Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DEMoGorgon47


Member Offline since relaunch

Welcome to the world of Punk, a land of mystery and smoke and steam. It is a world dominated by creatures of all shapes and sizes and nations all with their own goals and agendas. You, great leader or civilization, must take hold of the reins of your people and guide them through the ages. Whether you survive through diplomacy, economics, or war the future is your's to claim. So, great leaders, ask yourselves this, are you great enough to leave your mark on the world? Can your civilization last the test of time? Create your post and discover what lies in store.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A cold wind blew over Moscov mountain. to most on the surface they would hear nothing but the frosty call of the breeze. but deep below in their dark cozy caverns the sounds are much different. the rythmic din of hammers of metal as countless dwarves go abouts their day to day lives in the factories mines and refineries that filled the underground city. But above the noise of machinery and workers rose a much different noise. In the center of the city, muffled by the stone walls of the council chamber the heads of the clans where conversing deciding the future of an empire.

“Now men it has been far too long since we paid mind to the greenbacks to the east!” Thorgrim Grudge-Bearer Shouted as he stood up from his stone chair and walked toward the middle of the chamber.”I Propose to the council that we atleast prepare a defence force in the case that the orks stop their squabbling among themselves and focus on our great nation!”

The council stopped the chatting for a minute and then a wave of mumbles and whispers ran through the other 8 dwarves.Every dwarf knew very well that the orks where a force to be reckoned with and if they didnt deal with it soon they would only grow but yet they hesitate due to fear of breaking their isolation and possibly angering the goblin clans with whom the orks had developed a mutual friendship. But then amongest the talk Igor Bugman stood up twirling his beard “Aye Thorgrim, and i bet it would be your clan to benifit the most from supplying the force the weapons Eh?”He asked staring down thorgrim

“Yes, I do say my clan should provide the weapons… but not because of the profit oh no, but instead the right to say that The Grudge-Bearers where the driving force in the elimination of the orks!”

“Oh Yes Thorgrim I am sure the likes of you would do so claiming the glory while the dwarves of the other clans go forward and die while you sit in your factories not a worry in your mind as you pound out metal with which will only go on to be scrapped from the dead and used against our people by the orkish scum!”

This comment caused a roar of anger to go over the council as the clans instantly began choosing sides. The clan masters of the guilded-Beards, Dourhands and Dark forges stood up in defence of the Grudge-bearers saying that all the dwarves of novgrod would fight no matter their clan. while Clans Iron-fists, Flint-axes and Hammer-foots rallied behind bugman. Only one stood undecided int he Topic, Ivan of Clan Stone-helms.

“Enough with this squabbling! I say before we make a decision on this we first must inspect the orks forces and if we find that they are too strong we should seek the help of the other nations…”Ivan said trying to calm the situation before it developed into a fist-fight. But his comment was not well recieved most of the clan-masters simply laughed at Ivans idea to seek help from the other races.

“ Ha Ivan, surely you must be joking comrade? Why would the other races come to our aid? The Arkilians perhaps but what about the qualmeqi? they for long have inbred with the goblins who are as we all know revlatives of those damned greenbacks! I bet they would just as kindly assist them in the slaughter of our people!. Who else could we turn to, the Dengraazd they willd just begin praying to their gods as the greenskins rip apart their armies, and the Seratens those socialists would much rather destroy our great economy in the name of the “Proletariat”.” Nikolai Dourhand said patronizing Ivan.

“As that maybe Nikolai I fear that even our great nation cannot defeat the likes of the orks on our own we must try to get assistance!” Ivan pleaded trying to get the rest of the clan-masters to see reason.

“I agree with Ivan for too long have we sat in our mountains as the rest of the world battled and brawled. we must atleast try to establish some sort of relation atleast a trade between us. it has been a long time since my people have had bread that is not made from cave barley.” Tevye Guilded-Beard said. (He knew in his mind that if they opened trade routes to the other nations his trade businesses would surely profit from the new products from the surface). This made many of the other clans think about their isolation slowly but surley the dwarves decided to allow a increase of foreign trade between them and the arkilians.

The next day a convoy of half tracks laden with furs, ores, and all assortment of gems drove out of the gates of Moscovy and into the deep snowy wilderness toward the arkilian border.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

~Arkillian Federation, Demera~

Cool air filled the old city streets as people went about their daily business in the capital of the Arkillian Federation. Airships buzzed over head and a flight of aircraft zipped by. Flags still hung from balconies as left overs from the celebration a few days ago. It was the Federation's 70th anniversary from its formation and at the time the capital busseled with celebration and parties as did the rest of the nation. Though now things have quieted down in the aged city and things were returning to normal. In the center of the city lays the old citadel, now serving as the main government building complex.

Sovetor Kai Avonsta sat in her office tapping her fingers on the old wooden desk in front of her. She was waiting for the Arkillian Guard General to arrive to give a very important report. Finally there was a knock on the door.

"Come in, General..." she said with an annoyed tone of voice. The door opened revealing a large man wearing a decorated blue and grey dress uniform, holding a hat under one arm. He had a large scar going from just above his left temple to the bottom right of his face with a dead left eye. He gave a quick salute.

"Sorry I am late ma'am, something sudden came up and I think you will want to here about it." he said to her. She motioned him to take a seat and as he did leaned onto the desk and resked her head in her hands. The general handed her a folder and she began to read it. As Kai read, a surprised expression came over her face.

"The dwarves are on their way to the capital? That's odd.... Well this may be our chance to secure them as trading partners and potentially solid allies. Have their convoy escorted to capital at once, but please don't make a huge fuss of it. Anyway, despite this, what else do you have to report? What of the problem to the south?" She said, handing him back the folder.

"Well ma'am, Raptors report usual troop movement inside enemy territory at our border with Qalimeqi. Nothing out of the ordinary with a large radius. Though we have been having some problems with the indigenous population. Many of them are continue to worship and be deported, particularly the native human population. And to the east, the orks are starting to move further and further west ma'am. I think they are the bigger problem." He said in a firm voice. Kai said and stood up in her chair to look out the window that overlooked the courtyard.

"General, you know as well as I do that with the Qalimeqi still posing a threat in the south, we simply do not have the resources to take on something like the Green Scourge. It would be long, hard, dirty fighting and unlike the Qalimeqi, we couldn't just take a little bit and then demand peace with a battleship barrel pointing down their throats. They are a serious problem yes, but we still have plenty of time before they become an immediate problem. What of the other powers to the east? Like the U.R.S.R. or those oppressive mongrols from Denzgraad? What of them?" She said, turning to face the general.

"There hasn't been much activity from them that concerns us. Though I did get a report from Expiditionary Task Force 223, they said they have crossed the ocean and are nearing the nation of ..... "Kitsune" to establish formal contact with them as you requested." He said, reading from his papers. Kai nodded. "That's all."

"Good, then you are dismissed."

~Arkillian Border, Checkpoint NW-4~

Sergeant Amillia Bruner lazily sat in the gate house of the outpost. It was situated on one of the few dirt roads that actually connected Novgrod with the Federation, but due to the neighbors tendency towards isolationism, they never really saw any activity. As Sergeant Bruner read her book a private ran up to her post and gave a quick salute.

"Sergeant Bruner! A message just came in from one of the patrol units! A diplomatic convoy is heading for the checkpoint!" he said quickly. Sergeant Bruner looked at him in surprised.

"Well then private! Get to your post! We got visitors!"

Thirty minutes later, the squealing sound of tracts and the rumble of engines could be heard. A convoy of armored vehicles stopped at the gate of the check point and Sergeant Bruner approached the lead vehicle's driver seat. "Papers, please." The dwarf driver silently gave her the paperwork. She walked back to the gate house, examined them, then return to the driver. "Well then, you guys are a long way from home, welcome to the Arkillian Federation Novgrod Diplomats! Just proceed through the checkpoint and take a right and you'll be on your way. An escort party will soon be with you to guide you to the capital." She said directing the driver where to go. The convoy moved on through the check point and eventually onto the main road where two steam wagons full of Guard Infantry linked up with the convoy, one taking lead and the other following behind, driving towards the capital.

~Near the Coast of the Kitsune Nation~

A fairly sized task force of Arkillian Airships flew threw the sky towards the mysterious nation of Kitsune. It consisted of two luxury version of the Arkillian trade ship, four destroyers, and three light cruisers. The light cruisers had roughly twelve interceptors between them. On board, the diplomat reviewed her proposals and introductions. It was hard for her to learn much about Kitsune as this not only the first time the Arkillian Federation has attempted a direct contact with them, but for the most part, not many nations had come this far to visit them. Everyone knew of their existence, but that was essentially all they knew. Diplomat Wyner Lavita looked out the window towards the coast as it slowly appeared on the horizon. They would be in the country by the end of the day and very soon near their capital. She only hopped that the escorts would not be too intimidating.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DEMoGorgon47


Member Offline since relaunch

**Vulpess - The Grand Capital of Kistune**

The sun slowly began to creep through dark rolling clouds over the city Vulpess, showing the signs that the season at the equator of the world was beginning to change from the dark times of the heavy rain months to that of the calmer sunny months. The city itself, wet with the rain the had only just recently ended, seemed to glow in the sun's rays, making it have a magical and beautiful quality about it. Impressive even to the most casual of Kistu, the city now would have dazzled any foreigners who would have seen it. Though, these days very few foreigners came to the shores of Kistune. The position of the Kistune on foreign intervention on their continent had been made clear for years. Those nations with far reaching economies found themselves with cheap Kistune products dumped into their markets to squander competition. While nations with an eye for colonies suddenly found their prices for transport of goods increased (as Kistune had 2 of the three largest transport companies in the world, and very firm grasps on the transport markets) as well as the indigenous species suddenly armed with advanced weaponry. So, on this day, when the the good season of sun was approaching, the government of Kistune was shocked to hear that a large, and rather unknown, convoy was approaching their capital's shore.

Surrounding the convoy of ships were 5 destroyer airships, 3 airship frigates and 1 airship cruiser. Below was also 6 more naval destroyers, 3 cruisers and the rather odd ornithopter carrier, which was on coastal patrol until the government could figure out exactly how to make use of their expensive, and seemingly failed, experiment. Slowly, the convoy was guided to the air docks, where the moorings were cast down and the large ships were docked. Above, the Kistune aiirships circled like buzzards and offshore naval ships sat, their large guns pointed directly at the engines of the foreign fleet.

The foreign officials were guided off their vessels and left to stand on the docks surrounded by a large group of armed Kistune Guard ready to fire at any sign of trouble. The Kistune Government, which had long been wary of foreigners on their continent, were especially wary of these Arkilians, who they had the least contact with and heard of their martial tendencies and made sure that they showed the intruders knew who was in charge in this section of the world. A full 25 minutes passed before a government agent arrived.

The agent was a shorter Kistu, standing roughly around 5'6", with clean cut red-blonde and green eyes, a staple of the Kistu. He was wearing a red tunic of silk, adorned with white-metallic embellishments. He approached, and gave only a short nod of notice, as instructed by his seniors, and began a small speech. "Greetings, foreigners," he said in a voice surprisingly deep for his smaller size and rather feminine look, "We are sorry about the long wait, but as we receive few visitors - especially such well protected visitors - that we must take precautions accordingly. Someone of a more esteemed calibre will be with you shortly, until then, please ask me with any questions that you may have."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thorgili


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Arkillian Capital,Demera

The Novgorodian Convoy along with it’s escort drove into the capital along with its convoy and was quickly eyed down by the curious Bird people who looked in surprise attempting to get a glimpse of the trucks and figure out what their purpose there was. After a short drive through the capital the convoy pulled up towards the state building as a old grey haired dwarves jumped out of the foremost half-track. Clad in bear fur and jewelry the Dwarf wanted to show off the wealth of the novgorodian people and hopefully impress the kilians into giving him and his people a more favourable deal. Twirling his beard he slowly walked up the steps flanked by arkilian Infantry and his personal guards. The doors were quickly opened by eh standing sentries and the dwarf and his entourage quickly rushed in taking a seat in a lobby and waiting for a arkilian delegation to meet with them.

Moscovy, Novgrod

Deep within the large looming “Military Academy of Novgrod” dwarves worked tirelessly training and strategizing preparing for an eventual offensive against the orkish lands. Staring over the Court-yard the Headmaster of the academy Tsarvik Iron-fist watched as the recruits below practiced in bayonet drills. when suddenly a knock came to his door. stepping from the balcony he hurried to answer. After swinging open the heavy stone door two grey haired dwarves beards singged and burnt stepped in each wearing smog stained leather aprons and thick woolen shirts and pants.
“seat Yerself Comrades.” Tsarvik said motioning to the set of chairs infront of his desk.
The pair catiously sat not wishing to get their smog on the fine fur cushions which covered the chair.
“Now how has progress gone on the “Forge” Project?” Tsarvik said leaning back in his chair and lighting his pipe.
“Ah yes sir, we have had made a decent bit of progress enough so as we have a very basic prototype ready for your testing. If you could come with us down to the testing caverns i would be glad to show you what we have done so far.”
“Very well comrades lead the way.”
The group then sat up opened the door and walked down the long winding hallways of the academy until finally stopping at a ironclad door. wrenching open the hatch they stepped into a dimly lit room the door screeching closed as the headmaster looked around the steel walled cavern. In the roofs where tunnel long ducts leading to the surface letting in a sufficient amount of cold mountain air as not to suffocate the rooms inhabitants.
“SO lads what have you got to show me?” He said walking over to a table where schematics and blueprints lay on them was drawn the image of a large metal apparatus with large metal kegs attached to straps from which a hose lead out to a strange gun like form with an equally weird nozzle on the end.

“Ahh yes we have it here sir!” one of the smog covered dwarves said as he ran to a large metal cabinet producing a large metal backpack and nozzle which resembled that which is drawn on the blueprints. dragging the hulking metal apparatus over to Tsarvik he yelled sounding slightly strained “Would you like to try it out sir?”

“Of course viktor you know i insist on personally testing all items that come out of this laboratory.”

“very well then” The Viktor said as he and his helper quickly set about to mounting the machine on the Headmaster after about 15 minutes of fiddling with straps nozzles and valves they showed him to a small target range with which at the end lay a straw dummy. scratching a small piece of flint against a metal tube attached a few centimeters in front of the nozzle it lit up with a small flame.
“Now all you have to do sir is pull on that level there and the fires of the forge will be in your hands”

Tsarvik nervously adjusted himself and aimed at the target as he slowly pulled the lever. Suddenly a spout of flame shot out of the nozzle and the air was filled with the smell of burning Pitch and Oil. The spout lasted only a few seconds before it wheezed out and the flame died as the machine ran out of fuel.

“well that was quite the experience comrades.” Tsarvik said wiping his soot covered hands on a piece of cloth handed to him by viktor.

“Aye sir isn't she a miracle of engineering. After we fix the kinks with the fuel lines and the occasional gas leakages we can properly begin training in its use.” ViKtor said as he removed the hulking metal machine off Tsarviks back.

“ Now Viktor, I only have one question” Tsarvik said twirling his beard looking over the machine.

“Aye, what is it sir?” Viktor asked preparing himself for a question on how the machine functions or its possible defects the current prototype had.

“Where do you put the bloody bayonet?”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

~Vulpess - The Grand Capital of Kistune~

A full 25 minutes passed before a government agent arrived. The agent was a shorter Kistu, standing roughly around 5'6", with clean cut red-blonde and green eyes, a staple of the Kistu. He was wearing a red tunic of silk, adorned with white-metallic embellishments. He approached, and gave only a short nod of notice, as instructed by his seniors, and began a small speech. "Greetings, foreigners," he said in a voice surprisingly deep for his smaller size and rather feminine look, "We are sorry about the long wait, but as we receive few visitors - especially such well protected visitors - that we must take precautions accordingly. Someone of a more esteemed calibre will be with you shortly, until then, please ask me with any questions that you may have."

Diplomat Wyner Lavita came to meet the representative. As she observed her current situation, the Kitsunes did well to make the worst possible first impression. While she figured that her escort would be taken with serious response, she was surprised to find the Kitsunes to be so paranoid and aggressive. Enemy soldiers everywhere at the ready, every single gun pointed at them from seemingly any direction. She felt more like a prisoner than a diplomat. Though she was a bit relieved to find that the Kitsune airships, what little there were, posed very little threat to her escorts simply due to the obviously weak and primitive design of them. "They probably don't even know what Kavuria is..." she thought to herself as she approached the representative. His short height and feminine look confirmed his nationality, and Wyner gave him a bitter sweet smile. "I am very flattered that you consider these petty escort ships of the Arkil Federation to be so powerful and perceive them as such a great threat. I never figured our standard airships would be so intimidating. I am Wyner Kavuria, leading diplomat of the Arkil Federation from across the great ocean. On the behalf of our Sovetor, or leader of our nation, I thank you for receiving us. I am very excited to finally see the mysterious, yet supposedly wondrous nation of Kitsune. I must apologize though for arriving with little warning as our communications with your nation are nearly non-existent. Though hopefully with this trip, we may better know one another and benefit immensely from mutual trade. I am quiet eager to meet your superiors." she said, her voice smooth and well spoken.

~Arkillian Federation, Demera~

The dwarves did not have to wait long. Almost as soon as they sat down, a secretary called for them and led them to a large meeting room. A large, old yet well polished wooden table sat in a large carpeted room. On the walls hung various pieces of art and three large windows lit the room with the glow of the mid day sun. The dwarves were gestured into their seats with the leader of the envoy taking the head of one end of the table as the rest filled evenly on the flanking chairs. A few minutes passed until the large double doors opened on the other end of the room. Two Arkilian guards marched into the room and took their positions next to the door on either side. Then entered Sovetor Kai Avonsta flanked by two of her advisers. The one of the left was a large man wearing a decorated blue and grey dress uniform, holding a hat under one arm. He had a large scar going from just above his left temple to the bottom right of his face with a dead left eye. On her right was a short yet fierce looking woman with long, silver hair and orange eyes. She wore a black dress uniform with a red star on the shoulder along with three medals on the chest piece. They took their seats at the other end of the table with Kai in the center. She cleared her throat.

"Ehm, greetings dwarves of Novgorod, it is nice to see our northern neighbors have come to visit the Arkil Federation, let alone on such short notice. Non the less I sincerely welcome you to our nation, and do hope you enjoy your stay here during the duration of this meeting. Now then, down to business, why exactly have you decided to come and meet me here in the capital?" she asked simply. While she could take an easy guess as to why they had come, she wanted to hear what they were going to open up with first. "Are they going to get straight to the point or will they sugar coat it with an offer?" she pondered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MouseKing


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

United Revolutionary Socialist Republic of Seratenland - Seraten

The capital of the Republic, Seraten stood at the thinnest point of the isthmus between the two continents, approximately in the middle of the new Republic. The city had been ravaged by the great war, and then by the civil war, but in the past years of Socialist rule, it had been rebuilt. Though it lacked the grandeur and the architectural beauty of the old buildings, dating back to the ancient empires that once ruled these lands. The new buildings were beauteous in their own right, built out of modern materials ina modern brutalist style, the city, besides a few of the old churches and a palance, was a spitting image of modern construction.

Within one of these new modern construction, the Revolutionary Socialist party was debating, arguing over policy. The world now was dangerous, in fact it had always been dangerous, but the Socialist regime was generally paranoid of the threats of their enemies. Most monarchs of the world were not pleased with the existence of such a state, one that advocated their overthrow and death. Unfortunately for the URSR, it was bordered by two of these states. To the east and south was the Holy Empire of Denzgraad, a theocratic state, filled with illiterate peasants, and nobles, A prime target for the spread of Revolutionary Socialism, but that would also make the URSR a prime target of the Denz.

Georgios Tsolakoglou was one of the Republic's greatest generals. He had led the Socialist armies against the monarchist and democratic forces during the civil war and won. He was an esteemed person in the party, when he spoke those around him listened. "We need not fear the threat of Denzgraad, the eastern terrain is rough. Their armies are incompetent, peasant soldiers with little training and drive. Our fortifications, our tanks, can hold the line against their superior numbers. What we have to fear from the Denzgraad is their fleet. Our naval power is insignificant compared to theirs. In this regard, I feel, that it is prudent to establish cordial diplomatic relations with Denzgraad. We have more to fear from the Qalimeqi, and they are a mutual enemy of Denzgraad."

"The Qalimeqi have an army, and an airforce that is a significant threat to the sovereignty of this great nation. We still share to some degree a common bond with Denzgraad, religion, culture, and the threat of the Qalimeqi. The armies of the Qalimeqi and their proxy states could be a significant force. We share little with the Qalimeqi, they practice a religion that is foreign,a culture that is foreign, and are a monarchist state. In this regard we should pursue a policy of detente with Denzgraad, and amr ourselves to defend against the enemies in the Qalimeqi empire."

"The army, and the airforce as such need improvement. To the north is the Arkili Federation, an atheistic nation of bird people. We share a bond their with them, and a common foe of the Qalimeqi. They have an incredibly powerful airforce, their land is home to the greatest airships that are currently in use. We need to contact the Arkili, and purchase from them, the materials and supplies necessary to establish our own significant airforce, and we must acheive a strategic pact with them to deter and perhaps to eventually put and end to the Qalimeqi ability to make war upon us."
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