Name: Artemis Slavik
Gender: M
Age: 27
Alignment: Shade.

Personality: Artemis is a very business savvy man. He is very aggressive to make sure his plans go off without a hitch. He has a strict code of morals which some see as hypocritical. Artemis believes in cheating people legally. His strengths are his intuition and insight into reading people. His weakness is he can be bought most times, also he is very impulsive when it comes to business ventures. Another weakness is he falls for the damsel in distress. He is very quick-witted and always seems to have something smart to say.
Power: Influence~ with his charisma he influences many people to follow him kind of like a bard/siren
Weapons: 9 mm for protection.
History: Artemis is the owner of a casino in Fairlake. He loves taking peoples' money, and he has found the perfect legal way. He knows the law can be bought and that's what he surrounds himself with. He has money to throw around and that's what he does. But he has found lately that its not be satiating his desires. Even though he scams people for their money, he hates it when people try to best him. When he catches people trying to steal from him, he handles it in the way that he originated learning. He would always have his goons drag them to the basement. Depending on the severity of the transgression is how he responded. A mild theft, he would remove a finger, a substantial one and he would remove a hand... and the punishments would escalate accordingly.
Brief history of previous life/lives: When King Richard was off on the crusades and King John ruled, the Sherriff of Nottingham enforced the taxation and subjugation of people, and he became good at it. He loved taking people for everything that they have.