SpikeTheNightfury said
And btw Calla does it stand anywhere in the rules that we cannot talk or break the egg yet? You think you're a admin right?
Actually, Spike, have a little chit-chat with the Admin, then.
First off, she made some points. Look at
exactly what happened to the other eggs. Soreth pulled the dragon's out. Another thing, there is no possible way that the Hatchlings could have been able to cuss. You have to hear something like that to say it, and pretty sure you weren't hearing anything in an egg.
zoru said
You were accepted, yes, but now allowed to post, not until Lunar changed the fact that you were born from different parents
Oh, and one more thing, you're names have to mean something. Like, Kristall=Crystal, and she is made up of Crystals. You're names just can't be random names that sound cool. They have to mean something about your personality or abilities.