Also, as I’m thinking about how I want this to work more and more, feel free to have your characters with well developed abilities if you so please. Just set them at the appropriate skill and age level for said abilities.
I myself will be playing three characters that I switch between from time to time and have all present with the group at others. Two co-leaders of sorts and a younger character. My main character will be based around what I assume would likely be something pretty close to me in a world like this. I’ve been doing MMA since three and started national martial arts competitions at five so, gotta go with an OG Martial artist!
@vancexentan Yes, but that's is the thing. Killua has endured extreme conditions and pain to gain his ability. Anyone who ever sees it for the first time is amazed that someone that young could produce such an effect, and I'm fairly certain it was stated at least twice that it would take an average individual decades to do something of the like.
Though that's not the issue, I have no problem with us being prodigies, I mean that is the point really of having the group be all "second generation" Hunters of some kind.
I suppose what you're saying could work, but you're really going to have to limit the ability. and it's going to have to be done in the fashion of "igniting" a flame somewhere and using it for a certain immediate purpose. They're all going to have to be "special moves", essentially. I actually had an idea for a Fairy Tail Pyromancer with spells that kind of worked pretty cool like, years ago. Anyway I'll PM you something.
Weapons or Equipment- Grappling hook Knife Smokebombs
Trained Skills or Knowledge- Parkour How to shadow people Knife fighting Basic disguise skills
Past Affiliations or Experience-
He has helped out his uncle with his detective/bounty hunter job as a trainee/intern at the small and relatively unknown organization "The Hunter/detective Agency" though he always thought he name was a bit too generic.
Notable Relations- His parents His uncle/teacher
General History- While his parents and life were pretty normal Pasche idolized his mother's brother, a small time bounty Hunter, and loved listening to his stories. His parents were okay with it as long as his brother kept the more gruesome details to himself. Unfortunately for his family those stories had a bigger impact on Pasche than anyone suspected and when he was 10 he decided he wanted to be a Hunter as well.
His family was all against it and his uncle even stopped seeing him but after Pashe repeatedly tried breaking into his uncle's office they realized he wasn't gonna back down and his uncle decided to make sure his nephew wouldn't suffer the same injury by training him before Pasche even took the license exam.
@Renny Felt this deeply haha, awaiting my day off too man.
Anyway, my advice for everyone is to remember that this world is dark!! While the show does give us examples of that, you've got to think of how goddamn brutal everything out there really must be. Don't forget that you're constantly fighting for your lives, and that sacrifice equals power. This RP will have dark tones for sure, so.. Be Warned!
@Duthguy That would be transmutation/conjuration then for sure I’d say, as you’re essentially summoning shade creatures or objects. Flesh out the character more and I’ll take another look.
@vancexentan Not bad, but what exactly was this guy doing to his god-son to get him to the point of being able to transmute aura into flame? Remember, Killua’s electricity was only granted via Zoldyck family torture fun, I imagine anyone able to do the same with flames would be horribly burned. Characters good though, and while I don’t really have too much of an issue with power level of said ability, it’s more a matter of the how and also the fact that abilities should still have room to be mostly developed.
Also a note to everyone! I wouldn’t mind a CO-GM if anyone would be interested! PM me!
Sheet up! Feel free to edit and have fun with it however you want, kept it basic! basic! basic! so there should be no problems. Looking forward to seeing ideas!! And what do you guys think, time for the IC tomorrow?
(Also look at this lovely group, I will shed a single tear and then close my black heart up once more.)
(Character Image)
Formal Name-
Informal or Preferred Name-
Birth Place- (If known or notable.)
Birth Date- (If known, and only M/Y.)
Gender Or Preferred Pronoun-
Height & Weight-
Notable Physical Attributes- (High strength? Great speed? The likes, and how they obtained it. Characters may have one born trait and gained two particular physical attributes, the more specific the higher the attribute can be, the gained slot(s) can also be sacrificed to buff the born trait or other gained ability. Think Gon's sense of smell, Hisoka's insane perception, etc)
Discovery of Nen- Detail their first experience or how they came to learn of Nen.
General Ability- Their overall skill and strong suits in Nen, as well as their known abilities(Ten, Ren, Gyo, Ken, ect).
Hatsu- Their general skill with Hatsu, as well as details of the ability, if applicable.
Weapons or Equipment- (What does your character keep on their person?)
Trained Skills or Knowledge-
Notable Scars or Physical Appearance Traits-
Notable Personality Traits/Personality- (Choose to explain your character as deep as you want, or allow them to surface more in character.
Past Affiliations or Experience- (Any reputable ties with groups, or past occupations. Given as their young these come more rarely, often times.)
Notable Relations- (If applicable. Someone who they may want to protect, a teacher, close mother or father, significant other, ect.)
General History- (Notable things of the past, and their general life growing up.)
Had a Covid scare with my baby sister and I yesterday, apologize for the absence.
@vancexentan Agreed, for the most part. I’ve gotten no other input so I guess no stat system.
@sly13 We all have, welcome to this glorious land.
@Duthguy Sounds all good to me, definitely think of how dangerous the individuals his uncle hunts down are, and set your training and mindset in battle accordingly, Unc is probably going to teach this kid the way he knows, which in a world like HxH is killing the enemy before you yourself die.
As for the Nen question, personally I’d assume it could actually be a transmutation, conjuration, or manipulation ability, depending on it’s use. My brain went transmutation given your changing your shadow into something solid, but I’m not really sure. I would think of how you’re going to use it most and go from there, remember you can also use connecting categories at 80-60-40.
Alright, understandable from a childs mind I suppose. Definitely give it more thought as to how his abnormal situation growing up changed hiw development, I'd do research on theoretical evolution and some related topics concerning it. Report back when you have something solid, Soldier!
@Duthguy Sounds good! Is he trying to accomplish what they could not in their stead? Did they push them in that direction intentionally or was it a desire they discovered on their own? Thoughts and thoughts, be sure to flesh out that part!
Edit- Okay so, important question that I really should have already asked. The only thing that's keeping this CS from already being up is my internal debate on whether or not to used a rough stat system. Opinions?
At the moment I have an idea for a kid, who grew up on a submarine and became obsessed with the stars. HIs hunter connection would be his father, who hunted sea monsters. His goal will be to find proof of aliens. So he'll be an alien hunter.
So how did dude get so into stars? Books, videos, occasional trips to the surface? How much time did he spend under water, and at what pressures? Was he born on the sub? Stuff like that could influence the growth of the characters abilities as well. Growing up in high pressure environments would definitely change the way you develop.
I apologize everyone, was busier than expected. Will put up the sheet shortly!
@vancexentan Okay, sounds good to me, and it does seem like we’re going with the younger generation idea. So, I’d definitely prefer to keep everyone as a “second generation” Hunter. Just make sure you put this Hunter in your backstory well and line up why he has stuck around your parents through the birth and upbringing of a child.
As a note to everyone, the characters are all inheriting the life and the knowledge of someone who has already lived as a Hunter, powerful or not, all of these individuals are capable of using Nen in some form and have seen fit to in some way pass this way of living onto you. This character can be really anyone you want it to be, just make sure it makes sense for them to be in your life. While there are no hard restrictions, this would obviously not only be someone who has passed onto you their knowledge of the Hunter world, but ideally someone who has inspired you to dive into it. Perhaps passing on skills or helping you develop your own, taking you with them on their adventures or training you in seclusion. Be creative, I like fun ideas so if you’re curious about something just ask and we’ll probably be able to figure something out.
@Duthguy And a cool third fella has arrived, go ahead, say something cool guy.