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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It's not that it's the fact that I've been shot down three times so far. I'll figure something out and post a cs up tomorrow.

EDIT: Double post sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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VoiD Perpetually mediocre

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alright, finished my sheet. Sorry for the lack of warning, I got a bit excited, haha.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

SyrianHamster said
Lovely dubbly, I think I'll get most of it written out, and leave room to accommodate any information I feel would worm its way into an ale filled tavern.

Is being a foreigner that important? Surely you can reach into your bag of ideas and reroll a non-foreigner? Even within the 'limitations' (which, as far as limitations go, is far from actually limited), there are a thousand possibilities for an interesting character. But hey-ho, each to their own I guess.Anyways, it's 2am over here in not-so-sunny England, so I'm off to bed. I hope you find a solution to the foreigner problem... which would sound really bad out of context. Laters.

I think you got it well figured out. But each person has their preferences. I am still looking forward to your CS as well Everblight.
Not sure where you got shot three times down, but I thought it was a bit clear that the focus would be on what I had written out. If I hadn't been clear and set you on the wrong foot, than I am sorry for that.


Is looking good. Keep it going. ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Accepted. To the character storage with it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VoiD
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VoiD Perpetually mediocre

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Great! Can't wait for the RP to start.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enzayne
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Enzayne Invading Eldar

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

I hope it's not too late to partake of this magnificence! I got sidetracked while writing up a CS :<

I pledge loyalty and honor to the High Ruler of the Empire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I think I should let you guys know that I made a few revisions to my CS. Mostly minor stuff like moving 'Honorable' and 'Brave' from traits to personality, fleshing out certain things and adding a few flaws, like that he likes to gamble and that he's not the smartest out there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Psychic Refugee

The Psychic Refugee

Member Offline since relaunch

Here is my sheet, finally completed. I was pretty distracted while working on it, so if you spot any problems, do point them out for me... or any questions you may have. Auditioning for the role as current head of House Perar.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nyhm


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Psychic Refugee said
Here is my sheet, finally completed. I was pretty distracted while working on it, so if you spot any problems, do point them out for me... or any questions you may have. Auditioning for the role as current head of House Perar.

Your character and theme song are epic. Always metal \m/
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
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Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago



@The Psychic Refugee

Would you mind to change :

''Seventh son of the prior scion of the House Perar, born near the Wall ''

There is no Wall. Other than that, once you have changed that, I accept him. He is good. I am a fan of metal too.

I did my GM job, yeah.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This is what I have so far, I hope it's up to scratch. Please tell me what needs to be changed and I'll have a go at making it so.

- Name -
Damien Perar

- Gender -

- Age and birthday -
27 years old, born the 11th of June of the year 1274

- Origin -
He is of low nobility, born from the Lesser House of Perar

- Length and build -
6'0" with a slender build

- Weight -

- Sexuality -

- Appearances -

- Occupation -
Damien has the head for politics and as such he has made it his goal to make his way to a seat on the senate.

- Favorite phrase/saying -
"Treachery is noble when aimed at tyranny"

- Favorite Food -
Cherry's are his favorite food and he is often seen still nibbling their stalks

- Favorite Weather and Season -
Winter and snow

- Patron God/Goddess -
Araos, God of Intelligence and Knowledge & Irtan, God of Courage and Chance/Luck

- Personality -
Despite being of low nobility and thus not being granted the highest education available Damien is a rather intelligent individual whom has learnt his way through life thus far, he could be described as an intellectual who spends hours reading books and the like but it when he comes into contact with people when Damien really shines. He has learnt through multiple methods most prominently examining himself and his own personality how to manipulate others and to play people off on one another. He is a very ambitious person and he intends to use his future power and influence to improve the standing of house Perar and to catapult himself even further.
On the face of it Damien is a polite and hard working member of house Perar, he is generally one to make a joke and enjoys toying with others and deliberately putting people off balance.
He is similar to his sister in many ways, as he knows that she isn't the paragon that everyone seems to believe. However being her brother Damien is rather protective over her and is looking forward to the day that their paths cross not just as siblings, but as rivals.
Damien has never seen the allure of courage and fighting his opponent head on, he sees the fight in the shadows that is played between minds to be the most important and honorable fight.

- History -
Damien was always interested in the ideals and inspirations of others. He always wondered about his fathers desires and why he was content with being an servant for the high house of Rynir. His father was a good man and Damien respected him but he did not share the bakers ambitions, no Damien aimed much higher when imagining his own destiny and after years of education and teaching himself in the only library available to him he was able to give himself at least a chance of reaching those impossible dreams he had set for himself so many years prior.
Damien is focused on getting himself a seat in the senate, something he sees as essential if he wants to continue along his current path and hopefully manage to make the name of Perar great. With only his intelligence he often seeks travel to the capital so he can learn more about the government and the senators themselves as he realizes that if he one day does manage to gain a place among their ranks he will need allies and he will have to know whom to trust and whom to manipulate.

- Theme song -

- Clothing and/or armor -
Damien generally walks around in tight fit leather clothing with the etched designs of house Perar, these are his everyday clothes which most people see him wearing. He does also posses armor but hasn't yet been involved in a conflict in which he needed to wear it. With red shaded leather and chain mail stained a dark reddish colour and with lines of gold in its lining. It is a very fine set of armor and whilst he doesn't have the time to devote to his physical training he hopes he can live up to its appearance if he ever needs to wear it.

- Tools and weapons -
Damien has little need for swords or bows as he does most of his fighting in the quarters of nobles. He does have a small dagger that was bestowed upon him by his father when he was the age of five. He has kept it by his side ever since and it can often be seen strapped to his belt or somehow fixed to his waist.

Whilst he doesn't carry it around with him Damien does have a sword that is placed with his armor in his personal quarters but it is rarely taken from it's sheath let alone used.

- Skill/Abilities -

Skilled Orator
Low-level fighting skills
Can ride a horse
Superior observation skills
- Traits -
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gerontis
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Gerontis "I worry for Hugin, But I worry more for Munin."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I think the character is good. As GM, you receive my seal of approval.

I think that today people should finish their CS's, as tomorrow the IC is going to start. And though I will be at work, I am going to try to write something already to introduce my character. :P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 20 days ago

Name :
Lucilia Tinath
Nicknames :
Lucy (Shorten), Sunshine (Her pet name used by her family and close friends), Riovas (her mother's maiden name which she uses when trying to hide her nobility)
Gender :
Age and birthday :
24, Summer of 1278
Origin :
Born of low nobility in the House of Tinath. Her father is a squire-turned-knight while her mother is an acclaimed herbalist. She has three older brothers and a younger sister.

Length and build :
Stands at a height taller than most men (Six feet three inches) and built like a fortress. That is to say, underneath the layers of clothing, she is very muscular, as though she has spent years hauling rocks. She has a healthy layer of fat around her stomach and other major muscles that don't take away from her well-toned physique, but also allow her to keep on going even under duress.

Weight :
Two Hundred Twenty Pounds
Sexuality :
Heterosexual but unmarried (much to the chagrin of her mother)

Appearances :

No dragon, unfortunately. She also has a helmet.

Occupation :

Favorite phrase/saying :
"Heroes and Villains are just fantasy. Out here, there are only victims and survivors." Lucilia's general view on war and other conflicts.
"There is more color to this world than black and white." Lucilia thoughts on (Often extreme) dichotomy.

Favorite Food :
Apple Cabbage Soup and Garlic Bread

Favorite Weather and Season :
Lucilia likes the spring, where the plants are just beginning to bloom. But she also likes cold days, so that she doesn't burn up when she's in her uniform.

Patron God/Goddess :
Brafald, for the obvious reason that she wishes to protect the people using justice as her tool (And her bardiche as the weapon).

Personality :
Lucilia is a stoic girl, good for a guard, not so much for everything else. It seems like she simply is apathetic to the world as a whole, like she wouldn't shed a tear at her own father's funeral (She won't). But it's just now she's learn to deal with things. Lucilia isn't one to likes to constantly create close personal attachments to everyone and everything; all things physical will be gone one day, and who is she to have to mourn the inevitable? Not that she won't feel sadden by it, she just learned not to show it under the impression that it makes her look weak. But aside from her stone-expression, she has a heart of gold. Or maybe silver, depending on how charitable she is that day. She didn't become a guard just to mooch off the power; she wants to take an active part in helping protect the people of the land, from the royal court to the lowly beggars. While she isn't afraid to dirty her hands in the name of justice, she also betray her principles and honor just to fulfill the letter of her credo. She wants to do good the best way she can; sometimes this means following the law, other times it means commanding the law itself.

History :
Lucilia's story began with a knight and a healer. The knight was deathly ill, stricken with a disease that had plagued his family for years. He sought to use his short time on this world to do good, but as he neared his end, he regretted that there was much more to do, and very little time to do it. That's when he met the healer. The healer saw his pain, and she worked hard to alleviate the worse of it. But she was able to do much more. She was able to cure him of his curse. The knight, no longer ill, was able to continue to fight for justice and honor. To thank the anonymous healer the knight took her hand in marriage, to live with him and his family. And that's the basic basics of how Lucilia's parents met. Her father was a knight of House Tinath, while her mother was simply an herbalist who happened to chance upon the knight's sicken body. It was a storybook romance that had a happy ending, that ending involving five children and a family who does well for itself.

As a child Lucilia always loved stories. tales from her father, mother, friends, extended family, complete strangers. The tales of fantasy drew her into a world that seemed magical and awesome. And she wanted to be part of a world like to, to be the hero who vanquishes great evils and brings happiness to the land. Lucky for her, her father was more than willing to show her the ropes of how to uphold justice. While her three older brothers were, at first, much stronger than she was, as they grew older her strength began to surpass their. Only her eldest brother could outdo her in strength and skill, so it came to no surprise that when he reached adulthood he joined the Legion, and attained the rank of Centurion before Lucilia would have been considered a young woman. She too wished to join the legion and fight along side her brother, imagining that he protects the land from the likes of criminals and the barbarians of the north.

And Lucilia was given that chance when she turned eighteen years old herself. Training since she was a little girl, Lucilia was one of the better skilled soldiers of the Legion. Thanks to her father's influence, she was indeed able to work within the same unit as her brother. But that's where this tale stops being so whimsical. Her brother's unit was sent to assist a Legion towards the north, against a growing barbarian tribe that threaten to overrun one of the smaller villages. The battle was a slaughter, but it also showed the true colors of the world. The barbarians, savage as they were, did not come across as mindless monsters in the shape of men. Instead they looked like a mass collation of desperate men and women trying to survive. Lucilia saw cruelty from her people worse than the villains she heard of in stories. This went on for years as her brother was stationed there. Only recently has Lucilia returned to her home city of Hials, where she spends most of her days patrolling the streets for trouble.

Theme song :
We are all one

Clothing and/or armor :
Lucilia is often seen in her full armor (Image above) when walking the streets, as she is a guard. However she also has more casual attire in the form of fine linen trousers and a tunics. She's still wear her armored boots however, as they're the only footwear she owns.

Tools and weapons :
Name :
Carnifex the bardiche
Description :
Lucilia's main weapon that she is very skilled at using. Capable of impaling, hacking, or slashing her enemies into slabs of flesh and bones. She received this weapon when she joined her eldest brother against the barbarians of the north.
Appearance :
It is the same weapon in her appearance image. On the blade is written a written engraving: Cast in the name of God, ye not guilty.
Name :
Lanius the Kopis
Description :
Lucilia's sidearm. While not as skilled at it's use as she is with Carnifex, she is more than deadly with it. A parting gift from her brother, who rewarded it to her for her strength in battle.
Appearance :

Name :
Description :
Lucilia's horse. It's five years old, and she received it during her time in the north. A close companion of Lucilia's she would often ride it during patrols. Benedictus also has it's own armor, but Lucilia doesn't put it on him unless she's expecting trouble. Benedictus is a war horse and thus more than capable in a fight, but he's also very intelligent, and knows the difference between an army and a crowd of people. Lucilia can whistle for him and he'll come running.
Appearance :


Skill/Abilities :
Literate - Lucilia knows how to read and write quite well. If she ever decided to put aside the guardsmen life, she could potentially retire as an author.

Skilled Fighter - Lucilia spent six years fighting against the hordes of the north. While they aren't exactly a professional army, Lucilia has found against many cunning and brutal warriors and came out on top. She fights best with her Bardiche, but can kill with her sword or bare-hands if needed.

Horse Rider - Lucilia and Benedictus are quite a pair together. Benedictus himself is a very fast, very strong horse, and with Lucilia at the reins they can do various maneuvers that would take others years to learn.

Plant Identification - Lucilia has spent some time with her mother, enough that she knows much about the local plants around Hials, such as which ones can sooth a upset stomach and which one will cause you to defecate yourself uncontrollably.
Lucilia is a level-headed individual who tries not to let the confusion and chaos around her to muddle her thinking process. She can be very authoritative thanks to this, good if someone needs to take commands right than and there, but not so much in more casual situations like what to have for dinner.

Lucilia is also a good-hearted person who only wants to try to help. Granted, she doesn't always do things perfectly, and no good deed goes unpunished, but regardless she'll want to help. Whether you want her to or not.

I pledge loyalty and honor to the High Ruler of the Empire
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucius Cypher and Everblight,


I will also write the opening of the IC now. ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Everblight
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Great, thanks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The IC is open. With being in winter, most of the land is covered by snow. Likely more at the coast, there is less snow present there. Further more, my skype is : Alicehondemon.

Feel free to add me, so that I can create skype chat group for the RP. ;3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roran Hawkins
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Roran Hawkins

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I pledge zero loyalty and especially no honour to the High Ruler of the Empire. May he sucketh mine balls as I shed my blood in his blasted name.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little Alice

Little Alice

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I did the coding, Tummy cat. :I

Seems to be working for everybody so far without any compliant. But regarding your CS, its fine. I still need to use what we had discussed in the opening post of the OOc, regarding the information of the history of the Legions.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Oh i should probably adress this now since the IC has opened up.

this is to anyone who plans to interact with Breena or Elora (myself or Apokalipse) in regards to making clothes for your character.

To avoid a pointless conflict between tailoring shops, there will be one (unless someone else has one, in which case please pm me) shop owned by Breena and Elora's parents.

The story is that Breena's granny, Aria, opened said shop with Elora's parents Edna and Edlund. Breena got older, learned how to run the shop, and took over for Aria when she retired. Now she co-owns it with the parents. Elora (Apokalipse's main) will just be working in shop as unwilling apprentice to Breena. Should you want to interact with one of her parents thats fine, but until such time as she decides to remove her parents from the mix and become co-owner, Elora is assumed 'not ready' to take on shop duties.

That said, feel free to do orders and such at the shop. My character will likely be doing nothing else and it will give me things to post in the IC. i dont think i missed anything...i just wanted to clear that up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apokalipse
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Banned Seen 17 days ago

I'll be getting my post up sometime today(:
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