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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Adorabadass


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Expect a CS some time in the next few days.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 11 mos ago

-reads the word betwixt


I'l think of something soon :D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Giving a courtesy hello!
I'll have a character conceived and written within forty-eight hours.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Fantastic, welcome. I also love the word 'betwixt,' and other archaic and Shakespearean words! Nice pun there (forty-eight hours), Rockette!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm really interested in this, I love the premise. Also, I really liked Spirits Within, even if the rest of the world agrees it was...not great.

I'll start piecing together a CS. One quick question, do you mind if we use pictures of real people for the appearance section?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Blackwell


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Name: Katherine "Kat" Hardy
Birthday: 6th of December
Height: 1.73m

Kat keeps her clothing simple when out of uniform. She prefers jeans, usually a darker shade, with a simple blouse and flats. She has a thing for bracelets though, and is often wearing quite a few. Her hair is usually pulled up, either in a bun or a ponytail. She has a tattoo of a crescent moon on nape of her neck.

Personality: Honesty is the policy with Kat. She is completely, unforgivingly honest, especially with her friends, and expects others to act the same. She values the truth over most other things. Her honesty sometimes falls into insensitive territory but she doesn't see this as an issue. She thinks the truth is more important than preserving the feelings of others. Many see this as an excuse to be rude though. Kat is a very direct and straightforward girl, she doesn't play games and lets her opinions be known. Due to her honesty, Kat is sometimes described as insensitive and judgmental.

Kat is a very in the now type of person. She lives for the present and has trouble realizing the effects her actions may have in the future. She doesn't worry about the future and doesn't dwell on the past as she views them as unknowable and unchangeable, respectively.

Kat is also very loyal. To her cause and her friends, she is unwavering in her devotion.

Biography: Like just about everyone else who met him, Kat quickly came to love Sam after meeting him. It was strange how easy it was to follow him, how easy it was to trust him. Charisma with ease, a natural born leader, Sam brought everyone together in a way that seemed almost unreal. They were just kids, and yet he seemed to know exactly what he was doing. Kat had no doubt he'd be doing great things right now, had he lived. He'd be a general or a political leader or some other esteemed position where he'd inspire those around him. Even in these dark times, just thinking about Sam filled Kat with a warmth that was nearly unmatched. Occasionally she wondered how much of Sam was just an idea. How much of what she remembered was true, and how much was imagined over the years? She guessed it was easier to deify him in her mind, considering he was no longer around to disappoint. It didn't matter much though, the idea of Sam was a good thing, real or not.

Kat had a relatively normal youth. She went to school, played with her friends, and read a lot. Nothing of particular import happened until Sam. His death hit her hard, young as she was, and left her in a dark place for awhile. Everything seemed dampened after he was gone. Colors a little less vivid, the summer breeze a little less gentle, books a little less interesting. Eventually she got out of her mood, as she finally accepted he was gone she found her peace. She didn't know if Sam was in a better place or not, but there was nothing she could do about that. She hadn't been there when he passed, and one thing that still gets her is that she was unable to even say goodbye. She couldn't even remember the last thing she said to him. After her acceptance, Kat found a new appreciation for the present. She dwelled no longer, and didn't worry about the future. She'd let the world, and her friends, take her where they might.

Not soon after, her parents go divorced. This wasn't that big of a deal, as it was a peaceful parting. Sure, she wished her parents stayed together, but if it wasn't working she understood there was little point to drag it on. She was grateful they had waited until she was a little older though.

Her father moved away after the split, and she only saw him a couple times a month. He had a demanding government job, and was quite busy. Her relationship with him diminished as a result. Her mother was in the same position, but at least she still lived with Kat. Her job had been getting more and more demanding as the war raged on, and eventually she was told she'd been transferred to another city. With a bit of arguing, Kat convinced her mother to allow her to stay in her hometown, to be with her friends. She had decided to stay in the dorms of the Military Academy. Kat was one of the first to sign up. She had been aching to do something of meaning, and took her and her friend's affinity with the spirits as a sign that this was what they were supposed to do. In the back of her mind, she knew she was so eager to join and fight as a way of honoring Sam's memory

Weapon: Sword and Combat Knife

Limit Break: Snow Globe: Kat creates a large sphere of incredibly dense ice in an area of her choosing. If she is on flat ground, it will appear as a half sphere. This creates a near impenetrable barrier. She can use this power defensively, to block her and others off from their enemies, or can use it offensively to seal enemies away. This sphere doesn't require much existing water to form.


Water: Torrent: Kat is able to control the movements of water existing in her environment. She is able to use this water for various reasons. The spirit is very versatile but requires existing water which can be hard to find at times.

Water: Drown: Using the water present in a living creature, Kat attempts to drown an enemy from the inside. This spirit is a very powerful one, but it is held back by requiring Kat to stand still and concentrate on a single enemy for an extended period of time. This can leave her vulnerable.

Ice: Cold Touch: This spirit causes anything Kat touches with her skin to freeze when it is active. The temperature decrease is minimal on first contact, but it rapidly accelerates over prolonged periods.

Ice: Flash Freeze: Using water available in the environment, Kat is able to rapidly freeze it. She most often uses this spirit to create ice spears to impale an enemy or an ice field to hinder movement.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Hello, welcome! I loved the Spirits Within as well.

Answer: No, you can use 'real' or 'live-action' pictures if you want. I'll clear this up in the character sheet template.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tenish the Mighty
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Tenish the Mighty Social Hallucination

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Bit of a work in progress, I wanted to get something up, but I plan on editing it a bit when I see some of the other characters to develop more of a dynamic and sense of relationship between them. As well as actually finishing the rest, of course. Should probably catch some z's first, though, and then get some sleep, character conception and the capture of abstract alpha-numerics is tiring.

Name: Remiel "Remi" Morgenstern
Birthday: 31st of March
Height: 181cm

Appearance: Here's a photo taken with a semiotic-quartz lens, as you can see, his spirits are somewhat clingy.

Remi tends to dress professionally, even in purely social settings, with a preference for business casual attire in subdued, earthy tones. He has a fondness for vertical lines that accentuate his already lean frame, and when he's feeling particularly expressive, a tastefully accented tie.

Personality: Much like the appearance he keeps, Remi conducts himself with a measure of poise and decorum at very nearly every moment. Even when among intimate friends he carefully chooses each word and action he takes. While far from cold, he does maintain a certain level of distance, even from those closest to him. His WARG profile suggests that these characteristics would make him an excellent operations coordinator, but not a particularly good field leader.

While it is not particularly difficult to connect with Remi, or get him to loosen up, what makes his behavior troubling is how markedly different it is than when he was younger. Once a particularly energetic and rambunctious child, while he had little of Samuel's charisma, if anything Remi was even more creative and outgoing. The shift in Remiel's behavior after his friends death was gradual, but it is hard not to sense the jarring difference between the Remiel that is and the Remi that was.

Biography: Remiel's life leading up to the calamity was not one of particular import. It was the carefree, everyday, ordinary sort of life of all children living in relative peace and comfort. His parents were loving; ordinary. He always had a roof over his head and a meal in his belly; ordinary. He had his friends. Ordinary. He met his lifelong compatriots one day exploring an abandoned construction site near his home. There were other kids there, playing where they weren't supposed to, relishing the thrill of breaking the rules, ordinary childhood antics. The accident, when it happened, was the ordinary sort of tragedy that always occurs in youth. Someone fell. Someone bled. All Remi can really remember was all the sound suddenly falling away as everyone stared at all the blood. Remi had never seen so much blood. The next thing he remembers was Samuel taking charge, shaking everyone from their reverie, sending someone to get help and starting first-aid on the stricken and shaken child. Eventually kids ran home, so did Remi, parents called parents, everyone got scolded. Samuel came around the next day, going door to door to get people to come visit the injured kid, maybe sign their cast, maybe pool their allowances to get them a present. Remi said they should get them a hard hat. Sam smiled.

The rest of Remi's childhood, brief as it was, passed with a similarly lackadaisical air. Ordinary joys and ordinary sorrows bled together in the maelstrom of memory. But the slow ripples of time and tide quiver with the oncoming storm, and one day, Remi's world became extraordinary. Remi doesn't remember much of the invasion, of the war. It was a time of strife and chaos, and even those white-hot memories of fear and pain and woe cool until only recollection remains. Remi got his first tastes of combat during the last half-decade of the invasion, becoming one of many child-soldiers pressed into service to stem the vicious otherworldly tide. Like the rest of the war, Remi's years on the field are a haze of hardships and intermittent violence. Only a few sharp points stick out in his mind. The first was the first time he saw someone die up close, to see life ooze out of them agonizingly slow, and yet, at the same time, siphon from them with a speed he could hardly comprehend. He didn't know he was capable of feeling such pain as when he saw that stranger die. The next the the first time he killed. As the beast died on his blade what he remembered most was how it died just like a man, for all its fangs and fury, it died just the same. The next was when he heard of Samuel's death. He wasn't there when it happened, he only got word through a field report. What he remembers most of that day was how he barely felt anything at all.

After that initial partisan tour, Remi found himself enrolled with many of his old childhood friends at the academy, their spiritual magnetism discovered, they were to be groomed into the next generation of soldiers for 'the cause'. Excelling in his studies, Remi's years at the Academy passed like all the others, a series of moments, some ordinary, some extraordinary, all flickering past as time ground on. Now they graduate, and while the past may be unfocused, Remi has kept the future in sharp clarity. While the past may be full of joys and sorrows ordinary and otherwise, the future would be Brobdingnagian in scope. The future would be painful. The future would be wonderful. The future would be extraordinary.

Weapon: Remiel wields a single, standard, academy issue shortblade.

Limit Break:
Spectral Spec-Op - Reaching out to his audience, he leverages the weight of his spiritual entourage to compress the spiritual and physical worlds closer together, creating a bounded space in which he and his spirits are detached from the greater world. In this timeless, formless space the rest of the world seems to stand still as Remi flickers in and out of existence, weaving between his allies and enemies, aiding the former as he can while often gifting the latter with a single choice blow, which flickers and phases through their defenses as they remain frozen and powerless to stop him.

Mechanically this would behave as having a positive effect on allies one way or another, moving them out of harms way, et cetera, whilst harming all opposition in the field with damage that, while not extreme, bypasses all of their defensive characteristics.

The Spectators - Remi's spirits are numerous, frighteningly so. When first analyzed by the academy, the sheer volume of spirits that inhabit Remiel overwhelmed the test equipments ability to quantify. This trait caused Remi to initially be slated for either immediate execution or being placed on the elite guardian track, as his incredible spiritual affinity was speculated to lead to Remi becoming one of, if not the most, powerful guardian to ever exist.

It is of indeterminate fortune then that Remi's spirits proved to be much less of a game changer than his monitors initially thought. While Remiel possesses more spirits than almost any other guardian, several times over, most of those spirits are of no great puissance, and furthermore, the vast majority seem to have no desire to intercede on any of his affairs. They simply follow and watch Remi, wherever he goes, whatever he does. Remi has come to call them the Spectators for this trait, countless beings all around him, constantly watching, constantly waiting, but for what he cannot say.

In terms of practical application as a guardian Remi's unique disposition of spirits give him a great deal of flexibility in the abilities they grant, though they are not usually of particular potency, leading Remi to rely upon his talents for speed and strategy to take full advantage. Furthermore, the effects he does effect are decidedly impermanent, as even those few spirits in his audience that do deign to help him, which he refers to as the Stage Hands, will not do so for long.

In more concise form, Remi's powers are diverse, and disparate in form and function, but are almost always of limited substance. If there is an elemental pattern to his spirits at all it is that they trend towards the ephemeral and abstract, spirits of space and time, air and aether.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Insatiable
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Insatiable 𝚁 𝙴 𝙼 𝙴 𝙳 𝚈

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll be working on my CS right away once I'm free from school.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Welcome to the both of you.

That was an interesting photo for your character, Tenish! Very mosaic-ish. Make sure to make a post, later, in which you clearly state that you are finished with your character sheet, so that I can look at it again.

I shall also post my own character sheet as soon as possible, as it might assist someone with how I have imagine things 'should' be written, or for the sake of ideas and inspiration to get people started. I recommend that all of you do the same. Tenish is on the right track regarding 'dynamic development' of character sheets.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

This has me intrigued...I'll try to have something up soon. As a question could we make an aggressor kind of character...one of the friends that became so overwhelmed with Samuel's death and the whole war that he went off the deep end. Would that be acceptable?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Good question.

It would depend on you more than anything else. Since the other characters have attended the same military academy, the assumption would be that your character did not, as he or she is an aggressor. This means that your character would have separated from the rest of the group at age eight or nine. This would leave the aggressor character quite disconnected from the group, but not forgotten.

Another thing would be that this character would not appear at the beginning of the story. He or she would have to appear at a later point, which is impossible to predict when that would be, i.e., how long you would have to wait to actually post something. In fact, it would not make sense for him or her to join the others until somewhere in the middle of the story.

Another question would be how this character's relationship with everyone else would be. The term 'aggressor' has negative connotations. They do not have to be 'evil,' but they usually do more bad things than good. However, this would not hinder the story all that much.

So, it's a nice idea—and you can do it if you want to—but I strongly advise against it, as you would potentially have to wait a long time before being able to join the story/roleplay. That is my only concern.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Sounds fair...I had an idea that would almost mirror Eren Jaeger from attack on titan where an "evil"spirit took hold of him and made a a hulk-like monster...the ideq is still rough but that's the concept
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ok, got a quick CS together, it's a WIP though, input welcome.

Updated 3

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Member Seen 10 days ago

I have nothing against this concept, but it is too similar to the concept of one of the main villains of the story. The villain is not based on Eren Jaeger, not at all, but the concept remains too similar for two of the same type of character to exist. You could go through the Limit Break-path and have your character physically transform there, but it is a finite duration and under specific circumstances. I do not want to limit you, but these are the options.

Thael instantly reminded me of Barret from Final Fantasy VII, or that “Gentle Giant” character archetype over at TV Tropes. I was hoping for a character like this to appear, so this is great. Some of his personality traits and biography stuff are similar to my character, which is a good thing. You are on a good track here, keep it up.

I have noted your amendments. I will provide comments when you are finished or when and if you ask for them during your work in progress.


It is important to understand that the story is about the group—together as one—and not about individual parts of the group. Of course, everyone can have their own little subplots and such if they want to, but the storyline is about all of them and everything that happens will be personal and important to every character in one way or another. My character is not particularly interesting, nor does it have to be. It is, after all, what we do and say in the story and how we interact that is important. Do not perceive similarities in character concepts as a bad thing. They have been with each other for so much and so long that they are bound to have influenced each other a great deal or shared the same fate.

Work in progress, but I am posting it in order to add to the pool of ideas that is already going.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thanks for your comments Prisk. I tried to add a little dimension to him by sort of limiting his perceptions of right and wrong; that's a very key thing I'll try to emphasize in the IC. Thael does not stand for objective justice, but what he personally understands justice to be. For example, Thael is a big time supporter of the central government because he believes it protects all of humanity from the invaders. He has become so wrapped up in this belief that he refuses to acknowledge any evidence to the contrary: he is blind to the cruelty and oppression of the central government because he believes that government can do no wrong.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mirandae
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Member Seen 10 days ago

It is an interesting perspective and it should make for some excellent drama in the story. You have created a clear premise for yourself, so now you should think about how he could change over the course of the story—his character arc. I understand that this might be difficult as you do not know what the story is, but you should ponder on some possibilities and a few ways in which Thael could change. A typical classic change is that whatever the character thought before the story is either enhanced or nullified by the adventures of the story.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

That was actually my plan to have that spirit as his limit break...the only reason I was going to use it was to have that plot point of trying to hide that spirit. the real point of the character was the Jaeger attitude. Thanks for the input I will have. a CS up ASAP
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 8 days ago

Hi Prisk, I hope your offer still stands.

Obviously I copied and pasted most of the stuff from the original thread. I believe I incorporated all the changes you made in this newer version, but I can be wrong. Please tell me what you want me to change. I also need help deciding what my character's Limit Break should be.
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