Without blindfold, usual appearance

Blindfold on

Queen mode

Weapon: Umbrella sword. Always seen with her Parasol and weapons on her, but this is the one she favors
Name: Deja Rith
Age: 17
Species: Human - Samurai
Title: Student
Raised by her adoptive father Kuno, she was trained in the way of the Samurai. Having come from Kunos strict household, she quickly learned her manners and the way of the Samurai. Kuno never told her just what had happened to her parents, nor did she ask; he provided for her a good life and in exchange she was a good daughter.
After being taught the way of the blade, and watching her adoptive father go about his business as a sword for hire, she chose that she would like to follow in his footsteps to aid others in need and took time to aid the blind in the village which they usually resided in. After seeing how their other senses improved despite not being able to see, Deja attempted their ways using a blindfold. Now, she wears it constantly, upping all of her other senses and never taking it off in seldom times unless a crisis arrived. With it went her sense of judgment in appearances. The supernatural beings her people usually shunned became friends to her despite her adoptive father’s grumblings.
So naturally, upon hearing of the Academy which was designed to aid the supernatural and others in need, Deja leapt at the opportunity to enroll.
Deja is a quiet individual, always listening to what others say and offering words of wisdom to those who request it. However, she is not against speaking up in disagreeance. Her opinions are unwavering and unfaltering like that of a stone in a rushing river bed. Her level headedness may cause her to disagree with more rambunctious and loud personalities at times, though she is always willing to give others a chance to impress her, and change her mind of them. She enjoys taking walks through nature based areas to listen to birdsong and the wind.
In battle she is patient, centered, and always listening before making her next move.
Notable Skills or Abilities:
Magic: Cherry Blossom Queen
-In this mode, Deja’s appearance changes in that her hair gets longer and she removes her blindfold. This allows her to move faster, and strike stronger due to her certainty of knowing where she is striking. Cherry blossoms drop from her blade wherever she runs
-With weaker opponents, a single strike can turn them into a small cherry tree.
-Stronger opponents, each strike of her blade can turn a limb into a cherry tree branch, until eventually with enough strikes the whole person turns into one.
-Foes that present a challenge she can use her Cherry bombs on, which are small bursts of energy sent out from her blade. While they hurt the opponent, they can also disorient them with the gas emitted from them that can temporarily block sinus passages.
-This mode, when ended, causes Deja to faint from utilage of her sight. While it is effective, taking in so many sights at once which she is not used to can overload her usually balanced mind. If she does not faint, she will be exhausted from her use of magic which she usually does not rely on.
Excelled Hearing
Excelled sense of smell
Excelled sense of taste
Excelled sense of touch
Playing the Sitar