Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Good morning Jump City, this is Barbara Wilson speaking to you, and you're watching Jump City News. Today we take a look at what appears to be the return of Jump City's old super heroes. Nightwing, formally known as Robin, took the steps necessary to construct a new Teen Titans team in order to protect Jump City. In other news, a man by a loc-" Suddenly, the audio and screen began to glitch up, until a broadcast from an unknown location shows up. "Good morning, people of Jump City!" A voice could be heard, comical...but cold-hearted. "It's your best friend, Joker here!, and we have a very, very special surprise for you." The voice, whose body had blocked the camera, moved from his position to reveal several trapped in a room. A crew of thugs, dressed with clown masks, approached the kidnapped figures in the back, who'm had been tied to chairs. "This, ladies and gentlemen, is a party! Whoever can beg for mercy first gets to die the quickest! On your mark...." One figure, a young boy, looked up at the man in front of him, nightstick in hand. "Get set!" He winced and squeezed the arm of his chair. "GO! Ha! Ha! Haaaa!"

Alexander quickly awoke in sweat to the Towers alarm, set off for a meeting with the higher-ups. He sat up, holding his face in his hands, gasping for breath. When he finally calmed down, he got up and got dressed in his regular attire, walking out of his room as the doors slid closed behind him. His footsteps were usually very loud and echoed when he walked. Finally, he entered the Main Ops Room, or living room if you prefer it like that, and stood in the face of the mentors. Nightwing, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy, all assembled as if they were having a reunion. "What's going on?" He said, rubbing his eyelids. Nightwing only smirked, "Just wait for the rest, okay? We'll explain things when everyone gets here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Press walked into the living room, irritated. He had been working on a new device when the alarm rang, destroying his concentration and making his hand slip and ruin it. He was still tinkering with the device in his hands absentmindedly as he nodded towards Nightwing and the others in greeting. He had heard the "explain when everyone gets here" part, so he knew he had no need to say anything just yet. Instead, he took out a needle from one of his pockets and picked at the pieces in the device that he couldn't reach w/ his hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FriskyBoots


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Abigail jolted in surprise as the alarm went off. This was unfortunate timing, seeing as she was currently on the roof. Perched on a ledge, enjoying the fresh air and sunlight as she nibbled on a piece of toast. The toast slipped from her grip, and in her flailing panic to reclaim it, she tumbled over the side as well. Plummeting along the side of the tower, she gave a brief wave as she passed the window in the living room/command center, recognizing the former titans all gathered inside. Seeing the ground fast approaching, she hurriedly shoved the rest of the toast in her mouth and swallowed. She wouldn't want it to get all covered in dirt and grass, after all. Smacking into the ground face-first with a loud thud, she waved her arms and legs as she fell over, landing on her back. Taking a moment to wipe the dirt and grass off her face and mask, she was at least glad she hadn't fallen in the water. She hopped up to her feet and eyed the dent in the ground, giving a small whistle of appreciation. She'd managed to make a pretty accurate impression of her face in the dirt. Maybe she could do a full-body one like in cartoons if she tried?

Suddenly remembering the reason she'd fallen in the first place, the alarm and the assembled former titans, she shook the silly thoughts out of her head. Quickly running around to the tower's entrance, she made her way to the living room/command center - she supposed right now it was the command center? She huffed slightly as she stepped into the room, having sprinted there as quickly as she could incase it was something important.

"So what's up?" She asked curiously, as if she hadn't just moments ago gone hurtling face-first off the top of the tower.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 2 days ago

Press had finally fixed the mistake he had made when the alarm went off, and finished making the device. He pushed a button on it, and his robot falcon Horus flew in after Abigail and landed on Press' shoulder. "We need to wait for the others," he said as he put his device into his pocket and replaced it with another small round object.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Siren


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Confiteor deo; omnipotenti... Beata Mariae; semper virgini.. Beata Michaele...

A chorus of united chants filled the small abbey as from the room; illuminated by a few candles, a cluster of nuns could be seen, their heads bowed in prayer. The nuns clenched their rosaries in hand as they lifted their eyes to the gold encrusted crucifix suspended above them. However, a particular nun was having difficulty in keeping awake.

Et tibi pater... Mea culpa; mea culpa maxima

Syre jolted awake as a familiar vibration was resonating from a device in her attire. It was an alarm. Syre looked around as she noticed that most, if not all, of the sisters were still submerged in prayer. The young nun excused herself as she hurriedly exited the chapel. Syre darted to her dorm as she sat on the bed; pondering upon her thoughts. One part of her told her not to go, the other saying that she should. The nun battled within herself as she lifted her eyes to the heavens. Suddenly, a determined look formed on her face. Syre exhaled as she decided that she would go... After all, it was probably something important.

Syre jumped into the air, and almost immediately, a flash of blue spawned; illuminating the darkness. Syre arrived outside of the tower. She hasn't been inside for a long time now... That was the reason why she didn't attempt to teleport inside. Syre observed the changes that had happened to the tower... It was still standing strong, with some modifications from whoever was responsible.

The young nun smiled softly as she held back a tear; it was all too mesmerizing, and alluring. The reason why she didn't return for a while to the tower was because their activities brought back too much memories... Especially, that memory that involved a cold, and dark rain.

Syre shook her head as she strengthened her will. The girl jumped into the air, creating a flash of blue light. Suddenly, she appeared inside the tower in another burst of light. Syre walked around; noticing the alarms that were going on, and on. However, the sight that captured her the most was perhaps, the original teen titans.

"Isn't this quite nostalgic? I have to say, I was quite happy with the call. I almost slept during that prayer gathering." Syre chuckled as she smiled softly. "But perhaps, I should be honest. It's good to see you guys again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Barioth
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Barioth probably can't read

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Prince sat in the corner of his room staring at the empty space that was his room. The only items lying around were his sword and staff, they were all he needed. There were no windows or lights so the room was pitch black. The light hurt too much, he could stand artificial light in moderated amounts, but sunlight made him wince in pain. He stood up and paced around the dark room, for some reason he could see as if it was clear as day in the room, it must be a side effect of his new form. He had seen himself in a mirror once after his revival and he was too horrified to look again, he was a walking deadman. He could remember clearly still, the smiling grin of a skeleton looking back at him through the mirror, it's eye sockets dimly glowing with an unnatural light. He did not breathe, he could not feel his pulse, and he could not sleep. It was torture, sitting through the night, not feeling or doing anything.

He started to hear commotion from outside his dorm room, it seemed people were finally awakening, he had survived another lonely night. Cautiously he put on his clothes, the clothes of the time he was in, he had acquired them as soon as he realized the date in which he had returned to the realm of the living and had made sure to show nobody what he truly was. Not even his teammates truly knew what he was and he'd like to keep them guessing, at least until he could personally come to terms with his new life. He was a "hero" now, whatever that meant. He had joined rather half-heartedly and was still skeptical about the whole idea of being on a team of crimefighters. Such a thing was bizarre to him, but this day and age saw it as the norm for those with abilities outside of the usual norm, he reminisced at the thought of him stepping over the heads of the regular human plebeians, a pleasant memory, but only a memory. Now he would change his ways and serve the common man by protecting them from harm, it was all he could do to atone for his past transgressions.

After putting on his sunglasses, tying the bandana around his face, and fastening his gloves, he sheathed his blade in the sheathe fastened to his back. Pulling on his hood as he picked up his staff, he walked towards his door and opened it. He flinched and raised an arm to Procter himself from the light that greeted him. It did not hurt with all his protective clothing on, but he still was not used to it. He turned the corner and saw the gathering of people. He saw the original titans and his new comrades in arms gathering in the Ops room. Syre, Press, Abigail, and Alexander had already awoken. "Good Morning." His voice was deep with a soft echoing whisper that followed every word he spoke. It seemed without functioning vocal chords his own life force created a voice for him and the result was a malevolent sounding one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DanBrooke


Member Offline since relaunch

The flashing lights and loud buzzing was more than enough to wake Oliver from her sleep. She groaned and turned over in her bed, covering her face with her pillow. It didn't help much. After a second or two, she sat up, yawned, and threw the covers off her legs. She went straight to the mirror and, despite her groggy vision, managed to brush her hair down and apply a minimal amount of makeup. She wrapped a few hairbands around her wrist in case she's need to pull her hair up later.

Oliver was still mildly tired when she exited her room, book in hand (which may or may not have been a copy of Dead Wrong that she was rereading for the fifth time), and slugged down the hall. She perked up a bit when she realized she was the last one to walk into the main room. She smiled sheepishly, walked to the nearest wall, and propped herself up against it quietly, waiting for the situation to be explained.
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