Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Melody felt like she would drift asleep as the transition occurred, and the very next moment, she found herself as a different person. She looked at herself to let her mind register in the fact that this was completely different. Before she could piece out if her ancestor was someone poor or rich, she could feel a weird feeling around the side of her torso, and then a memory flashed over her with the fact that something in the past caused her to have a scar. Here, her name is Lixue, a foreigner that was once from the Zhou Dynasty of China. As if her memory here was slowly developing, she could remember seeing her family being brutally murdered by the nobility, and that her presence here with the Assassins would grant her the ability to protect those that are targeted by the strong. As much as she and possibly the others would know the Egyptian language, she was also reminded of her own Chinese language, not that anyone around these parts would understand. With the memories now clear to her, she could finally take in her appearance. A plaid robe, nothing too special, but at least it covered that scar in her abdomen. Her skin was slightly tanned, but it was quite pale compared to the others.

Her appearance was easy enough to say that she was just a foreigner and a peasant, considered weak as opposed to what the nobility believed is to be "strong." In the inside, she is an Assassin, someone who protects the weak from the strong.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enso


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735 BC
Dan, or rather Abasi, was pulled out of his examination of his own hands and arms by a Master clearing his throat and motioning to Abasi to take his robes and he scratched his head in embarrassment. "My apologies," he said and approached the Master, taking his robes and equipment from the man. He met eyes with a man standing in the back of the room, his arms crossed and a disgusted look on his face as Abasi pulled the robe over his head and wrapped the Shemagh carefully around his head. Dan had never worn a Shemagh before but for Abasi it was common and he could do it without thinking about it.

Abasi leaned in close to the Master and whispered, "Who is that man there, and why is he glaring at me?"

The Master chuckled. "I thought you knew, that is Dakarai. He does not think you should be here because you were not born into the Order. Watch out for him, he has been assigned to accompany you as your teacher and he will most likely be harsh."

Abasi grunted and looked back at Dakarai who said nothing and simply glared until Abasi rejoined the group.

"Sir, you said to alert you if any other changes occurred and I've noticed some." One of the technicians said.

"What is it?"

"More memories are bleeding through, mostly personal memories but this Dan kid seems to have adopted his ancestor's muscle memory when it comes to wrapping a--" He looked at the screen, unable to recall the garment's name, "A shemagh."

David grunted and looked at the sleeping subjects and tapped his foot nervously. "Keep going, if anything else happens, page me. I need to make a call." He said before rushing off to the elevator and then into his office on the 100th floor. This was more complicated than he thought, corporate should know about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

I thought it was my turn next as I stood up and went over to claim my equipment, I went with a green cloak. evidently it was my ancestors favorite color to. as I put it on and grabbed the bow and arrows and strapped them to my back. then I went over and grab some herbs I could use to make some poison. no sense in killing the nobility if they didn't feel our pain in the end, at least that was my ancestors thoughts on it or it could have been mine, it was getting harder and harder to tell anymore. once I grabbed everything I thought I would need I went back to the others and stood instead of being on my knee again
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Etana rose up and accepted her equipment. First, there was a small satchel filled with many types of herbs and powders. They could cause anything from an upset stomach, to deep sleep, to stopping one's heart, or one's breath. She had a collection of non-lethal poisons at her disposal, because of all the other new Assassins, she was the one who could get closest to the nobility. After all, she nearly was one. She also took a small, slender dagger that was a bit smaller than her forearm. While she knew she could kill a man with her bare hands if necessary, it never hurt to have a backup plan. She took a bow and a quiver of arrows, and finally ran her fingers over her cloak. It was white, with turquoise and gold edges. An elegant cloak for a beautiful killer. Once she had all of her things, she settled back down near the others.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Assim had no equipment to claim aside from his fletchette. This dart could be used in multiple different ways. It could be used to kill, it could be used to disarm, its tip could be dipped in poison for a slower, less brutal death. He walked to take the weapon, placing it in a holster tied around his left calf, before turning and walking back towards the cluster of Assassins. He knew not any of them, and trusted none of them. But they were his brothers and sisters now, fellow Assassins, and the trust was sure to come. Turning his head, Assim noticed Dakarai, who stopped glaring at Abasi and turned his stare to Assim. Not wavering, Assim returned the hostile glower, holding it there for what seemed to be an eternity.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enso


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Dakarai glared at the new Apprentices and reluctantly came forward when the Mentor called for him. "This," the Mentor said and motioned at Dakarai, "Is Dakarai, he will be the Master that oversees your training from this point on." Dakarai said nothing, he simply stared at the group angrily, not daring to voice his protests in the Mentor's presence. "Don't worry about his attitude," the Mentor continued after a moment, glaring at Dakarai momentarily, "It will change soon enough."

Abasi watched as the Mentor introduced Dakarai and couldn't help but smile at the fact Dakarai's position was clearly meant to humiliate him.

The Mentor stood and said "Dakarai, I leave the rest to you." and was accompanied by all the Masters except Dakarai out of the meeting room. Before any of the Apprentices could speak or comment Dakarai turned on them abruptly.

"I will be your master from this point on, you will listen when I speak and though I don't have the power to remove you from the Order I will not go easy on you," He paced he room and glared at them all in turn before speaking again. "Tonight I have been told," Dakarai spat the word, "that I am to accompany you on your first mission. There is a man in the bazaar who has been selling information about us to the Pharaoh's men. We don't know who is giving this information to him but they are meeting tonight and we will kill them both. Come." As soon as Dakarai finished speaking he turned and left the room without giving the Apprentices a chance to ask any questions or collect anything except the equipment they had been given.

Abasi jogged to catch up to Dakarai as he led the small group out of the Order's hideout and through the streets of Cairo at a quick pace, almost as if he were trying to lose them. Abasi struggled to keep pace with the man and asked him several times to slow down but he wouldn't respond. He eventually stopped trying to get Dakarai to speak with him and slowed down and backed off from Dakarai, joining the rest of the group as they kept pace.

A short time later they arrived at the bazaar and Dakarai simply said "He is my height, black hair and green eyes. He will be wearing a brown cloak and will be in a back alley. Go, find and kill him." Once he was done speaking Dakarai turned and vanished into a crowd, probably to observe them from a distance. He gave them so little information that their task seemed impossible but Abasi knew that as unfair as he would be Dakarai would not see the mission fail simply to spite the Apprentices. Would he?

"Where do we start? Just search through back alleys and hope we stumble upon a couple of men talking in secret" Abasi said as he looked at his fellow Apprentices, dumbfounded by what they had been thrust into with so little useful information. "Any ideas?" he asked to nobody in particular.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

I looked at him and thought for a minute before looking around the area to find a way to find our target but what I did remember seeing my father do once was that he climbed on buildings so I decided to give it a shot as I ran towards a wall and grabbed a windowsill and I climbed up till I was on top of the building although it felt like my fingers were going to fall off just from trying that crap I did make it up. I guess that means that I shouldn't make myself try this more then I have to before I looked around and said simply "sky view" to them letting them know that sure we couldn't see well but only if we couldn't get up here and see for what could be miles and what we couldn't see obviously were allies to check out
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Etana stayed quiet all throughout Dakarai's little announcement, and fell into step with the other apprentices. She was well used to men who had limited power that liked to express it through demeaning and bullying others. It was all the same game, whether it was politics, trade, or even assassination. Some people didn't know how to earn respect, and so they simply ruled with fear and aggression. Either their teacher would learn, or he would be overcome by someone better. That was all.

When their first assignment was given, she listened carefully. She did want to ask a question about the man's clothing, but their 'teacher' was already gone. Ah, well. One of her fellow new Apprentices spoke up, and she stepped quietly toward him. “I think we should spread out. We are quite a conspicuous group. More information is needed before we begin fumbling in alleyways.”

With that, she stepped away and into the crowd, only to resurface a bit later at a market stall. There was an older woman running it, and she made a show of looking over the woman's wares while she asked innocuous questions about foreigners in the market lately. The man's eyes were green, and that wasn't anything she'd seen in anyone born in this city. Years of living pampered (and hampered) by the house's servants had taught her that servants knew a lot of information that higher up people simply ignored. This woman would know something- or could at least point her toward someone who would.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Lixue knew in the inside she wasn't so keen with their 'master" Dakarai, but due to all of the things that she had experience before even becoming a part of the Order, Lixue simply got used to it. Now they had this task to kill a certain man, but yet, the information was so little it was almost impossible to pull off right away. Though, nothing was truly impossible, so they just had to work out something that would get the job done. While one of them was unsure on what to do, another had suggested that the split up. It wasn't the best plan, but it wasn't the worst plan either. Silently agreeing with Etana, Lixue walked along into the crowd, opposite the direction of Etana. She listened in to what could be useful information.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Anpu followed his new master, along with the other new initiates of the guild. Anpu wasn't sure what to think of Dakarai, the man didn't seem to thrilled to be leading them at all but despite Dakarai's cold emotions toward them Anpu had to respect him and that was what he would do. His life was now this guild, that was all he had. He joined the guild to avenge his family that was betrayed by a close ally, someone aligned with the Pharaoh, though he had no name and not sure who. The betrayal had left his family's name in disgrace and he had to bring honor to it again.
When the had reached the bazaar, Anpu listened to their master on the details they would need to watch for when hunting down there target. It would not be an easy task. It was crowded with people, buying and selling goods of all kinds. Someone suggested to split up which sounded like a good idea. The more ground covered would make finding their target much easier.
"Indeed splitting up would be best," he finally spoke up ",I shall aid from the rooftops above." He added watching someone else begin the climb up to the top of the roofs. Anpu took another roof and scrambled up with relative ease, and quietly moved from the tops of the roofs, avoiding the few guards that would be up there as well, looking for thieves that would try stealing from the bazaar.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Enso


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Abasi thought that Etana's idea sounded like a good one and began wandering the streets, discreetly asking shop owners about a foreigner with black hair and green eyes, posing as that man's tour guide through the city and claiming that the man had wandered off when he spotted a friend. Shortly after he and the others had begun looking for information Abasi had learned from a local spice merchant that he had seen the man speaking with an Egyptian man in strange robes the day before. "They said something about meeting in an alley, I didn't hear where though." The man had told him, that was of no use to Abasi.

He continued his search until a water merchant told him that the man had stopped for a drink and the Egyptian had told him to meet in an alley between the wall that separated the rich from the bazaar and an empty building at this time today. Abasi paid the man for the information. The man hadn't known which alley it was, there were a few lining that wall, but now they would know where to look. He whistled loudly to signal the others that he had found something. Abasi hoped that one of the others would have discovered which alley they would be in but if not they would have to take the time to search the alleys one by one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

i heard the loud whistle and I stopped running across the rooftops to see where he was and I stayed on the rooftop knowing it would be hard for me to get back up if I went down their so I simply landed on a roof near him and I asked "found something?" in perfect Greek (I assume since no Spanish) which still astounded me. I had bows and arrows and I could easily make a poison to make our targets heart stop if we needed to but for the moment I was as clueless as everyone else
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mistress Dizzy
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Mistress Dizzy Fandom Auntie Dizzy

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Etana heard the whistle, and carefully headed through the market at a pace that wouldn't draw any suspicion. She joined the others' general location without being close enough to look like she was with them. After she was sure no one was watching, she stepped into a nearby alley. She squared her shoulders, calmly walking through it as if she belonged there. Confidence was key to pulling off a lot. If you were able to successfully intimidate a person without violence or threat, they would have a harder time finding a clear way to subvert you. Her parents said she had a spirit born to rule something, and there were talks of arranging a meeting with the Pharaoh's younger male cousin...

There would be time to consider a proper marriage later. For now, there was a target to seek.
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