Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


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29th March RY 9 (2023) 6:00

Six years and nine days have passed since that terrible event - the arrival of a large chump of China, hailing from 2050 in the Fallout universe in the sea north from Scandinavia - during the next six years the EUFOR fought a hard battle as their Chines forces poured in Europe. From the forest of Sweden, mountains of Norway & lakeside woods of Finlandover the desperate try to stop the Chinese at Malmo to the battles which raged across the lower regions of western, central and eastern Europe. Now practically packed into only south Europe, the EUFOR can only thank the high rising mountains that turned the Chinese's advance to a crawl that they still can hold them off. But every day more brave ones fall and both weapons and warriors are becoming worn out from the constant attacks on their defenses in the mountains. Only fate knows how much longer will EUFOR be able to hold out...

South from the Alps, located on the most western hill higher then 200 m in Istria stands the small town of Buje. In the early years of Re-Genesis this remained a peaceful place, even after the Golden Sun event fired the only change were a few dozens of refugees from inland Croatia. But after the Fall of Malmo and during the Battle of Copenhagen it was decided that together with Umag the town was going to be a secondary transfer point for refugees and industry. But after the Chinese learned of Trieste's role as the primary port for evacuating German population and industry they launched seventy three cruise missiles, captured from German bases, on the city. The defenses were not enough and 52 missiles hit the city, all carrying nuclear payload. With the destruction of Trieste it was decided to transform all remaining cities on the northern Adriatic coast into ports for evacuation, and that also mean that Buje, which was meant to be a transfer point towards both the ports of Umag and Novigrad, was quickly turned into one of the largest refugee centers of EUEPB and EUFOR.

Now it has been six years from the events which brought and still bring much sorrow and ruin Europe. Buje is now a sprawling city with a official population of 22,413, but three to five times more people actually live in the city, most of them on the hills spreading west, north and east of the city, in slums build out of tents, quickly risen wood buildings, huts which are just tin protections from rain to the few actual buildings which serve as hospitals, food distribution centers and so on.

Together with those, north from the city stands something of a town of its own - a base and airfield of the EUFOR - surrounded with fences topped with barbed wire and watch towers it is mostly meant to allow a constant rotation of land units between here and the mountains as well as to provide air support when needed. This is also a permanent reminder of the bleak reality of Europe in RY 9.

In the valleys north and south of the town stand agricultural land - used up to the maximum. In a small part of the city there are also factories - now used to produce guns or vehicle parts for the EUFOR.

Only the old town - on it's high hill and without any major changes on the surface expect for the high watch and radar tower on the plaza which marks the highest point of the town - still reminds the people of better days ...


29th March RY 9 6:00, Buje Base (EUFOR Istria Sector), "First Combined Battalion" camp, commander's tent

Levia woke up from the same dream she had around this time of the year, her parents and she sitting at the last dinner before they split - their parents off to Toulun from where they manged to get a ship to New York where relatives would take them in until they managed to find work and a place to live - and naturally she stayed to join the army and fight for Europe's, and Italy's, freedom. It was six years from then but she still remembers and dreams it - father's harsh words which hidden both his pride and saddens, mother's tears. Her brother was fighting at that time, he was a pilot in the French Foreign Legion and they were flying sorties from German airbases against the Chinese. She meet him both time when she was in hospital, and after the first time they keep in touch via any means that they could - phone calls when the lines allowed that, military mail and face to face when he was stationed in one of the bases near her. Even in this f**ked and broken world family was still important, even if just as a small speck of light in a bleak and dark world.

"Now, now," she whispered to herself, "it is not time for the past, I have things to do."

She got up and after taking off her clothing - a military made uniform like night wear - she took a shower. The water was barely something you cloud call warm, but she was happy that it was not cold, in some of her earlier posts, only harshly cold water or snow cloud be used to clean one's body. After five minutes the water turned cold, she was well informed that 5 minutes of bleakly warm water was the most that you cloud expect, energy cloud not be wasted to heat water so it was warmed by the excess heat from the small power plant near the city.

After the shower she put on her uniform and went to join her comrades and solders in the unit's cafeteria. There were, for now around 50 of them, all carefully selected from all branches of EUFOR as well as from "Arrived". For now she concentrated on the officers - tank unit commanders, squadron leaders, infantry unit leaders, those had to be carefully chosen, but she didn't neglect the ordinary soldiers ether - it would be stupid to have officers but no one for them to train with. There was still a long way from a battalion sized unit that her superiors ordered her to make. Well she still had almost eight & half months, and she made good progress in the two weeks of work - 24 officers of which 7 were "Arrived" and 31 soldiers, of which 14 "Arrived". And yesterday flyers recruiting for the unit were started to be distributed around the city as well as the recruitment posters which were put on the entrances of all gathering places - hospitals, bars and so on.

"Well," she though as she sat down next to the two sub-commanders which she assigned to help her, one she had previous contacts in the Inn Valley and she trusted him and the other was a famous "hero" of the Battle for Paris so he was probably trustworthy enough, "let's see if this recruitment campaign will work - after all some would kill for three meals a day, free medical care and five minutes of showering with water which is not cold."

She then returned her attention to the two sub-commanders, she had to discuss the surprise simulated combat situation of today's training with them as well as the handling of those which would answer the recruitment flyers and posters ...


29th March RY 9 2:00, slums of Buje, "Forever Standing" bar, motel & brothel

The "Forever Standing" bar, motel & brothel which was established in Malmo as a place for front-line news reporters to stay, and for everyone which wanted a breather from the war - ether with a glass or lass in his hand. Trough it had a shady reputation and had to relocated - first to Copenhagen, then to Bremen, Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Vienna and finally it settled in Buje - now it was known as one of the better establishment of the city, relatively safe as long as you don't pick a fight with the owner or the "gorillas" hired by him, the drinks were amongst the better half in Buje and any girl found to have any STD was fired, even with the obligatory contraception policy enforced by EUFOR to all brothels.

Since it was open all year except on X-mas and New Year's Eve it was not weird for the place to receive customers which came at both a weird time and with a weird appearance. But the young girl standing before the motel's receptionists was one of the weirdest - seemingly she was out of the place a young lady clad in everyday clothing and at the same she strangely fit in, with dust and dirt from traveling trough the lands and eyes which definitely saw lots of s**t which made the Europe of this decade.

The girls words, spoken with a soft voice, forced him out of his thoughts: "Hello, I would like a room. One bad, paid in cash." "4 euros" he said, automatically. The girl took out her wallet, put her hand in it and took out a one dollar coin saying: "I only have dollars. Will this be enough?" He nodded and in amazement kept his eyes on the coin - only those few American news reporters brought dollars from time to time - and one dollar was worth 4.15 Euros - so he wondered where the girl got one.

He took of a key and with the automation of years of doing so, without even looking, he told the girl: "Room 145, first floor at the end of the corridor." She took the key and placed the coin on the reception desk. As she walked, her bag swinging left and right on it's one remaining strap, the receptionist, a ex-Danish soldier of the name of Hanz, kept his eyes on the coin...

Two hours later Hanz resigned his post as the receptionist at the "Forever Standing" and packed his things with only one destination on his mind the EUFOR base an it's "First Combined Battalion" camp...


29th March RY 9 6:00, slums of Buje, "Forever Standing" bar, motel & brothel

Soa slept only for a couple of hours - she never slept much at all, at least it was so in her earliest memories - and it was only because she knew her body needed a few hours of comforting darkness of not thinking about anything. Now, guided by some instinct Soa came to this town which swelled into a city, she came to Buje, because she knew that something which would affect the fate of humanity and "Arrived" alike would happen right here soon.

In the distance dawn's sun ray lighted up the world and Soa got ready for another day. A shower was needed - days of traveling trough the half-deserted lands of Slovenia had left filth and smell on her. After a shower she put on her reserve clothing and proceeded to clean the ones she wore up until then. After cleaning the clothing she gathered her concentration and drew out the water and moisture from the clothing, releasing in into the air, with this done she put back into her bag and then drew out a pistol, a Colt .45, her father's or at least did Leon say so when they said goodbye, and put in in the hostler. Then she walked down into the bar and ordered a glass of a local copy of Cola together with food. She eat and waited for her instincts to tell her when to act ...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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It had been one hundred forty four days since he arrived. That's how Kirk managed to keep himself sane; counting each day. It has been oddly peaceful since he arrived. Sure, there was talk of war and battle, death and destruction, but none of it came his way, and he was sure not to head in it's direction. It was certainly a change in pace, one that he wasn't entirely sure that he liked. His sword arm was getting flabby, and he could feel himself slipping away without any distractions. Occasionally he would stumble upon a fool who would try to shake him down for money, using everything from knives to things called "Guns", but even if they had the first blow it did little against his armor or himself. He relished to times where he could draw blood and drain humanity from his foes, just like in Lordran. He wondered how the Fair Lady was handling herself. No doubt still in pain... He must return, soon. For her. That is why he still breaths, she is what he lived for. So he could not die now, to turn hollow. Kirk trudged onwards, through the dust and storm to reach his ultimate destination.

Civilization was an odd thing to Kirk. The closest thing he could imagine as a town, as far as his memories would go, was Blightown. And it was not a pleasant place. But here, Buje, it was like the rest of the world. Peaceful. He won't be staying for long, that's for certain. But perhaps he could find himself a Bond Fire. Even should he die, if he could come back to a Bond Fire he could always fight again. But he had only found one during his entire stay here in this world, and it was many continents away. He would go mad trying to get back here. But perhaps this city of Buje would have what he was looking for. Or someone might know, at least. He walked into the town, a cloaked figure like many others. He had learned quickly that those dressed in covering robes were likely outsiders like him, and he had no reason to bother them. No, he needed to find natives, locals, people who lived in the area and knew it well. Or at least better than him. He moved through the town looking for the ever familiar flames, but found nothing of the sort. He did, however, find a place that might. Forever Standing, it was called.

Walking into the building, he could tell what the establishment was. The room was ripe with the stench of bitches, and the ale served only to strength the scent. Not his sort of place, since as an Undead he was sterile, but he was certain many of the locals would gather here. And with the alcohol, maybe they would be willing to talk. Even if he has to make them bleed. Walking over to the bar, he took a seat and waited for the barkeep. When he arrived, Kirk dismissed his questions about food and instead asked him about "Bond Fires". "They look like fireplaces, but with an old, rusted sword sticking out from them. Have you seen any?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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"Two boxes of twelve gauge and this whetstone." Xia put her things onto the counter. She was shopping at a shady gun launderer store for some ammo. Getting to Buje wasn't easy with all these supernatural monsters constantly attacking her, but even if they were floating eye balls, fire-breathing lizards, or abominations, they weren't immune to a shotgun blast or four to the chest. After making her purchase Xia left the store and was back onto the streets of Buje. The sky was blue here unlike in the capital wasteland, a dull state of grey or black. It was strange to see, but after being here for so long, it was only strange when she thought about it. She was thinking more about how to get more money now, however. She had, admittedly, resorted to banditry a short time after arriving to this world, but after a few run in with local authorities she decided that highway robbery wasn't her forte. Now being a gun-for-hire, that might have gone over better. Even if she wasn't going to be a raider there was still plenty of them, and Xia was no stranger to a gunfight. She just needed to find someone to hire her.

The local watering hole was always a good source for that sort of job. Shady fellows or savvy ones looking for shady people to hire for their deliveries. She went to a place called Forever Standing, and chuckled at the name. "If I found you in the Wasteland, maybe I'd believe you." She opened the doors, her cloak hiding her arms and weapons. First thing she noticed was a spiky fellow talking to the barkeep, kept a close eye on him. There was a few other patrons too, armed just like her, but otherwise showed no interest in starting something. She just went over to one of the booths, took a seat, and waited to be served.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcGamer


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Kalat did not like his new home as he was forced to call it, else he feel homesick. The way people bustled about grabbing and talking and shouting and moving in ways that seemed so familiar yet awkwardly different. His first order of business upon arriving had been securing a base from which to venture out and study. He had a found a shabby yet somewhat comfortable place up on a ledge that looked out over parts of the city. It was bearable because at night he could slip away without being seen. His second task had been to figure out which foods and drinks he could eat and which were tasty. After realizing there were too many to choose from he settled on a crumbling bread and and little round colorful orbs to which he think they were referred to as berries. It wasn't anything like the foods back home he often thought, but knowing his diet it might attract too much attention. After he had finally settled in and even blended in he decided he needed to find information, the most important being what were the portals and why did they appear t be sucking creatures and things from so many places. This wasn't home where he could simply demand or threaten for answers, he needed a new tactic to get people to talk.

After many days of failing he decided to combine threats with the darkness of the night. He had laid down during the busy day and closed his eyes, in a few hours he would wake to a much quieter and darker place, but fr his purposes he would just fly them to somewhere completely solitary. His eyes began to get drowsy and he turned to his side, in a few hours he would wake find a worthy culprit and extract the information anyway he could. That thought at least gave him some semblance of happiness as he drifted into a calm but short sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Forever Standing" few moments after 6 am.

"Never hear about such thing," the barman answered as he was serving another of the patrons which hanged on the bar and asked: "Would you like anything to drink?"

The rest of the bar was just like any other bar in Europe - a place to grab beer and food. The motel occupied the second and third floor while that less moral job of "Forever Standing" was done in the fourth floor of the brick building which it occupied. The bar patrons were mostly a usual mix of better standing refugees, folks from the old town and two or three guns for hire and similar folks which were always demanded. Two EUFOR soldiers from the Fifth Armored Battalion entered the bar and took one four chair table and started a conversation which pointed out that two more soldiers would join them for some poker and beer. The kitchen doors behind the bar opened to allow a waiter to carry out two eggs and bacon which was ordered by an Arabian news reporter - which came to report on the situation in the Danube Canyon after the recent Chinese try to take the former are of the city of Bratislava - and it resulted in an array of smells of food being cooked to fill the bar. All in all it was a ordinary morning in the "Forever Standing"...


Soa was waiting and she knew who would be needed for this task - the greatest task in her life - someone that cloud protect her from the dangers that she will face on her path. She first decided to approach the four armed woman which entered the "Forever Standing", guessing that she would be easier to convince that the much weirder one which was clad in spiked armor, and without any rush she came up to the woman's table and spoke up: "Hello, my name is Soa and I am in need of your services, if you care to provide them." Her voice rang across the bar, but to most it was just another chatter in a sea of others, but to one of those which gathered here it sounded like the sound of flames, the flames which he so desperately searched for.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Xia barely sat down longer than five seconds before someone came up to her asking for her service. "That was fast." She thought. Looking at her client, she didn't think much of this Soa. Not as rough and tumble as most out in the wasteland, but Xia didn't expect her to be. She looked young though, a kid even. But Xia couldn't tell with these people in this world; she once met an eight-hundred year old vampire who was in the form of a small child. "I do a lot of things. What I need to know first is what I'll be doing and how much you're willing to pay for it." Xia still didn't expect the kid to have any money on her though, and she wasn't THAT kind of person either, so she doubt the little girl could afford her services. But it wouldn't hurt to ask.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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The bartender did not have any information Kirk wanted. When asked if he wanted a drink, Kirk simply left. This place did not have what he was looking for and was about to leave, when he caught wind of someone speaking of a fire. Perhaps it was the bond fire, but so many voices were speaking that he could not pin it down to a single person. He decided that he would stay for a while, listen to what these people had to say. He took a seat at one of the tables, stabbing the thorns of his armor through the cushion and wooden frames. He kept his ears open, but his hand on his sword's hilt. Danger was always ready to pounce.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


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Soa looked at the woman and said, her voice sure of what it was saying: "One thousand dollars up front and two thousands each month you work for me in any form which fancies you. As for what we will be doing, let's say "saving the world" fits it perfectly and it will be extremely dangerous at some points, but mostly it will be less dangerous then living in the slums of this city. If you want a bonus for those rare seriously life-threatening moments I can even give you that, money is not an issue for this."
Soa sent a deep look into the woman's eyes - and just for a second her eyes looked like they seen and witnessed to much in their life - and then turned towards the crown focusing her eyes on the weird person clad in spiked armor and sensing that she needed him and he needed her so she let some of her power flow out to get his interest - she didn't know what would it do but if at that moment she cloud looked with his eyes around her a strong flame would have burning with passion and strengthen while a sword-like shadow would be seen behind her - appearing much as the fires that he sought and only appearing to the spiked armor-clad man's senses.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Dollars, that was pre-war currency wasn't it? All those papers that she kept finding back at the wasteland. Good toiletries, but now they had value instead of caps. Fine with her though, it was a pain in the ass to carry a thousand of those things. Still... This girl, carrying thousands of dollars? To "Save the world"? This was all just way too good to be true. Until she had some cold-hard cash in her hands in the next few hours, she wasn't even going to say yes. Xia needed to know more about what she was about to get herself into than all this vague nonsense. Luckily, she found someone who she could use. "This all sounds really good in all... But I think I'm not the only one interested in this job. Spiky over there has been giving you the eye since you walked over." She first noticed the man when his spikes poked through his cloak and into the chair. Reminded her of a lot of raiders back where she came from, who dressed in a similar fashion to make it harder to grapple with them. Underneath the table Xia had both her pistols ready in case he meant trouble, cause from the way he had his hand on his sword, he was expecting it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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What was this strange feeling Kirk was getting from this little girl? During all of his unlife, he has never felt this feeling before. He could hardly comprehend what was going on, and than she turned towards him. Their eyes locked for only a few seconds, but something in his mind told her that he needed to go with her. To protect her. He did not know what this feeling was or why he should listen to it, and yet... It was familiar. Warm and comforting, like a fire. It was like when he first laid eyes on the Fair Lady. Kirk stood up and walked towards the girl, ignoring the woman who gave him an odd look. When he was within earshot he spoke. "You... Who are you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

While taking out ten one hundred dollar bills and putting them in front of the woman with only a quick remark: "Each of this is worth a hundred dollars, you can check with the barman if you don't believe me." "I am Soa, the one which was tasked with giving hope to this world and all those which inhabit it, and you are one of the many lost ones which wander trough this world," she answered the man as soon as she finished her remark to the woman. She continued, her voice strangely sounding like something eons old while at the same time as innocent as only a child cloud be: "Now tell me what do you and your soul seek? I doubt I can give you that but just maybe I can heal some of the pain that you carry." Soa was now sure, the woman and the man were her journey must start. The journey on which, she knew somehow, the fate of this world rests ...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Xia took the money and pocketed it. She still had her suspicions of the little girl, but pay was pay. As long as the money was real and this girl wasn't about to ask Xia to shoot herself in the head, she was willing to take the job. It's not like this girl, Soa she calls herself, was the strangest client she ever had. She sounded a lot like those preachers who use the strange temporal paradox that brought all the weirdos to bolster their influence. She didn't know what sort of god or faith Soa was going to try to spread, but as long as she kept paying Xia won't make too many complaints. She did look at Spiky with some caution however. He looked like a raider, and she had no idea who he was or where he came form. For all she knew this guy could be psycho. Her guns were still hidden underneath the table, ready to take the shot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Uncertainty filled Kirk's mind. Who was this girl, that she would speak like this and have this strange aura about her? Too many questions for Kirk's taste. He dealt with enough Mystery back at Lordan, and in fact preferred if he could just return there. "I want to return to my world." He worried about the Fair Lady and what has become of her since he had left. He had collected much Humanity during his time here, but he had little to nothing to use it on. He himself hasn't sustained enough injuries to justify using one. As he awaited the girl's answer, he wondered if she really could provide him the means to return home. He doubt it, so he decided that he should also ask for the next best thing. "Or a bond fire, watched over by a Firekeeper." He felt that he needed to mention that last part; no mere campfire with a sword impaled through it would do. He knows. He's tried. No, it needs to be watched over by a Firekeeper, at some point at least. He wasn't sure if one needed to be present all the time like his Fair Lady, but it would be nice to have one anyways. Just to ease his mind should he get killed in this world. He did not want to travel all the way from China back to here.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Soa, her voice both full of sympathy for the man in front of her and with a strange untraceable trait that would make almost anyone believe in her, said: "I see, unfortunately even my power can't open a way back for those whose from other worlds but as for the Bond Fire, we should go somewhere more private. How about in the room I took upstairs? There we can do things without catching the attention of the wrong kinds of people." Then she sent a look to the both of them, to the man one which would fill him with desire to protect Soa, a weak child, while to the woman one which sent a message that the man, despite his appearance, was not a danger to them in any way. Then she stepped towards the staircase and soon was in front of her room, almost sure that the two would follow her, and opened the doors leading into the one-bed room she took last night ...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Kirk looked at Soa. Something... Something was off. He felt that he should protect her, to care for her, and he wanted to, but... But there was only one that he cared about. His Fair Lady; what was she doing? Was she okay? Is she in danger? This thoughts ran through his head as he looked to the little girl. She was evoking these same feelings, yet at the same time, they were conflicting. He cared for the Fair Lady, and wanted nothing more than to return to her but... Kirk clenched his fists. By now Soa had already walked towards her room, and Kirk followed. He had to fight this feeling, stay faithful to his Fair Lady, and simply tolerate this girl until he can return to his world. He has killed many before, the young and innocent, the evil and ancient. And he would kill more for his Fair Lady, he would do anything for her. Even if it meant doing what this Soa asked of him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Xia looked at the spiky man and the little girl. Seemed like the girl was okay with this weirdo coming with her, and while Xia had her doubts, she figured that so long as he didn't try to slit her throat she'd tolerate him too. The two strangers walked away towards the rooms and Xia holstered her guns and followed. As the group walked to Soa's room, Xia figured now would be a good time for some introductions. "By the way, name's Xia. I'm a pretty good shot with guns and I know how to handle myself up close too. Don't mind me if it seems like I just vanish from thin air either, I'm used to staying out of sight. Saved my life more than my guns do." Soon Soa took the two of them to a room, presumably hers. Xia really hoped that the girl was just going to be packing up her things and going, Xia was not THAT type of person. She really hoped spiky wasn't either.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As soon as the three entered the room the doors closed, without anyone even touching them and Soa turned towards the man first and spoke up: "That what you seek shall be given to you. Soa which carries the hope of Earth now declares: Bond Fire." In a flash a Bond Fire, real as the walls of the room appeared floating above Soa, trough it was downsized roughly to the size of a watermelon, followed by Soa's words: "Now knight of many virtues, feel free to use me and my power as a Bond Fire. For this all I can give you for now." Then she turned to Xia and said: "Prepare for a fight, for those which wish to kindle out the last hope and destroy this world are sending their servants and shall be here in a few minutes." Soa then just stared into the space between the two waiting for them to do something.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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When Kirk reached the room, Soa presented him with something he's never seen before. It was a bond fire, sure enough, but never has he ever seen someone simply make one out of thin air... But than again, he knew very little of what the Firekeepers are truly capable of. Perhaps this is merely one of the very things possible for them. Regardless, Kirk reached out towards the flames and felt his energies renewed. His Health restored, his magics recharged, and the fire inside of him grow stronger. When he stepped back, it even looked as though his armor and weapons were some how... Stronger. When Soa spoke of servants who would be coming here, Soa spoke of them as though they were enemies. Kirk drew his blade, a vile black sword covered in sharp thorns. And in his other hand, a fire engulfed it. With this flame his cloak burned off of him, revealing his true form. A man in a suit of armor, covered in spikes so that he may keep his enemies, as well as friends, away from him. "Let them come. They will know the power of Kirk, Knight of Thorns."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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"Of course. Cause it's not like I needed some time to prepare anyways..." Xia lifted her arms up to reveal both her guns, but also lifted another pair of arms up to load a new magazine into her Chinese assault rifle. Kirk, as he called himself, seemed pretty pumped for the fight. Xia on the other hand wanted to get a better position than in this room. "Well, if you know where they're coming from Soa, than I'm going to find a good spot to pick them off at. I'd rather not fight them face-to-face. You, Kirk, I hope that armor is good against whatever's coming. I'll set up a position on the roof tops, and Soa... You should go somewhere safe. Who knows what's going to come here. Maybe bandits, maybe monsters. And since I'm being paid to protect you, I'd rather much not have you in harms way."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gamer5


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Soa pointed to the sky and said: "Two of them. Three minutes until they land, they will also start shooting at us pretty soon without a regard for those which are not involved. So before that happens..." She stopped to open a window and then continued: "... we are getting out of here." She stepped on the edge and jumped down without any fear, just seconds before a explosion tore up the outer wall of the room. High above in the sky two winged humanoids, both armed with long spears and with an almost sensible amount of magic, flew downwards towards their target: Soa. They were also launching ranged magical attacks at Soa but she was already running trough the passages between tents and huts, denying them visual contact and thous making their attacks hit off target. Soa cloud not pay attention if the two other from the room followed her as she had to concentrate on dodging attacks from the winged figures...


In the base almost as soon as the first reports of a large-scale conflict involving magic came an alarm was sounded and the morning training was broken by it so Levia stopped her men from further actions and ordered: "Gear up! We roll in five!" She then run towards her barracks to get herself ready while calling HQ: on the run "This is Echo Omega Zero answering emergency situation within city borders, please give us an all clear on go and send us some transportation to camp entrance. Echo Omega out." It didn't take her long to get to the barracks and change into full combat gear, and as she did the answer to her request came to her radio: "This Alpha Alpha, Echo Omega you are clear to roll, sending Tango Zulu Delta to your position." "Roger HQ," she confirmed and headed towards her men ...
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