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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Do you know why the moon is so lonely?"
"Because she used to have a lover."
"You tell this to the kids?"
An laugh came out of Logan's mouth
"His name was Kuekuatsu and they lived in the spirit world together."
"Oh, this is a true story."

"Mm-hm. And every night, they would wander the skies together. But, one of the other spirits was jealous. Trickster wanted the Moon for himself. So he told Kuekuatsu that the Moon had asked for flowers; he told him to come to our world and pick her some wild roses. But Kuekuatsu didn't know that once you leave the spirit world, you can never go back. And every night, he looks up in the sky and sees the Moon and howls her name. But... he can never touch her again."

"Wow. Koo-koo-ka-choo got screwed."

"Kuekuatsu... It means, 'The Wolverine.'"

Images then flashed all at once. Every single war he has been in. Every man he killed. The mass amount of pain during Weapon X. Losing the one he loved, losing his memory, finding Xavier, and the others... But her voice haunted his head. "The wolverine..." It said over and over again...

Logan bolted up, screaming, every single muscle in his body tense, his metal claws extended. He was covered in sweat, his breathing now heavy as he looked around the room... His sheets and bed posts were scratched beyond repair...

It was a natural occurrence for James Howlett, or more commonly known simply as Logan. Or The Wolverine. He was tormented with his past. All the pain and suffering he caused, and all the pain and suffering he encountered... It was truly a sob story. But Logan wasn't going to preach it to the world. His claws slowly sank back in to his knuckles. He was now calm. He wondered if he was screaming before he woke up. If anyone heard him...

They would understand. Most people had their moments... but he doubted that anyone had them as violently as he did. He climbed out of his bed... He'll have to as the custodian for another pair. He opened the blinds to reveal a quiet looking forest. The sunrise just peaking over the mountains in the distance. Upstate New York was much prettier than Manhattan in his opinion.

Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters was very large, and elegant looking. Dark oak wood was the theme for all rooms... Logan didn't have much personal belongings, so it looked the same as how he got it years ago... Except a Canadian flag was hung on the wall, as well as a few relics from his past. Usually war items. He changed in to a white t-shirt, worn jeans, and boots. His hair was in its usual fashion, his face covered in dark stubble.

It was another day of teaching, and possibly a mission that Charles will send him on to recruit more students. It always made him smile when he saw the look on the person's face when he extracted his metal claws from his hands.

Logan stepped out of the room, and dodged out of the way of a small child sliding on a piece of ice. The ice dissolved off the floor as soon as he left. "Jeez... reckless kids..." he muttered, a small smile on his face though. He was glad that people like him weren't shunned for publicly showing their gifts and talents here. That was Xavier's whole purpose of the school. To be comfortable with who you are. Believe it or not, Logan still had trouble with that.

The students of the school were starting to exit their rooms, all going to the cafeteria for breakfast, then their first lessons. Logan followed, getting occasional "Hello Professor Logan!" or "hey, Logan!" from passing people.

He preferred this life over his old one much more...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aurora liked being in control of the body. She liked having all her mental facilities and besides, all Jeanne-Marie ever did with the body was lock herself up in her room and pray to the Lord that she be cured. Personally Aurora thought that she was doing Jeanne-Marie a favor, not to mention she didn't talk with that horrible Quebecois accent. No, Aurora was accent free, for the most part. Occasionally when she was provoking people it came out, but then again, why did she care at that point? So normally Aurora was in control of the body, despite technically being the recessive personality. John-Paul didn't like it but John-Paul didn't really have a say in it. Douchebag, running off going to get married without telling his twin sister about it! Not the point...the point was...the point was...oh yeah, the point was that Aurora liked to be in control...but she does not like going on missions. Which is exactly what she was doing right now. James decided that she would be best to go and finally retrieve Logan, even though it's been years, at last 5, possibly more. Always going in and out of focus like she does, it's hard to keep track of dates. So he chooses her to go get him. Like he'll come back with her, so stupid. Although this was probably to get her away from Langkowski after their not so pleasant break-up. She had a past of being pretty vindictive but they all deserved it...Langkowski didn't...that was all her fault. Anyways, back to Logan...let's see he said it should be about seven minutes past the border....
“Holy shit.” Aurora said out loud as she stared at the school. She was still outside the gate but she could see it...barely but the fact that she could see it. She unlatched the gate and started walking towards the school, making sure to latch it behind her.
“Damn...James should really look into getting digs like this for us.” She muttered to herself as she looked around, trying to take it all in at once. She allowed herself a few seconds of gawking before she looked around, trying to find Logan, or someone who looked like they could point her to Logan.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellGirl13


Member Offline since relaunch

The memory was so clear. It was like watching a movie except....movies aren't real. This is.

There was yelling and screaming.

"Run Selene!"

"Don't worry about us, just run!"

The house was being overrun by police. Guns blazing, they came. Everything was happening so fast. Selene could barely keep track of her thoughts with all the gun shots, yelling and screaming.

When she managed to move she saw her mother and father being shot down like animals. Selene watched with wide eyes from the back door. She couldn't stay there for long as she was spotted and forced to flee.

She ran with tears streaming down her cheeks from the guns, people, hurt and anger. But the pain....the pain of knowing her parents were gone still stayed. Harshly reminding her every time she tried to slip into denial.

So she ran. And she ran with all she had because one thought stood out and plagued her mind with the grim reminder.

She was alone.

Selene's eyes snapped open as she snapped up straight in her bed. Her blonde hair sticking to her face and neck with sweat. She gasped for breath and her eyes were glazed as she slowly came back from her dream.

She slowly looked around her room seeing random objects levitating in the air. She silently cursed herself. She must've lost control due to her dream. She sighed softly glancing at her cock before getting up as slowly as she could before she stretched her stiff limbs before shuffling into the bathroom.

After she finished doing her hair she put on black eye-liner and lip gloss. She then grabbed her purse leaving her room after making sure she had everything. She then began walking from her room getting greetings from different students.

She replied cheerfully to them glad she was here. With so many friends who were just like her. She felt....at home. It was a great feeling.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by boredbrain


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Alright guys... We're here." Alex said warily as he looked ahead of him, seeing the large estate in front of him. He had heard about the Xavier school a few times from his older brother and mother, but they knew just as much as he did about it. All that knew was that it was somewhere up north, and it was a safehaven for mutants. It was all he needed to know, and he was fine with that.

Looking around, he could see the two young men that had become his brothers. He wasn't related to them by blood, but that didn't matter. They were his closest friends despite being a few years younger than him, and they were the closest thing he had to a family now that they left the haven he used to call home.

Jason looked up at the building in front of them. It had to be the largest house he had ever seen. Considering what he and Riley had been through, this place was amazing. He smiled to himself as the voices hit him. The silent voices, as he called them, came out of the house as if they were yelling. He had always enjoyed hearing them. He knew they were somewhere in upstate New York though he did not know the exact location.

"Ahh. The voices are so loud in there." He said not blocking out the voices like he usually did. He usually did this to keep track of the two people with him, Both of them brothers, but only one by blood. "Hopefully things will be okay here. What do you think Riley?" He asked his younger brother.

Riley had just been daydreaming when his brother's voice pulled him back from reality. He looked at his older brother. "I miss mom and dad." He said, talking about Alex's parents that had become his. "I'm really nervous, and I keep trying to think of what they would say, but I'm just..I'm scared." He admitted. The size of the metal gates protecting the wondrous estate was enought to leave him in pure bewilderment. "I've never seen anything like it, and I don't know that I ever really wanted to." He touched the gate, but instantly shot behind the two. It was as if he had touched a burning stove. He was obviously frightened.

Truthfully, Riley never wanted to come. However, he had seen the excitement in his brothers' eyes and couldn't refuse. All he had wanted to do was stay at home forever. He loved his adopted parents and wanted to see them again. With them gone, even though he had his brothers, part of him felt isolated and lost. He had always been that way though, clingy. Ever since his true parents died he never recovered emotionally. Now he has issue letting go.

"We'll be fine." Alex assured the youngest of the trio, having a feeling that he would bring up their parents eventually. While his father would pop in from time to time, his mother was the only one of the two that was always there to watch over her children, even the adopted ones. His father would usually come back with some souveneirs from whereever he went to, and stay for about a week before leaving again. Although Alex wasn't happy with how often he left, he was happy that his father was around at least occasionally.

Putting his focus back on the impressive building. He had heard of the X-men before, and his father had told him that he had even seem some of them before on his travels. Since none of his kids were there with him, it was hard to tell if he was lying or not, and it was even easier to lie when it came to mutants. Some of them were made of solid steel, others had claws coming out of their hands. Even for mutants, that sounded a little far fetched to be true. "So... This is where the X-men live. I wonder if dad was telling the truth."

"Yah. I miss them too," Jason said softly. He did not mention which parent he meant. He could have meant thier birth parents but the Wards had taken them and became their real family. It was sort of sad. Jason smiled softly at his brother. "Come on, Riley. It will be fine." He said putting his arm around his brother's shoulder. "The people in their feel nice. I mean what I can sense seems nice. Would I ever let you get hurt, Riley?" He asked looking at his brother then back to the mansion.

He had always wanted to come here. He had heard that there was the strongest of all telepaths in this school. Jason could not wait to learn from that man. He could not remember the guy's name. "He was telling the truth. I read his mind once when he came home. I did not mean to do it." He added quickly. "So should we head in?" He asked the group.

Riley acknowledged both of them as if he was listening, but he hardly heard a word they said. He leaned into his brother. Riley had always felt safe around his brother. "I trust you." He said looking up at Jason. "I know you wouldn't let anything bad happen to me. You love me too much for that." He smiled lightly and closed his eyes. His mind was racing and loud. With horror stories he had heard on the television and read in the papers that he stole from the street. They were muties, evil people. At least that's what he had thought until his dad told them all about the X-Men. However, the thoughts were still there.

Riley was very hesitant to even walk towards the gates. His mind producing vivid pictures of a savage man with claws stabbing him, or a lightning bolt striking him from above. His hand trembled lightly. Out of sheer fear and habit he began a slow transformation into another creature and would need to be stopped to retain his human form. It wouldn't take much. Usually one of his brothers just saying his name would fix it. He looked up at Jason, wondering if he was reading his thoughts, or feeling his bones changing.

As soon as Riley had taken his first step, Alex began to walk up to the gates as well. He was excited to see what other kinds of mutants there were inside, and the calm atmosphere told him that they were safe from human hatred here. Slowly, he pushed open the gate as he stepped forward, looking around as he entered. He didn't really know what to expect, or what to do, since the only thing he knew was the location of the place, and nothing more. he wasn't sure who ran the place, how they acted, and how they responded to mutants just walking in and asking for residence. It sounded rude in his head, and he knew that he wouldn't do something like that unless he was sure that they would take him and his brothers in.

The young man turned back to Riley and Jason, smiling at them slightly as he continued walking, hoping for the best during their time at the Xavier Institute.

Jason looked over at his brother and his mind raced as he read his brother's thoughts. They had been together for so long Jason could read Riely and Alex's thoughts the best. So he could feel everything Riley was thinking."You know that is right." He said gently before the full stream of thoughts hit him like a sack of bricks. He tried to dig around the thoughts. His brother was really scared of this place. This made Jason scared since that might cause it to fail. He had to keep Riley safe. He then felt Riley's powers starting to work. "Riley.." He said softly knowing that would be enough to calm him down.He then sent a few calming thoughts into his brother's head. He was showing him happy memories from home. "I won't let anyone hurt you. No matter what." He said walking towards the door. He looked around and even he looked worried as they got there. The voices were stronger here. "You ready Ri?" He said using his nickname for his brother. It was simple but he had always used it. He kept probing the area with his mind. A telepath would sense his actions.

Riley's head shot to look at his brother as Jason said his name. He rolled his shoulders, they popped two times each. He shook one leg at a time, they had been shrinking, but returned to their normal height. He visibly relaxed when the warm memories flooded through his head. Jason's powers had been like a drug to Riley. Whenever Riley could he would pester Jason with thoughts of his real mother. He looked at Jason and smiled widely this time. The thoughts of horror had passed, and the thoughts of possible friends had entered his mind. He smiled and took a step forward. The first thing his eyes set upon was a large fountain. "I'll race you!" He shouted, taking off in a dead sprint to the fountain. He would make it there rather quickly, but not beating his brother, he never could. Anyways, that's where he would stay to rest for a while, sitting perched on the edge of the fountain.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SheriffLlama
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SheriffLlama In Trench I'm Not Alone

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Conner slid out of his bed, his feet touching the carpet floor. He looked at his clock... he'd waken up about ten minutes earlier than usual. He picked up his dark grey T-shirt that was strewn on the floor. He stood up and ran a hand through his brown hair, then turned and proceeded into the bathroom. He could feel a little bit of hair protruding from his chin and face, but it wasn't time to shave yet. He quickly brushed his teeth and returned the brush to the mug on the side of his sink. Turning the light off, he left his room and proceeded into the hallway, barefoot like he was most of the time.

The institute's hallways were lively with kids flaunting there powers here and there, accompanied by an annoying objection from Mr. Logan. As Conner passed, the man, he nodded respectfully, "Mornin' Mr. Logan." The man was purely intimidating. It wasn't his height, what with Mr. Logan around 5'4 and Conner at 6'2. What intimidated most people was his size. He was 5'4, but probably somewhere around 300 pounds... it put Conner's 180 pounds to shame.

As he walked down the hallway, he contemplated what he should do today... he didn't have any classes today, so he was free... He proceed down the hall toward the Kitchen, the faint scent of coffee meandering to his nose. He went forward, into the kitchen. He saw Scott, another teacher whom he refused to call "Mr.". He turned around and his eyebrows lifted from behind his deeply tinted shades. Those shades were the only thing between Conner and deadly laser that blasted from Scott's eyes. "Coffee?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, thanks." He grabbed a mug from the cabinet and Scott filled the mug with hot coffee from the pot. Conner poured a bit of creamer into the cup and pun his finger quickly around the rim of the mug. A small whirlwind formed in the middle of the liquid and mixed the creamer with the coffee.

"You could use a straw, you know that, right?" Scott laughed before leaving the kitchen. Conner smiled to himself... He didn't know why, but he was comfortable, here... this was his home....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by OutlawedPanda


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ellie sat in the corner of the kitchen, sipping on her cup of tea. Of course, Conner and Scott had no idea she was there. To them, the chair was empty and vacant, which in all reality it was not. Ellie's eyes lay on her book, a copy of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities, which sat in her lap, camouflaged like the rest of her. Suddenly a large shadow appeared above her and shaded her book. Then a blue figure descended on her. "Kurt!" She reappeared, visible to the eye.

"Oh! Sorry, Ellie I didn't see you there..." He said before cracking a small smile. "See...you see what I did there?" He then burst into laughter at his own joke. Ellie smiled, laughing quietly.

"Very funny, Kurt." She said, returning her attention to her book, but then standing up, deciding she was done reading. "Do you know where Professor Hank is?" She asked, turning to Kurt, who shook his head.

"Try his office or maybe the library." He responded in his German accent. He sat down in a different chair, weary as not to step on his pointed tail. Ellie left the kitchen and headed towards the library in search of Professor Hank. Before she entered the hallway, she forced herself to disappear out of sight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


Member Offline since relaunch

Chris could feel the vibration of her phone in her hand sounding her first alarm to get up. Like every day she groaned and rolled over turning it off as she sighed falling back asleep. But before she could get back to dreamland, Shoot To Thrill sounded off in her right ear causing her to shriek immediately sitting up in the mass of pillows around her. As her head swam at all the blood flowing to it she groaned for the second time that morning putting her head in her hands. “Damn...” She cursed as she turned off the alarm glancing to see if she had any messages. Like every time she looked there were none. Chris had gotten used to the disappointment, she had realized months ago that everyone in her life…before cut all contact from her, or simply assumed she ran off not even caring about what she was doing or if she was alright. Her Father. Grandmother. Aunts and Uncles. Her mother…no her mother had sent her here in the first place. Maybe she cared.

Chris sighed looking at the time only to let out a string of curses at the fact that she was five minutes behind her usual schedule. She hopped out of her bed going into the adjoining bathroom splashing cold water on her face and brushing her teeth hastily. Huffing that she didn’t have time to fix the new pins in her hair, she pulled her hair in a high ponytail and ran out the bathroom. Going to her closet she pulled out a pair of light blue jeans and her brown ankle boots. She rushed to pull out a random shirt when she noticed that the light next to her was beginning to flicker. ‘Gotta calm down.’ Chris took a deep breath and let it out. She smiled as the light returned to normal. Feeling cocky she furrowed her brows laughing as the light turned itself off. “I think I’m getting the hang-fuck!” The black shirt in her hand had begun to smoke up and a small flame sparked up. She gasped and threw it on the floor stomping out the fire. ‘So much for control…’ Depressed, she pulled out a light brown long sleeve and threw it over the jeans.

Walking out of the room she put her headphones over her ear glancing up at Logan mumbling, “Morning Mr. Logan.” as she went down the stairs going into the Cafeteria. Lots of other students were in there and Chris felt uncomfortable once more, she hadn’t made many friends yet and her optimism was wearing thin. She walked over to the coffee pots noticing a guy, whose name escaped her but she was positive it started with a “C”, and Mr. Scott standing there. Scott looked up and smiled at Chris with a cheerful “Good morning Christine!” She didn’t like her full name but she gave him a small smile back grabbing a mug behind the guy whose name started with a C and filling it to the brim with the black magic that made life better. She dumped 3 spoonfuls of sugar in it. Instead of stirring it up she lifted her palm not starting a fire, but simply heating it up almost like a stove. When it was hot enough she put the mug on it, dissolving the sugar and getting the drink to the perfect scalding temperature she loved. Being heat resistant rocked. But also she had to have food at really hot in order for it not to feel really cold to her. Not wanting to just sit by herself again she leaned against the wall by them and took a long sip sighing deeply having her problems melt away…
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A cellphone started playing an annoying song, and Mark reached up and turned it off. He got out of bed, making sure he remembered his pants, and walked through the door into Camilla's room. Their rooms were once an office, with Mark sleeping in what had been the outer office, and Camilla sleeping in what had been the inner office. They also had a small supply closet, but at the moment it was empty, except for a few of Marks tools. I need to get a new project to work on. he thought, maybe a reactor of some kind?
He didn't see his daughter in the bed, but the sheets were depressed, so he look "below the surface", and saw something there with a human cellular structure. His vision returned to normal and he bumped the bed with his leg. "Camilla" he said.
His daughter appeared, apparently awoken by the bump or the sound of her name, he didn't know which. "Yes, daddy." she said.
"It's time to get up. We've got to get you something to eat, then get you over to Mrs. Kitty's so she can help you with your subtraction."
"But I want to garden."
"Well," he said, "after you're done with your lesson, she's going to take you to the greenhouse where you can help Mrs. Monroe take care of the plants."
"Yay!" said the excited child, and jumped out of bed, walking towards the door.
"You need to get dressed first. And brush your teeth. And your hair."
"Right." she said, then ran back into her room. "Now leave so I can." He smiled, then got up and went back to his room and got ready.

They walked down the hall and saw a big blue, hairy guy walk towards them. "Mr. Hank" said Camilla, letting go of her father's hand to run over and hug Dr. McCoy.
"Hello, little one, how are you doing?" he said.
"I'm going to go eat some breakfast, then practice my sutraction, then help Mrs. Monroe in the greenhouse."
"Well, that sounds like fun." Dr. McCoy said.
"I was meaning to talk to you." said Mark Quinn. He reached into his satchel and pulled out a folder. "This is a theory I came up with last week. I'd like to see if you'd look it over before I submit it for peer review."
"Of course," said Dr. McCoy, taking the folder and putting it into his own satchel. "I'll look it over this afternoon."
"Thanks, Hank." he said.
"No problem." said Hank. "Now, I've got a class starting soon, and I need to get there."
"Ok," said Camilla, letting go of his leg, "I'll see you later."
"See you", said Doctor McCoy, then he left.
As Dr. McCoy walked off, Camilla tugged on her dad's pant's leg. "Can I ride on your shoulders?"
"Sure," he said, picking her up and placing her there. She cloaked herself, and they started towards the kitchen to see what was ready, when they ran into something they couldn't see, almost making him drop Camilla. He pulled her off of his shoulders and she uncloaked. "Are you all right?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm ok. What'd we hit?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by thatguy


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The young man woke from his nightly slumber and stretched, feeling refreshed, but also a cool sweat, as was usual Edd to do went he was actively dreaming. Jumping out of bed, he got dressed in a chipper mood and looked outside to the sunny morning, his stomache growled and he thought of what today's breakfast would be.

"Hope it's scrambled eggs or a breakfast burrito," Edd Winters said as he licked his lips and lifted his favorite chest hugging grey tang top over his head before leaving his room.

Using his mutant sweat, he jumped onto the wall and walked through the halls, a much quicker way to pass through the traffic of mutant students. It took him a little less time than if he were to just walk, but when he reached the cafeteria hall, he grabbed himself some milk and a plate of today's special, but his first decision of the day was where to sit...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Trafalgar Bob
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Trafalgar Bob

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Jacob, tagging Riley and Jason by the fountain

Jacob was already awake, fifteen minutes before his alarm as was the usual with his morning routine. He would go on his laptop to play a few games of YuGiOh before it was time to get out of bed. There it was the drawn out beeping rising in pitch and volume every second, he rolled his eyes and touched the screen on his phone to silence it. Jacob stretched across his bed ruffling the sheets, he grunted as he moved and slowly rolled out of his bed and onto the floor. Around his bed were twelve small bonsai trees which he used to practice controlling his powers, Jacob discovered that they had doubled in size since last night and the previous week they had shrunk. JAcob smiled and tapped the closest tree, then he jumped to his feet to get ready for breakfast.

Jacob slipped on his baggy jeans, boots and long sleeve white shirt and headed to the cafeteria nodding and saying hi to all he passed. He entered the cafeteria, people were sitting down eating breakfast and talking about classes or what was on TV the previous evening. Jacob minded his own business and went to the line, he smiled at the lunch lady and got bacon and eggs to go, hurrying out of the hall quickly. It was strange, even though he had already been here a year meaning he was a second year, he still didn't feel in his element when he wasn't in his room or in class. No, quite the opposite he felt a stranger in this home away from his foster parents, he missed them but he knew he had to finish school here and learn to control his gift.

Jacob walked outside to sit and eat breakfast in the sun, he took out his mini tablet and checked if he had any emails, there were a couple of spam messages but none off of his foster parents. JAcob shrugged and went to the fountain to eat. He saw two people he had not met before racing to the fountain where Jacob decided to sit, he swallowed his shyness and continued to them anyway.

"Hey there, you guys new here or something?"

His palms grew sweaty and his heart started racing, public talking was not Jacob's strong point.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Prince


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

"Angels who fall for the sins of the flesh and carnal desire...

...are called incubi."

"Are you claiming to be an angel, sir?"

"No. I am telling you the stories of man - and, in class, I am Professor Zelli, or Z."

"Then why do the other professors call you |nʞubus?"

"Every X-Man needs a name.. But, please, tell me, what does any of that have to do with business administration?"

"Uh... nothing I guess. You did say angels -"

"- I told you a story made by man. A story thousands of years old. Man has always had stories of lust. Of desire. Business is often capitalizing on the nature of man."

|nʞubus, or Professor Zelli (Z) or merely just Adrian - depending on the person - taught his class with passion. He was incredibly well-spoken, often described as silver-tongued. He used his telepathy to read the minds of his students and keep them on topic. In the current day an age, classes such as macro- and micro-economics, business administration, financial planning and his lower-level social studies classes were incredibly important, so he did his best to make sure his students attained the most they could from his lecture. Some of them had never had classes like the ones at the Xavier Institute; for a matter of fact, the education many received there was the first they had ever received in the intolerant world around them.

Professor Z is what he was referred to most often in class, but mostly due to the Professor himself. Adrian taught his lower-tier classes early during Charles' morning classes so that he could offer his higher-tier classes to the more profound students without conflicting with Charles' teaching schedule. As the Professor was often called Professor X or merely the Professor, Adrian was often called Professor Z mostly for the namesake. It stuck with him through his other classes. One might not think a name so important, but being called |nʞubus by students somewhat diminished the teacher-student relationship. For a man of his repute and nickname among the X-Men, Adrian kept his image as a teacher astoundingly clean and stern; many speculated he was the strictest professor in the institute in his higher-level classes.

His lower-level, morning classes, however, were mostly drawn out and boring. Adrian taught basic history and social studies before receiving the star students. The students that would go on to be X-Men, not just live in the civilian world. The students that would go on to be politicians or activists, like Hank McCoy. The students that might make a difference. Adrian lived for those students and Adrian made Professor Z a reality for them. He challenged them. He waited for them and designed his classes to be difficult and interesting all at once. Being one of those students and getting into those classes, however, proved far more difficult than a majority of the Xavier Institute could provide, but why offer an education to mutants if they wouldn't deserve it as humans? Equality meant earning what one received, X-gene or not.

Upon the first of his advanced classes, Adrian dawned his tuxedo and switched his classroom to a far larger one on the upper floors; it was a renovated library he had turned into a classroom and dance hall. No 'balls' were thrown here; it was illuminated with neon lights, a backlit dance floor and full bar in addition to the half of the room more obviously dedicated to its education value with smart projectors, interactive televisions, a 3D projection table and a dozen or so chairs. The stereos, which filled up every corner of the room, blared Raise Your Glass by P!nk at the beginning of his evening class, as he waited quite calmly for the day to progress and for him to see the new set of students. He had heard directly from the Professor this year introduced several new students, including the kids of some of the original X-Men. Although the class may not have been quite meant for all of them, he invited them in it for the sheer entertainment of teaching the children of his former comrades.

For a social science class taught by the strictest professor, it seemed a little twisted. Dance music in what seemed like a party hall blaring? The board read, 'What is a demon if man is beast?' and each student in the class had been sent the same waver. A prize. In each class of his three advanced ones, the top students would be sent to his single largest night club for three nights all expenses paid with him in no other place than LA. The incentive for being the best was getting to party with the best, and who could one-up |nʞubus himself? The Professor wasn't keen on the program, but considering the grades it brought up in an already-difficult class, he didn't question the method. Logan hated it. As a matter of fact, most other professors hated it, and that was half the fun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"Whoah! Heads up!" Students screamed in surprise as a fork went flying through the air at a fast speed... Logan felt a large pain in his arm, and looked down to see the fork stuck in his arm. Logan frowned at the sight, then looked around the now full cafeteria to see who did it. "We can set that 'days since last faculty injury' to zero..." Logan said jokingly, pulling the fork out. The deep and large holes from the fork suddenly started to fill up instantly. There was no trace of a wound. A kid stepped forward, clearly not happy to be standing in front of Logan at the moment. "S-s-sorry sir... I was... Someone told a joke, I laughed and the silverware went flying..." The kid said, looking at Logan with amazement, and also fear. Logan shook his head. "You're lucky it was me. Others wouldn't have the patience, or the same fortune as me for that kind of stuff." Logan said...

He was always against people using their powers to show off, or to make fun of people, but he sympathized for those who lost control. God knows Logan has many times. "Just... try to remember what you've been taught. Control it, don't fear it..." He gave a small smile, using his massive arm to pat him on his. "Now get back to your friends. And if you wanna sound like a tough guy, say you got detention and beat me in a glaring contest or something." The small boy smirked, and nodded. "Thanks, Mister Logan..."

Logan turned back in his seat, facing other faculty members, taking a bite out of his eggs. He noticed the Professor wasn't at the head of the table. He was probably out doing something, maybe new kids were in... And then there was Professor Z. The only thing the two had in common was that they were the oldest residences here, and they happened to sleep with a lot of women back in the day... Well, Logan doesn't anymore, but he couldn't say that about him. Over the talking kids Logan's senses could hear and feel the deep bass of a song... It annoyed Logan that he thought he could do whatever he wanted just because he helped fund the school way back when.
"Marvelous, isn't it?"

Came a voice entering Jason's mind. He was trying to block the voices out, but Professor Charles Xavier had little difficulty passing through.

"The only worry here is if a teacher will be giving a pop quiz." The voice said again. The doors opened and the bald man in the wheelchair came hovering out, looking at the three new students, as well as seeing a veteran of the school, Jacob.

Alex was curious. He wasn't afraid, but a bit nervous to know if his father was right...

Jason was excited, finally pleased to be somewhere his family could be safe. He is already talented in limiting what comes and goes through his mind. Very impressive indeed.

And Riley was the most afraid. He had a constant battle of fear, and assurance from his brother.

He couldn't blame them. He had such little time to explain to them what this place was, but now that they're here, they can experience it firsthand.

"Hello Jacob." The old man said with a smile, making his way towards them, they were clearly in a conversation before Xavier appeared. "Glad to see you found these three. It's always good to have a friendly face to greet the newcomers." Xavier said with a smile, then looking at the boys. "We have met before, yes? Charles Xavier. I'm glad you accepted my invitation here. I know you won't be disappointed." he said with calmness, and assurance for all three.

Another mind came in to play. A woman, who had some very dark voices going in and out of her head. Xavier looked at the gate to see the person... She didn't look like she wanted, or needed any safety from the world. "Jacob, can you please show our new students around? And if you can introduce them to one of the faculty members, Maybe Logan, that would be most appreciated. I'll join you all in a moment."

"Don't introduce them to Adrian. A voice said in Jacob's head. He didn't want the young boys to meet the strictest man here.

As they started to walk, going back to talking to each other, Charles made his way towards the gate. "hello, Miss." He said friendly, giving a smile. "Looking for someone?" He asked, her mind always repeating that she had to... He wasn't going to let anyone in to his school, though. She had to seem alright first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kaalee
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Kaalee That Single Moment Between Clarity / and Insanity

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Aurora looked over at the man in the wheelchair when he came out, he could only be Charles Xavier, she had done her research about the school. He was the Headmaster, as well as one of the greatest telepaths to have walked this Earth.
"Please don't try and enter my head. I found that it tends to hurt the other occupant. I mean you no harm, and even if I did, we are in a school of mutants and X-men, I am hopelessly outnumbered." Aurora said, flashing a genuine smile. While she was wild, flirtatious, and a bit of a drama queen, she also was created from Jeanne's mind, and when need be, she could call upon the more dignified traits they shared.
"My name is Aurora and I'm looking for an old friend of mine, I was told he might be here. His name is Logan, although he might have adapted a different alias by now. You can't miss him, he tends to threaten people that annoy him with shiny metal claws that come out of his knuckles." She said, the smile still on her face.
"I would very much like to speak with him if he is here. I can leave campus if you'd like, I understand the need for secrecy. This is a very impressive school you have here Professor Xavier." She nodded, allowing herself to look around once more before she returned her gaze to Xavier.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

((A Collab again. With me and Bored.))
Jason looked over at the young man walking over towards them. The guy seemed nervous and it did not take a telepath to notice this. Jason was not the best at meeting new people. He was completely shy when it came to meeting new people. He smiled at the guy. "Uhh yes we are. I'm Jason. Telepath. Pleased to meet you." He said not doing a great job at this.

Riley stared at Jacob awkwardly. "Riley..." He said quietly before moving to the other side of his brother to hide. He was very nervous, and scared. He was horrified at everyone at this school. They were all evil muties! He just knew that him and his brothers were the only good mutants out there, and he was surely not making friends with a criminal!

So much for Riley being better than he was with all this. He should have remembered it was Alex who could do all this. Not either of the brothers. He was about to send another round of calming thoughts towards Riley when he was interupted. Someone managed to enter his mind. Jason liked to think of himself as a great Telepath. His defenses were amazing, or so he thought. This person had gotten through like they were made of tissue paper. Yes it is amazing. He thought back to the man. He was getting worried now. Who ever did this was a very strong telepath. He looked at the man. So this was the amazing Charles Xaiver.Jason looked at him stunned for a moment. He had read about him. He was a strong telepath, someone who Jason wanted to the learn from. He did not say anything, however Riley would feel a bit of Jason's worry since the telepathic channel was still open.

Riley did not like this man. The first thought in Riley's mind was. 'That glistening bald head is pure evil!' He did not like, nor did he trust Professor X. Riley stared at Professor X until he left, only then did he breathe his first sigh of relief. He turned back to Jason and sighed. "Who's Logan? Is he that one mutant?" Riley brought up a mental image of The Wolverine.

Jason watched as the man wheeled off. It was sort of odd. He did not care. He saw Riley's mental image and nodding. "Yep, bro. That guy. Heard he is a bit of a lunatic but who isn't these days?" He asked to no one in particular. He then turned back to the school. "Come on bro. Let's go inside. "He said with a slight smile.


Riley looked around his brother to see Jacob. "Can we find a bathroom? I've held it in all day."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Paula sighed, sprawling out in her lonely bed, the cold edges of the sheets made her cringe. She didn't want to get up, because she had been sitting here for hours upon bittersweet hours, and alas...she had only grown the least bit tired. That of course didn't mean she didn't want sleep, it was the nightmares that kept her up; ones of flying, childhood, and slight romance, all of which had treacherous and twisted ends. They made the hair on the back of her neck stand up and the hazy world before her seem much darker. But, putting the dreams of the night realm behind her, she got up as reluctantly as possible, a drawn out process of removing her lazy limbs from the comforter that warmed her. Eventually she was out, and she put her glasses on; covering the bland world in a bright new light, and though this happened each day, she always loved to see the clear view.

With a smile she went over to the shower, prancing around in the bathroom and stripping down, she eventually turned on the shower, humming to herself and allowing the steam to cloud her glasses. Stepping in she threw her glasses off, hoping they landed on the toilet or counter-top or something. She was sure they hadn't. Still though, she enjoyed the shower, a blind steamy mess covered in soap. How could it get any better? And yet she felt relieved as she walked out, picking her glasses off the floor, and went to get dressed. She took her time in pampering herself, the whole nine yards; makeup, perfume, sparkling lotion, nice hair, and to top it off a nice enough outfit. She felt pretty proud about herself, it was a good thing too.

She grabbed a bag to hold her few books and rushed out the door, kind of excited to start the day, after sll a crazy alien robot could come and attack the school or something, that would be cool. Slipping on the glasses she had to go back inside to get, she found herself smiling...it was a bright smile considering how mopey she could be at times. And she mentally congratulated herself for it, walking outside with that grand smile, tripping over people and books too. She felt as though this was a good place for, her already social nickname 'Goof' was spreading, and so she knew she had to be getting attention. Which was good in itself. She just realized now though that she had no friends, people viewed her as some form of the weird 'goof', and she had no idea where to go. On top of all that she was hungry, that was a big deal for her. So she ignored everything else and made her way over to the cafeteria, her smile slowly fading. Today was going to be good, she was sure of that. But today also irked her, she wanted to know what was happening here, inside and out. But she couldn't. But she would. Does this place even have any secrets? All things aside, she was bored out of her crazy little mind. And that was bad, at least it was to her. She just had to keep trudging ahead, to the seemingly nonexistent lunchroom. As she did she mimed other people, thinking up stupid things they would probably never say and relaying it in her head. That was a good waste of time.

As soon as she got there she smiled, the famous principal Logan was walking through. She knew him as Wolverine, but was kind of afraid to call him that. He seemed scary, and his facial hair was a little too manly. He seemed like a tank of testosterone that was about to fire. That was an amuzing thought, and so he viewed him as such. Walking away from him she headed towards the ever-so-sweet lunch line. There she waited, and waited, and drooled over the-whatever the food was. Catching the attention and slight laughter from a different student, it didn't catch much more then that though, and with a swipe of her hand the problem was fixed. Soon after she had gotten her food and was on the move, heading towards the nearest empty table and planting herself in a seat. She was about to dig in, then she yawned, and then she decided for was for ninnies. So instead of eating, she calmly rested her head on the table, ready for some well earned rest.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sandy has breakfast

Sandra had woken that morning as. Early as she could so that she could use the excuse of exercise as her reason for not mingling with her schoolmates.
She had finished a six mile run as she always did each morning since coming to Xavier's school then taken a hot shower before heading to get something to eat.
Sandra liked having a routine because it helped her cope with the fact that she was unwanted an castaway by the two people that she'd always thought loved her, it gave her focus.
She had only been at the school perhaps three weeks now and she was still having to sleep in a room with no loose objects because if she didn't she'd wake covered in whatever wasn't tied down. She hadn't known what she was till coming to the school other than a mutant but the Professor had told her she was an Elemental who controlled the forces of Gravity and that she showed good skill in controlling her access to that element while awake and merely needed to practice her unconscious control. How she was supposed to control what happened when she slept she had no idea till the Professor revealed that he was a Telepath.
Sandra didn't know it but her need for routine was a safety implant so that she would steadily control her actions awake as well as asleep. She also didn't know that her Gravitic ability was a troubling ability because of it's upper level potential to cause stress on the earth it's self.
It wasn't that she held such power at the moment but as she grew older she'd grow in potential and one day could become as Powerful as others who held power over such basic forces. She also didn't know that she was sought after by darker forces so that they could add her ability to their own but Xavier had gotten to her first.
Oblivious to such things Sandra walked into the dinning hall an made a breakfast of fruits large glass of whole milk an a blueberry muffin which she took to an empty table.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellGirl13


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Selene had made a quick stop to her friend Iris's room. Sure Selene had quite a few friends but Iris was one of the first people she'd met and she realised they had a lot in common. They had similar interests.

Especially considering the fact that they both shared such dark pasts. Iris was definetly her best friend. Hands down.

Selene exited Iris's room with a extra skip in her step. Being around Iris always left her in a good mood. Must have something to do with her ability to control emotions. Would explain a lot actually.

Selene arrived in the kitchen and noticed a few people there. Someone looked to be sleeping. She walked to the fridge grabbing a 'Sunny D Orange Juice' from the fridge with a grin. She'd grown quite attached to this drinks. They were her thing.

She then moved to an empty seat in the dining hall by herself to sit and drink her beverage in peace. Even though there was another person. It was less crowded than usual so she'd take it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by iSuspect
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iSuspect Power is power / No one walks away from me

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Stephanie was so excited this morning.

The academy had opened up once again and she was always excited to see the new kids come in with a different variety of abilities. She will never forget her first day walking through those doors. She was eight years of age and standing literally at three feet tall but had the biggest smile plastered among her facial features. Stephanie had introduced herself to everyone because she was so excited and it seems like on this day that the excitement was even better than ever.

Emerging from a steam filled bathroom, with a towel wrapped around her body and her brightly color locks of hair, was a female, no different from anyone else in the mansion she resided in. This female looks oddly familiar and almost everyone knows who she is but if you don't, she'll be happy to fill you in. She is the daughter of Jean Grey and Scott Summers - The two members of the X-Men team, or were. She sat there, holding a picture of her mother, who was now deceased and nearly wanted to breakdown and cry but stayed strong, since she has to this whole meet and greet ordeal. She placed the picture back underneath her pillow and sprung up from her bed, turning her radio on and the music blasting throughout the mansion. It was almost a normal routine for her to blast music through the mansion, whether it be in the morning, afternoon, hell, even when everyone was sleeping.

Stephanie changed quickly into a light blue blouse, that was hidden at the bottom half with a buttoned up white overcoat. She then proceeded to placed on a white skirt, that came above her knees, just a little bit. Her eye fluttered over towards her mirror as she reviewed herself over then nodded while tying her already blow dried hair up into a high ponytail. She walked back over to her makeup stand and applied a little makeup but not much. Her lips are stained with red lipstick. She pressed them together then puckered them up. A soft chuckle escaped through her lips as she jumped up and turned the music off then placed her white heels on her feet then scurried out of the door.

As soon as she walked out of her door, a kid had bumped into her and he looked so frightened. "Aw, it's okay." She knelt down to get eye level with the male then smiled. "What is your name?" She asked him politely while reaching and grabbing a hold of his hands. "Ethan." He responded while removing his hands from Stephanie's. "That is such a beautiful name." She said towards him with a smile then let him run along as she made her way down the stairs. She saw a slew of new mutants and went and introduced herself to them. She loved kids - Especially the new ones. "Summers? Is your father Scott?" She nodded happily then turned as the boy pointed behind her. Stephanie gave her father a slight wave before turning back towards the kids. "My mother is Jean Grey." She said with a smile. The boy rolled his eyes then made a smart under his breath that Stephanie didn't pick up but she was fuming regardless. "Well, you guys have fun now." She said while turning around, storming off basically but she didn't want to show her anger in front of the kids too soon.

She made her way into the dining hall and sniffed the air. "Something smells good." She said while walking by some tables.

Even though she was smiling, the comment the boy made about her mother really ticked her off. She tried her best to get the events that had just transpired out of her head but couldn't. She sighed while walking into the kitchen and grabbing herself a small fruit, quickly opening it up and leaning against the counter, picking up the first fruit and started eating.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jones Sparrow
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Jones Sparrow The Patriot

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"My apologies. It is an old habit." The man in the wheelchair said with a smile. As he listened he watched her, obeying her request to not slip in to her mind. He had a feeling, though, that she wasn't lying. And she was right about being outnumbered. He gave a slow nod at her compliment. "Thank you. The students really like it here. Gives them hope, and safety." Professor Xavier said... "I am willing to let you speak to Logan... But in the courtyard... and I would be appreciated if your less... 'colorful'... side is in control. As you said, Logan doesn't like people that annoy him." The professor nodded, and the gates opened. "He will have a class to teach soon, so if he gives approval, you are welcome to be a guest here. We have many rooms here." Xavier said simply. He sensed that neither of her personalities wanted to cause harm... His only worry was if Logan remembered her or not... His flashbacks weren't the healthiest for the school.
All the new kids were intimidated by him. All avoided eye contact, whispered things, some marveled at his huge muscles. They thought all he was was a very angry man who loved to yell.... Veterans at the school knew that he was a troubled man, who was a softy underneath the hard features... He made small talk with the faculty, and fellow X-Men. Although Professor X was the top dog, the assault team was usually led by Logan, or Scott. He had been through every American war since the Civil War, he had the most experience, and was a master combatant...

Logan got up, tired of the whispers and the burnt coffee. He made his way out of the cafeteria, walking to his classroom to get his history lesson for the day all situated.
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