Tempest said
I know it was hard enough to keep involved in the missions without my slow pacing. I hope to see many of you back in the relaunch, however.
No, I'm offended. :<

Though, I guess I'll rethink my char a bit, her unique is a drag to do.
Tempest said
I know it was hard enough to keep involved in the missions without my slow pacing. I hope to see many of you back in the relaunch, however.
Gat said
Ahh, good times....
Maxim said
When you put it like that, I guess it does make a fair bit more sense that way.Although, if we really are that weak at the beginning, shouldn't we start with "Slay x Sewer Rats" instead of "Solve murder mystery for highly suspicious country."? :P
Alphakoka said
No, I'm offended. :<Though, I guess I'll rethink my char a bit, her unique is a drag to do.
Tempest said Look at it more this way.You have done nothing to this NPC to have them act in any particular way to you. You begin to talk to you and they interact well, you have said plenty of reasonable things and they logically have no qualm. It works out... But suddenly have to do a success roll. You fail. Suddenly, everything you did doesn't actually matter. You don't get the information you needed. Because a roll dictated that as opposed to basic interaction skills.
Another situation, a player walks up and starts talking to an NPC trying to get closer to them. They out that they killed the last person who rebuffed their affections. Suddenly, alarm bells are going off in their head. By sheer luck, the player rolls a success. Guess what, the NPC goes completely against character and accepts this and happily deals with the player.These are highly illogical situations that highlight the problems with a roll system for diplomaxy.
Alphakoka said
Er, why do I have the feeling that's completely uncalled for and not connecting to what was said?
Gat said
Well that killed the conversation.
Brovo said
At work, forgive typos. Dice rolls are removed because they are not conducive to a coherent story. Elly you were doing fine before in diplomacy without rolls, and you can still use a unique to boost your diplomatic ability artificially. Andrea did that in LoR 1 with her half-succubi, also used magic to her advantage.
Sarzu said
By diplomacy you mean acting like a harlot and just seduce/get into bed everything that walked on two legs, yes? :p (estimated time of slap to the back of my head by the time Andrea reads this post)