Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dextkiller
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hello RPers, and welcome to another interest check. Now, I'm sure all of you have read plenty of these before, and understand how they work,. The meaty details lie below, and below that are some notes on the workings of the actual RP.

Here it is folks:

Ialdia is a continent in the wider world known to the inhabitants as "Veruulis" (this is an ancient word that roughly translates to "on which we stand"). This continent is inhabited by Humans, Elves, dwarves, and the like, as you might expect from a traditional high fantasy world. However the residents of Ialdia are few and far between. This landmass is covered in many amazing locales. Peaks that soar higher than the clouds, deep river valleys that carve green furrows through the tough outer highlands, and vast sunken underground systems that hold the ruins of a forgotten people. Such an amazing and fertile land would have been colonized long ago had it not been for the magical failings of an ancient race. The earth shook and took with it the secrets of these forgotten people and buried them deep beneath the valleys and mountains of Ialdia. The failed attempts to bend the forces of the land to their will led to the utter destruction of these people and brought a curse upon the lands on which they resided.

All descendants of the once great race were forever banished from the lands of Ialdia by the forces that govern magic. For their heinous crimes against nature, their descendants were to be forever devoid of the perfect home. Many thousands of cycles passed. Tens of thousands and then hundreds of thousands until the lands of Ialdia were simply taken off maps. All who knew of the continent labeled it as the end of all existence. And before long it faded from memory. No questions were raised about a missing chunk of the world, for it was understood by every race that no life existed there. For many peoples the lands of Ialdia became known as the lands of the dead. When one died their soul would pass into the realms of Ialdia, which was the reason no sentient life could reside there. Each one that tried their hand at surviving there died shortly after arriving. Stricken with a strange ague, they simply began to drift away from themselves, leached of all life. Before long they would turn alabaster white and begin to drift away on the winds, their energy forever given to the forgotten lands.

As the cycles blew by like leaves on a breeze the branches of decent stretched, as they are wont to do. One people became many, and so came the round ears, the point-ears, the the tall, the short, the green and the blue, the light and the dark. As each race chose new homes away from each other, they became as different as the lands that surrounded them. Over more time than can be fathomed, these people became the familiar races of human, elf, dwarf, goblin, orc, etc.

Life forgot of the Continent of Ialdia, until a traveler stumbled upon a secret that would unlock its treasures.

In the far northern realm of Surac-Thul, the ritual of binding was first used to give two Orcs a deeper connection than mind and skin. An inherently Orcish ceremony that bound two people at the very cores of their existence. They were connected in a way that made them inseparable to one another, and therefore the ceremony was reserved only for those with the deepest connections. An Elven traveler observed this ritual on his travels through the northern realms and counted himself among the blessed for being present for it. Only twenty of the rituals were known to have occurred throughout observed history. As he travelled back to his home lands, he met an Orcish woman. They quickly fell into love and became all that was the world to one another. After many many cycles they decided that they were to undergo the ritual of binding. Because of their difference in race, it was seen as unclean to be bound to one another, so the Elven traveler, being a apprentice spellweaver himself, performed the binding to the best of his abilities.

the connection was solid and tangible, and they were happy, but it was not all that they had heard from those that had been bound. They could feel one another at great distance, they could even feel the emotions of one another in close proximity, but they were not fully bound. Angered by his failure, the traveler made to leave to his homeland in the east, Siilara, to seek guidance from the Iinmaria (masters of magic). his orc lass came with him, but they were caught in a terrible storm at sea, and thrown far off course to the west. They sailed for many moons, and as all seemed lost to them, they came upon the craggy western shores of Ialida. Not knowing it to be the cursed land, they moored quickly and set out in search of provisions. The crew that manned the vessel died of the ague within the first night. When the sun rose, the tents held alabaster dust where once there had been people. The next night brought a storm that took the ship they had come on. The traveler and the lass knew quickly where they were and thought they would be soon to go. But as the suns flitted through the sky one after another as they always had, they thought their love had saved them from this terrible fate.

Cycles came and went and the traveler and the lass aged as they knew they would. They carved out a home for themselves from the fertile Ialdian lands and made a comfortable life. As they grew older, they began to miss their homes. So they resolved that they would return before they died. Cycles passed as the traveler and the lass learned the ways of the sea. They grew older and wiser but also more frail, until one day they set off first for the realm of Siilara. The rough seas battered them, but they managed to traverse across to the travelers lands. Shortly after arriving, the lass began to succumb to her age. She became very sick and bedridden, and died silently one night in her sleep. The traveler grieved as he would, but was surprised when her body turned pale, and became alabaster dust like the crewmen so long ago. Once she went, he began to feel weak and ill, so he traveled to see the Iinmaria that he might live to see the lass's lands for her as she had wished.

After telling his story to the exalted magus', they observed that his connection was what kept both him and the lass alive on the cursed continent of Ialdia, and now that it was gone, the curse that lived in his very being would take him as well. Several days passed before the traveler died, and turned to alabaster dust like his lass.

The Iinmaria took note of this and began to try and reforge the connection between the two that had allowed them to survive the cursed lands. They quickly discovered that unless the bond was entered under mutual circumstances, neither could survive the curse. They also discovered that there had to be a connection between the two people. Blood relatives were often considered and had good outcomes. Other good outcomes included friends, lovers, and oddly enemies. Other conditions included one of the two having performed the binding, and being a novice mage. For this reason none of the Iinmaria were capable of entering the lands of Ialdia, much to the chagrin of quite a few dead magus.

Over the cycles the word spread that those bound under these circumstances would be able to traverse the long forgotten treasure trove that was Ialdia. And so the pairs began to come. Some came for peace, some for luxury, and others for the adventures and secrets that lay within the ancient lands. But ancients threats lie here as well to protect the treasures of a long passed era of magic, and as the land bustles with new sentient life, they awaken to guard their secrets.
So there it is folks, The Lost Lands of Ialdia all summed up for ya. I have a ton of backstory, antics, history, and the like set up for this one so if I get enough interest I'll share all that in the OOC.
One thing i DO want to share however is that this RP is going to be DONE IN PAIRS. As mentioned in the backstory stuff, the only ones that can survive the lands of Ialdia are those that are bound to another being.

Some notes on this fact:
-I will NOT allow anybody to be in control of BOTH the people in one binding. This means that 2 different people must be bound. This forces interaction and co-operation.
-Bindings will only work with TWO people. This means no more or less than 2.
-Race, age, gender, and the like do not matter in a binding, but the characters must have some sort of connection to each other to be bound, as mentioned. This gives opportunity for some interesting interactions between characters.

In case you didn't know by now, this is a PAIRED RP. This means that people will have to work together, and it can require some internal chat between two people to make things work accordingly. I expect pairs to be aware of the fact that they are paired together and not just gallivant off in different directions the second they touch down on Ialdia. While there is story tucked under this, it is very much a social RP. Progress needs to be made, but the interaction between characters is just as important as furthering the storyline.

Now, if you're interested let me know. Enough interest will warrant an OOC, and with that will come heaps more information on this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darcinogen


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I like this. I'm in!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dextkiller
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Only one person? I need more than one person! D:
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darcinogen


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

:( bump?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dextkiller
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

okay I guess this isn't going to get any attention. I'll leave it up but I think I'm gonna scrap it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lady Termott

Lady Termott

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I guess it may be a little late to say I'm interested, darn
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dextkiller
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It's still up. If you have friends tell them about it. I got backstory and lore and stuff so i'd rather not trash it if I don't have to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

This sounds pretty interesting to me!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Piqsy
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Piqsy just a good egg

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'll join in if this is still up?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dextkiller
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It is still up. Four is a good amount, but six would work better. If you guys have any friends you want to invite go ahead, but if we only get 4 then that's enough.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dextkiller
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Alright, 4 it is then. Expect the OOC by tomorrow morning peeps. I'll post a link to it once it's completed
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by 99 Problems

99 Problems

Member Offline since relaunch

Count me in
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by zaga2575


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Same sounds good
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darcinogen


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So this is happening? Awesome!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dextkiller
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Wooooo 6 peeps! Yeah, expect the OOC tomorrow.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dextkiller
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Working on it now, got it about half way done and am taking a break. Should still be done today.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gargoyle


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Damn, is it too late to show interest?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dextkiller
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

not if we manage to get 1 more person, need enough for pairs, which means an even number.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dextkiller
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Here it is peeps!
The Lost Lands of Ialdia

Sorry it took a bit longer than I told you guys it would, but there it is! Make sure to read up before posting a CS, cause there are some perquisites.
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