Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Yup, completely correct.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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K thanks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Witch Hunters are meant to be this RP's equivalent of space marines. The more you know!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Man, I was hoping the group would have a conversation with Aradus and other Paladin survivors (where they would talk about what Mimel was doing to them while Azure destroyed the others). Oh well... I'll just include some of it in my next post I guess...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnome


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So if I post my CS here, then read a bunch of IC, I can join in? What do. Here's my CS.

“Form as Regal as the Night Sky”

Name: Vami Norkatch

Gender: Male

Alignment: Mage

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laue
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@Gnome: The original post contains the shortened "Story so far" section to bring you up to speed, more or less. Now for your character.

First, you should expand more on that cocoon. After all, how did Vami alone find it, and where? Finding secrets of the old is a big part of this RP, where does Vami fit in the big picture? Who are the Acolytes of Shadow? Because this make them the 4th secret mage society. What do they know of the others? How do they relate?

As for powers themselves, shape - shifting is OK, but Plane of Shadow does not exist within this universe. While I personally have nothing against such planes, but this would require quite a bit of retcon to implement, so that simply has to go. The abilities can retain their original function, just without any Plane of Shadows things.

Speak with the Dead, however, needs a big modification. While initially it could work on recently deceased, tearing apart the veil between the world of the living and the dead, dragging out a specific spirit and questioning it is way too much for a starter power. The dead do no remain anchored to the physical world for long, usually.
Change these things first, and I'm sure your character will get accepted. ^^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnome


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The cocoons not a secret, it was a cocoon where the caterpillar had been eaten by a parasite which had then left, but when Vami saw that it was filled with darkness and the omen of death in place of life, it awakened something latent in him.

The Acolytes are a bunch of weirdos, theres only a handful of mages among them. They're all deathmongers and more or less not acknowledged by anyone but the tales told to children, where the Acolytes will kill you and turn you into a zombie if you dont wash behind your ears.

Alrighty, I edited the things you mentioned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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Always nice to see we have a new character coming.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by brokndremes
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brokndremes Sleepless One

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I plan on reading through whats happened so far in a bit more detail, and then get a CS up later today. Is there much of an imbalance between Paladin/Mage characters, or does it not much matter which I choose? (Having read through the IC, it seems like it would be far simpler to insert a mage at this point, so I'll go with that for now. I can make both if you'd like another paladin though. )

Hope to join you soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laue
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@brokndremes: Numerical balance between player character alignments does not matter in the slightest. Because each and every character is yet another member of their alignment, one among tens of thousands, it matters little. Choose a side you prefer, or both, if you want.

@Gnome: Much better. Vami is accepted. You can start off at whatever point you want to, though it would make sense for your character to be at the fortress, having accepted The Witch's offer. As mentioned before (I think), the link to the Character Sheet thread is in the original post, among everything else.

@Rultaos: I guess I rushed your characters a bit, didn't I? Sorry about that, though your post turned out great anyway.
Adding a new feature, of sorts. Character sheets for major NPCs, unveiled bit by bit. Might/will be a bit spoilerish, but I think that will only add to the suspense.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by brokndremes
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brokndremes Sleepless One

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Let me know if there's any issues with having a minor noble background. I can rewrite her backstory, but would rather not.

Name: Shara Vey

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Alignment: Mage

Covenant/Affiliation: Member of Vey family, University Student

Personality: In a word, Shara can be summed up as 'curious,' a trait her family often considered a curse, as it tends to lead her into places and subjects where she is not welcome. She can become easily distracted when working with something she considers dull, welcoming any excuse to move to something more interesting. A close second to 'curious' would be 'talkative.' She does not fear to break the silence when with others, and can be caught talking to herself when alone.

Shara is a very trusting individual, almost naive. She is quick to forgive as well, though those who have hurt her or scared her lose the implicit trust she grants most people. Although open about all else, Shara is very secretive about her magic, having revealed it to no others.

Biography: Shara is the second daughter of a minor noble, with three elder brothers. The early years of her life were spent in ease, running through the Vey family's manor and the surrounding gardens. Being the youngest child of five, she was not burdened with the responsibilities of the others. She would not need to inherit and manage the estates, as her eldest brother Gregor would, nor did she have to face the trials of becoming a paladin as Jerem would. With Elana as her elder sister, she didn't even have to fear an early political marriage to some nasty lord, far away. She and Alend, the youngest brother, were the two who had their lives open. At least that was how she thought at the time.

Yet, things were fated to change. In her tenth year, her brother Alend discovered he was a mage. Dutifully, and blissfully unaware of how terrible the consequences would be, he turned himself over to be purified. When he was released by the paladins, he was not the same. He had great difficulty bearing the pain, and would often spend days paralyzed, occasionally breaking into convulsions and screams. A year later, he vanished, only to be found floating facedown in the Vey's decorative fountain. So when Shara discovered she was a mage herself, she was very cautious in keeper her powers hidden, determined not to go through the torment that ended her brother's life.

Years passed, and Shara managed to keep her powers hidden, very rarely using them, despite how the magic seemed to call to her, to want to be used. It frightened her how it burned inside of her. Jerem went off to the mainland to become a paladin, Elana was dutifully betrothed to some other lords son, and sailed away shortly after. And while time passed, Shara learned, and that learning made her hungry for more. Her parents hired her a tutor, and she was taught to read and write, the basic history of the land, and of math and natural philosophy. Eventually, with the help of her tutor, she convinced her parents to send her to learn at Tiena University, for they could not afford to send her to the capital.

And so Shara left the island that had been her home for most of her life, and ventured out into the mainland. Tiena was a fairly small town, and it seemed to have grown up around the University, rather than the town existing first. She felt an odd sense of safety in the town. Perhaps it was the lack of paladins, or that it distanced her from the memories of Alend's torture and death. But finally, in her seventeenth year, she began to try using her powers.

Power Description: Shara is a deceiver. An illusionist. She can manipulate light, and eventually sound, smell, as well creating perceived touch. However that is far away, and she can currently only perform simple manipulations of light.

Illuminate: In it's current form, this spell creates a heatless flame to light up an area, however with more skill, it can be refined to create varying degrees of brightness, or can be controlled to only shine in certain directions, and create various colors.

Darken: A complement to illuminate. Unlike illuminate, which creates a point which eminates non-magical light, darken acts like a coating, absorbing additional light and making things seem darker. Darken can be used, in conjunction with illuminate, to create illusions. Things that aren't really there, but appear to all as if they are. At her current skill, these illusions are small, and lack detail. Shara cannot yet control darken on its own, and only knows how to use it with Illuminate to create illusions.

Noise: The ability to create the illusion of sound from a given point. Shara does not yet know she can do this, and it will be difficult to learn how to properly control it.

Scent: The ability to create the illusion of a smell. Shara does not yet know she can do this.

Pressure: The eventual pinnacle of her abilities. This ability must be directed specifically, as rather than creating an object, it acts within a persons mind, making them think that they feel something when touching an illusion.

Other Skills:

Education: Having spent three years at the University before the call was sent out, and having spent time learning prior to that, Shara has a wide range of skills and knowledge. She knows basic healing and anatomy, surgery, and basic alchemy. Shara also has some knowledge of history, literature, architecture, and natural philosophy, although these will not likely be helpful in times to come. She is decent at sketching, though art is hardly a strong point of hers. Although she has a wide breadth of knowledge and skills, she is not specialized in any of them, and any who have specifically been trained will be able to outperform her.

Other: Shara is by no means a warrior. She has no fighting skills, and little experience surviving out in the world.

Current Equiptment: As of arriving at the fortress, Shara carries a finely made steel dagger, a notebook, as well as charcoal pencils. She carries her possessions in a satchel, which also contains some spare food and coin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnome


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I uh... Took some liberties with The Unholy Hand's magic and the pyromage Tiberious mentioned. I hope this is acceptable. There aren't many Mage things going on. Pls.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laue
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@brokndremes: I literally have nothing to nitpick on here. Accepted!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

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The Unholy Hand does not have a sig magic besides being able to use the Beyond. And only 2 members can do that. My magic comes from within, as using energy from the Beyond would be pointless in that fight.

The spell was just a arrow made with magic, no bleeding effect with it, though I like the idea. And any artifacts The Unholy Hand would have would be locked away or in the possession of a member.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnome


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I see. I guess I needed a catalyst for his wound to become really bad. Maybe its trained by the Unholy Hand to use deep-cutting magic like this? Not necessarily tapping into the Beyond. But the artifact, the Ruinous Catalyst, was something that changed hands in a deal between The Unholy Hand and the Acolytes. I just wanted to use something my character uses, to relate the covenant I made to an existing Similar? one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

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The wound was just a arrow wound, the different was the arrow was made of magic. It leaves no lingering effect at the moment. And no one knows of the Unholy Hand by look or face, just by name. Sure, you can have the staff be from my cov, but my char would only recognized as The Terror, not a member of the Hand.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnome


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Well things just got complicated. I mean I was thinking my covenant had interacted with the Unholy Hand multiple times in the past, maybe the Unholy Hand sought them out because of similar interests. But damn this is getting convoluted... I don't want to rewrite all my shit...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Well, besides the wound, I can make everything else work. My cov seeks knowledge of The Beyond so maybe you guys had artifacts that held something about the Beyond. My group, because of the Beyond, work in super secret. So it would be hard to get involved with them in any way. Maybe edit it to the others thought the wound had something else going on cause it was known the The Terror's victims had slow deaths.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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I just realized that my character is still in the tavern not doing anything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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eemmtt said
I just realized that my character is still in the tavern not doing anything.

Indeed XD. I thought Zander was going to hire him, but we were kinda thrown out into the field fairly quickly. Though, I guess he's lucky he didn't end up in the bloodbath the Paladins found themselves in.
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