
Though he doesn't travel as often nowadays, having mostly settled down, Jorm's skill as a woodsman haven't diminished terribly. The years spent roaming the land to sate his wanderlust have left a permanent mark on him, and he welcomes the wilderness once the hustle and bustle of a packed city have faded away. In the same vein, he tends to provide for himself out of simple necessity. Though there are cooks and serfs that serve the Order, he would not burden them with the difficulty of feeding him or looking out for his other needs.
Lastly, despite his size, the reputation Dark Elves hold is not completely lost on Jorm. He moves with an eerie silence when he wishes to and coupled with his ability to see in the darkness just fine, he can be easier to miss in the dark than most would expect.