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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

James followed along and shrugged.
"No idea how we got here my guess is that these digivice things teleported us here. Moved me from school.....oh crap I've got a mid-term fourth period....man I'm gunna have some explaining to do. " he said as hefumbles through the jungle.
Lucemon slammed his fist into the table he ans the other Demon Lords were sitting around. They had all started bickering about how to take care of the "Problems" that had arrived.
"Quiet you ignorant baboons. Surely the Olympos XII will come to us but to ensure they won't I'll send some odd my dear minions after them." He said with a maniacal grin. "Ogermon! Duskmon! Head immediately to the jungle terminal and wipe out the XII and any humans you find!" He said smiling as the two figures shrouded in shadows took off out the window.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Danny was surprised to see another human so soon. Judging by the fact that the black haired girl with glasses was accompanied by a pile of yellow goo, he figured that had to be a Digimon. "Hey, um... by any chance, you didn't happen to wake up here, did you? Because I want to know why I'm here."
"Seems like your Digimon is even worse at explaining things then mine is."
Before he could continue Demimeramon interrupted him. "I was excited, okay."
Ignoring the interruption Danny continued. " Demimeramon here told me we were sent here to help these guys defeat a group of evil Digimon who've taken over this world, but that is about all he explained." When mentioning the Digimon's name he gestured in the fireball's direction.
" I'm Danny BTW and what is your name?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cadence was interupted from her thoughts when she was interupted by a younger looking girl with dark hair. "Stop right there!" She exclaimed, "State your name!" Cadence was about to answer, when another Salamon ran by her side. This Salamon was missing the gold collar that hers had, but otherwise they looked the same. The Digimon and human seemed to bicker for a minute, but still pressed Cadence for an answer to her question.

The blonde girl giggled. "Aw, you are so cute!" She cooed as she set her own Salamon down. "I'm Cadence Amoré!" She replied. "It looks like you have good taste in Digimon. I have a Salamon of my own! Maybe they could be friends!" She lightly nudged her own Salamon to speak with the other one, but her Salamon wouldn't budge.

Instead, Salamon ran behind Cadence's ankle, and cowered in fear. "Um... I don't know about this... I don't trust that one..." The small Digimon whispered.

Cadence cringed at her Digimon's behavior. "Um... hold on a second..." She turned at her Digimon, and looked at her Digimon quizzically. "What do you mean by that? You two are exactly the same. What's the problem?"

"No we're not." Salamon pointed her paw at the other Salamon's neck. "She's missing the Holy Ring. A Salamon that's missing the Holy Ring isn't very nice..."

"The what? The collar? Don't be silly! It's only a collar. Just because she's missing an accessory doesn't mean she's evil... Don't be a meanie, and talk to her!" She tried to nudge her Digimon, but the small pup still wouldn't budge. After a few seconds, she sighed and gave up trying. "I'm sorry about that." Cadence said to the dark haired girl with a smile. "I don't know what's gotten into her. She seemed so energetic when I met her... Anyway, now that I told you my name, would you mind telling me yours, dear?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

"I'm Annaliese." Anna said, wondering if she should have gave her real name. "Cadence Amore. . ."

Meanwhile Anna's Salamon wandered over to get closer to the other Salamon, "You know, just because I lack a ring, it doesn't mean I'm bad. Overall."

Anna questioned it though. "What does the Holy Ring mean?" Looking between her Salamon and the other, she finally noticed the difference at the ring around the other's neck. "It sounds like you did something wrong."

"The Holy Ring. . ." Salamon said with a sullen look on it's face. "I. . . Actually, I have very little idea. Something broke mine a bit ago. I don't know what it does. I just know it was suppose to be important." She looked to the other Salamon for more elaboration. "I can understand where this Salamon is coming from."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Hey, I said the full explanations are better left when everyone's gathered!"

Mana, giving the two Digimon a questioning look, turned her gaze to Danny and replied, "My name's Mana. It's a pleasure to meet you, now then..."
Kneeling, Mana poked Zurumon's back, "when you say 'everyone', how many of us got kidnapped?"

"I dunno!" Zurumon replied, "...and it's not a kidnapping! It's a distressed call for help! We need you guys, right, Demimeramon?"

Mana frowned as she returned to her feet, "...So you say, but when it comes to help, wouldn't... professionals be of more use? I doubt either of us are experts at surviving in the wild," she said ponderingly, glancing at Danny. Yeah, they had to be around the same age, so no way was he going to know even the basics of survival!
...Like she was any better, though. And considering this forest apparently had monsters in it...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Yeah Zurumon's right, and to be honest I don't think we were the ones deciding who to bring here in the first." Demimeramon backed the other Digimon up. Danny wasn't even surprised anymore that his so called partner seemed not entirely informed about what was going on.
"Apparently we wont get the whole story until we find everyone else who was brought here. So we might as well try and find them despite not knowing if they are in the same area, or even how many of them there are. What do you think Mana?" Danny specifically ignored the two Digimon when asking this, irritated at the lack of info they had given him and the girl so far.

Danny actually hadn't thought about the issues involved about surviving in the woods until Mana brought it up. "That is actually a good point, but I'm not too worried about that. These two should be familiar enough with this place to help us with that for at least a little while."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallingField


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ryan rolled his eyes. “Oh. Well. We teleported. That clears things right up. Thanks, Copernicus.”

“Don’t be rude!” Moonmon exclaimed.

“Shove it. I’m still not convinced you’re not just a bad trip.”

Moonmon pouted and turned away. Ryan ignored her, pushing up a large branch and ducking under it. He let go, not bothering to hold it for James.

“Damn, we’ve been walking for a while. We must really be in the boonies,” he said in disbelief. “If we could at least find a road or something, we could just hitchhike to a town, but it looks like it’s just jungle in every direction.”

Ryan’s head was spinning at how little sense this entire situation made. It still hadn’t even quite sunk in for him. This was probably for the best. This way, for the time being, he was able to keep a relatively level head, despite having no idea if he would ever manage to get home again.

“If we don’t find anybody soon, we’re gonna have to think about finding some shelter or something before it gets dark.”

Whenever that’ll be. Who the hell even knows what time it is? He couldn’t even see how high the sun was through all of the trees.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

James eyed Ryan carefully. He really tried to like the guy but he seemed to only want to look out for himself.

"You know anything could be out here and if these little guys are as strong as Sunmon told me then maybe we should keep them close. that way is any of those Demon Lord guys show up they can fight for us." he offered with a smile not even noticing the set of glowing eyes starting to follow behind them.

"Yeah about that.....See Moonmon and I are only In-Training level Digimon and the Demon Lords are Mega level we would be vaporized in a second if we tried taking them on without you guys." Sunmon said with a small chuckle.

"Well that's just great," James said. "So why are we here if you guys don't have a chance anyway?" He added turning around in time to duck under a string of vines flying toward his head. "Who did that?" he said shocked as he looked up to see a horde of green plant looking creatures all with flowers on their heads along side a few yellow and blue bug looking things.

"Elecrto Thread!" The small bug thing said shooting strings of electrified web toward the small group. James grabbed and covered Sunmon and shouted to Ryan who had a few strands headed toward him.
Duskmon grinned the virus chips Lucemon had given him were working perfectly and the forest was full of those tiny little Rookie level Palmon and Kunemon succumbed easily to their will and would do all of the work for them.

"Say Duskmon do you think Lucemon will help us digivolve to Ultimate if we finish this?" the big green Digimon said. Duskon looked to him and rolled his eyes.

"Shut it Lord Lucemon will do as he pleases and if digivolving us is his wish then so be it." he said in reply as he listened for the screams of the children and digimon in the forest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 1 day ago

Immediately after Danny said that short term survival probably wouldn't be a problem, three yellow insects covered in black lightning stripes descended from the trees behind the group. Not wanting to give its victims time to react in any way, one of the Kunemon went straight to the attack.
"Electro Thread" The electric silk it fired hit DemiMeramon in the back, and managed to knock the Digimon out. This did give the larvae away though, and allowed Danny to barely dodge the next attack. Figuring that since the silk didn't catch on fire Danny figured it would be safe to pick DemiMeramon up and help the guy out while Zurumon was hopefully dealing with the weird bugs. Not really knowing what else to do Danny figured the best plan was to get away for since he was pretty much defenseless and hope Mana or someone would run into him before things got worse. While running away he started removing weird silk entangling the fireball, hoping it was allright.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by CallingField


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Ryan couldn’t even react. He simply stood, frozen, as the creature’s attack headed towards him. For a brief moment he thought that this was it, until a heavy force impacted his side. The impact knocked him off his feet and he toppled over, landing hard on his side. The electrified thread sailed harmlessly above him as he lay on the ground, Moonmon sitting on top of him. She’d tackled him to the ground to get him out of the way of the attack.

“Snap out of it!” she exclaimed. “We need to move!”

Ryan nodded and hastily picked himself up off the ground. “Can you guys fight these things?”

“No,” was Moonmon’s blunt reply.

Wonderful. “So then let’s get the hell out of here.” He picked up Moonmon and took off running through the trees. “Come on!” he shouted to James.

“Poison Ivy!”

Ryan stopped and jumped back as several large vine struck a tree that he had been about to run by. They left huge gashes in the bark. He quickly made a 90-degree turn and bolted away from the creature that had attacked him.

“What are these things?” Ryan asked Moonmon as they ran.

“Palmon and Kunemon,” she answered. “They’re Rookie-level Digimon.”

“So stronger than you guys?”

“Yes,” she replied. “But they aren’t normally this hostile. I don’t know what’s gotten into them.”

“Are we in their territory or something?”

Moonmon shook her head. “This many Palmon and Kunemon wouldn’t share the same territory, and if that were what this was, we probably would’ve run into them sooner. Besides, this attack isn’t spur of the moment. It’s too organized; too coordinated.”

We don’t have time to worry about this, Ryan thought. Just then, he spotted another Kunemon. He managed to duck behind a tree just as an Electro Thread passed by him. He turned and started running away from the Kunemon, making sure to keep as many trees as possible between them.

He didn’t even know if James had followed him. He hadn’t so much as glanced behind him to check, he was too focused on where he was running. Just then, he dove around a tree … and came out into a clearing.

Oh crap, he thought. He looked back to the tree line and saw that the Kunemon and Palmon had already caught up and were already blocking him from turning back. Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. He was stuck in this clearing. Which meant that there was nothing to hide behind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

James followed Ryan through the forest as best he could and soon after burst through into the clearing next to him.
"Now what?" He asked Ryan. His voice filled with concern and determination.
Duskmon watched eagerly awaiting the first two humans to have entered the clearing to fall at the hands of the puny Digimon around them. He knew the other humans had to be nearby and was simply waiting for them to perish.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Holy Rings are a big deal for Digimon like me!" the Salamon with a Holy Ring explained. "They mark them as Holy-species Digimon. These rings give the Digimon great power relative to their holiness. If the Digimon loses its holiness somehow, it loses it's ring."

Cadence raised an eyebrow. "So what are you saying?"

"What I'm saying is, if she doesn't have Holy Ring, she must have done something reeeally bad, or is possessed by something scary. I'd really rather not take my chances if it's the latter!" She then cowered behind her tamer's ankle, again.

"Well, she doesn't seem like she's really that bad. I think your just overreacting." Before Cadence had a chance to say anything else, she heard the sound of leaves rustling. There were also other people screaming along with it. Were other people nearby as well? "Hey, are you hearing those noises too, or is it just me?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

Anna's Salamon smiled when Cadence mentioned it didn't seem that bad a person. "Thank you." Then, was the sounds and Cadence's words of noticing something. "I do, Anna?"

Annaliese looked around to see if she could find the source. "Umm, I think the sounds coming from right over here." She said pointing to a bush.

She stared at the bush and it then rustled. A plant looking thing stepped out. "What's that? Annaliese said as she looked to Salamon. As she did, the strangest thing happened, 'Poison Ivy'. Vines extended from the strange plants hands and whipped past Anna's face, shocking her more than anything. "Geh!" Anna said as she stumbled backwards a bit from the vines going past her face.

"That's a Palmon!" Salamon cried out as another set went for her. "That's their 'Poison Ivy' attack! Usually they're peaceful!" It hopped back and forth a few times as it dodged a few attacks, "But it's probably best to counter! 'Puppy Howling!'" Salamon howled at the Palmon and paralyzed it. "Come on, we gotta' move Anna!" It then looked to the other two, "You guys as well!" It urged them all to follow.
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