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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Varkasan's sleep was restless. He still could not shake the memories of what had happened out of his head. His only dreams were flashbacks of that grim hour, and the aftermath of it as they fled the village while the undead army chased after them.
(A few hours prior)

"What the blazes happened back there?! What happened to the Paladins? To Inquisitor Levran?" Aradus asked a he rode alongside Varkasan and the two other Paladins. "They're... They're dead, Aradus. They're all dead. It was Azure, he... Single-handedly killed everyone. We only survived because The Inquisitor ordered us to hide." Varkasan replied. "By the light..." Aradus said in disbelief.

"What about the outer patrols? We heard a majority of them were slaughtered as well. I had assumed the worst." Varkasan asked. "It was a nightmare, Vark. That little girl was everywhere. Our eyes could not move fast enough to track her. And when she attacked, the man would just drop dead with fatal wounds all over him. People were panicking and dying all over the place. Our group... only managed to survive because Janus and Lysander volunteered to draw her away while we made a run for it. I don't know what they did, but she didn't chase us anymore. May their souls find peace..." Aradus said, sending a prayer off towards the end.

"In any case, I said that we ought to go back to look for any survivors. The others were too scared or said it was suicide, so I decided to go alone to avoid any more delays." The older Paladin said. "We're lucky that you did. Though going alone was indeed foolhardy. And I could not stand the blood of an ally be spilled for my sake" Varkasan replied.

Eventually, they came across several stopped horses and Paladins on foot. There appeared to be several lying on the ground, bleeding, as other Paladins tried their best to patch their wounds. While others were being wrapped up in cloth because they had already died. Varkasan could only imagine what these men had gone through. The group stopped their horses as well and Aradus and Varkasan met up with Kagax, and a Paladin who was trying to heal one of the wounded, who was another one of Varkasan's squadmates. "How is Harugar?" Aradus asked. The medic stood up. "I did my best, but his wounds are too great. He's fading fast... He and many others wont make it back to Liria..." The medic said. "I see..." Aradus replied. Kagax simply stood silently. Looking sadly upon his dying squadmate.

Harugar managed to cough and speak. "To think... All those years I spent working my ass off, just to slowly die like a sick dog in some middle-of-nowhere fields!" He said with a chuckle. Varkasan admired the man's ability to laugh no matter how grave a situation was. Aradus crouched next to him. "Anything you wish to confess before you move on?" He said, somberly. "Yes... Tell my father I'm sorry, for everything... And tell Kyle that he won't be getting his gold coins back." Harugar said, smiling towards the end. Aradus nodded. "It will be done."

With that, Harugar sighed his last breath and shut his eyes. The medic came up to him and began covering him with cloth as well. The bodies were then mounted on the spare horses they had so as to confirm their deaths when they reached Liria.

"These men dd not deserve to die like this... And the undead at the village deserved a better burial than having their corpses destroyed..."
(Present time)

Varkasan got up from his bed, wiping his eyes to clear his vision. He could not sleep anymore. He felt like he couldn't just sit around while those powerful Mages roamed free. He felt as if he HAD to do something; he simply could not stay still with those thoughts swirling in his head.

Thankfully, his wishes were fulfilled when a guard told them that they had been summoned by Inquisitor Sebastian Arman. They made their way to the room, where The Inquisitor told them to say their story one more time. After which he began telling them of the different classification of Mages. Then, Alicia mentioned something that had slipped all of their minds up until that point. something that the little girl and Revin said to each other. This seemed to cause distress to the Inquisitor, who immediately told them to follow him to their fortress, though Alicia would follow them later. After saying their goodbyes, the two Paladins followed their superior on horseback towards the Inquisitorial Fortress.
(Some time later)

As they rode along towards their destination, Inquisitor Sebastian told them of what they were to become, about The Witch Hunters. He emphasized the fact that it was not an easy task, and that they may accept or deny the offer. Personally, Varkasan felt as if he needed more time to contemplate such a decision, but he knew that they were pressed for time. He thought about how the Paladins fell like flies against fire during their battle at the Village, he remembered all of the fallen allies he saw and had to cut down as they were reanimated. He thought of the sight of all the dead Paladins wrapped in cloth that would never see their families, friends, and the light of day again...

"I shall do it, sir. I willingly give my mind and body to the trials you shall put forth." Varkasan said to The Inquisitor before he even had a chance to change his mind. He knew that this was a job that had to be done by someone, as the threat of the Azure Sorcerer was now too great. He could not bear the thought of standing idly by while others solved his problems for him. He had to act... Even at such great cost.

He would do his best to make sure that no other person would have to witness the carnage caused by Mages as powerful as Revin.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnome


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Vami had been there for the conflict between the Unholy Hand member, and the vengeful pyromancer. This and the rallying speech that the Terror of the South had given afterward. It worried him that the leaderless magi were already turning their magic upon one another. He knew not any of the other magi gathered in the courtyard; his friends from the Acolytes had not shown interest in the promise of the Witch of the Black Forest. Vami traveled here because of something he could sense; the footsteps of the many magi walking here, collecting like raindrops into a barrel. This courtyard was a pool of energy, none of it like his own. He could hear a dozen conversations, mostly about the mages homes, and why they had decided to trust the Witch. The pyromancer who had been impaled was now surrounded by his fellows, who were trying to figure out if there was an infirmary or a healer that could treat him. The flame-weilder spat curses, and Vami could tell that the man hated the feeling of weakness from losing his fight.

Vami gazed at how the light bounced around the walls of this place. This castle would have held much glory, if its stones hadn't been so worn by the ages. Now the buildings were like skeletons, filled with worms and rotting. But, beneath his feet... There was, something...

This distracted Vami for a moment, but then he saw that the pyromancer was being carried away. The others had found the infirmary of the place. Vami walked after them, curious as to what would happen next. While he was being carried by his three red-robed companions, the pyromancer turned about in their arms and shouted a few things about “garbage” and “worthless”. He wanted them to cauterize his wound with magic, but they refused saying that it could cause a bad reaction with magic lingering there. He calmed down when they laid him out on one of the stone cots of the infirmary, perhaps accepting rest and less blood loss as his best option.

Here in the infirmary was a place to tend to a bleeding and beaten army. Rows and rows of bottles, more than half of them empty, were contained within glass shelving encircling the rotunda. Dozens of benches, chairs and stone cots were evenly spaced throughout the room, with splints and bandages laying next to some. Here the floor was interesting stone tiles, each plate etched with symbols of snakes. The symbolism of the snakes eluded Vami, for to him snakes were only an untame animal filled with poison. Drawn to where the pyromancer was seated, Vami sat across from him, and gazed at the wound. Vami knew the wounds inflicted by members of The Unholy Hand to be legendary; to combat the paladins common powers of regeneration, the Unholy covenant uses dark magic, which is known to ravage the bodies of the living. In this way, Paladins on the battlefield would die rapidly from their wounds, long before the Light could restore them. This is what was unfolding now; the flame-wielders blood was a river from his stoumach, spilling across the stone table and onto the floor. The others were frantically checking bottles, maybe looking for some stolen Light-Cure, a powerful paladin remedy. None of them were turning up with any luck, however, and the fire mage grew paler by the moment.

Vami wasn't thrilled about the fate of the man before him. Already this sanctuary wasn't safe for anyone inside it. This man surely wouldn't survive. Wounds to the stoumach cause incredible amounts of bleeding if even from a normal weapon; this man had been torn open with dark magic, which is known to react violently when it is removed. Vami understood some of what the Unholy Hand described as “the Beyond”, but he couldn't be sure if it referred to the same thing as the Long Un-Life. He had never spoken personally with a member of the Hand, but their magic seemed to be incredibly dangerous, to themselves and others. It was from their personal store of relics that Vami had received his staff; and object that had destroyed many of its past wielders. This staff he held in his hand now, and something about it resonated with the magic remaining within the wound of the pyromancer. There was some kind of kinship there; both the magic and the staff sought the bane of all living things they encountered. But the staff was trying to speak. Vami could feel it, like a dog tied to his arm, tugging and wanting to interact with the man on the stone table.

One of the other pyromancers threw an empty bottle against the wall, shattering it loudly. He couldn't save his friends life, not like this. All of them knew that magic used to close a wound inflicted by this type of dark magic would simply be turned upon its wielder, as though the magic flees in terror from the remaining taint of evil. He turned in despair to the ghostly pale dying pyromancer, and was shocked to see a man touching a stave to his friends wound.

“What the Hell are you doing? The magic in him will harm both of you!” he warned as he approached.

The Duskling spoke to him; “I am Vami, and my staff is the master of all harmful magic. The Ruinous Catalyst will save your friend.”

The other pyromancers in the room had also turned away from their searching, with expressions now of mixed concern and hope.

“The Ruinous Catalyst? Some name for a stave that can heal.” The pyromancer now stood closer to Vami and his friend who was near death. “My name is Iwan. If this does not save him, I suppose nothing will. How can you work against the magic of the Terror?”

“My staff is at work; even I did not know it was so good with diplomacy. It is speaking to the dark that causes your friend to bleed, and making a deal.” At this, a hissing sound filled the room, and as the Catalyst glowed momentarily the dying pyromancers wound closed. “This man can be healed now; use any magic you can to instill the vigor of life back into him.”

The pyromancers were speechless. One approached, conjuring a pale flame that radiated comforting warmth. This she brought close to the chest of the dying man, and he began to breathe more deeply, and his face to take in color again. As this happened, Vami was drawn back to the center of the rotunda. Again he felt that there was something there... Underneath his feet... As though the ground here was a facade concealing a great cavern. Much to the confusion of the pyromancers, he began to tap his staff against the tiles, searching for a sound.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by brokndremes
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brokndremes Sleepless One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Several days earlier...
Shara looked back as the town of Tiena vanished into the distance, a pang of sadness striking her. Will I ever be welcome back there? she wondered. In the short years spent there, the University had become as much a home as the family manor on the island of Tenesia. The road seemed all the more lonely, dwelling on what she'd left behind. She wished she had talked Tresden or Geralt into coming with her, at least part of the way. Some company would have been nice. But when they learned of her true nature, would any of her old friends welcome her back?

”Why did I listen to that damned voice anyways? Why couldn't I just stay in Tiena, stay where it's safe and just go on with my life as if nothing happened? Fool." Her horse snorted in response to her brief tirade, and Shara sighed. She knew why she'd answered the call. Shara didn't care so much for seeing mages safe across the lands, she knew of the horrors magic could create, the destruction it could bring. What truly called her was that it was an opportunity to learn about what she could do. To find out how to do more than conjure heatless flames, or create little figures out of thin air. For all she knew, she was just mad, and seeing things no one else could. But this would be a chance to find out.

Shara smiled to herself, and conjured a small flame in front of her. The roads she took to the Black forest were devoid of intelligent life. If she was going to join these other mages, she should try and learn a bit more about what she could do. She tried conjuring some company, a life size replica of Geralt. At least I can create some company, she thought, but was disappointed when merely a dark, vaguely human shape formed, only to collapse moments later. She sighed and tried again, only this time smaller, slowly working her way towards the Black Forest.
In the Mage Fortress
Shara did not like the way events were unfolding. First and foremost, she did not know where she was, and that bothered her. They had appeared at the fortress through a magical gateway, and were now...somewhere. All her life, Shara had been able to tell where she was relative to things that mattered. The manor, the university, but now she was cut free and floating. She did not like that they were already fighting each other, that other poor mage had been nearly killed by this man, this Terror of the South. She had read about him, he was one of the strongest cases for keeping the paladins in power, though the destroyed villages had been pinned on him, not the paladins as the flaming mage had claimed. For now, Shara was more inclined to believe the story she had been taught her whole life, and the Terror's actions did little to change her mind.

The area cleared soon after the Terror finished his speech. The...violence...of the room scared her. Shara was not here for a bloody revolution, but simply to learn more of what she could do. "What have I gotten myself into." She muttered to herself. Then, pointedly ignoring the blood on the ground, she let her curiosity get the better of her, and began wandering the fortresses corridors, exploring it's rooms, trying to place a date to the old stones. There were intricate carvings along many surfaces, often some sort of serpent motif. Walking the grounds, it was obvious that the fortress was not some remnant of the Annexation or the conflicts that had followed. Nature had had its unimpaired way with the stones for too long. The construction, or what was left of it, hinted at a mix of Aolean and Futan designs, yet lacked the series of temples that would mark it as Aolean, and the thickness of the walls, and the open field in the center eliminated this as any Futan stronghold. It was odd, how well preserved it was.

A visit to the former armory merely confirmed her suspicions that this place was old. A few mages were greedily pouring over weapons and armor, some using magic to restore old blades. She thought she caught an insignia engraved on one of the plates a mage was cleaning, she tried to move in closer to inspect it, but was surprised when the cleaner's large hand swatted her away.

"What're you think you're doing? This is no for you, I'd hardly think you could lift it. Oi Stephson, can you imagine this lil thing trying to wear plate!" One of the other's in the armory turned towards her, and they both burst out laughing, as Shara turned bright red.

"I only wanted to inspe-" Before she could finish, the big man stood up with a clank of metal.

"So many mages have come in here recently, demanding they be granted the 'finest this estate has to offer.' Been trying to work us to death in 'ere, fixing this old stuff up. Come wit me, I've got just the stuff for you." Shara didn't mention that most of the armory was still full, though she could see Stephson, the other worker in the armory, smirking at the obvious exaggeration. The man continued talking as he led her past racks of rusted equiptment. "It's not that I mind the work, anyhow. Most of this stuff is in surprisingly good condition, at least, nothing a lil magic canno' fix. Ah! Here we are!"

The man stopped and grabbed what appeared to Shara as a pile of rust. Shara tried to use the interlude to ask about the insignia - she really had no need, nor want, for armor - but the man man shushed her, giving a conspiratorial grin. He shook the rust pile, and was suddenly holding a gleaming mail shirt. The sighed, a look of bliss on his face. "It is won'erful to use magic freely."

Shara chatted with the man, Moir, who had worked as a blacksmith before being called here. She learned that the insignia was one of his own engraving, and that he believed the buildings to be at least a century abandoned, based off the state of the armory. After showing her the basics of how to care for and wear the armor, he sent her back out, muttering with a smile about how she had caused him such a backlog. Still, the company had been nice after so many lonely days of travel.

Smiling, she returned to wandering the fortress, her arm alight with illusory fire, in imitation of the man she had seen earlier today, thinking of how ridiculous she must look. A young woman, a former student and noble, wearing a mail shirt, covered in fire-that-was-not-fire.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Deal me out of this round,"Idron told the man who was not short as he spotted the wealthy man coming over to him. He listen to the what the Collector proposition about the tome uninterested in-till the gold was brought out and he started to grin like a loon as the sight of the bag of gold "Well Collector that sword is a good as yours," the mercenary said picking up the bag of gold and map. He looked over the map "by the look of it, the tomb is about a day travel from here. It won't be to hard to get," he folded the map up and put it in one of his pockets as he stand up picking up his helmet as he stood. Idron gave a respectful bow and quickly left eager to get to the tomb so he can get some loot.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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Zander woke up from a terrible nights sleep, the bags under his eyes and sore muscle were proof of his discomfort. Zander didn't often remember his dreams like the one that came to him last night, granted this was a nightmare worse than any other, it was hard for him to forget. In his nightmare he relived the tragedy at Aggrast village, not as a paladin though, but as a spectator looking through every paladins eyes seconds before they were slaughtered. He watched as he stood there waiting, waiting for the girl, waiting for something. Seconds before he calmed himself he saw a shadow of a...thing moving quickly towards him. he was killed by it, but he didn't know how, he only knew it hurt and he was bleeding at an alarming rate. His view switched from one person to the next, always dieing the exact same way, it was horrible. soon after he took on the view of the paladins facing Azure. He tried to fight but he couldn't, his muscles didn't respond to his thoughts, his divine light didn't come to him, and his weapon was no where to be found. He stood there and watched as Azure froze him. The paralyzing thought of starring death right in the face, but not being able to do a single thing about it was terrifying. Zander tried to forget this nightmare, but it haunted him , he just couldn't shake it. Zander decided to relax with a cup of coffee, thinking it will ease his mind like it normally did. He poured water through a small clothe that held a held a handfull of smashed coffee beans, the result was an aromatic brew that poured nicely into his tin cup. He grabbed the tin cup and brought it to his lips ready to drink it. when the cup touched his lips it was no longer metal rimmed, but rather a smooth cold bone. He looked down at what he was holding only to be greeted by a dead paladin. He dropped the skull, and watched every second of its everlasting fall.

The conveniently timed jerk of the horse brought him back to reality, breaking his flashback and leaving him with whats really happening. He looked around, and saw two paladins riding horses in front of him. One of them being the grand inquisitor Sebastian Arman, the other being Varkasan, a strong paladin who was a candidate for being an inquisitor. Zander's evocative trance was snapped when he heard the voice of Sebastian, the grand inquisitor. Sebastian spoke to them about witch hunters and the training that accompanied them. Zander couldn't think of a reason not to become one, a witch hunter is the strongest of the strong. With such power as the Witch Hunters he could wipe away every last magic user on the planet, every mage would vanish if he so desired.

"I shall do it, sir. I willingly give my mind and body to the trials you shall put forth." He heard Varkasan say through the repetitive gallop of the horses.

"I will as well, putting my mind and body towards all that good stuff." Zander said. he sort of mocked Varkasan because of his choice of words. After the fact it probably wasn't a good idea to put such a joking manner on this situation. He remember the grand inquisitor rushing them away after the white haired girl had told him about the key in the dwarven vaults. It seemed like a battle was approaching which made the joke all the more inappropriate. Zander tried to equilibrate his mocking tone by being more serious."Where exactly are we going Sebastian?" He questioned.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnome


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His skin felt cold, always. Like ice water was running over him, drenching his insides and washing all heat from him. But in this rotunda, Vami could feel it. Like sitting near a blazing hearth, the magic near him was a powerful flame. This sensation came to him, and another, like maybe there was another room beneath this one, but without a clear entrance. He closed his eyes and listened as he checked the floor, searching for a hollow sound.

Something stopped him, however. “Hello, Vami. I'm Remoro, the man you saved is my brother. I can't thank you enough, we had all but given up before you used your magic.” Vami opened his eyes to see a male pyromancer. He suddenly felt a twinge of something, perhaps embarrassment.

“Yes, you see I'm skilled at interacting with dark magic. The one who taught me about the nature of magic, Troyvas, was an artist when it came to shaping darkness.” The Elder Troyvas had spoken with Vami, before he had set out for this place. He warned him that many of the mages here would be scarred with grudges and hatred. This had proven to be true, but Vami felt as though he was already making a positive impact.

“Many regard dark magic as an ancient evil, since to study it is to commit to destruction. But today I suppose we all witnessed something else. You've done well by us. What were you doing there, with the floor?” Remoro glanced between Vami and his staff curiously.

“Oh, I... Well I guess I heard something... You know, like a secret passage?” Vamis voice cracked somewhat. It sounded pretty weird, but this was a fort existing for mages. Maybe he shouldn't be so ashamed, after all, there probably are about a dozen concealed doors in the place.

“Well, that's curious!” Remoro knelt and rapped on the floor with his knuckles. Every tile sounded like it was set into solid earth. “It doesn't seem like there's anything here. Maybe a cellar? There could be stairs down, somewhere else. Otherwise... Cracking open this floor would take a heavy impact, I'm sure. Maybe we can sneak in and excavate it later tonight!”

“I'm not sure. It was just a suspicion, maybe there's nothing under there after all.” Vami spoke dismissively, in order to discourage Remoro's plan. “I think we should talk to other mages, and figure out how we'll operate this fortress once it's restored. I wouldn't want the Terror to be the only governing voice, would you?”

“Hell no. That man doesn't value the life of anyone here. If he thinks we're his pawns to order at will, hes got something else coming.” Remoro was furious. Vami was pleased he had focused his friend on something other than the hidden cavern. After all, the fate of the mages here WAS important. He could sense the fire magic within the pyromancer, blazing heartily. Vami was glad he had helped these four, and now had the idea that he should keep them out of trouble. Vengeful, fire-wielding mages would surely ruin someones day if they got out of hand.
The pyromancers roamed as a crew, with Vami in tow. They greeted acquaintances as they passed through the courtyard. The fort was rapidly becoming less ancient and overgrown. Before the vines had choked the stones, all the way to the roofs. Now the foliage had become a tame garden about the central courtyard, with young trees and flowerbeds looking very organized. The stones were looking polished rather than crumbled and sun-faded, and the gargoyles posted guard had had their missing features restored. The mages were also constructing small new shelters in the space, pavilions of sort.

The names of the four pyrmomagi were Iwan, Remoro, Ariel and Femto. Remoro was the brother of Femto, the pyromancer that was wounded by the Terror. They had walked the halls and peered into the rooms of the place, exchanging words with the other mages. Most of the people they talked to seemed distrustful of the many mages they did not know, but the pyromancers seemed to be able to get them to relax and attune to the situation. Vami became introduced with many people, and their differing energies fascinated him. He was swimming like a fish in water, as this fortress became suffused with magic. Remoro was sure to tout Vami as a hero to everyone they passed, telling how he had come to the aid of his brother when no-one else did. It earned Vami a quite few gifts, kind of like an early birthday. His arms ended up loaded, mostly with bottles of exotic liquor.

As they rounded a corner in the fort, near to the back exit, the group of five nearly collided with a tall, brown-haired girl wearing a chain shirt. Then, they all noticed what was on the girls arm. She was wearing a flame, just like Femto had been earlier when he threatened the Terror. There was something off about it though, almost like it wasn't moving the way fire usually does. Femto walked closer to girl and laughed as he waved his hand near her flame. “That's a clever imitation. I suppose mimicry is the highest form of flattery?” he turned back to grin widely at Vami and the others. Vami was as amused as Femto and his crew, but also curious as to why the girl had been copying the fire magic.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tiberious
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Tiberious From the pits of Hell (Arizona)

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The next few hours were spent in silence as Tiberious sat in the center of the old fort's master bedroom where someone of great power would stay. This room along with the War/Throne room rested behind the double doors that were on either side of the grand staircase of the main hall. Though the double doors were laced with small vines with were connected to a system of vines Saberia set up along the hallway which held the door to the War/Throne room and the ancient training room underneath. If anyone tried to enter this area, Saberia would know. She sat in the old, worn stone throne with the door to the bedroom behind her. Waiting for her new master to finish meditating, Saberia began to doze off. The vines would wake her, so fear did not hold her back. As sleep's embrace was about to take hold, a door opened.

"Saberia." A stern voice could be heard behind the throne. She jumped out of the seat, eager as ever. "Yes Master Tiberious?" Though he was still his red robes, the armor plating at covered his arms, chest and legs were removed. "Anything new?" he asked calmly, walking from behind the throne. "The fort is coming together nicely. Walls are being rebuilt, old items restored, and many have began to explore the rest of the fort. Oh, and the mage you injured is recovering," she stated with a smile. Tiberious nodded. "If he had not, he would not have deserved to live. Though, the whole Terror thing will not help." He scratched his chin as he took a seat in the throne. "What is this Terror of The South they mentioned?" Saberia asked with a curious look in her bright, yellow eyes. A hardy laugh filled the room. "It is a silly fable."

"Many years ago, my master and I were on a mission in the southern portion of Altea. A large group of 30 paladins or so were searching for us. They went from town to town, village to village, looking for two powerful mages. They used torture and intimidation to get what they wanted. But no one knew anything. We used different names everywhere we went, and only stayed anywhere for a day at most." Tiber paused, watching Saberia as she sat on the large, center stone table. "My master though, had a plan. He wanted to test the paladins once again, as this was a hobby of sorts for him. He led them to a village far south, almost isolated from civilization. When the paladins arrived, no villagers could be found. They figured maybe this was our base or we had killed everyone there. But no, we had warned the village a group of powerful mages were coming and they should hide in the woods nearby. When they gathered at the town square, my master unleashed him." Saberia tilted her head, "Him?" Tiberious closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "Xeriun, a powerful demon from The Beyond who had formed a pact with my master. My master would provide magic to him from a number of sources, and in return Xeriun would heed my master's call. The battle was quick was the paladins were slaughtered, their "Light" could not stop Xeriun, my master, and I. Few survived. We let them live to a story of fear. Thus the Terror of the South was born. They blamed what happened in all the villages and towns on us, making us bigger than we were."

Saberia listened to every word, taking notes in her mind about the story. "So why not defend the story to what actually happened out there?" Tiberious chuckled, "Silly girl. That would do no good for our cause. What happened in the past should stay in the past. Besides, that story might be used to our advantage." Saberia took in what he said before nodding. "So, what is our next move?" Tiber sat in the throne for several seconds, taking his time to answer. "Well, all we got right now is these papers that will let us go anywhere, and a old fort. Not a whole lot to work with, but it is a start. Go around the fort, be my eyes and ears. Explore. Report back here in a hour." Saberia grinned, bowing to Tiberious, "Will do."


Gathering her vines back onto her robe, Saberia headed into the hallway, stopping before the door that led to the large empty room underneath the War/Throne room. Letting her vines stretch onto the walls, she scanned the the winding stairway that went down several stories. The room was truly empty, with used dust and thick stone walls the only thing she could sense. She took a moment before heading out into the main hall. Now many mages wondered throughout, exploring their new home. Many bickered over rooms or items, trying to claim whatever they could. A giggle escaped Saberia lips, finding how foolish everyone seemed. Most her life was spent helping the Witch of The Black Forest and her two apprentice, and now she was surrounded by many people she did not know. Then she noticed a group five mages going from group to group, chit-chatting with everyone they met. Four were clearly fire mages, though the fifth was not, at least he did not look like one. Red skin, horns, these are things she had not seen on a human, or any race for that matter. Saberia decided to follow the group, curious as to who this fifth mage was and why he was being given so many gifts. After several minutes, the group rounded a corner before they came to a halt. As she got closer, she could make out the end on a sentence, "...highest form of flattery?" Saberia came around the corner, as the group of five had stopped in front of a female. She wore a chain mail chest piece and had a strange fire in her hand. That looks like that one mages flame from earlier. Saberia watched silently, waiting to see what would happen next.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by brokndremes
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brokndremes Sleepless One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Without the heat, my fire is no true flame. Shara thought, staring down at her arm as she walked. But I'd bet it's hard to tell from a distance. Her mind wandered back to the subject of where the unnamed fort was located. There had to be a library around here somewhere, maybe it would even have maps.

"What secrets do you hold?" She wispered, running her hand against the wall. Yes, she would have to find the library. What language would the books be written in? What secrets would they hold? Her stomach rumbled, and Shara decided the library would have to wait. Food, and a good sleep would help her keep a clear mind. But to claim a room first, and take off that dreadful armor. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate what Moir had done for her, but there was no point in wearing armor in the midst of fellow mages. Then again, after that incident with the Terror and that flaming mage, maybe wearing the armor is a good idea. Hopefully he was ok, there was bound to be heale-

As if thinking of the man acted as a lodestone, Shara's thoughts were interrupted as the fiery mage and a small posse rounded the corner in front of her, nearly colliding. There was...five...in the group. Shara was not sure she considered the fifth a human. Thoughts of demons being summoned, of monsters and destruction popped into her mind. A tinge of panic rose in her chest, and she quickly turned her eyes to the nearest mage, whose fire she had been faking.

"That's a clever imitation. I suppose mimicry is the highest form of flattery?" He said, waving his arm towards the illusion, then grinning at his posse and the...thing. She tried moving the fire as his hand passed near it, but it seemed off somehow. Stiff. She dismissed the illusion.

"Imitation is also a great way of learning, although we are obviously disposed towards different abilities. My flames lack heat, lack life, and I know very little of what I do. I came here, or at least to the forest, hoping to learn." Shara said glancing at the thing once more. It unnerved her, though demons probably didn't wear robes. Nor carry staves. So this was probably not a demon. If it just didn't have those horns, and that tail. And the red skin and eyes didn't help either. She tried her best to imagine they just weren't there. "My name is Shara Vey, and I make illusions."

Shara took half a step back as she addressed the group, preparing to give a grandiose bow. But before she did, she looked at the thing once more, and did not see the thing. At first glance, the horns were gone, as was the tail. In the things place, stood a mostly normal looking man. Just a tad fuzzy in places, and still with the unnatural yellow eyes. Shara froze, eyes wide and mouth slightly open, blatantly staring. She dismissed the disguise she had unwittingly created, then addressed the creature. "And if I may ask, who, or what, are you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Kama & Tosama

The slaughter they observed ended, with a few paladin survivors successfully fleeing what looked like other reanimated paladins. Deciding to leave the scene, the two decided to inspect the area the next day, due to great curiosity. The next day, the zombies were still roaming about, and Kama and Tosama did not want to risk alerting the horde. Their plan to leave for good was interrupted by a sound that could be best described as glass shattering. The very space near the zombie horde fractured like glass, and with a loud crash, something shot out of it. Crashing into the ground at high-speed, it skid for good 20 meters, before stopping, hitting several zombies in it's way and creating a trail of dust and dirt which obscured everything.

As it all cleared out, the mysterious object... was a strange rock. It was pure black and shiny, unlike anything Kama & Tosama had ever seen before. As curious zombies approached it, the rock started moving. "Standing up", it vaguely resembled a humanoid.

Reacting to a move objects, zombies attempted to attack it, only it to be absolutely useless as their attacks just bounced off the stone creature. Seemingly annoyed, the stone creature swatted the reanimated paladins in front of him, sending them flying back several hundred meters and leaving a small crater on impact. As the horde reacted to battle, they all came rushing down, only to be swatted away like flies. With a downward slam, the creature left nothing but a splattered mix of armor, blood, flesh and dirt of what was once a body of a paladin. In mere minutes, the remains of the horde were destroyed, and now the creature turned it's attention to Kama and Tosama, rushing towards them.


The fact that the creatures attacks were slow and telegraphed allow them to avoid its blows for quite a while. Though the pointless running and dodging was starting to take it's toll on them, and the animated rock was showing no signs of exhaustion. A portal suddenly opens up nearby, to what looked like an abandoned castle, and various people could be seen near the portal on the other side, all looking through it as well. An old woman steps through it, using her staff as a cane. A bizarre aura of power was radiating from the old woman, one that was rather calming. Just as she stepped through, the creature instantly turned around and rushed towards her.

The woman raised her staff, and a green orb appeared on top of her staff, glowing brightly. At the same time, thin vines sprouted out of the ground, stopping the creature in its tracks completely. The vines, which looked like they could be snapped by a child, completely ensnared the stone being, holding it perfectly still. "Begone, demon! You do not belong in this world!" the woman said, as the green light disappeared in a small, brilliant explosion. That triggered the vines, which just crushed the demon before returning to earth. The woman approached the duo, and examined them for a bit. "Why you ignored my call, I am not sure. But hopefully, you regret your decision by now. Come with me, to your new home."
Idron Boje

Following the map and after navigating various ruins, Idron finally located the crypt. Gaining entrance inside was the easy part. Mages loved rigging their tombs with various traps, or filling it with various guardian creatures. Sometimes, there were both. And of course, the most lethal puzzle-traps and guardian constructs were right at the core of the tomb, where the body was. Buried with all their worldly possessions scattered around, and with their personal equipment on their now rotten body, nobody was sure what was the basis for this tradition. Surely if they wanted to keep robbers out of their tomb, they could simply seal of the entrances, instead of making it a gauntlet of sorts.

Unfortunately for Idron, the crypt was littered with various traps, puzzles linked to traps, and plenty of skeletons acting as guardians for their long-dead master.

A portal opened in the middle of the Fortress' courtyard, linked to what appeared to be a throne room, where the Witch was setting up. Vines, roots and flowers were claiming their space from stone. Stepping through, the Witch closed the portal behind her, and opened one to what looked an open field. An animated rock was chasing around two people, unable to hit them. It's blows. however, left small craters in the ground, blowing dust and dirt up in the air. Rushing to their aid, The Witch immobilized and then destroyed the creature, seemingly with little effort. She approached the two, pointed them towards the portal. Were they mages? What was that creature. How did The Witch learn of it's presence? Without a doubt, these and other questions popped into the minds of the observers.

The path towards the plateau was treacherous - a small, narrow path along the wall - like cliff, with the cold sea at the bottom. A peninsula of sorts, it was also protected by a barrier of light, which prevents any magic trying to cross it, scrying and teleportation included. However, if there were any tunnels below the barrier dug by the dwarves, it would allow a mage to breach it, as the barrier doesn't stop a mage from simply walking through it. A massive bubble of faint white light greeted the riders as they finally were on top of the plateau, and great fortress standing in front of them. The bubble covered the entire fortress, and a the majority of dwarven tunnels.

Dwarves, the girthy, short bearded folks, though cooperating with the humans, really disliked outdoors, preferring to stay within their ancient tunnels. Though the plateau didn't offer much vertical space, the share height of it didn't confine the dwarves at all. A rare sight in human lands, nevertheless they were in danger - for Azure will kill everyone in his path. And whatever it is he is looking for, the survivors knew it cannot fall into his hands.

Approaching the front gates, Sebastian, quickly jumped off his horse rushing towards the paladins guarding the front gate. "The dwarves are in danger! There may be tunnels below the barrier, and Azure has knowledge of them! He seeks something in from The Vault, defend the vault and Grand Proffiar Thornar! Do NOT go yourselves, but inform every single battle-ready inquisitor. I'm going there right now, make sure I have back-up as soon as possible." Motioning the candidates to follow him, Sebastian rushed towards the main courtyard. In the center there were large and steep stone stairs, leading down into the dwarven tunnels. Passing through droves of screaming dwarves running out of the tunnels, they finally descended down. Large stone tunnels, masterfully carved and illuminated by bright torches greeted the trio, though the candidates had no time to admire the view - Sebastian was leading the way through the labyrinthine tunnels. Finally, they reached their destination, as the azure crystal formations and crystallized dwarves littered the path forward.

Sebastian drew his sword, it's mirror like blade shimmering with brilliant blue light. Taking the glove off his left hand, some kind of tattoos could be seen, covering the back of his hand, going across the length of his forearm. "Is there anything special about this crystal? Did you see him use anything similar?" the Inquisitor asked the candidates. Warned of it's... contagiousness, Sebastian conjured a ball of light in his left hand, shinning extremely brightly. Looking at it directly was literally impossible, and even though the two candidates were a good distance away, they could still feel heat radiating from the orb. The very orb quickly burned away the azure crystal, which allowed them to move forward. Sounds of battle could be heard in the distance, as Sebastian increased his pace "Oh no, Azure is in the workshop!". Rushing towards the source, Azure jumped back out of a doorway, erecting crystals to block something.. As it was shattered to little bits. It was not light, however, it was something small, and it was too fast for anyone to identify it. The doorway was quickly sealed a large stone door slammed down, creating a miniature barrier around the room. Sebastian motioned for Varkasan and Zander to stand back.

"Looks like I got here just in time to meet the infamous Azure Sorcerer. Thanks for saving us the trouble looking for you." Sebastian taunted Azure smugly.
"Hmm, another Inquisitor. I wonder how long you will last." Azure replied. He had some sort of large metallic key strapped to his back, easily the size of a greatsword, and various other trinkets affixed to his suits, no doubt taken from the vault. Snapping his fingers, the familiar terrifying wave of azure liquid surged towards them. The tattoo on Sebastian's hand light up, as he conjured another orb of light. Unlike Levran's barrier, the light burned away Azure's spell, nulling it completely. Shielding himself from the light, Azure covered his body in thick crystal, though still unable to look in the general direction of the Inquisitor. The intensity of the orb was now much greater, as the heat made the candidates sweat, even with them being a distance away from the fight. It seems the light was now focused towards Azure, as the two could actually look at the Inquisitor and the action.

Any spells conjured by Azure were instantly burned away, and Azure could do nothing but try and maintain his shield. "It's over, Azure!" Sebastian proclaimed, slowly walking towards the mage. Touching the orb with the tip of his sword, the light, along with the blinding glow, was absorbed by the blade. Pointing the tip towards Azure, the light shot out of the the blade in all directions. Moment after, it seemed like hundreds of white glowing lines appeared around Revin, like trails made by swords of light, shattering his armor completely. Stumbling backwards, and unable to cast another spell, he was rushed by Sebastian, who was ready to plunge his sword into Azure. As the Grand Inquisitor got close, Azure's face switched from fear to a smile, as he quickly reached behind his back, drawing a sword which was concealed by his cloak. His sword, as if made from a ruby, met Sebastian's, but only for a moment. The red sword cut through Inquisitor's blade like a knife through butter, and the Sebastian's entire chest. The blood drawn by the upwards slash was drawn towards the red sword, as it somehow absorbed it. Though Sebastian managed to step backwards to avoid being cut in half, the wound was still very deep, amplified by the fact that as it traveled through his chest, the sword ripped a lot of blood out of him.

A large amount of footsteps could be hard, as the reinforcements were coming. Exhausted, Azure quickly ran deeper into the tunnels, away from the incoming forces, and over the barrier, to teleport away. Lying on the ground, shock in his face, Sebastian used the last of his strength to conjure another orb of light, using it's great heat to cauterize the wound. Inquisitors and paladins rushed towards the Grand Inquisitor, who was screaming in pain as he sealed his wound with extreme heat. Pale from extreme blood loss and pain, he passed out. Assured by the other Inquisitors than Sebastian will survive, the candidates were escorted back to the fortress, given their rooms, and given a standby order until further notice, or at least until Sebastian wakes up.

It was the first time in her life where Alicia returned home by herself. And here she was, riding on a horse, instead of sitting in a luxurious carriage. Deep in thought, she finally arrived home. As she went inside, everyone gathered around to see and greet her - the little princess return alive and mostly well from her first battle. It was nearly a week that she spent without her luxuries, and yet, they now somehow a part of their charm. A great feast was quickly prepared, for it was, most likely, here final return home in a long while. That night she would not sleep, and not because of a full stomach.

As the full moon illuminated the land, Alicia went to her father's study. It most likely will be her final conversation with him, as when she joins the Inquisition, with state of affairs like this, there will be no chance to return home. And she was prepared for it, it was just a matter of saying final goodbyes. "Oh Alicia, you look horrible. You'll have to take care of yourself, you know." Deliah teased her, as he gave his daughter a strong hug. "I am so glad you are OK. That Azure... He is connected somehow to the Witch, though they aren't on the best of terms. He decided that the forest was sacred and no paladin shall ever reach it. Though he promised not to hurt you, as he "approved" of our plan, I was still so worried." Azure promised not to hurt her? Terror once again sunk into Alicia's mind. Did that smoke truly conceal them? Or was Azure simply sparing her. The latter would indicate that he was a man of his word. What did truly happen? The girl was on the verge of bursting into tears. "Father, I don't understand. What is going on?" Seating his daughter on a nearby chair, Deliah sighted. "I have no idea my dear. But the plan is still set in motion. Despite our ulterior motives, The Azure Covenant is a huge threat. We need to deal with it. And I have no doubt that they will assign you to it, and you will succeed in stopping them. We were preparing for this for so long. We can do it, Alicia. You would make your mother proud. Maera died giving life to you, this bright, amazing life. And now, it is time to save other lives, end this suffocating reign."

Alicia never met her mother. How could she - Maera died giving birth to her. Only pictures of her remained, which always made her cry. But now, the mention of her mother only bolstered herself. The tears running down her face were not ones of sadness anymore, they were tears of determination. Thanking her father for all his support, Alicia returned to her room. Tomorrow morning she rides towards her destiny, towards writing her name in history forever.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gnome


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Remoro, the tallest, blondest and beardedest of the crew, promptly stepped forward and adopted his “introducing pose”. With his arms dramatically outstretched, as though being in Vami's presence was a gift from the gods, he spoke reverently;

“He.” Remoro drew out the word, building his sense of suspense. “Is Vami. Savior of those in need! Our knight in shining armor! Our prince, estranged from the world of common folk by his appearance, but we cherish him, for we know what is in his heart.” As he spoke, Remoro waved his arms skyward in awe, in a pleading pose toward Shara as though begging for her belief, and back to Vami in his pose indicating the extreme value of this person. “I am Remoro, brother to Femto!” At this, he quickly bear-hugged his brother. “And my dear brother, my only brother would have been lost to me if not for the intervention of the magnificent Vami! Whose caring, and kindness was far greater than anyone elses here!” Remoro drew himself and his brother close to Shara, leaning in so that their dramatically tear-stained faces could dominate her vision. "Oh how our poor old mother would have lamented, and thrown fireballs at me when I delivered the news of Femto's untimely demise." Backing away again, nearing the end of his routine, Remoro decreed; “And now, I have more family than before. For all of us Pyromancers are family, bound by the flame in our blood! And on this day, I have declared Vami an honorary Pyromancer!!!”

In the wake of Remoro's voice was a silence deeper than most had heard before. Then, Ariel of the Pyromancers clapped for him. ”Hear hear! For the man of the hour Vami, and his admirer and speech-giver Remoro!” Ariel's bell-toned voice rang out acrosst the hall. Those mages in other rooms, who had quickly become aware of the speech from Remoro's booming voice, also joined in the applause, and the hallway became a stage at the end of a performance. Throughout the monologue, Iwan's face had been glued to his palm, but now Ariel grabbed his hands and made him applaud like the rest.

“Bravo, brother. Well said.” Femto hung off his taller brothers shoulder, and the two of them resembled like a pair of fruit grown from the same bunch.

“I... I couldn't have written so goodly of a speech, without this man as inspiration.” Remoro pulled Vami close, turning him into the third fruit of their bunch. Vami struggled to not drop any of the bottles or boxes he was carrying, while under the grip of the large pyromancer. He did appreciate the sentiment though, and smiled up at his colleague. Then he looked back at Shara, still grinning even in his mostly helpless state.

“Yes, as you may have heard, I'm Vami. Norkatch. They are all my friends, Femto, Remoro, Ariel and Iwan. Boy are pyromancers a joy to have about!” Vami's face became like that of a satisfied, purring cat. Then, Vami delivered something of a stare, with a smirk attached. The sudden change of expression was out of place, and he had directed it so it was personal between him and Shara. It was the kind of expression that delivers a message, along the lines of “I sensed what you did, a second ago.” He plainly contained no ill-will, though. He was curious at her magic before, and having felt it so close to his skin during Shara's greeting, was now wondering what she had been up to.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlaying


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Kama was suddenly mute, unable to speak to even voice a sound. He wasn't what most would call a mage, while he had magical capabilities, he was no more than an criminal with knowledge of magi. His power was quite strong, along with his physical and mental parameters. Though, the magic he could feel oozing out of the woman was far beyond he could ever hope of achieving and if she wanted them to come along than by all means they would. "How could I be so foolish" Was a thought rambling around in his head, reminiscing at the time earlier where he ignored the magical call.

"For the record my lady, I wanted to come, my dad thought best to rest and eat" She informed, looking back at him with a look of distrust on her face, as if he had conjured the monster to kill her or something. Kama didn't have time for justification, he too stepped into the portal, fearful and curious of what was on the other side. Could she be a bounty hunter on the hunt for their head, with a full brigade of archers in trees waiting outside the portal for them. Could she be a dark witch with a litter of powerful spirits to feed and the two being the main course meal? Regardless if death was emanate on both sides, he would die peacefully knowing he could do so with the trust in someone other than himself, someone much more powerful than himself.

"Please watch over us Mother" He whispered, before planning into the portal.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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Zander had problems keeping balance as he ran down the cold stone steps leading towards the dwarven tunnels. He made turns left and right trying to keep up with the surprisingly fast grand inquisitor. Zander had been nudged multiple times as he ran through the short crowed of dwarves fleeing from something. As he ran through the various tunnels the presence of magic became more evident, It's bone chilling sensation came in waves, with every few meters it became stronger and stronger. Soon, Zander,along with the two other people by him, started to pass by crystallized dwarves looking like they were running. Fear shrouded their faces as they were stuck inside the crystal, "Is there anything special about this crystal? Did you see him use anything similar?" Sebastian shouted as he continued to run down the tunnels.

"Yeah, the crystal consumes you, and traps you inside. Probably best if you didn't touch it..." Zander shouted forward to the running men. "Where the hell is he?" Zander said while running. Not sure if his voice was loud enough to break through the scream and yells of the dwarves, along with the clanging of the paladins armor as they ran. Zander stopped as he was ordered and watched the intense battle ensue. The brilliant light almost blinded Zander, making it hard to watch. This ended when Sebastian rushed Azure and resulting in Sebastian being slashed across the chest by a sword that vacuums blood. It was scary. But this wasn't nearly as brutal as fighting the undead paladins, so Zander quickly got over the extreme feelings. Azure ran deeper into the tunnels as the reinforcements ran in and aided Sebastian. Zander grabbed his axe from its holster and tightened his grip around the tightly strapped leather around the handle.

Zander marched down the halls leaving behind Sebastian and Varkasan as he heard he was okay, asuuming Varkasan would go and tend to him aswell. His emotions clouded his judgment of Azures power as he walked on, drawing his own death closer and closer. He had passed by the seriously wounded Sebastian and still marched on, axe in hand and anger in mind. Light circled in his hand as he subconsciously called on the power of the divine light. "I'll kill him!" Zander roared as he stomped down the tunnel.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by brokndremes
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brokndremes Sleepless One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Shara smiled as the pyromancer - Remoro, his name was - finished his speech, joining the halls in their applause as he ended his performance. The exasperated look on Iwans face, hinted that the performance he had presented her with had been well practiced. As the applause died down, and most of the crowd went back to their business the thing - Vami was his name - gave her a penetrating glare which almost made her shiver. Vami had noticed her brief illusion, even if it seemed that no one else had. She returned the look with a playful smile, keeping his gaze until it was broken by another mage, bearing a gift for the 'great healer.' Iwan rolled his eyes at the praise, and Shara grinned at the confirmation that the earlier performance had been practiced before.

Still though, a hint of dissatisfaction marred her victory. Her question had not been answered. Remoro, with his extravagant introduction, had only shown her a bit of who he was, and Vami himself had neglected to comment on the what aspect. The look he had given her had a touch of hungry curiosity to it, and Shara saw opportunity there. She suspected if she could get him alone, then her chances of getting any information out of him would be much better. Vami didn't seem to want to let the pyromancers know much about himself, but perhaps a trade of sorts. Finding the library could wait, there was a much more enticing puzzle right before her.

"You should show me that flame of yours some more." She said to Femto, falling in with the group as they proceeded onwards towards...wherever it was they were heading. It mattered little to her now, as long as she could catch her horned man later. She had no intention of losing him, though it doubtless wouldn't be difficult to find the wonder again. "You know, to better flatter you and all."

She gave the mage a friendly nudge as she lit her arm, and he obliged. Ignoring all the other pyromancers, but keeping half an eye on Vami, she soon managed to perfectly replicate the flames burning on Femto's arm. At least until he extinguished his own flame and waved his hand through her false fires. Though she tried to replicate how fire moved, how it should react to the wind and hand passing through it, the sudden loss of her reference and unexpected interference with her illusion distracted her, and the fire seemed to slant unnaturally, almost as if it were rigid. Her attempts felt like a child, attempting to imitate a professional dancer after her first day of lessons.

"What, had enough of my flattery?" She said toyingly to Femto, switching her flames to her far hand, out of his reach before addressing the rest of the troupe. "Well, I had planned to find a nice bed for the night before dining, but it appears that opportunity has passed." She nodded towards where a group of mages were arguing over who would get the bedrooms of some nearby guest suites. A shame too, they had seemed quite nice, with one of the better beds in the fortress. "So I figure the best way you can repay is to accompany me to the banquet that should be happening fairly soon out on the green."

Shara looked towards Vami as she concluded, her eyes never leaving his. Her stare dared him to say anything otherwise, while hinting that answers might be found there as well. In the din of a feast, with so many of the mages gathered in one place, it would be possible for them to have a more private conversation. She hoped to pry some answers from him as well in that time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Rultaos Literary Spacer

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Rushing down into the tunnels, Varkasan could not help but feel a grim sense of danger as they descended. Having witnessed Azure's power firsthand, he was reluctant to face it again, especially so soon. But he had a duty to perform, and his fear had to be put aside. "Besides, we have more Inquisitors here to fight him with. The odds are better than last time..." Varkasan thought. Or at least, hoped.

After wandering the maze-like caverns for a short while, they came across the strange blue crystal formations; the signature of the Azure Sorcerer. "Is there anything special about this crystal? Did you see him use anything similar?" Sebastian asked."Yeah, the crystal consumes you, and traps you inside. Probably best if you didn't touch it..." Zander answered."He's right, sir. Azure conjured these things and used them to slaughter Levran and his force. Don't touch them, whatever you do. Everything his crystals came into contact with turned into crystal as well. It is... a disturbing sight..." Varkasan said, glancing at the crystallized bodies of the dwarves. Acknowledging them, Sebastian created a radiant ball of light to clear a path through the crystals. It shined so bright and hot that Varkasan had to keep his distance from it while averting his eyes. The walk with the ball of light did not last long however, as the group began hearing the sounds of clashing steel and cries of pain. "Oh no, Azure is in the workshop!" Sebastian exclaimed as he began running in the direction of the noise.

Reaching a room, they were surprised to see the Azure Sorcerer retreating from a doorway and hastily constructing a crystal wall. Before any of them could react, the wall shattered as something sped past it, but it was too swift for Varkasan to see. He would've given more thought to the mysterious wall-breaker if they did not have more pressing concerns at the moment, namely the doors locking them in and the leader of the Azure Covenant standing before them.

"Looks like I got here just in time to meet the infamous Azure Sorcerer. Thanks for saving us the trouble looking for you." Sebastian taunted the Mage. "Hmm, another Inquisitor. I wonder how long you will last." Azure responded. It did not take long for the situation to escalate into a battle between the two powerful warriors. Varkasan and Zander were ordered to stay back.

The two fighters fought wildly, with a strength and skill that Varkasan had never seen in both a Paladin or a Mage before. Sebastian initially gained the upper hand, but Azure quickly turned that around after drawing a ruby sword with magical properties. Azure was able to bring down Sebastian using it. Varkasan had already enchanted his blade and was about to intervene, when he heard several footsteps coming up behind him. Varkasan turned around to see the reinforcements arrive just as Azure fled into the other tunnels. The Inquisitors seemed to think it more important to tend to Sebastian instead of chasing after Azure, but Zander seemed to think differently.

Brandishing his axe, the large Paladin marched forward in the direction of Azure's retreat. "I'll kill him!" He exclaimed. "Zander, it's too late! He's probably teleported off by now. There's no way we can catch him now with his movement magic." Varkasan called out to his comrade as he knelt down next to the wounded Inquisitor. With his help, the rest of the Paladins carried Sebastian back up into the fortress.
(Some time later)

Still in his armor, Varkasan sat on the bed of his room. He was relieved to hear that Inquisitor Sebastian would survive, but everything was still happening so fast. Two Inquisitors brought down by the Azure Sorcerer, countless Paladins dead, and the safety of Meldiniar hanging by a thread as the Azure Covenant's plans were set into motion. "And to think I was sparring with my friends in the Covenant of The Guardians not more than two days ago... He thought.

He wondered what he would have to do next. Obviously, he was going to be trained into becoming a Witch Hunter. "But when? And what manner of trials await us? He thought to himself. Standing up, he looked outside of the window of his room, half-expecting to see Mages begin storming the fortress. With everything that has happened, nothing would surprise Varkasan at this point. Continuing to look outside the fortress, trying to enjoy the view from the plateau, he still could not shake off the urge to act. But until he received new orders, he would have to sit and wait.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Laue
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Zander Parliah

The Azure Sorcerer was exhausted and fleeing, and Zander was furious. He chased the mage through a hole in a wall - most likely the way he got in, as the barrier just about ended here - he could teleport away now, if he had the strength. Out of breath and out of magic, Azure was in a hard position - and he wasn't certainly as fit as a regular paladin. "So the hound has smelled the blood, and is after his prey?" Azure sneered at the paladin. "I'm done here. I have no interest in any of you. So why don't you live a little bit longer and stay out of my way?" Catching his breath, Azure draws his ruby sword, yet unable to flee.

<Brief battle with Azure here>

Lacking the element of surprise, Azure wasn't as dominant in a swordfight. Still, Azure's sword cut through everything like it was paper, including Zander's weapon, which was eventually rendered useless. However, even when Zander did hit Revin with light, the mage somehow shed the ignited mana to prevent it from spreading (slang for mage's source of magic), and his burn wound would be nearly instantly healed. After enduring another barrage of Zander's attacks, Azure took out a scroll out of his belt and unfurled it. "HOME! the mage shouted, as the scroll disintegrated and opened a portal, which he quickly jumped through. Zander had a moment to jump through the portal before it closes, but taking on against all of the Azure Covenant, unarmed, would pretty suicidal.

A few days have passed since Azure Sorcerer's attack. Sebastian was healing at an incredible pace, nearly regenerating, though he was still unconscious. Curious, huge, crossbow-like devices were being hanged from the ceilings, mounted on walls all over the fortress, though nobody really knew what they were, only that Sebastian ordered to install them if they ever passed testing, whatever that was.

The candidates were ordered to take off their Paladin armor, and given a set of warm, comfortable clothes, if a bit ugly. Led down to the dwarven tunnels once again, where life was now bustling once again. Let through massive halls this time, they could see various merchant stalls, smithies and other tradesmen. Humans were allowed to venture into dwarven lands to trade, well, those who were in good standing with the Inquisition and have enough coin to actually afford something, so it was not uncommon to see various nobles, influential merchants and paladins themselves to walk these halls. After passing the Grand Bazaar, and after a few more sets of tunnels and stairs, they came across a cave. Unlike everything else, the cave was not lit. A little bit up further, the cave branched into two sides, with the right one being block by a massive, ornamental stone door.

"This is it." said their guide. "This is the place for the trial. While I understand you have questions to the Grand Inquisitor, but the timing is crucial. As he probably told you, it's going to be a nightmare of a month for you, but I'm going to provide you with details.

This dark cave is treacherous. Various cave dwelling beasts, pitch black darkness, cliffs and ledges and cold air. That door you see is your destination - should you triumph over the Cave of Trials, you will exit through that door - behind it lies the key to open the door and the source to your new powers. You will have to climb cave walls, traverse vast underwater sections, all the while fending off the darkness and the creatures that dwell within it. The light will be your only way to find a path, and the only way to fend off the beasts - they fear light. Nowhere will be save, rest will be the greatest luxury. You will be given a few loaves of bread, and that's it. Water you can find, plenty of it in fact. Just not all water in that cave is good for you. And exactly a month after today, normally harmless mold is going to release their spores, which will cover the entire cave for several days - they are lethal to humans who breathe them in. And that's why you start today - the caves just cleared after the last release of the spores.

This trial will push your body and mind beyond their limits - it is one thing to seldomly use the light for battle, and another to use it constantly, uninterrupted. You will have to learn to swim, climb and even sleep while maintaining your light, all the while constantly moving forward. You will meet thousands of decaying skeletal remains of the past candidates. You can turn back any time you want, but you will never be given another chance to perform the trials. And before we begin, a little bit of history:

The cave of trials was used for millenniums by multiple people, mostly dwarves, for various reasons. After Grand Master Grinnoc gained his powers, he traversed this cave, and at the end it left a great source of power - for those who can reach and handle it. Thousands tried, but only fifty succeeded - the original Witch Hunters. For Grinnoc, it took a week to traverse it. For everyone else - a month.

I wish you all the best, makes us proud."

After his long speech, their guide gave each candidate a bag and some thin rope to affix their month's supply of food to their belts. It was time to begin the trial.

Several days have passed since the new mages were saved by The Witch and brought back to the fortress. A rather calm atmosphere was broken when a big discovery was made at the library - a lot of mages gathered around to see what the fuss was about. In the center was a young woman, and several books and maps laid out on the table in front of her - she had found something called Luminesca's Vault near the fortress grounds, in secret underground tunnels - and entrance was not far. Any attempts to find what Luminesca is, or what's in the vault were met with failure - the books which most likely contained that information were in an ancient language, lost to ages. Still cheerful, the girl who made this discovery - Sera, decided to gather volunteers for her expedition, and found plenty. Getting what supplies they had on hand, gathering all those books and maps in her backpack, Sera and her company set off.

Thick vegetation finally fully covered the sight of their fortress - everything was so overgrown. Find a small trapdoor was like searching for a needle in a haystack, though the fires of several pyromancers helped to clear the ground and burn through the decayed trapdoor. These tunnels, narrow at first, quickly expanded into a vast underground complex - old armories, various hidden exits, even a hidden dungeon and a few torture rooms - likely the unofficial ones. Unlike everything in the fortress, lack of exposure to the elements preserved most of the items stored in here. Luminesca's Vault was supposed to be the deepest part of this underground complex, straight past the dungeons. The dungeons themselves were a gruesome sight. Whoever abandoned this place, has left their prisoners locked in their cells. Lighting up the long abandoned sconces, torches or just using alternate magical methods of illumination, the mages finally approached a long, wide hallway, with a massive stone door at the end. The hallway's walls were carved with various ancient writings, as was the door.

Setting up a camp of sorts, the mages decided to investigate the area around them: some to help Sera with finding a way to open the door, others just exploring and the rest screwing around with ancient torture devices.

After saying her final goodbyes, Alicia has left for the fortress. Though she has never been there before, she knew where to find it. Traveling along the narrow cliff all the way up to the top was a rather scary experience, but all of it was made up by this beautiful, massive fortress at the top. After introducing herself to the guard at the front gate, she was led inside. Work was underway - some kind of devices were being installed all over the fortress. "What are those gigantic crossbow things doing there?" she asked the guard. "We were told to do this as soon as Grand Proffiar Thornar's invention passes testing, whatever that testing was. Well, I was told they did, right as Grand Inquisitor got wounded by that damn Azure. But at least that damn dwarf is OK - if you believed him, these things pushed Azure back out of his workshop! And they are automated, whatever that word means. What a bunch of bullshit if you ask me."

So, Azure already made his move, and even managed to wound the Grand Inquisitor himself. The situation was dire. Proffiars - they were dwarves who came up with new ideas and realized them, though they used the word "invented" for that. The majority of breakthroughs in metallurgy, medicine and brewing came from the dwarves, along with sigils - mystical tattoos said to amplify a paladin's power. Some sort of giant crossbow defense system wasn't too alien of a concept compared to some things Proffiars come up with, though the actual results are dangerous sometimes.

Given an order to wait for Sebastian's recovery, Alicia decided to visit the Dwarven Grand Bazaar - one of her more traditional wishes. Besides, she did have the money to spend.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RiteousTurtle


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The red hue of the sacred blade was brought to light, as the infamous mage, Azure, held it out in front of him. This was an invitation to a duel, and it was too late for the Zander to turn back now. Zander was panting, but nowhere near close to exhausted. It looked as if the Azure was already tired from everything. Zander obviously saw his advantage and exploited it, going at Azure with all his might and speed. Zander pulled out his glistening axe and swung violently but precisely at the dark robed mage. The sharp edge of Zander's axe, en route to Azure's neck, would misses by a few inches. Every time Zander swung his axe, the blade would come so close, but the agile mage would block or evade it somehow. But Zander was wearing him down, and both Zander and Azure knew it. It may have seemed that the tables have turned in this war against the magic users but that was quite the contrary, as Azure pulled out the ruby sword to fight instead of defend. Azure's stolen sword cut through Zander axe like butter. A swift, clean cut straight through the top of the blade. Another one struck, slicing off the rest of the blade. It was nothing more than a stick with some leather straps holding the air in place. He throw the stick aside and called upon the divinity of the light to aid him in his battle against this terrible foe.

Light had coursed through Zander veins before he used it in practice, sending a multitude of squares towards the magic user. Every square shot at him the nimble mage avoided, as if he knew where the speeding light was going and moving out of the way accordingly. Zander did however, manage to pierce Azures right hand with one of the small light squares. The small light squares Zander had been shooting were so small and condensed, they would almost explode with light as they struck the rock walls behind Azure, all but one. Azure's hand gave off a faint smell, a smell that Zander had been accustomed to over the many years of his service as a paladin. It was the smell of something burning, a mixture between burning flesh, blood, and leaves. The smell hadn't bothered Zander anymore, in fact it pleased him, it meant he had struck his target and that his target didn't have enough magical power to dissipate the light. Zander face went from something of a satisfying look to a look of worry and concern, he watched Azure threw away the burning mana. The faint smell became null, and wounds of the light were healed.

Zander paused for a second, as he watched the horrifying mage stand back up after all that he has been through. Zander was gathering more light to be shot out of his hands when the mage had yelled something. It sounded like it had a "O" in it but he could be wrong, with a bright flash and crash of noise a portal appeared deep in the tunnels. Azure was getting away. Before Azure had stepped into the portal, Zander had a quick second to see what was inside of it. Zander stood in silence as he saw hundreds of mages just a few meters away. Zander could see all th varying mages inside this portal, all them being on the other side probably looking back at Zander. Zander let Azure step through and watched as it closed behind him. Zander slammed his fist on the ground,"Shit!" he shouted to himself. Zander had just let the most deadliest sorcerer get away. Slip through his fingers. Just like that. This felt like a burden Zander would always have to carry.
Zander had waken from his his sleep with the same grumpy face he had on when he went to bed last night. Zander went through the routine; Make a cup of coffee, sit down on a chair somewhere outside, drink his coffee slower than molasses, than finally go and see the inquisitor. He marched through the front gates of the inquisitor HQ, even thought he wasn't one, and walked through and past the main courtyard. He walked through the various doors and hallways until he was in the infirmary, looking at the head inquisitor. Eyes of the guards were piercing Zander's soul, and he could feel their gaze on him as he loomed over the unconscious head inquisitor Sebastian.

A man in heavy armor had walked into the infirmary with a bundle of clothes. He'd spoken to Zander about various things, before they headed to find Varkasan, where ever he was. Soon after, Zander followed the mysterious man into the dwarven tunnels. What was once a chaotic battleground, is now a cheerful exotic community, booming with liveliness. They marched right past the stands, making it clear they weren't here to buy no foreign rugs that were on sale. The ended up passing the massive hole in the wall that Azure and himself once fought at. It felt like it was just hours ago, but days had gone by since that time. They eventually stopped at a cave entrance, a dark ominous one at that. Zander paid little to no attention to the guide who was telling the two candidates about this place. "This place is huge...I wonder whats inside" Zander pondered as he blissfully ignored the very important speech that was being given. He trance was snapped when a thick green back was pushed into his stomach. Without his armor on Zander could feel every little thing, the feeling wasn't alien to him, but a little uncommon. The guide walked off after wishing Zander and Varkasan luck one more time.

Zander looked at Varkasan with a questionable expression on his face,"Is this where we're going to do the Withc hunter trials?" The question might as well have answered itself, Zander was already stressing over the subject before Varkasan could reply. His words only confirmed it though. Zander wasn't sweating or shaking or even looking around in an odd fashion he stood there, still as a brick house, giving off no sign of his discomfort. "Varkasan, did he tell us how to make it out of here? or what we're looking for exactly? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention..." Zander said with a slight bit of hesitation. Zander felt like an idiot. Here he was gawking at the scenery of the cave while one of the most important speeches given to him, regarding the paladins, is happening right in front of him. He slowly started walking into the cave. The light became dim and scarce with every step. This cave was merciless when it came to engulfing you in darkness.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rultaos
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Varkasan looked around at all the activity in the tunnels. It was a vast contrast to the panic and despair during Azure's raid. It was nice, and while he did enjoy seeing the dwarves return to their normal lives (as well as the various items on sale n the Grand Bazaar), he had to remain focused, as he and Zander had a job to do today. Their guide stopped them in front of a gigantic cave entrance. Peering inside, Varkasan could see it was pitch black inside. Further to the right was large ornamental door that seemed to hold great importance.

"This is it. This is the place for the trial. While I understand you have questions to the Grand Inquisitor, but the timing is crucial. As he probably told you, it's going to be a nightmare of a month for you, but I'm going to provide you with details..." The guide began. He then started telling them all about the trial and what they were expected to face.

Varkasan had to take a few deep breaths after hearing what the guide told them. Sebastian was not exaggerating,they truly had a daunting task ahead of them. And there was a good chance one or both of them would die. Varkasan tried to shake off thoe thoughts though. He knew that worrying would do them no good. They had to keep up their strength and morale if they were to make it to the exit before the mushroom spores became the death of them.

Varkasan saluted their guide, and began strapping the rope and bag on his waist. The guide wished them luck once more, and allowed them to be on their way. While Varkasan was doing a check on his bread and bag, Zander spoke up. "Is this where we're going to do the Withc hunter trials? The older Paladin asked. Varkasan looked at him confusedly. "Of course. Were you not paying attention to him at all?" He replied. He was appalled that Zander behaved so casually towards one of the most dangerous and important tests known to Paladins.

"Varkasan, did he tell us how to make it out of here? or what we're looking for exactly? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention..." Zander contnued hesitantly. Varkasan sighed. Already he was starting to lose a little hope for them. "He didn't give us very specific directions, all he said was that we must venture inside, and find our way to the other side of that ornamental door. There is a key behind it that will allow us to unlock the door." He said as they began entering the cave. "However, it's not as easy as it seems. According to them, it will take us approximately one month in order to get from the cave entrance, all the way to the door. And we MUST reach it before the one month is over, otherwise the mushrooms inside of the cave will release poisonous spores that will end our lives the moment we breathe them in. And if that does not kill us, there are a multitude of beasts and undead in this cave we must get past as well..." He explained to his comrade. Varkasan hoped that now that Zander was aware of the gravity of their situation, he would take it more seriously.

Just then, he noticed the darkness was already covering them. "That certainly did not take long..." Varkasan said. He raised his hand and waved it over his clothing, covering them in an aura of light that gave them a little bit of vision in a circle around them. He then turned towards Zander. "Hold still." he said. He waved his hand over the other Paladin and enchanted his clothes and items the same way. "This is a weaker version of the spell I use for combat. It will give us some light, but it wont burn away at the cloth, rope, and bread. Nor will it harm any creatures that come into contact with it. Hopefully, this will be enough to light our path, at least partway." He explained as they continued deeper into the foreboding caverns.
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