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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Just playing around with ideas.

As for the buildings, the ideas are pretty simple, and the guilds work thusly: You can equip a large number of troops credibly with decent weapons if you build it.

Same for the firearms manufactory.

The government buildings are the important ones, really, but i don't see them as being particularly gamey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiendishFox


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I'm one of the new players looking to join! I was thinking of taking region 19 in the North it that's acceptable? What do the two crossed swords on the borders represent? Also I know I have to stick to the races/exports that have already been created, but can I change everything else (e.g flag, government, society, history)?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eternal_Flame


Member Seen 1 mo ago

FiendishFox said
I'm one of the new players looking to join! I was thinking of taking region 19 in the North it that's acceptable? What do the two crossed swords on the borders represent? Also I know I have to stick to the races/exports that have already been created, but can I change everything else (e.g flag, government, society, history)?

the crossed sword is indicating that nation is in war or in dispute with the neighboring country, and for the other you can ask syrian, oh and for sure to read all related post in IC about region 19 too, for your reference
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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FiendishFox said
I'm one of the new players looking to join! I was thinking of taking region 19 in the North it that's acceptable? What do the two crossed swords on the borders represent? Also I know I have to stick to the races/exports that have already been created, but can I change everything else (e.g flag, government, society, history)?

Region 19 is being invaded, by me and Meeky of all people. They're Orc slavers who've gotta die. However, me and Meeky were talking about handing the region back to NPC control, as neither of us are imperialistic (yet). So if you wanted to wait a day or two, you could have it. The new flag would then make sense, and as it's a slaver state, you could bring the former slaves in as the new population. You'd have to think about what happens to the Orc masters though - unless you wanted to be the Orcs, in which case, you could be the guys left in charge after the invasion who promise not slave again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Major change heading for the RP:

To allow for army expansion, but to limit it at the same time, these following rules are in effect:

1 food source, either imported or exported = 10,000 soldiers and 60 ships

Home regions, without food sources, can field 5,000 soldiers and 30 ships. Having a food source + home region does not stack, and will only boost you up to 10,000 soldiers and 60 ships.

You must acquire the food source before venturing beyond your current cap. No one walking around with 11,000 soldiers with only 1 food supply, for example.

Nation abilities are still a WIP, but you can see what's in the making by looking at the first OOC post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FiendishFox


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SyrianHamster said
Region 19 is being invaded, by me and Meeky of all people. They're Orc slavers who've gotta die. However, me and Meeky were talking about handing the region back to NPC control, as neither of us are imperialistic (yet). So if you wanted to wait a day or two, you could have it. The new flag would then make sense, and as it's a slaver state, you could bring the former slaves in as the new population. You'd have to think about what happens to the Orc masters though - unless you wanted to be the Orcs, in which case, you could be the guys left in charge after the invasion who promise not slave again.

Well I was intending to play the evil slaver orcs, but as that's not possible could I take Region 12 instead?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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FiendishFox said
Well I was intending to play the evil slaver orcs, but as that's not possible could I take Region 12 instead?

I don't see why not, but be advised: Bohaddon is the former capital province of the now-defunct Empire, and its history and culture will be influenced by its ancestry. I'll be expecting things like Latin names. The flag will have to stay, and the name, but the Government is upto you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oh, it just occurred to me, if you want to be slavers, slaves can be added as an export to any nation - they only require a monarchy/dictator or form of government that does not have an agreement of basic human liberties.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Panda-Man


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I'll be posting first thing in the morning (7-8 hours). About the changes, they do look great, especially the army / food source mechanism although I'll have to study them in order to adjust accordingly since I might have gone a bit overboard regarding my naval forces mostly. Good thinking though Syrian.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Meeky


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I think my nation will very clearly be Farmerfolk. I was tempted to choose the trade one, but... halflings. Farmers. It's natural.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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I've recently begun following this RP, and I'd like to join. I'm a little confused, though, because it seems like a lot is changing and I'm not certain if I should apply at the present time. It seems like you're changing continents and instituting several new systems and aren't currently RPing. Should I submit a sheet regardless or...?

Thanks in advance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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I was just throwing ideas around for the most part, only one mechanic has really changed, and it's related to troop numbers.

Basically, having 1 source of food permits you to 10,000 troops, and 2 sources to 20,000, and so on. People were a bit worried about building up their armies, in case their size offended me, so I thought if I put a limit in black and white with a simple system behind it, it'd clear up that issue.

There will also be nation bonuses, which everyone will be able to pick one of, as and when I get them all written out. But that's not going to be complicated.

Continents aren't changing, South and North Orysson are available to players, and all regions are up for the taking EXCEPT* Bohaddon Empire owned provinces and Holy Mernia in the South.

New Theaters will be added as the RP progresses, to create more regions to allow for colonial expansion etc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Warrior Culture = Allows 15,000 professional soldiers (or militia, if that's your choice) at no cost to food source. Every 10,000 after this requires 2 food sources to sustain.

Masters of the Sea = Ships do not lose morale when at sea. Host nation can deploy 90 ships without penalty to food, but will require 2 food sources to supply every 60 ships after.

Merchant Council = 1 import added as an export to your home province per 4 national imports. Troop limits reduced by 25%. (1 food source = 7,500//No food source = 3,750)

Farmerfolk = Owned food resources double output. This includes when they are being exported to other players, who will then receive double as well. Armies can be composed of militia forces only.

Isolationist State = Cannot import or export resources, but can choose 2 additional exports for home region. Resources otherwise must be acquired by owning them directly.

Power to the People = 30% of population eligible to become militia at a week's notice. This does not require a food source. Country wealth goes down by one stage per 2 game weeks (2 real days), but will restore to previous level once militia disbanded. Militia army/horde in use by nation as a direct result of this ability must be clearly highlighted so that the GM is aware of its existence, and can keep an eye on things.

Slaver's Paradise = Over half of your population are slaves. Population happiness fixed at 50% despite building bonuses. Never goes over, never falls below. Cannot be undone, and NPC republics will automatically declare war against you.

Imperial State = Your people have not forgotten where they have come from, or who they are. Aligns you with the Bohaddon Empire in South Orysson, making them your NPC ally. Trade and military assistance will be yours. However, you will be called upon to serve them from time to time as a vassal state, and you will be unable to break this alliance, making you a target for the Empire's enemies.

Tyrant's Lair = Happiness stays at 100%. 15,000 troops per food source. Conquered regions are automatically razed, dispersing or destroying the existing population, making it difficult to replace military losses in large numbers. NPC Passive neighbors will turn aggressive and likely unite against you. NPC aggressive will likely react in similar fashion out of mutual survival.
Are we happy with these?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Im going to be inactive for possibly 3-5 days
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

O.O I was planning on building a massive fleet of like 800 light ships, 400 medium ships, and 200 heavy ships. Also, what would an advanced warship cost, or is a heavy ship a warship?

Edit: The system for building naval and land forces should be given a test run, it might not be good for some or might not just work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Titanic said
O.O I was planning on building a massive fleet of like 800 light ships, 400 medium ships, and 200 heavy ships. Also, what would an advanced warship cost, or is a heavy ship a warship?Edit: The system for building naval and land forces should be given a test run, it might not be good for some or might not just work.

That system has been put on the shelf for now, it was a bit complicated and I don't want people having to waste time playing with a calculator. I'll see if I can come up with something else, which is much more simple, to prevent people fro accumulating large forces within a single week etc. It would look like this, perhaps:

Ship building

Building rate = Provinces connected to sea + No. of Ships resources (imported/exported) x2 for heavy/x3 for medium/x4 for light = No. of ships built a week.

Infantry Building

Building rate = Total provinces + No. of metal/gunpowder resources (imported/exported) x 200 = Weekly troop production.

Militia Mustering

Building rate = Total Population / 95 = Weekly militia production.

Cavalry Building

Building rate = Total provinces + No. of horse resources (imported/exported) x 200 = Weekly troop production.
As we're doing some restructuring, I'm thinking of including Army Cards so that players can better detail their armies for the benefit of both the GM and others. Something like this:

Army Status Card
The Flame Guards

The navy card would follow a similar format.

Any thoughts?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BlackBishop
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Been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me this past week, but things should be getting stable for me now. I would like to resume my role as the Orcs of Vanguar and continue my quest to bring the heathen Orcs of Amplesh to their knees, and quell the restlessness of the Clans, as long as Syrian is cool with that.

If I may offer my opinion on the rule changes: Don't Do It! The simplicity of this game is what attracted me in the first place, seeing the potential for players to forge their own stories, restricted only by what is reasonable. I say we keep it as is, battles sorted out by the combatants with GM intervention if there is no agreement by way of dice. Any changes you do make, keep them simple. Why bog yourself down and risk losing some of that initial magic that brought me here. I am invested in the story I am creating, and am with you regardless, just a ventured opinion. Whatever you come up with is okay by me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

BlackBishop said
Hello!Been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me this past week, but things should be getting stable for me now. I would like to resume my role as the Orcs of Vanguar and continue my quest to bring the heathen Orcs of Amplesh to their knees, and quell the restlessness of the Clans, as long as Syrian is cool with that.If I may offer my opinion on the rule changes: Don't Do It! The simplicity of this game is what attracted me in the first place, seeing the potential for players to forge their own stories, restricted only by what is reasonable. I say we keep it as is, battles sorted out by the combatants with GM intervention if there is no agreement by way of dice. Any changes you do make, keep them simple. Why bog yourself down and risk losing some of that initial magic that brought me here. I am invested in the story I am creating, and am with you regardless, just a ventured opinion. Whatever you come up with is okay by me.

I kinda have to agree, it would be better to give the thing a vote first. Complication can easily ruin a RP, usually its argument over technology. So far no one has passed a the Gmodding limit and even then you can punish until they learn what is reasonable and what is not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

BlackBishop said
Hello!Been a bit of an emotional roller coaster for me this past week, but things should be getting stable for me now. I would like to resume my role as the Orcs of Vanguar and continue my quest to bring the heathen Orcs of Amplesh to their knees, and quell the restlessness of the Clans, as long as Syrian is cool with that.If I may offer my opinion on the rule changes: Don't Do It! The simplicity of this game is what attracted me in the first place, seeing the potential for players to forge their own stories, restricted only by what is reasonable. I say we keep it as is, battles sorted out by the combatants with GM intervention if there is no agreement by way of dice. Any changes you do make, keep them simple. Why bog yourself down and risk losing some of that initial magic that brought me here. I am invested in the story I am creating, and am with you regardless, just a ventured opinion. Whatever you come up with is okay by me.

This is why I haven't really touched anything yet. I agree with you, wholeheartedly on many points, but people need a bit of input, and try as I did, I don't think my message regarding army sizes has made it through in a black and white manner, which is perhaps my fault.

The only thing I have changed is the food sources and army sizes, which is a simple mechanic and I feel it's both logical and still leaves room for player responsibility. I mean, going by the numbers that I'm seeing, I think only one person is going to have to cut their troop numbers to reflect their available food.

For the time being, that is the only change, the other stuff is just theory work that I'm throwing out to you guys for some feedback. I'd rather not have any system at all, but people struggle and I can see why. There's no real framework, just loose advisories and my scorn to go by. Poor old Titan was trying to assemble a force of 1,400 ships. I'm not much of a naval history buff, but the Spanish armada had 130 ships and that number was seen as huge back in the days it existed.

So yeah, the troop caps are going to stay.

Nation abilities are another idea I am toying with, that give nations certain tactical edges but also drawbacks. It seems well received so far, but It's not an included feature. During your absence, the RP started to wilt, and so I've thrown myself into giving it a bit of a face lift, you see.

Aside from the troop and ship caps, which I'm putting in place because I feel as GM they need to be, every other feature gets run by the players first. That's the way I'm going to handle things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Titanic


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

SyrianHamster said
This is why I haven't really touched anything yet. I agree with you, wholeheartedly on many points, but people need a bit of input, and try as I did, I don't think my message regarding army sizes has made it through in a black and white manner, which is perhaps my fault. The only thing I have changed is the food sources and army sizes, which is a simple mechanic and I feel it's both logical and still leaves room for player responsibility. I mean, going by the numbers that I'm seeing, I think only one person is going to have to cut their troop numbers to reflect their available food. For the time being, that is the only change, the other stuff is just theory work that I'm throwing out to you guys for some feedback. I'd rather not have any system at all, but people struggle and I can see why. There's no real framework, just loose advisories and my scorn to go by. Poor old Titan was trying to assemble a force of 1,400 ships. I'm not much of a naval history buff, but the Spanish armada had 130 ships and that number was seen as huge back in the days it existed. So yeah, the troop caps are going to stay. Nation abilities are another idea I am toying with, that give nations certain tactical edges but also drawbacks. It seems well received so far, but It's not an included feature. During your absence, the RP started to wilt, and so I've thrown myself into giving it a bit of a face lift, you see. Aside from the troop and ship caps, which I'm putting in place because I feel as GM they need to be, every other feature gets run by the players first. That's the way I'm going to handle things.

I don't think the RP is going to wilt anymore. We got two new players coming, black is back, and orange is nearly on summer vacation.
You didn't exactly give me a number of how big a navy had to be to attack the north and 130 seemed small so I decided to follow modern navy sizes. How does a navy of 200 light, 100 medium, and 50 heavy ships sound for 5 regions?
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