Name Fredrick Caine Kang, referred to as Freddy or Caine-Kang.
Birthday 3rd of December
Appearance Freddy is a thin man, to the point of it looking almost unhealthy. He has "pretty boy" features, with high, fine cheek bones. He has stormy blue almond-shaped eyes and short black hair. His skin is slightly tanned, and has a healthy shine to it. His eyelashes are quite long, and he has a natural "pouting" look about him. Freddy has multiple scars on his body, including a jagged scar on his throat, a large scar from his left pectoral muscle to his belly button, and various burn scars across his body(including one that goes across the right side of his neck all the way to the right side of his right eye, barely missing the eye itself).
In contrast to looking like a shorter, scarred version of a stereotypical asian male model, Freddy usually dresses in whatever he finds lying around. Day old jeans? Awesome, no reason he can't wear them again. Shirt has stains on it? As long as it went through the washer and is sanitary.
He keeps up on his personal hygiene. Day-old pants are his number one example of slobbishness.
Personality "Our species is literally at WAR with what are essentially SPACE DEMONS and yet we still treat each other like SHIT! Can you not understand how God damn WRONG that is!?" ~~~ Freddy discussing civil rights.
"FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!" ~~~ Freddy on many...many...many...many...MANY occasions.
Freddy is...passionate.
Freddy has always had a lot of trouble containing his rage. He comes off as simply being very short-tempered and loud to someone who doesn't know him. In reality, Freddy's anger comes from many sources, and, while it is almost wholly irrational and a major character flaw, it isn't merely just because he's an asshole(which he is).
Freddy has issues with bipolar depression, and he has a huge habit of converting his mental pain and distress to unbridled fury. This is especially bad when he is manic, as mania tends to invoke greater anger issues. Freddy refuses to take medication for this issue.
Freddy's rage does have an upside, in that he tends to be oddly selfless when angry. To his friends, he's like a dog. Sure, he'll start barking and snapping at anyone who he thinks is going to harm you, and will often be wrong about it, but he would defend you with his life at the end of the day. He is also far more gentle with his loved ones than other people, in that he'll yell at them a lot less and actually be nice to them on occasion. He is extremely thoughtful, in fact, and likes to do small things to help his loved ones.
On that note, Freddy is loyal as a dog, and tends to mostly just bark rather than bite. He is very nonviolent, and is usually the advocate for peaceful solutions. He just expresses it very oddly, using such wonderful examples as, "IF YOU DARE AIM THAT GUN AT HER, I WILL RIP OFF YOUR HEAD AND SHIT PURE RAGE INTO YOUR GOD DAMN NECK HOLE." When he does use physical violence, Freddy is very careful not to do permanent damage to a foe.
Freddy is quite the activist and tends to rant and rave over civil rights issues. He tends to actually be quite annoying about it, since very few people want to debate politics ALL THE TIME. Freddy is a feminist, supports racial equality, supports gay rights, and is a staunch enemy of political correctness(because of fucking course he hates political correctness have you read the guy's quotes?).
Biography: Freddy was always an unpopular one. It's hard to like someone when they scream in your face for the slightest thing. Freddy was way beyond gruff and rude. He was a complete asshole. Beyond that, his house caught fire when he was four, and he ended up getting caught in the blaze. The ugly scars juxtaposed with his otherwise beautiful appearance tended to unsettle people. In his youth, he had only one friend.
That friend was a very charismatic boy named Sam. Other people tolerated him, but only because he was friends with Sam. Unlike everyone else, Sam met Freddy's rage with patience and friendship, and over time Freddy mellowed around the boy. Sam taught him to be nice to people, to actually show some care for others. Sam taught him that not everyone was his enemy.
And then, Sam died.
This was very bad for Freddy, who considered Sam to be his only friend at the time. Freddy quickly fell apart. He stopped eating, slept only for short periods of time when he grew too exhausted to stay awake, and mostly just laid about. His fires were gone. He only ever had energy to do things when he was excessively manic, and whenever that happened he couldn't exactly be called "happy". Considering Freddy was freaking EIGHT at the time, this horrified his parents.
Freddy ended up being a lot happier after Sam's funeral, because that was where he met the friends that would help him find some joy in life. Freddy remembered Sam's lessons, and tried his best to be nice to these people. Though it was obviously rocky, especially with the other strong personalities in the group, Freddy found a place among them. He loved them, and they loved him, despite his crippling neuroses. Freddy grew more gentle with them over time, to the point that one could see a huge difference in how he acted with them than he did with others.
Freddy experienced a second tragedy when his mother was struck with cancer. He was ten at the time, and didn't understand the full ramifications of the disease. Over the next five years, he watched his mother fight a battle that she eventually lost. She kept fighting to the end, never giving up hope and refusing to die until she felt that her loved ones would be okay without her. She accomplished much during her life as a civil rights activist, and died a very successful woman who had lived a full life. Freddy took this horrible event as a learning experience. No matter how futile the battle, keep fighting to the very end. And when you die, do it smiling.
Weapon Durability - Not exactly a weapon, but Freddy is extremely durable, even for a Guardian. He knows this, and makes heavy use of it, often placing himself in harms way instead of others. Thus, he is a very dangerous hand-to-hand combatant due to the fact that he's likely to suffer less damage than anything he punches, kicks, or bites.
Freddy's primary weapon is a very large hammer. This hammer is too heavy for normal people to lift, but most guardians can do so with some difficulty. Freddy can wield it skillfully with two hands, but can't efficiently wield it one-handed.

His secondary weapon, which he uses for nonlethal purposes, is a police tonfa. This weapon is much easier to wield one-handed.
Anything is a Weapon: Freddy was trained to use anything in his environment as a weapon. He's like a less graceful version of Jackie Chan in a fight when he doesn't have one of his primary weapons.
Limit Break Better Living Through Undying Rage
When he is on the edge of death, Freddy's spirits combine their efforts and channel all their power into him. Freddy becomes incredibly strong and fast, and can use much more powerful versions of Shouty's abilities. In addition, Sentinel gains infinite uses of Aegis and Vanguard for the duration of this skill. Finally, Shouty's Aura of Terror becomes selective in its targets and much harder to resist, and affects non-human entities.
The downside is that this mode lasts for only a short period of time, and renders Freddy unconscious when it runs out. Freddy's spirits will be exhausted and unusable for a minimum of one day, rendering Freddy little more than a very strong and fast human.
Spirits He nicknames his spirits.
Shouty: This spirit manifests a red aura around Freddy when he utilizes it. This spirit approves when Freddy tries to prevent harm to people, and is more powerful when he manages to protect people. As a result, it tends to be more powerful as crowd control than as a weapon. It has the following capabilities.
Sound - Concussive Force. Freddy unleashes a burst of super-focused concussive force from his throat. This force can potentially be enough to render someone unconscious at short ranges. He can also cause glass to shatter, or damage objects. It's basically a vocal throat bullet.
Sound - Sonic Roar. Freddy unleashes a roar that is loud enough to render someone temporarily deaf.
Sound - Unending Push. This is basically a very long, extended Concussive Force. Instead of releasing a throat bullet, Freddy keeps on pushing and pushing. This move is, oddly enough, based entirely on willpower, which means that often enough Freddy will be overwhelmed by something he's attempting to push. Every so often, though, Freddy will dig in, refuse to give up, and push something that logically he shouldn't be able to push.
Sound - Aura of Terror. Freddy suddenly stops producing audible noise. However, he passively unleashes from his body a sound at a pitch of 23 kHz, a pitch too high to be heard by humans. This sound causes people to experience incredible fear. Continued exposure will render someone immune to its effects, and most combat trained people will be able to resist its effects(since they can face their fear already), limiting this ability's usefulness. In addition, it only works on human beings, and Freddy himself had to build an immunity to it.
Sentinel: This spirit manifests a blue aura around Freddy. It seems to approve when Freddy attempts confrontation, especially against overwhelmingly powerful foes. It has the following abilities.
Defense - Aegis. Sentinel protects Freddy from harm. This aegis has taken potentially lethal blows and rendered them harmless. Freddy cannot activate this manually, it automatically activates when he is in mortal danger.Sentinel can use this a limited number of times per day, and it only lasts for a few seconds. Freddy has suffered serious injury before when Sentinel apparently ran out of uses of this ability. What this means, is that Freddy is more likely to survive having a nuke dropped on him than he is to survive being shot 5 times over the course of a day. This power does not protect Freddy from poisons that are already in his system, nor from asphyxiation or any other such deprivation of something necessary to live. It merely prevents outside factors from harming him.
Offense - Vanguard. Sentinel grants Freddy a burst of speed and strength, causing him to be nearly invincible for 2 or 3 seconds. This also has a limited number of uses per day.