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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jump City News Channel

"In recent events, the Teen Titans disbanded this morning from what appears to be an action of 'letting go of the past.' Former Boy Wonder, now Nightwing, stated that it was "time to move on." With the superpower group gone, who will defend Jump City from the many dangerous threats that plagued us before?"

Following these events, the Teen Titans reassembled to work out a plan to defend Jump City from the evil that haunted it every day. In a search, they looked for new members to take their spot, ones who were younger and fresher in order to take their mantle. In a double effort to increase the cities protection, the former members stayed behind to mentor the new generation of super hero teens. Now, with the team assembled, Jump Cities new legacy of heroes can begin, but what lies in it's destiny?

1. I'm the GM, what I say is law. However, if you feel like you have done nothing wrong or feel like you have a right to say something, feel free to tell me. I'm open to suggestions and discussion.
2. You may play as canon characters, but note that most of the canon characters from Teen Titans are either dead or are older. I.E. Robin is Nightwing now.
3. Remember, you're not a powerhouse. Everyone has a weakness to something, that's why we have a group, to help each other.
4. Romance is quite allowed, but anything over-the-top is going to your PM's, no exceptions.
5. Arguments will not be tolerated in the OOC. Take it to your PM's, but if it's something that affects the Rp, we sit down and talk like ladies and gentlemen, not like a bunch of kindergartners.
6. Have fun!

~Character Sheet~

~Accepted Characters~

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DanBrooke


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Real Name: Oliver Stone

Alias: Skylar (Sky for short)

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Weapons: none

Powers/Skills: Oliver has the ability to conduit Lightning. Although this ability has it's advantages, it has it's drawbacks as well. She is unable to use electric vehicles, go into water, or even use electronics around the household. However, she has gained some neat abilities along the way of her training, including using the force of her electric currents to boost herself around the place. All-in-all, she makes a fine addition to the team.

Personality: Oliver is the quiet, submissive type. She prefers reading and staying at home than going out with friends or family. However, she fights hard and well for what she loves and believes in. Oliver isn't aware of the fine line that separates good from bad; she instead sees it as a large blurred line, and that many people fall within that blur. Most times she prefers trying to help put criminals on the right path, rather than fighting them and locking them up immediately. This is often seen as a weakness, and she is usually taken advantage of because of it.

Biography: Oliver was born in southern Ireland into a happy family. When, at a young age, her electric abilities were discovered, her father left her and her mother, claiming he could never deal with such a child. He took most of their money with him. After a few years of living in a shady part of town with an abundance of crime, she and her mother moved to the U.S., where they hoped to find a better life. Oliver spent the rest of her years looking up to the heroes that protected Jump City and other close by areas, such as Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Teen Titans. She idolized Starfire especially, admiring her ability to keep peace while fighting for a cause. She barely developed her own powers, choosing to conceal them instead; she was only ever able to use them at night or in private. When Oliver discovered that the Teen Titans were disbanding, she knew that she wanted to be the one that people looked up to as a protector, just as she had looked up to the Titans as a child. She bid farewell to her mother, promising to visit often, and was off to the Tower.

Extra Info: Oliver learned basic battling skills from a friend at school whose father taught him martial arts. This boy was Oliver's closest friend, and one of the few who knew about her powers. She continues to stay in school to keep up a secret identity-type facade, and to stay in touch with this friend. Said friend's name is Daniel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Accepted, I like it!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll bite, lemme see what I got.

Edit: I have a dark character with magic coming soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RPCWhite
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Seems like you aint getting very much business here brother. i use to watch the show a little bit but quickly lost interest in favor of the military channel and Red versus Blue. Id give you a character but frankly none of my modern guys have any powers. I can give you a genetically enhanced kid with power armor and dual tomahawks. i have two other characters that (may) fit better but they for future rps sadly not modern (Earth modern that it)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RPCWhite
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Stupid server messed up and made me double post >.<
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Due to his body being revived with his own dark energy, Damien has developed a fatal weakness to bright light of any form. Any direct contact to his skin is excruciatingly painful and too much exposure will "re"kill him. Hence the ironic hoodie he wears to not only disguise his scary appearance, but also protect himself from the light.

Real Name: Prince Damien Blacke I

Alias: "The Corpse Prince" or just "Prince"

Gender: Male

Age: 17 (At time of death)

The Blacke Blade- A bastard sword forged and infused with the dark abilities of the short-lived Blacke family line. It wields the fearsome ability to seal a person slain by the blade's soul and materialize their likeness to serve the wielder. Curiously, the blade's power has waned over the years of Damien's slumber and can no longer add new souls to it's servitude. It can only manage to summon weak avatars of the damned and dead who have died in the surrounding area of the blade for a temporary time.

Willow Tears- A magical staff buried along with Damien and his sword. The staff is used to channel his dark magic and aids in the casting of spells.

Semi-Immortal- By bringing himself back to life with his own malevolence, Damien can reconstruct his own body as long as a small bit of his own power remains, how long this takes depends on the damage. A cut taking a few minutes, while complete annihilation taking a few years before Damien can even recreate his skeletal structure. He will live until his power runs out for good which will be a good many more years, much longer than the average lifespan of a human.

Swordsman- Accomplished and tested by the wars of old, Damien is a skilled swordsman, and wields his blade with considerable accuracy and precision compared to most every person of the modern time who have not experienced the same type of warfare as he.

Magic- The inherent talent of the Blacke royal family. Various spells include, but are not limited to, dark energy blasts, hiding oneself from view, telekinesis. He has a large plethora of useful spells he can use as long as he has enough energy to fuel them. Since his body is fueled by his own energy, using spells is the equivalent of draining his own life force. He can't use too many spells before he has to recharge his energy.

Personality: Formerly haughty, arrogant, and brash, his own death and revival has somewhat straightened his pretentious attitude. Though it sometimes surfaces itself from time to time, he is for the most part cooly reserved. Instead of preferring the headlong charge like his former self would've liked, his own death has taught him the error of impatience. The cruelest lesson, death, has served itself to hone his brilliant cunning and mental maturation upon his revival. Now he makes use of cold tactical knowledge and strategical experience in all facets of combat. Comparatively to his usual cold self and scary appearance, he has a warm side to his personality and is undoubtedly loyal to those he would call his allies, something of Chivalry.

Biography: There is a period of the Middle Ages once remembered but now forgotten in the sea of history, a time in the history of old England that lasted for 20 years. No records have surfaced in our current time, but it was the short reign of the Blacke Royal Family. A family that came to power for a short time before being quickly usurped and forgotten. The Blacke's all had a dangerous affinity for dark magic, a feature of the lineage feared by many a noble in the land and a key reason to how the Blackes became the royal family through force.

King Edwin I was the first and final king of the Blackes as his son was slain leading a force to suppress a rebellion lead by treacherous nobles. Damien was the crown prince and extremely talented in the art of war as well as his frightening natural ability in magic, he was the King's pride and joy. Though skilled and smart, he lacked experience and was too young and brash, thus leading to his being slain at the hands of the enemy. His forces were completely annihilated while he himself could do nothing to stop it. Damien walked the battlefield for days unknowing that he himself had already died, eventually his life force gave out and he fell, just another lifeless corpse on the battlefield. Only months later after his burial did his father succumb to illness and pass away, ending the Blacke family's legacy. Damien laid dead in a coffin sealed with his father's magic.

Many years passed and the discovery of an ancient coffin in England baffled historians as to its origin. Even more confusing, the coffin was completely unopenable by any tool used on it. After years of work on the impenetrable box, it was decided to send it to a museum in Jump City before researchers would gather funds to work on it again. Put on display in an exhibit it sat there for months. Inside however, dark magic swirled and pulsates in the body of the late prince. Eventually he awoke, he could not feel his heartbeat, and not even his own breath, but somehow he lived. The next day on the news it was reported that burglars had broken the glass box around the display and had stolen whatever had been inside the coffin.

Extra Info: Damien has only recently awoken and is still adjusting to his new abilities and appearance as well as readjusting to his body. He is still changing his speech mannerisms to fit the times, though his older way of speaking is mostly gone he still has an extremely formal way of speaking. He has lived up till now in an old mausoleum.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Accepted! I'll add all the characters to the character list tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FriskyBoots


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Assuming you're still taking openings, here's a character I thought up just for this.


Appearance: Standing at a height of five feet and two inches tall, she is slightly shorter than most girls her age. She has a lanky appearance, with long thin legs and arms. She is fairly petite in general, though she has a fairly well-maintained layer of muscle thanks to her athletic nature. She has shaggy blonde hair that likes to curl into a mess of locks going everywhere. Her eyes are a dark blue, and she has a tan to her peach-pink skin tone thanks to spending much of her time outdoors. More often than not she wears a simple t-shirt, primarily the kind with some witty bit of humor printed on it, and shorts.

Disguise: When in disguise, she dons a fairly simple and admittedly not particularly impressive costume. Crafted herself by modifying a a sports bra, running shorts, a pair of running shoes, and a pair of gloves, as well as the addition of a hand-designed mask. The sports bra has been given sleeves, and the running shorts have been turned into tights. The shoes and gloves have been reinforced with strips of metal, both to make them more durable and to give a bit more oomph to her punches and kicks should she need them. The mask is reminiscent of the kind worn by wrestlers. It covers her head save a small opening in the back where her hair is pulled through into a ponytail, her eyes, and the lower part of her face around her mouth. The entire outfit is black, with orange vertical lines going down the sides of her arms and legs, though her mask lacks any pattern beyond being plain black.

Real Name: Abigail Zwirn

Alias: Bulwark

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Weapons: N/A

Powers/Skills: Abigail is extremely durable. What would break the bones of most people results in the barest of scratches to her. She can be, and has been, hit by a speeding truck and come out none the worse for wear. Although she can't stop it from sending her flying across the street from the impact – She weighs no more than she appears to, and has no particular ability to prevent people or objects from moving her. Her super-durability extends to some protection from things like lasers or fire, though these have a much easier time of harming her than blades or guns would if she is exposed to them for more than a brief moment. She is otherwise just as vulnerable as anyone else – Capable of suffocating, starving, bleeding to death should she be wounded badly enough, catch a particularly nasty cold, and so on.

As for skills, Abigail compliments her durability and lack of super-strength by training in grappling and basic hand-to-hand combat skills, primarily in using an opponents size and weight against them. She is more than willing to make use of strategies and techniques that would be harmful to perform if she was less durable, as well. Despite not having super-strength, she is reasonably strong for a girl her size and age thanks to how athletic she is. She is also a skilled practitioner of parkour, initially a hobby that she has since adapted to aid her in fighting crime. That said, she is far from a master grappler – or parkour practitioner – despite her talent, and has much room to improve.

Personality: Abigail is an upbeat, generally friendly person. She is confident and outgoing, to a fault. She is often careless, the result of almost never being in any real danger herself. She has learned to take great pains to not endanger others, but she often 'spaces out' when it comes to her 'own safety', much to the concern of those who are unaware of her super-durability. She dislikes those who take advantage of others, particularly those who try to use greater size or strength to get away with it. Putting those kinds of people in their place is one of her motivations for creating her alternate identity of “Bulwark”.

Biography: A resident of Jump City, Abigail has lived there her entire life. It is unknown if she always had her super-durability or not, as she was simple assumed to have been a hardy and fairly lucky child growing up. Regardless of if it came about at a certain age or was with her from birth, the tendency of people to dismiss anything odd resulted in nobody being aware of her powers. For the longest time, she herself wasn't aware of them either. She had a reputation for being a reckless child, and often questioned why people seemed overly concerned about 'dangerous' things that didn't pose any danger at all to her. It was only when she was old enough to understand the differences between herself and others, particularly when they ended up getting hurt by things she wouldn't bat an eye at, that she began to figure it out. Otherwise she was a fairly normal kid, and to everyone else still is. She was always athletic and energetic, and excelled in physical education aspects of school. She was quick to join the wrestling club, though her small size made it somewhat difficult to get people to take her seriously at first. She quickly became known as a skilled grappler, and for doing maneuvers that should have hurt her more than they hurt her opponents. Her seeming “invincibility”, of which only she was actively aware of, led to her becoming interested in parkour. The impressive, often dangerous, feats of mobility and the appeal of exploring the nooks and rooftops of the city led to her becoming just as skilled at it as she was at grappling. She has long looked up to other heroic figures, and as she discovered the extent of her powers she considered more and more becoming one herself. She finally began her heroic career as a spur of the moment event, coming across someone being assaulted during one of her parkour sessions. Since then she has taken to the identity of Bulwark, a protector of those who can't protect themselves, and has gained some small amount of local notability.

Extra Info: Unlike some, she has no personal mentor or companion who keeps her secret identity secret, and she lacks any particularly useful resources or contacts as she is an otherwise normal middle-class teenager. This may change with time, as she has just begun on the path of heroism.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll have something up soon, once I get home.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Disguise: (the outfit changes his appearance drastically to the point he appears to be a man)

Real Name: Milo Cash

Alias: The Druid, or as some friends called him Nature Boy

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Weapons: The Staff in the pic,

Powers/Skills: Can summon creatures, fighting with his staff

Personality: Milo is loving of the outdoors and is truly loyal to his friends.

Biography(Can TBR, but I would much prefer it to be written out.): TBR

Extra Info: Keeps a wolf and a bird with him at all times
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Siren


Member Seen 10 yrs ago



Real Name: Syre Danira

Alias: Rift

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Weapons: None

Powers/Skills: Riftwalk
-Syre rearranges her molecules, and the molecules of the things around her. After a few seconds, Syre can reform the molecules in another area. In other words, Syre can teleport to areas she has seen before, but with the addition, that she passively brings along objects around her. This ability can be used offensively by teleporting blades or other weapons in another area; thereby showering targeted area in blades. If used fatally, Syre can even partially teleport enemies; causing potent decapitation. When used defensively, Syre can teleport projectiles away from her allies. There is a fatal flaw to this technique though, when Syre materializes once more, and she screws up, the objects she brought with her, or objects at the area, may embed themselves to her... causing fatal damage. This ability is often started, and ended, with a flash of blue and white light. It should be noted that the farther the distance, the more energy is required for Syre to teleport.

Personality: When being a nun, Syre is notably very meek, and kind. She will always face a problem with a smile, and a chuckle. It is even said that Syre could never be angered no matter what people would do to her. She would often speak in a calm, and kind tone to whoever she speaks; she radiated a very warm, and welcoming aura. However, what most wouldn't know, is her past. When out of the watchful eyes of the convent, Syre is actually a cold, and unrelenting person. She is very snide, and sometimes can give off a very bad remark against others.

Biography: On a rainy night, a baby girl was left to the care of an abbey. There, the girl was brought up to be a fine lady... seemingly graceful, and pious. That was until a priest came by. On the days that the girl was left alone; the priest would do things that desecrated every vow that the bastard had took. Night, after night... the painful shrieks could be heard deep down in the abbey's quarters, and Syre didn't utter one sound for fear of her life. It was until the moment that the young girl, Syre, snapped in rage. When the priest had ventured once more to sate his lust, the girl had already prepared for him. Upon entering the girl's quarters, Syre lunged at the priest, tackling him to the ground. However, the strength of men was something she couldn't undo. The priest pinned her down as a smile appeared on his face. The girl shouted in fear as something triggered in her mind.

A flash of blue light, and Syre found herself outside of the abbey... the cold rain; as cold as the people, rained upon her like icy needles. She felt something leaning on her chest. Syre's eyes loomed slowly as the pair carefully took in the deed that was done. The priest... or rather, what was left of the priest fell lifeless to the floor. Crimson liquid seeped through the damp grass as the girl cried out in agony; the moon her only ear.

The sisters soon found out of the events as they carefully took in Syre once more. It was revealed to Syre that the abbey wasn't only for prayers, it was a place for training. While the sisters reprimanded her for not telling them, they still said their apology for not paying attention. The sisters themselves were actually more than what they seemed.

For years, Syre trained under the tutelage of the nuns. Her powers being fostered for good, not for evil. While on the surface, Syre appears happy, and enthusiastic, deep beyond that smile lies a scowl so scarred, that it would, perhaps, never heal.

Extra Info:
-Syre is trained by the Sisters of the Lost Souls or the Sls sisters. As such, Syre's name would be written as: Sr. Syre Danira, Sls.
-Syre is the youngest nun so far in the abbey.
-The SLS sisters are monitoring Syre's movements whenever possible. As such, Syre mostly joined the Teen Titans in order for her to get away from their eyes.
-Syre has some skill with hand-to-hand combat, but she is not versatile in it.
-The area around her Riftwalk is about half a meter
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

All accepted, except for Phoenix.

If you can put down more info, I'd be able to accept you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright, I may actually completely change the character because I was sitting here earlier thinking and I feel his design in disguise and what I went after in the making does not fit. Powers should stay the same, but he's getting major changes elsewhere
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

No problems there. Nature abilities are usually cool.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Where will our characters start at the beginning of the story?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FriskyBoots


Member Offline since relaunch

Looks like a nice and varied cast so far! Looking forward to RPing with you all. ^.^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well, I know that I'm gonna post IC tomorrow, so I'd probably say maybe right after a fight or right before one?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FriskyBoots


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On a related note, how long has the team been assembled? Mostly because it effects how much we know about each other and interact and stuff. It might be neat if we're freshly-formed and haven't done much of anything as a team yet when the game starts up.
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