~Aurora dies~
PrincessWeirdo said
Um... are you still accepting? I know it might be a bit late... This sounds very interesting though and right up my alley.
TheWindel said
@Iatos. Alright then, accepted.@The 42nd Gecko. That's actually a good first post idea for him. Yui's currently in her office so he could stop by for a job interview or something.Yui: Pollux-san, please refrain from "kissing" the students. We don't want another lawsuit like last year.
Arrayah said
THe site is baaaack woo :)
Ezekial Wolffe said
Hey, could I take a few spots? I'm thinking of taking a student and a teacher.
FoxFireOfDawn said
Huh.Interesting place you got here...Room for another? :3
TheWindel said
Sure go ahead.We're always welcome to new faces.