Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 11 days ago

I hate to be "this guy", but Enalais, you should really use punctuation. It probably doesn't bother you, but most people find punctuationless text very unpleasant to read. Using periods and commas shouldn't take a lot of effort and would make the reading experience far easier for the other players.

Other than that though, great characters.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlueAjah
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BlueAjah Dance The Night Away

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thanks :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lina112211


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Hi :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 11 days ago

Lol, hi! I see you're new here. If you wanna join, you can submit a character sheet like the others, the guidelines of which are at the bottom of the main post. Though as you might have read, there may or may not be too many people, in which case those who joined during the interest check have priority. You can check out the interest check here, which might give you a better idea what this RP is all about, if you haven't read it already that is.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 23 days ago

excuses for placing them now and not sooner, busy live

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 23 days ago

Name- unknown (her name will be given by either the queen or her guardian (please speak with me so its not something I would hate XD)
Age- unknown but guessed to be around the 18
Gender- Female
Race- unknown BUT she looks like a human in every way
Occupation- nothing
(But with bigger boobs preferred)
Personality- he has lost her memory to a degree that her mind even turned into a near blank slate, she will turn up to be a nice and friendly person in general, overly polite, but her personality can change depending on those she has contact with, not knowing the normal way of doing things so being open for influences a lot, the strange things is that she stills speaks some words in a different language, most in the kingdom would likely think its due to the trauma and possible brain damage that has wiped her memory (as the language is not one I guess the people of this world might know), but strangely she is just speaking Japanese, a hint that she might be from there.
she cant help it when she is speaking japanse as if its lodged in her head, every time she says yes, she will say Hai and he hardly realizes it (something that would not change)

Magic- none trough she would be found out to control water freely and can heal others with the water, trough its still slightly (will expend with practice), if a witch or something would be able to test her control they would find out that its not magic.
Abilities- healing trough water, possible able to understand japanese if any other japanese speaking chars might appear, all others she needs to learn.
Weaknesses- she has no more memory's aside a few weird things that she seems to know by instinct, this has made her open by outside influence, so she can become bad if giving the wrong example, because she has lost her memory she cant even remember the basic stuff like: bathing, dressing up, eating habits, opening a door.

History- unknown

misc- just to clearify, her memory loss is a heavy one where she cant even remember how to open the door and has to learn a lot of words again.
most words will be learned quickly for some unknown reason, hearing them she will learn a lot of words BUT a lot also need to be learned or explained.
strangely even trough her memory loss is so heavy she seems to have some instincts or something still inside her mind, using her water powers to heal, speaking a few japanese words and understanding some (trough this is just guess work on my part even about understanding), this strange instinctual use of words and power might also be linked to her relearning a language so quickly.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BKburke
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Just letting you know that the gm said she would accept ppl who's position was relevant to the queen. If your occupation is nothing. I don't think it will be accepted without proper explanations. Also that you have name, race, age, and history is unknown and that won't help your chances. Not being mean or anything. Just letting you know.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 11 days ago

BKburke said
Just letting you know that the gm said she would accept ppl who's position was relevant to the queen. If your occupation is nothing. I don't think it will be accepted without proper explanations. Also that you have name, race, age, and history is unknown and that won't help your chances. Not being mean or anything. Just letting you know.

It's a character that was discussed in the interest check. I believe Drake and ImportantNobody even discussed it over PM, so surely they have something planned for her.

Drake Baku said (But with bigger boobs preferred)

I love how you're the only person i've ever seen on this site to explicitly give their character large breasts, even though we've probably all thought about it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InfiniteEmbers
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Writing my CS soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name- Agilne Sky
Age- 19
Gender- Female
Race- Elf
Occupation- Disguised as Maid
Personality- Agilne Sky is quiet, intelligent, and a bit inbetween cruel and kind, on the outside leaning more towards cruel and on the inside leaning more in the middle, but possibly tipped towards kind or cruel, impending plot/interaction-wise. She's resourceful and uses her surroundings to her advantage. Knows when to escape when needed. Likes to be called Sky instead of Agilne.

Magic- The only magic she has is teleportation, which can teleport her as much as 30 ft away. To teleport she flicks her wrist upwardly and mutters the word 'Utiect', which means 'to flee' in Slovak.
Abilities- She knows Ninjustu and many languages
Weaknesses- Agilne doesn't trust or make friends easily. She only follows other's orders if absolutely necessary, like for her undercover job. She sometimes forgets that others are breathing and living creatures that should be cared for, and just thinks of them as possible targets, but most of the time she doesn't think that way. If dug deep, she can easily be a nice and outgoing person who just wants to be loved and care for others, but recent points in her history have made something like that extremely difficult to happen.

History- Agilne Sky was born and raised in a village named Bitka that spoke Slovak, meaning that Agilne's native tongue is Slovak. They were known for having great warriors and magicians to fight in their battles, and they often won. It was a small town but was very respected. Her mother was a magician who often went out with her dad, a warrior, to fight in battles and wars, and they were two of the most respected and well-known warriors to their town. When she was young she was a very happy girl who would often go into town alone and say hi to the townsfolk.

When she turned thirteen, her parents tried to teach her different forms of combat. her mother tried to teach her magic, and although she thought magic was boring and she didn't wan't to learn it, her mother did manage to teach her how to teleport, and she was content with that. Her father tried to teach her how to be a warrior, but she didn't want to be a warrior, either, so her father took her out to a large city where there was a Bujinkan, a type of school that taught Ninjustu, a type of martial arts that focused on stealth. She loved it and learned it quickly, because she was a very agile young girl. When she was sixteen, she went and fought in a few battles against a neighboring kingdom that kept pestering and threatening them. They were victorious and went home happily.

Later that night, while everyone was asleep, an assassin from the neighboring kingdom that they battled snuck into the town, and then crawled into their house. They assassinated both Agilne's mother and father. The assassin cut off their heads while they slept and set them in boxes on the front door. They buried the bodies under the house. When Agilne woke up, she couldn't find her mother and father, so she shrugged and thought that they had gone off on warrior business. She opened the door to go outside and saw the boxes. She took them inside and opened them, then nearly fainted at the sight of her parent's heads. She got sad, then got angry, then got furious. She left the house and traced back the information to who the killer was. She found him and quickly assassinated him. She learned English and many other languages, then left her hometown for good. She headed towards the kingdom of Estoria, where she then turned to a life of an assassin, getting hired to assassinate people and other creatures. She has since then been residing undercover as a maid, then getting hired for various assassinations for various reasons.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 23 days ago

BKburke said
Just letting you know that the gm said she would accept ppl who's position was relevant to the queen. If your occupation is nothing. I don't think it will be accepted without proper explanations. Also that you have name, race, age, and history is unknown and that won't help your chances. Not being mean or anything. Just letting you know.

Lalliman said
It's a character that was discussed in the interest check. I believe Drake and ImportantNobody even discussed it over PM, so surely they have something planned for her.

Indeed, I have talked about a LOT of options for the wetboy connecting to the queen directly and even indirectly by having direct connections with those with direct connections
The girl with no memory is also already discussed, she will be taken to the queen once found and might even end up having friendly relationship with the queen, as again indirectly have her connections
mine chars might in general view have nearly no direct connections BUT they are directly connected to all the others and trough to that will have a large effect with the storyline, I mean someone that wants the queen corrupted might hire Azoth to kill someone in his way, the girl is the wild card able to go in a lot of directions and has a pretty interesting bit of history
but cant hardly fill everything in if she cant remember it XD

hopefully this has made things cleared for you?

Lalliman said
I love how you're the only person i've ever seen on this site to explicitly give their character large breasts, even though we've probably all thought about it.

hahahaha, thank you, dont know why but I felt I should thank you for this wonderful comment XD
i am pretty open with things, and got my ideas I want to have set up nice and clearly, so if I think, she should have big boobs I will just say it and make it clear for others XD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InfiniteEmbers
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name- Jiro Tigermane

Age- 19

Gender- Male

Race- Human


Personality- Jiro is a polite and well-spoken teenager. Making sure his armour is always reflecting the light. Presentation is key to him. In any shape or form he is a perfectionist. This aspect of his personality is what placed Jiro where he is today. Lieutenant, not a big deal yet a high enough rank to enable him to maintain order within the recruits and average guards. Jiro respects royalty which he is willing to defend with his life. A loyal soldier at best with no intention of betraying his fellow guardsmen or recently made queen. He can be quite serious most of the time because he sees himself as a positive influence for the fellow guards to look up to.

Magic- N/A

Skilled swordsmen - When Jiro was at the age of ten, he would run through the castle kitchen with a wooden sword made for him by one of the chefs for his ninth birthday. Once a captain of the guard saw his enthusiasm for the sword. He trained him in his free time, allowing Jiro to train on the dummies in the courtyard. Once Jiro was of age he was allowed to train with the weapon trainers along with the guard recruits. Going onto sparring eventually. Sparring is still one of his most favoured type of training. Laying waste to the guard recruits, three at once in the sparring circle.

No magical ability - Jiro never got the chance to train in magic and the understanding of its bizarre nature. He doesn't have a certain opinion about magic users but if it was against kingdom law then in his opinion he would be entitled to enforce it.

History- Jiro didn't ever know his parents. He was taken in by a chef from the castle as a baby. The chef went to fetch the finest foods for the castle kitchen. Bumping into a baby crying in a wooden box near a stall. The stall owner said they had nothing to do with the child. Luckily for Jiro the chef's morals was in good shape and decided to take him back to the castle with him. Hiding him in the kitchen with only the other kitchen workers knowledge. One day a guard spotted Jiro and took him straight to the king but the king announced to the chef that as long as Jiro is kept under control and doesn't cause trouble that he is welcome to stay. Ordering for the craft of a crib and other things that would support Jiro's up-bringing. This is why Jiro has so much respect for the royal family for what the king and his good nature gave to him. As Jiro grew up he began his training as a swordsmen and a guard of the castle. His strong spirit and punctuality was seen in the kings eyes and he quickly was awarded for such levels of ambition.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lalliman said
I love how you're the only person i've ever seen on this site to explicitly give their character large breasts, even though we've probably all thought about it.

I had a Witch who turned lust into lasers quite a while back, I did the same there.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name- Geralt Montegue
Age- 34
Gender- Male
Race- Human
Occupation- Kings (or Queens) Ranger

Geralt is a man of average size at 5'10. His muscles, while not as built as a knights, are fine toned from years of training and experience. His hair is a dark brown and shoulder length. The Rangers eyes are an unusual shade of gray and coupled with his thousand yard stare, make an intimidating sight to behold. A short, grizzled beard marks his face and leaves an appearance of rugged charm. He can usually be seen wearing (if he's seen at all) simple brown trousers and tunic with leather gauntlets and boots. A short sword hangs at each hip and beneath his forest green cloak there is a quiver of arrows strapped to his back. The Rangers bow, while not in hand, is slung over his shoulder.

Personality- Geralt, while outwardly grim and unapproachable, is actually a rather pleasant individual. Sarcastic and witty with a bit of mysterious charm. The Ranger is known by many in the court by reputation alone and friend to few. The late King himself was a friend to Geralt and his death weighs heavily on the Ranger. But he is a man of duty and his services have passed to the Queen.

Magic- N/A
Abilities- Geralt is a master of stealth. His comings and goings are noticed only if he wishes them to be. As one would expect, the Ranger is also skilled with a bow and throwing knives. He is also a proficient tracker.
Weaknesses- Close combat. With his dual short swords, Geralt is an above average swordsman but nowhere near as skilled as say a Knight would be.

History- "There has always been a need for a King to have scouts, spies, and messengers. A Ranger is all of these things and more." Those were his fathers first words to him upon the start of his Ranger training. Geralt would hear similar philosophies from his father through the course of his training, which took place from his 14th birthday until he was 21. During this training, he spent endless hours creeping through the forests surrounding the capitol and even through the streets. Another integral part of training was learning to track. Geralt cannot count how many practice trails his father created for his training or how many animals he tracked and killed with his bow. He took to archery rather quickly, by the time he was 17 Geralt could peg a sprinting deer with a kill shot at a hundred yards.

His father, Roland, was one of the Kings most trusted advisors and scouts. Of course there were other Rangers, Spies, Assassins.. but none of them held in high regard as Roland. And it was a sad day indeed when the old Ranger passed and left Geralt to carry on his legacy only a year after he'd completed training. And so began his mission to live up to his fathers reputation and over the last ten years, Geralt has done quite well for himself.

At the ripe old age of 34, Geralt is one of the most prominent Rangers alive. Even the Elves recognize his exceptional marksmanship and forestry skills. The death of the King had a profound effect on the Ranger however and his demeanor has darkened considerably to those who know him. To the younger members of the court Geralt is just a grumpy old sneak. He's pledged his loyalty to the young Queen however, trusting in the daughter of his old Friend to rule with justice. Geralt has assumed a more passive role lately and hasn't left the castle in some days now, keeping a watchful eye on all who seek audience with the Queen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

All the characters are looking good so far. Tomorrow I'll add links to all of them in the first post, separated into the confirmed and the tentatively confirmed if we end up with enough open slots for those showing up late to the party. I don't have time today to sort through everything. I'll post the Queen tomorrow.

BKburke said
Just letting you know that the gm said she would accept ppl who's position was relevant to the queen.

Just for the record, I'm actually a guy who gets confused for a girl a lot online.

Lalliman said
I love how you're the only person i've ever seen on this site to explicitly give their character large breasts, even though we've probably all thought about it.

Most of my characters end up small chested, very few being what could be considered large. Somtimes it's just out of practicality so I don't have to worry about them getting in the way of the character if she's doing a lot of action. That problem could be fixed with bondage under the armor, though. Not that it would be very comfortable.

Being young I was going to have the queen have small breasts as well to signify this, but I do kind of have too many like that already now that I think about it.

Drake Baku said
(as the language is not one I guess the people of this world might know), but strangely she is just speaking Japanese, a hint that she might be from there.

Due to being a fantasy world there is no Japan, but that doesn't stop people from speaking English and having it called that when there is no England either, so her language can still be called Japanese and we can just pretend it got it's name somewhere else rather than a name of a country. There can be a nation practically like Japan in every way as a stand in. It's likely off the coast of the region this takes place in.

It would be funny if the Queen is this world's stand in for an Otaku, interested in that countries media (plays and such because there's obviously no anime yet) so knows a few Japanese words. She could claim she was studying to make herself a better leader when she was just wanting to enjoy plays and slack off from real work.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ekirei


Member Offline since relaunch

This looks fun, so here I come

Name- Alaric Gar

Age- 41

Gender- Male

Race- Human

Occupation- Watchman: It is Alaric's sworn duty to oversee the security of the castle and the lands around it. Tasks which fall to Alaric include assigning watch-shifts, training royal guards, and imprisoning criminals. However, his age and illness has lead to a decline in his health, and he chooses to shift his duties onto others.


Personality- Alaric is an honorable man, adhering to the virtues of chivalry and morality, which very often conflicts with the intrigue of courts and palaces. Born a nobleman to a poor, yet prominent clan in the kingdom of Kaer, Alaric has extensive experience with the workings of a royal court, and approaches most situations with cynicism. An avid hunter, Alaric is skilled in the use of bows, with small experience with short-swords. Alaric is loyal to the people who treat him the best, but is pragmatic. While he respects those he feels he should, he knows he should trust himself first, and be wary of those that have not proven themselves in his eyes. Off-duty, Alaric is an aspiring scholar, mostly interested in geography and the lands surrounding his home.

Magic- Alaric holds a modest control over Electromancy, and is largely self-taught. With a small energy capacity and weak control, Alaric seldom chooses to use his powers, and instead chooses to rely on his cunning wit and strong arm.

Abilities- A veteran of a sellsword company, Alaric is an archer with honed skills and a quick draw. He carries a Oak bow he crafted himself, and is able to draw and fire an arrow within a second. In addition, he is able to play an array of string instruments, and is an expert falconer. While he is an older man, he still enjoys hand-to-hand combat, and requires the skill amongst his subordinates.

Weaknesses- Alaric picked up an incredibly nasty illness while traveling as a mercenary, which has left permanent damage on his body. Any sustained activity will leave the man's heart and lungs in mild pain, which begins to become excruciating after longer encounters. Alaric also has an intense fear of races other than the ones he has had most dealings with, such as elves or orcs, and can be intimidated by imposing creatures.

History- The thirdborn son of Jon Gar, a renowned nobleman and hero of war, Alaric was expected to take on a martial position like his brothers. Raised along the border of Kaer and Estoria, and claims dual-nationality. He enjoyed a childhood spent in the forests and caves, exploring miles around his home for adventure. As a teenager, Alaric's family moved to the capital of Estoria, a stark contrast from the wilds of his former home, and turned his attention to finding adventure within the gates and walls of the cramped city.

This lead to countless run-ins with the law, often due to trespassing, but has never been to the dungeon due to his father's prestige. Frequently, Alaric would comb brothels, taverns, and inns in hopes of finding a traveler who could regale him with tales of foreign lands, mythical creatures, and brave heroes. Starry-eyed, Alaric dreamed of seeing the world, and joined with a mercenary company the day he reached the age requirement. Waving goodbye to his family, and his homeland, Alaric left with the company for the land of Durra'halma. Here, he served under the command of Ser Huor Telhenni, a disgraced Elven knight, who took a special interest in him. Alaric served as the personal squire to his commander, where he learned much of his combat skills.

He served with the company for the better part of 20 years, ending his service as a commander of the company, and hoped to enjoy a quiet retirement in his homeland. However, Alaric's funds began to dry up, forcing him to return to the workforce. At the hearty age of 40, many of the occupations he chose proved too challenging, due to his declining health, but was able to secure a position in the Estoria court as Watchman.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 23 days ago

ImportantNobody said
Due to being a fantasy world there is no Japan, but that doesn't stop people from speaking English and having it called that when there is no England either, so her language can still be called Japanese and we can just pretend it got it's name somewhere else rather than a name of a country. There can be a nation practically like Japan in every way as a stand in. It's likely off the coast of the region this takes place in.It would be funny if the Queen is this world's stand in for an Otaku, interested in that countries media (plays and such because there's obviously no anime yet) so knows a few Japanese words. She could claim she was studying to make herself a better leader when she was just wanting to enjoy plays and slack off from real work.

guess it might depend on the one who wanted a samurai then for the language, cause i remembered some wanting that
IF that would end up as a no go, then perhaps japanse in this world is the language of her race, explains a bit more why she can speak it
looking at the memoryloss its kinda clear that while her humanoid memory is plain gone
her racial / instinctive memory is not, using the healing water by instinct for example, just as speaking those words by instinct

I actually like it better that wat, her japanese is her race natural language
but as said depends on the samurai person
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name- Aribelle Grandhelm
Age- 18
Gender- Female
Race- Human
Occupation- Queen

She often has a more youthful expression than the image that makes her look younger. She wears a crown in formal situations but normally doesn't wear it otherwise. She has a vast wardrobe, mostly fancy dresses. However, she also likes more practical clothing when not doing anything formal.
Personality- She's a kind, brave, outgoing person who often tries to do the right thing. Unfortunately she's a bit naive and impressionable, so might have trouble figuring out what really would be the best thing, allowing others to take advantage of her. Her self esteem might suffer a bit during these confusing issues, making her second guess herself and wonder if she's really the right person for the job after all. She doesn't mind girly things but also likes freedom to behave however she wants, including a more tomboyish personality who likes getting things done herself even if it's rough and tumble.

Magic- None known
Abilities- She knows how to ride horses. Despite not having much practice she's actually quite agile. She knows basic Japanese words and phrases. She has some practice in most royal related things such as knowing how to properly behave herself and an understanding of history/other information needed to properly deal with others. Not that she knows everything by any means given her young age and inexperience, so if it's outside of the basics then she often has to ask an advisor for details.
Weaknesses- She doesn't currently know how to defend herself so relies heavily on others, a weakness that she wishes to fix quickly. Her physical endurance and durability is kind of poor. Her young age/inexperience also doesn't work in her favor in many regards, including allowing others to take advantage of her and have her not be able to do the greatest job as Queen without outside help.

History- Being born a princess she always had a sheltered life to some extent, but wasn't thought to be the one to become Queen so luckily had more breathing room than some of her other older siblings while growing up. She was allowed to go to an outside school and play around a bit with commoners every so often, but did have to spend most of her free time within the castle or under the careful watch of guards. Being in the castle wasn't too bad because she had some people to talk to, including but not limited to a fairy named Fi and servant named Rose, two of her closest friends. Perhaps Fi wasn't the best influence on her but it still made things far more interesting, even if she did get grounded a couple of times as a result.

That being said life was good for her, at least until her father, the king, died. Information of his sickness was withheld both from the public and her until it was clear that he wasn't going to make it. She was at least able to say goodbye before his passing, but was so distraught that she didn't leave her room for days, loosing a lot of weight and getting very sick. She was going to be queen in a little more than a month once she turned 18, a fact that was revealed when her older siblings turned down the throne. She broke out of her depression when she realized that the whole kingdom would be relying on her to get her act together, so if she failed than her father would have been very upset with her. She needed to honor his memory and do the best that she could. She was able to get her weight back to healthy levels and learn the basics of what would be expected of her in the following couple of weeks. Although still sad, she was able to keep it mostly under control, at least able to cover it up.

It's now the day of her coronation.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 11 days ago

Looks like this RP is ready to start. It's a shame Stranger and Shoryu didn't show up. Shoryu might still turn up, cause according to his profile he just hasn't been online the past 2 days. Stranger's been posting elsewhere though, so i guess he found something more to his liking.

Anyways, seeing as there's a whopping 14 characters already, i'm just gonna sit back for now and see what develops. *eats popcorn*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 23 days ago

Anyone knows about the person that wanted a samurai char?
Really need to know if he speaks japanese so i know wh a t to do with runa her l anguage
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