....I'm just gonna send it in...it isn't the best...and if I have something wrong please tell me.
Paula Maximoff, she usually goes by Max
Black Magic

Height: 5'9
Weight: 138lbs
Paula was born in a hotel, her mother had gotten pregnant by a man that was too drunk to remember her name. While Wanda 'cared' for her child, she ignored her as well, taking little time to bond. Paula thinks it was because she was like her father, or so her mother always said. And so finally Scarlet had had enough, and she sent the spitting image to the Institution. For reasons still unknown to Paula.
Years attended:
1 Year
Family/loved ones?:
~Wanda Maximoff(Mother)
~If anyone wants a relationship, or any of that stuff, feel free to ask.
Paula is a quiet girl, with her own spark of adventurous need. Kind of..crazy at times, with wacky, unspoken ideas. Other then that, she is good to be around if you want or need a comforter, a friend or even just someone that can stay silent and listen to you talk.
The user manipulates the probability of an event to happen, making unlikely things occur more often or instantly and preventing liable events from happening. They can cause and prevent both good and bad luck, sudden deaths, natural disasters, and even apocalyptic events. Users can create a finite pocket of reality-disrupting quasi-psionic force, which upon reaching its intended target, causes disturbance in the molecular-level probability field surrounding the target. Thus, unlikely phenomena will occur. Among the many phenomena are: the sudden melting of gun barrels, the spontaneous combustion of any flammable object, the rapid rust or decay of various organic and inorganic materials, the poltergeist-like deflection of an object in flight, the sudden evacuation of air from a given volume the disruption of energy transmissions and fields, and so on.
For now Paula is very limited with this power, she has no idea how to truly control it, and that means she can't be emotional...because in her case the use of intense emotions can spark certain powers. So far she can cause spontaneous combustion, and the ever-so-simple deflection of flight. Maybe in the future she will have better use of this
It is hard to describe this one, but I'll try my best.
Users can create, change, destroy, or even alter reality just by thinking about it; while weaker users are limited to what is already considered "real", stronger ones can make changes from nothing. Depending on the power of a reality warper, they may alter something as tangible as physics to something inconceivable like logic.
I am going to keep this power on an all time low. So, Paula will be able to make the simplest alterations, basically anything that could be real. In the future with enough training she may get better, but I guess for now she'll have to stick with illusions and such. The best she can destroy is a minor structure, let's say a doghouse to put it to scale.
Kind of like what Raven uses, but in a different way. I can't find the right words to describe it so instead I'll keep it simple.
With these powers she can shoot red energy rings from her hands and fly. Though her flight isn't truly exceptionable, seeing as she can't move when she starts to fly...or figure out how to hover This power also powers her reality manipulation.
She wears glasses...because glasses are cool.