Name of Nation: United Orkish Holds
Flag:The Orks do not have a national flag but instead one belongs of the 5 holds but even then their flags tend not to be the normal style but instead made from a plain clothes with no emblem except its weave (tartans basicly)



Demonym of Nation: Orkz
Race Description:

Orcs are large creatures with long arms and short legs, huge slabs of muscle move under tough green skin, and their jaws are lined with vicious fangs that jut out from their underbite. They have beady red eyes, a generally foul demeanor, and are naturally bald. Normally six feet tall, they are up to seven feet tall when stretched out of their characteristic stoop. They respect power and strength, and naturally tend towards becoming bigger and stronger as they rise through their society. While they lack the education of more advanced races, Orcs possess immense cunning and are quick learners, but rarely adopt new tactics to replace their fondness for close quarters brutality. Often said to be the next evolution of goblin there is little evidence to prove this aside from the similarities in organization and culture, but there is one thing certain about the relationship between orks and goblins is that if ever they join forces and stopped inter-fighting they would be a great force to be reckoned with due to the sheer mass of numbers. Another interesting fact about orks is the complete lack of females in their culture this is due to the fact that they breed not by usual intercourse but instead by consuming food much like a bacteria or virus they simply when have acquired enough food will eat themselves into food coma and later puke up a small orkish baby.
List of Race Perks and Nerfs:
Orkish Strength- Orks are renown for their upper body strength several times stronger than a normal man
Bloodlust: Orks are a barbaric and ferocious race often continuing to fight after sustaining wounds which would cripple or kill other races (That is not to say it doesnt hurt them they just don't notice it and keep on fighting even with it)
The green Scourge: Orks are a terrifying sight on the battlefield yelling and screaming like devils often carrying the heads of their dead enemies on their belt and painting themselves with the blood of the fallen.
Scavenging: Orks love to scavenge and build new things from the destroyed remains left behind either from their enemies or from themselves often able to create a machine out of rusty scrape metal the only problem is the reliability of the machine is quite questionable (see con orcish engineering
Orkish Intelligence: Orks while very resourceful lack one thing a sense of logic. orks commonly face things head on with brawn strength rather than Strategic thought.
Orkish engineering: Orks tend not to look to durability and reliability while building machines. this strange idea is found in almost all orks their machines tend to easily break down but it is the ability for the orks to scavenge and create new machines (sometimes entirely different from the original machine) from the remains.
Nation Location: where ever needed
Description of Nation: The term United holds are is used very loosely when it comes to the orkish holds. often orks when not fighting an outside enemy will resort to infighting and feuding between the holds. Each hold is lead by a chieftain who proved themselves by killing the previous chieftain in combat this causes the change of government to be very sporadic. Orkish culture is one that mainly revolves around war and battle when orks are not doing those things they common sit by the communal fire and listen to the chieftain tell of famous battle won by their clan (usually revolving around him and his role in the victory). music is also very prevalent in orkish culture the most popular being the blaring of war pipes and the beating of the marching drum. as for orkish industry even that too revolves around war for everything scavenged or collected will eventually be used in combat whether to feed the soldier to armor him or to give him something to bludgeon the enemy with it soon or later will be used in one of those three categories. Orks do not have any ability to do mass production, most items made by the orks are made by a single artisan and his apprentices and all; things are made on order (some of the more common items such as axes and swords will be kept in stock during times of war.).
Government of Nation: Confederation- the orkish holds have no sort of federal government each of the holds is loosely bound together by a treatise simple stating that in times of war against outside forces that the holds should band together in order to maintain the existence of the orkish race. of course this binding allows the holds to fight with each other (which they are constantly doing) when not threatened by another race. Each of the holds is ruled by a chieftain who is often chosen through a rigorous series of combat trials often ending in him slaying the previous chieftain.
Capital of Nation: There is no capital to the orkish holds aside from the holds themselves each of which is usually a bulking fortress made from scrap metal and any other items the orks happened upon.
Population of Nation: There is no counted number of orks since they simply breed by eating but it is sure that the number is well into the millions
Economy of Nation: Orks economy is a very strange one since their currency is their teeth which orks commonly shed and grow back at regular intervals this causes massive inflation of the prices of items (usually rising and dropping with the shedding and growth of the teeth) but luckily means that no ork will be poor for long. Other items greatly valued in orkish economy is physical strength it is very common that when a ork does not have enough teeth to purchase an item he will just beat the owner into submission and take it.
Nation's Major Exports: (they do not trade with outside forces aside from the goblins and even then it is very sparingly
Nation's Major Imports: they do not trade with outside races aside from the occasional trade with the goblins
Nation's Military Description: Almost all of the orkish population is prepared for war at all times as it is their favorite pass time (this isn't OP as the main problems with the orks is that they rarely work together effectively it is quite common during the middle of the battle against an outside force for an orkish hold to turn against another fighting both the other clan and the outside force)
Ork Boyz:
The commonest of all the orkish armies often clad in armor that is painted in their hold's tartan wearing the colthe itself as a kilt or a cape of some sorts. armed with a war-axe and a small pistol of some sorts the orks often are used in melee rather than ranged combat.

Ork Shootaz-
Armed with shoddily put together guns (some held together by nothing except a fire pieces of wire and cloth) these orks fire a volley of lead at the enemy before their guns break or run out of ammo (usually the former) and charge the enemy beating them with the remains of their firearms

Black Watch:
The elite of the orkish infantry these orks live in the thrill of combat often choosen from the orkish outcasts (orks who were banned from their holds). these orks fight with great axes often clan in dark black armor spiked with boar tusks to enhance the pure shock of these troops.

Boar Riders:
mounted on huge wild boars these orks often serve as guards for their chieftain easily throwing away their lives in order to save him they follow his every word even if it means suicide.

"Greenback" Tank
This shoddily put together is one of the most common pieces of armored ork cavalry. armed with a large cannon and a smaller machine gun these tanks often break down during combat turning it from a moving deathtrap to a stationary death trap

Trench Runner Tank:
Yet another shoddily constructed example of orkish engineer this tank was made for infantry engagement and with the specific purpose of flanking the trenches and dropping into them running their full extent causes havoc and chaos within as the soldiers are crushed beneath it's bloody tracks.
Kannoneer trukk:
This mass of scrap metal is used as a portable artillery piece a large howitzer cannon mounted on the back of it is usually unable to turn independently of the truck usually seen driving behind the armored cavalry it mainly is used a support destroying enemy fortifications and providing artillery cover for advancing troops.

Flying Hold:
this is the largest of the orkish air force used to parachute troops down onto the battlefield this machine is armed with front and rear machine guns along with a larger repeating cannon on the top for anti air engagements.
Ork Bomma:
made to quickly drop bombs on fortified targets this machine is powered by a large engine which makes up most of its body. armed with two frontal machine guns and a pivoting machine gun used by the gunner it is not uncommon for the pilot to crash his plane into enemy positions after dropping his payload.
Ork Bi-plane:
This is one of the few orkish planes made solely for anti air engagements usually sent as an envoy for a bomma squadron or for a flying hold it is a simple bi plane armed with two machine guns very maneuverable and deadly to both the enemy and the pilot.