Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Windreda
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Windreda The Idealist

Member Seen 3 mos ago

So you wish to hear the story do you? The story of how the world had come to an end?

Well of course the world didn't really end, that's the curse of humanity isn't it? To hold on until the bitter end. That's why we still have water, still have a sky, still have a home we can return to. Unlike before, where soot had covered the air and man went to great lengths to kill their God. The end of the world...what a laugh. Our cities had fallen but we still hold onto some semblance of the world of old, how does that signify any great end to our way of life-

Right, I apologize. Excuse the ramblings of an old woman, it's been too long since the great fires had come to our world. But...you did come to me, a forgetful hag, to learn of an art that abandoned us long ago at our worst. Our best depending on how you look at it [Omit Laughter]

This knowledge was never forgotten, you greedily paw for information that you have had access to for dozens of years! How could you even possibly forget, the fuel of our world that had ironically destroyed what it had come to build? It had brought the Great Fires, what had (so to speak) ended the world [Omit Laughter]

A hurry, a rush?

You look at my bandages in pity, or disgust, but you have no idea what these wrappings really mean do you? You've never seen The Great Fires, you've never experienced the Shattering when civil order had died. You live in this perfect world of grass and blue skies, of rain that always comes and brings life to this last bastion of humanity. You never have experience the weight that my generation has experienced, vicariously knowing that a gun kills even though you've never fired one. But...

You wish to learn of magic do you?


I was but a girl so I could hardly remember much, it wasn't as if they gave children the right to be gods. But they might as well, the way the people would play with a new power as a child might play with a new toy. We never change. The date or weapon we hold might change, but it was just as well to learn that we never could. When the day had come that magic had come into our world, everyone proclaimed the start of a golden era. How funny it was...to literally ignore the gun we were placing to our heads.

We all lost purpose, we had nothing to strive for when we were granted everything. We are destructive creatures, mere children in bodies that wither with age. There was anger and frustration when nothing was left to distract us, when we turned on our neighbors and destroyed everything in one big temper tantrum. But there was nothing I could do...there was nothing anyone could do. How do you find a power greater than magic? How do suppress the force of billions of gods?

This is where you leave disappointed. I can tell you stories from my childhood when magic had yet to come to our "perfect" world. I can relate to you the atrocities that happened in the streets with no accountability. I can share with you my story from the Shattering, how a man had come to make me bleed simply because he could. Or how my mother bled for differing reasons. How my father burned alive, how my friends killed themselves in agony or my bullies left in the migrations out of fear.

I can share with you how the Great Fires fell from the sky and melted the land, cleansing our sin in a rain that would last a lifetime. I know many things, but you already know what I do not know.

Why has this magic returned?

[Omit Laughter]

You think I waste your time do you, storming out that door now? I can assure you I do know something. This entire situation is ironic.

You fear the very thing that potentially could save you.


In a rush as I need to race out at the moment, however I could at least get that small beginning in. The rest of this will sort of be a sparknotes version of my overall idea.

The setting would take place in a post apocalyptic future, one where life has flourished once again but humanity is on the verge of extinction. However life has settled down and people have settled into small bastions of civilization, not able to expand too far because of a place known as the Outland

Outland: A wild wilderness that houses a variety of vicious creatures from the world before, possibly a byproduct from the world that once was.

The central place where our characters would convene would be one of the last human cities in existence, a place of technology that runs off of a material that is mined underneath. Humans survive off of what crops they can grow and therefore are heavily reliant on the rain that comes to the city. Most people would either be farmers or miners, with a very select minority specializing in a craftsman trade or even representing a nobility class.

THE PREMISE would be of what was detailed in the passage above. Man had discovered the power to bend the natural elements to their will, some even the power to bend reality itself for unknown reasons. However no matter the reason that magic had come into our world humans would abuse this power. Both the world and magic would come to an end with the survivors left to fend for themselves. This idea will takes place much later in this new world, where for some reason magic has started to reappear. A group of terrorists so to speak destroys a mining plant with this very power, and many citizens have found themselves re-gifted with this power. Anyone even remotely with this gift is killed out of fear, a task force rising up specifically focused on hunting down magic users and ending their life (Using technology from the world that once was).

Anyway this REALLY is a condensed version of this idea, but after all it is an interest check. People could play anyone they would wish to: An officer that hunts down magic users, part of this terrorist organization, a citizen who discovers they have magic, a random citizen, perhaps a noble, yada yada yada. To make things easier I'll probably limit the amount of people I'm accepting to four people, but for now just throwing this really dry premise and hoping anyone is interested. When my OOC is up detailing everything, than it can be officially decided whether this idea is for you.

Anyway PM me for any questions, and hopefully this idea sticks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMasterNarrator


Member Offline since relaunch

Definitely interested. Here's my character concept; if it's accepted, I'll develop it more later.

Richard Arkhas
Void Mage - a powerful magic-user with emphasis on shadows, souls and the destructive powers involving such.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reialgo


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hmm, colour me intruiged, though I'd like to ask, no need for details, do you have a plot in mind for this or do you intend for players to make one as we go along?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowefil


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I'm also interested in this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Windreda
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Windreda The Idealist

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Reialgo said
Hmm, colour me intruiged, though I'd like to ask, no need for details, do you have a plot in mind for this or do you intend for players to make one as we go along?

Sure I have a starting plot in mind, but what's the fun if I don't give freedom to the players to move the story along? I have a starting antagonist and a build up to the actual RP, but after that is anyone's game (And I think that's fun to have everyone participate towards a central story).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Also intresested!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'm interested as well! This looks like it could be super fun.

But my main question would be about how this plot will tie together. You said that we could be anyone we want--for simplicity's sake, I'm going to generalize it into two sides: people against magic users vs the people who can use magic. Do you have a way to unite them against the antagonist or something?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nib
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Member Seen 29 days ago

I too am interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLonePup


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sounds interesting... Are WE going to have access to some form of magic..? And I'm curious how much the wildlife has changed in the years since the world ended...

Are humans still able to have cattle and such? After all... livestock were one of the biggest things that allowed humans to settle down during our progression... And of course I mention this because most of the time I'm in an RP I like to have some form of Canine companion >.> and dogs were one of the factors that allowed us to herd in the first place... If humans survived, I'm damn near positive dogs and cats should have...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anonymous
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Interested, but waiting for further detail. Looking forward to the OOC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Windreda
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Windreda The Idealist

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Mizuho said
I'm interested as well! This looks like it could be super fun.But my main question would be about how this plot will tie together. You said that we could be anyone we want--for simplicity's sake, I'm going to generalize it into two sides: people against magic users vs the people who can use magic. Do you have a way to unite them against the antagonist or something?

I have a imagined path, but how our characters travel this path or even the ending hey reach could be up to you guys. In more of simplicity's sake it isn't even about the conflict between magic users and non magic users, that's only a part of my idea that I have imagined up. The main story really revolves around the idea of acceptance not just towards the idea of magic but other lifestyles and ways of life. I would certainly like our characters to explore this world in the future, hopefully not keep them TOO bottled up.

Circling back towards your previous question there is a starting antagonist I have imagined up, but that's really only to supply foundation to the initial idea. I would really love to give you guys some free reign on how you would like to direct your character, adding in some lore to the RP that gives it a bit more life(Plus gives the OOC some relevance, it would be nice to see any added lore you guys plan on including added there, I wouldn't need the idea of magic given to humanity by some flying spaghetti monster). What I'm saying is I do have an IDEA of where I would like the plot to go, but how it ties together as a whole I really would like to somewhat leave that up to you all. Hopefully you guys don't see this as I guess "laziness", but from my experience it's almost impossible to sanely run or keep moving an RP all by myself.

TheLonePup said
Sounds interesting... Are WE going to have access to some form of magic..? And I'm curious how much the wildlife has changed in the years since the world ended...Are humans still able to have cattle and such? After all... livestock were one of the biggest things that allowed humans to settle down during our progression... And of course I mention this because most of the time I'm in an RP I like to have some form of Canine companion >.> and dogs were one of the factors that allowed us to herd in the first place... If humans survived, I'm damn near positive dogs and cats should have...

Haha well it wasn't the first thing on my mind, but I don't see why not some of the creatures of old could have survived on in this new world. Why not even make them as well changed in some way from magic, it certainly adds some unique flair to this new world. While the inclusion of some docile creatures throws off one plot point I was thinking of adding, it's nothing major or "The End of the World" so to speak that I need to change it. If you want a canine companion, go for it!

Anonymous said
Interested, but waiting for further detail. Looking forward to the OOC.

Looking forward to writing it...keep on being unhappy with my rough drafts. Back and forth between too specific and too vague, hopefully I can find an even middle that leaves some elements to some interpretation. I don't need to draft the individual laws of say a city's statute, but stating that written laws are in place adds to some freedom of deciding just what laws are included etc. etc. My example extends to all aspects really, just wondering how much framework I want to have.

I love these questions, keep on throwing any of these questions or ideas you have towards me!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Lots of peeps interested, but k, me toooooo!! ^^ And would lurvs to see charrie sheet too. Please. Nows!!!!! xDD Right. K. ~Later~~!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nevis
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Nevis The Aether Swordsman

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm interested, though I'm awaiting more specific details, mostly pertaining to magic, what it is and how it works.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Windreda
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Windreda The Idealist

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Nevis said
I'm interested, though I'm awaiting more specific details, mostly pertaining to magic, what it is and how it works.

I plan on leaving things a bit vague for plot purposes, however I also plan on opening up players to design their own forms of magic. I also plan on adding different tiers, along the way a players power might grow into more powerful forms that you could wish to include or not. The actual origins and how it is used is a mystery, but less out of laziness and more of having your ignorance flow into the characters (Shh just let it flow over you). But there will be checks and balances, hopefully characters feel powerful but not overly so.

Still in the midst of an OOC and STILL disappointed in it. Hopefully we see how things go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The book of bad juju
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The book of bad juju Make Koganusan / Great Again.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Would like to say I'm interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reialgo


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Windreda said The actual origins and how it is used is a mystery, but less out of laziness and more of having your ignorance flow into the characters (Shh just let it flow over you).

Haha dis line

In all seriousness though, I don't think magic ever needs explaining beyond "This circle conjures fire!" or "This incantation conjures lightning!" you kinda start to lose the charm if you try to actually explain how a singular spell does it's thing(unless you're type moon but nobody writes like type moon)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The Villainess

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I'm intrigued too!~ I love these kinds of stories. When do you think the OOC will be up? :3
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Windreda
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Windreda The Idealist

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Estylwen said
I'm intrigued too!~ I love these kinds of stories. When do you think the OOC will be up? :3

Sometime soon I hope, might not be THAT perfect, but I'm making some effort to get it up. Might be a bit vague, but hopefully you guys are up to fill in some of the blanks.

Reialgo said
Haha dis lineIn all seriousness though, I don't think magic ever needs explaining beyond "This circle conjures fire!" or "This incantation conjures lightning!" you kinda start to lose the charm if you try to actually explain how a singular spell does it's thing(unless you're type moon but nobody writes like type moon)

Pretty much sums up my thought process on this, but there will be some explanation of how my magic system came about. Adding something of a power level system as well (It's OVER 9000) But you'll see in the OOC.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Windreda
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Windreda The Idealist

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Ew...double posting.

Anyway finally decided to put up an OOC if you guys care to take a look.

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