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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

BlackCat said
Sinopa watched Angelo maneuver past the zombie. They didn't even notice him. She realized that they must be blind. Sinopa followed his footsteps trying her best not to make a sound. She really didn't want to die. Sinopa weaver her way past the zombies. When she got past the group of zombies, she gave Angelo a thumbs up and smiled. They had made it past the group.

Angelo nodded at her and he lead the way quiet as possible towards the garage. He figured that their had to be a tough ride for them to use as both protection and a way of transporting the sick. If we had a ride and medical supplies people would wasn't to join us. Right now going outside would be a waste without a way to run faster then zombies. He made sure to stay quiet and move around the zombies
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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As Matthew and Sakura stayed in the hallway talking, Matthew had heard a few screams but figured it was just some girl who saw a spider. Looking to his left he saw someone walking up holding their arm which caused Matthew to call out, "Hey, buddy, you alright!? You lookin' a bit grey there, maybe you should go to the nurses' office!" he said. The man stopped beside them, breathing heavily, then he quickly turned and pounced at them. "The fuck!?" Matthew yelled as he grabbed Sakura's hand and pulled her towards him as he stepped back, pulling her out of range. The man had collided with the door that they were standing in front of, with further examination it looked like the man was bit.....By a dog maybe? Someone opened the door yelling, "What's all this noise!?" and before they knew it the man had pounced on her, biting into her neck which caused Matthew to stepped forward and pulled the man off by the back of his collar.

Matthew was gonna yell out until he saw the flesh and blood hanging from the man's mouth, next it tried grabbing at him, he didn't know what the fuck he was on. Matthew balled up hist fist and punched the man sending him hard to the floor, possibly cracking his head. He shook his fist, but soon stopped worrying about it. Looking down at the woman who opened the door, she was bleeding out and shaking on the ground. The fuck? He questioned. Looking forward, he saw a group of them heading their way, he then looked into the classroom, people trying to stop the woman from bleeding but it was obviously the end for her.

Matthew looked at Sakura, "Well I'm not risking my chances of running into more of those things, whatever it was....So it looks like I'm heading back to the rooftop where I was, but I ain't leaving you here alright?" he grabbed her hand and began pulling her up the stairs to the rooftop. Surely none would be up there right? Just a few minutes he was alone up there, plus the stairs to the rooftop was just a couple hallways away. If they got up there without the two hearing then they were either stupid, deaf, or just really into that shitty conversation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sinopa followed Angelo. When she saw that they were headed towards the garage she realized what he was doing. He was planning to get a vehicle. With that they could transport injured or sick people and move faster than the zombies.
" Great Idea, getting a vehicle is a smart move," she whispered as quietly as she could.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowRaeper


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As he listened with half an ear at her, he also was creating his own plan for escaping... It was true what she was saying, or we would starve here or we have to take the risk... But would it be alright to waste our lives right now, just after we just gained it a little bit back?...
After a minute or two re-thinking his idea... But it was useless... Once the door gets slammed open or once it closes itself they would hear it, and they would come after us... This would all mean that we will die no mather what... We needed a bigger group, and perhaps a weapon or two... Then it would be easy... Then this plan would succeed with 100%....
"We should wait... More would come to the roof, for that's where the helicopters would see us beter... Atleast, if they are smart enough to think about that...."
Mostly helicopters do see us beter from the roof... But if others would think about going up here... That was the risk i would gladly take right now...
"And... If no one will come after 10 minutes, we shall take the risk of going to one of those vehicles"
This way she would be pleased, for we can wait for another 10 minutes, and we will also take the risk of going down there... But how long will it take for others to come up here?...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

BlackCat said
Sinopa followed Angelo. When she saw that they were headed towards the garage she realized what he was doing. He was planning to get a vehicle. With that they could transport injured or sick people and move faster than the zombies. she whispered as quietly as she could.

Angelo nodded a little "need one eventually" he whispered back as he walked around the zombies till he finally got them both to the garage, he gently opened the door as quietly as possible then he closed the door behind them glad their weren't many zombies their but their footsteps would echo here so they had to either be careful our quietly couldn't "sneak, ambush?" He asked her wanting to know if he wanted to quietly kill the zombies or just find a ride and hide in it
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace 𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Yeah, we were out on the track and a large-"

That was not expected.

Howlite watched as one of the two boys pulled off some martial arts move and landed a solid kick directly into Ren's face. Of course, his friend feigned endurance towards the surprisingly well-placed kick and showed no signs of pain despite having done the opposite for when the zombie dug its nail into his arm. His thoughts began to circulate all across his mind as all of the possibilities laid out before him; would Ren turn into one of them? Was a scratch all it took for the infection to begin, or was a bite necessary?

At any rate, reality came back to him, and the situation that was about to unfold before Howlite was imminent. "What the fuck is your problem, you retard?" he heard Ren bark from the wall and quickly walk over to the asshole, nearly butting heads with him before Howlite intervened and held him back from hurting him. "There's zombies out there and you're gonna go around kicking people who are actually alive? Are you fucking nuts?"

Howlite shoved Ren back, though he did agree with his friend. "Calm down, this isn't the time right now." he reasoned to the two of them, hearing a series of undead paws slamming against the door. "Anyway, we have a solid group right here. We need to figure out how we're going to get out of here, preferably alive."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

" Personaly, I prefer ambush. I'm not that strong, so it wouldn't be good to sneak up on zombies, they might make noise and alert other zombies. I think there's less of a chance of that happening if we ambush them." Sinopa whispered. She was glad Angelo was there, he came up with strategies she couldn't think of.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

BlackCat said
Sinopa whispered. She was glad Angelo was there, he came up with strategies she couldn't think of.

he nodded softly and got close to the first zombie nearby and he used his newly made spear to stab the zombie on the head making no more then a gurgle as Angelo grabbed its shirt and gently put it on the ground, thankfully none of the other zombies heard him so as long they continued with this strategy they would be able to kill most of the zombies and not alert any. They wouldn't need to kill all the zombies but they had to get ride of most of them before they could think about transporting sick or injured here. Angelo however was worried about her, she didn't have any sort of ranged weapon and would need to get close to the zombie to use her butcher knife on them. so he was going to make sure they stayed next to eachother no matter what since even the smallest of noise could turn all the zombies on them at once, curse the person who thought of a freaking cave for a parking lot!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Litepow
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Litepow Dastardly Deadpan

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Nakamura slammed his face into the palm of his hand as Yami sent Ren flying. He couldn't help but think that it was a very impressive feat none the less. It appeared that Nakamura was in good company for a zombie invasion, if only his new friend can work on kicking more zombies and less people...

"Relax, Yami! They're alive!

Nakamura gripped Yami's shoulder to stop him from butting heads with Ren, unsurprised that this was Yami's first instinct towards a commotion. Don't mind Yami, that's just his way of saying 'hello," Nakumara began. It was refreshing to see that there was someone else who was at least somewhat level headed despite what was going on, and Nakamura was more than happy to conduct any sort of plan with his new found friend.

" I agree wholeheartedly. We've certainly got some brawn on our side, it's just a matter of us trying to get the hell out of this mess. I say we make a break for the roof, an emergency stairway's right around the corner. That way, we can survey the parking lot and see if there's a clear path for us to make our break."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And the Screaming Begins

Hiro munched on her meal an drank her sugary drink enjoying herself in her secluded spot. She checked her phone to see what time it was an found she had a few more minutes before she had to head off to her next class.
Cleaning up her mess she gathered up everything in the grocery bag she'd brought it all to school with and headed for the stairwell. She went down the stairs three at a time her skirt flying with each leap but she didn't care because the stairwell was always empty. When she reached the bottom she opened the door and some guy she didn't know tried to grab her.
Hiro danced out of his grip and turned to face the Ecchi an crew him out. That was when she noticed several things all at once.
First the perv had two friends, Second there was a familiar smell in the air and Last that he an his friends appeared to be in horror Cod.
"Really funny, ha, ha, jokes over" she said as the three began shuffling towards her
It was at about that time that Hiro discovered the source of the familiar smell; it was Samiko Misha a girl she knew from science class and the smell was blood.
Hiro screamed before she could stop herself because of the horrible way Misha looked. Her throat was torn open an blood everywhere and her school blouse was also ripped exposing a mangled breast.
Never one to hesitate in choosing an action Hiro turned an ran. She was seeking a teacher or any other adult to expose the crime to.
Her feet powered her through the halls at breakneck speed till she slipped and fell sliding into a mop bucket.
As Hiro struggled to her knees she realized she'd slipped in a huge puddle of blood and to add to her misery she was now covered in mop water that smelled of vomit.
Her hand touched on the thick handle of the mop that went with the bucket and she gripped it tightly as she stood.
As a practitioner of Ryūkyū kobujutsu the Okinawan martial arts Hiro was taught by her grandfather that all weapons whether makeshift or intended shared certain traits that she should recognize. The mop was no longer a mop but a Bo staff or potential spear.
She quickly unscrewed the handle from the base then took a stance to face a half dozen of the clearly psychotic students in horror Cos as they began to move towards her. With a spinning flourish to distract them from her true purpose Hiro spun her mop handle staff and smashed out a hall window. Sweeping the staff in a circle. She knocked the remaining glass from the frame then leapt out the opening and into the school yard between buildings.
What she saw outside showed her that this was no small localized event but was everywhere on the school grounds.
She looked all around herself and saw everywhere students attacking an killing students.
"High ground, I need high ground to see if I can find allies and an escape route from the school" she thought as she ran towards the main building on the Academy grounds.
Again rather than take a door Hiro smashed her way through another window. She was headed for the clock tower which at it's top was three stories taller than any building on the school grounds. She was sure that from there she could see a good distance an formulate a plan.
She opened the stairwell door and was momentarily surprised to find two of the crazy students inside ready to attack. One of her foes managed to grip Hiro's blouse an tried to use it to pull her towards him. She was forced to lean back hard to rip open her blouse leaving him a handful of cloth.
Now really ticked off with everything that hand happened to her Hiro swung her Bo in a skull crushing arch dropping the ecchi creep with a satisfying crack . His friend a girl Hiro didn't know stumbled forward forcing her to deliver to the girl a jaw breaking upper stroke followed by another skull cracking over hand swing.
"Great, I stink of vomit, I'm covered in blood an niow I'm a flasher" growled Hiro as she kicked the male the headed up the stair to the tower roof.
On her ascent Hiro encountered three more of "Them" and dispatched them with vengence.
She pushed open the door and exited quickly ready to defend herself from any lurking on the roof of the clock tower.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

"Helicopters? Why would they care about high school students?" Itoe scoffed lightly and stared back down at the courtyard, the hoard remained. Soon an awkward silence befell the two as Itoe sat back down to think. "So... I guess we're waiting ten minutes, huh?" She chuckled. "Jake Sterling, right? I guess I can say it's great to meet you? Since we're most likely dead anyways." She crossed her legs and stared back out onto the courtyard. "People try so hard..." Itoe rested her chin on her hands as she let out a small sigh of defeat. "10 minutes, maximum, alright?"

There was a sudden opening of the roof door, another student, alive as well. Itoe stood on her feet and watched as she flailed about, yelling and attracting their attention. "Jesus..." She muttered.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Yami scowled, stepping back a feet and crossing his arms. Did they not realize that an instinctive reaction to seeing two blood-covered vigilantes was to attack first and ask questions later? Of course not. "Whatever." He said, turning away and flipping the ginger the bird behind his back. Childish, but honestly, he could find it in him to really care. There was a zombie invasion going on, and he really, really wanted to kill more of those things. While the first death was...scary, it grew on him, and he could honestly say, without a doubt, that killing things was quite the fun hobby. Not the healthiest...but whatever.

"I can help with that." He grabbed the edge of the desk with one hand, while kicking the Emergency Exit door open again. One roundhouse throw later, and the desk was flying over the edge of the outside platform, exploding in a hail of wooden splinters once it made impact with a horde of zombies. "I have a rope. We can rappel down once we, as you say, 'survey that shit'." Yami reached into his backpack, grabbing the long spindle of rope he had found while hoarding items from the Principal's desk. He gave another glance at the others, standing in the threshold of the Emergency Exit.

"Let's go!" Without a backwards look of confirmation, Yami thudded cautiously up the stairs, not even pausing to gasp as he casually yanked a zombie by the shirt, forcing it off the stairway and....splat. Onto concrete level.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Litepow
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Litepow Dastardly Deadpan

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Nakamura followed Yami's lead up the emergency exit. "Gotta say man, your enthusiasm despite the circumstances in quite incredible," he said as the brute sent another zombie spiraling to street to his impending demise. The concrete stairs were covered in blood, and Nakamura wondered how things could've gotten so messy so quickly. Shit, it's crazy that barely even an hour ago I was sitting in math waiting for this day to be over, and now I'm here with arguably the most dangerous kid in the school trying to fight for my life. Never a dull moment...

The doors to the roof flung open, and Nakamura was met with a cool autumn breeze. Shame, it was such a nice day, too. Nakamura surveyed his surroundings, and was surprised to see several figures on the other corner of the roof. One was a nervous looking young man, hastily penciling something in his notebook. The other was...

Itoe, the Ice Queen... Nakamura's expression changed to a scowl as he approached the two figures. Just his luck, perhaps the one student who he could stand the least in this whole school was who he had to bump into during a zombie invasion. Keeping his cool, Nakamura straightened his pose and took a deep breath.

"Hello, Itoe, or should I say, the 'Ice Queen,'" Nakamura peevishly said with a mocking bow. Despite his resentments towards Itoe, Nakamura couldn't but feel relieved that other students had made it out alive. "It's an honor as always. Glad to see that you guys have pulled through. I guess it wouldn't make any difference to ask what the hell is going on, so I'll just be the first one to point out that shit has went down, and we need a plan to get out of Fujimi and fast."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Itoe turned her head towards the voices that called out her name as well has her revered nickname. She snickered as he mocked her, it appeared as though they mutually disliked each other to a certain degree. "Good evening... What was your name again?" She barely knew the boy, and they already started off of the wrong foot. "If you want a way out of here, there are buses in the courtyard over yonder, but the problem is, is that they are surrounded by a sea malformed corpses." She pointed towards the buses and glanced about at the small group that started to slowly collect.

She drew her hand back and crossed her arms. "I guess we should make a small survival group, we've been doing fine thus far." Itoe shrugged and stared down at Jake, she was going to ask for his opinion, but she knew that he didn't do well with girls, let alone people. "Do you all agree?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Solace
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Solace 𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

Member Seen 2 days ago

"Right," Howlite agreed with Nakamura, nodding. It was strange how much Ren seemed to mirror the Yami guy who kicked him in the face, while Nakamura was more or less the voice of reason among the duo, like himself in a sense. He beckoned for Ren to follow him and the group, the former seeming reluctant but otherwise left with no choice but to do so.

"Kid thinks he finally has some freedom, now that all of this started," Ren complained about Yami as the two of them climbed up the stairs of the emergency exit, still tightly gripping his bleeding arm. "Should learn how to think and use his brain more."

Howlite sighed, wondering just how all of this even started. One minute, he was relaxing underneath a tree after finishing a few laps around the track, and next, he was being chased by flesh-eating cannibals. He didn't understand how this day could've had such a transformation so quickly, and it bothered him greatly.

Though, now was not necessarily the time to really think on matters like that. Adrenaline-charged situations like this needed action before words, and granted, they couldn't just burst through the entrance of the school and charge straight through a horde of zombies expecting to live, their options were limited and the clock was ticking. It was only a matter of time before the entire school would be overrun completely, and if they just stayed on the rooftop for the entire time, they were all dead.

When the group reached their destination, they spotted two other students. Howlite recognized one of them; Jake Sterling, one of the foreign senior honors students that he always saw lurking around in the library. Because Howlite had been a scholar of academic finesse, he had been granted the leeway to enroll in two less classes than normal students did, which allowed him to spend a good portion of his time in the library. He never really talked to the upperclassman much, given that Howlite's English needed improvement.

Upon mention of the buses, Howlite looked up. "I can drive, but..." he paused momentarily before resuming. "I don't think any of us has ever driven a bus, myself included."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hiro finds friends

Pivoting the makeshift Bo staff in her left hand Hiro stood ready to fight if she needed to as she glanced around the roof top. She soon spotted the others on the top of the school and decided to go with the most basic of primate survival tactic and seek to join their band.
She quickly dropped down to the top hallway and made her way towards them and was lucky that their previous passages had weeded down the local horror population..
Still she found it necessary to dispatch two of the totally gross creatures before she could safely ascend to the roof

Opening the door Hiro calls out
"Hello the roof I am like you a survivor and would like to remain so. For this reason I ask not to be attacked and believe proof I am not one of them should be the fact that I can speak.
I'm coming out now""

Hiro steps onto the roof her white bra with pink bunnies the only thing covering her chest her school skirt covered in drying blood.

"I just know I look a fright an that unfortunately I have acquired an aroma but none of that can be helped.
Does anyone have even the slightest idea just what the hell is going on?"
asks Hiro as she stops and rests the but of her staff on the roof. Her accent marks her as a rural girl most likely from Okinawa and her eyes are a deep dark blue.
As disheveled as she looks Hiro shows little outward trace of condition or exposure.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sinopa watched Angelo stab the nearby zombie. Sinopa surveyed the room once more, making sure to stay next to Angelo. She didn't have a ranged weapon, so she was better as backup, in case they got attacked by a large group. Sinopa looked around, she could see about four, but there might have been four out of sight.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Soul


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Yami wasn't near the others, although he heard the remnants of their conversation. While he wasn't the smartest, academically, he, arguably, had the most street smarts in the entire school, and he was definitely one of the most creative teenagers in the Academy. While the others were talking about buses, and how to drive them, Yami walked over to the nearest edge of the roof. Around a few dozen feet or so from his current perch, and this was just an estimation, around three buses rested comfortably in the parking lot, amongst a festering pile of rotten undead corpses, Two of the buses had smoke drifting from the hood, but one of them seemed perfect - a large, sleek yellow schoolbus. Although it seemed to have a zombie driver drifting around on the inside.

"Hm..." Grabbing his pile of rope, Yami bent near the edge of the roof and grabbed a water pipe that wrapped around the school. With a sharp tug, it was broken off, and Yami bent it at a hook angle, tying a strong, sturdy knot around the pipe and allowing the rope to drift downwards, onto the concrete ground. Four zombies drifted around the rope, biting the rough brown material, and Yami glanced back, ready to tell the others that he was about to go down and hotwire 'that shit'....only to notice a girl walk out...only in a bra and a torn, bloodied skirt.

"I just know I look a fright an that unfortunately I have acquired an aroma but none of that can be helped.
Does anyone have even the slightest idea just what the hell is going on?"

Yami frowned, looking back at his rope, and speaking rather loudly, "Why the Hell did you let a zombie strip you? Furthermore, shut up while I figure this out." The aggressive boy tightened the knot, before returning his gaze over to Nakamura and the other grouplings.

"I'm going down there and hijacking a bus. I need someone who can drive. And fast."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Litepow
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Litepow Dastardly Deadpan

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Nakamura chuckled at Yami's plan. He really was going crazy, wasn't he? Stealing a bus in the middle of a zombie infested courtyard? "This whole plan reeks more of suicide than a sound course of action," Nakamura told Yami with a slight frown on his face. Who was to say they would even make it to the bus? And then how would they get it running, was Yami going to try to hot wire it or something? Seemed more logical than any other reason, considering Yami had the reputation of being a master troublemaker.

Nakamura shrugged. I guess it's better than just waiting on the roof. "...But I guess it's worth a shot in the dark. My mom lets me drive around her old VW wagon, which I guess is the closest thing you can find to a bus. I guess I call shotgun as long as you got the means of starting that thing's ignition."

Nakamura turned to the girl who just intruded into the party. Her dress was torn and her underwear was exposed, prompting Nakamura to roll his eyes. "I guess people's dignities were tossed in the wind as soon as the dead began roaming the earth," he told the girl as he unbuttoned his school blazer, revealing a white dress shirt underneath. He tossed the ill-dressed girl the black blazer. "I'd suggest you put that on. No need to convince the zombies we've got a 'lady of the night' in our group."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

BlackCat said
Sinopa watched Angelo stab the nearby zombie. Sinopa surveyed the room once more, making sure to stay next to Angelo. She didn't have a ranged weapon, so she was better as backup, in case they got attacked by a large group. Sinopa looked around, she could see about four, but there might have been four out of sight.

Angelo went and started to do the same to the rest clearing them out, once he thought the place was safe he started speaking normally "we need to get too the buses nearby but I'm pretty sure theirs a horde outside" Angelo said looking at the few cars they had available to them thinking they needed to make a mad dash for the bus and secure it fire any groups that wanted to come and join them. He played so many games about this and he was running out of ideas
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