Updated my app.
Catharyn said
Hehe, the editing process is going to take like 3 years. D:I've cut huge swathes out of the storyline and added swathes elsewhere hehe
Siphran said
Posted :) Not very good though, travelling at the moment.
Templar Knight said
Updated my app.
Halo said
Awesome! And it was a good post - for these sorts of collaborative action scenes it's probably best we keep them shorter and sweeter than before, sacrificing pure style for concision and practicality, no? Where are you travelling to? :)
Siphran said
Travelling from the US to Singapore and on to Malaysia to visit family. Its always a long trip.
Catharyn said
Ooh wow, i've always wanted to go to Singapore. It looks so magical!How is it?
13sparx13 said
Hello. My charger's still dead, so I'm stealing my dad's while he's at work. I'm gonna be on at least one more week long trip this summer, and my charger is still a problem, as I said. Hopefully you can expect updates still, even with all that.Anyway, time to work on another post!Also, this as a book? That would be awesome. :D