Character Theme -
Blood Soaked Murder
(Does not have an eye patch)
Name:Yukio Yagami
Alias:The Black Beast
Rank: Jounin/A-Rank
Personality:Yukio has a very complex personality. Being born from a bloody situation and forced into a life of violence, Yukio had hardly any time to live like a normal child. While he experienced moments of happiness and joy, his true passion was warped into desiring to fight. Yukio tempered himself to become stronger and know how to hold his sword, eventually building a strong and very personal relationship with the blade he wields. Yukio' sword is also tied to his instinct for survival. His "struggler" attitude towards most things, however, has a rebound in which Yukio realizes the true value of what he had left behind after he has lost it. All this combined serves to fuel Yukio' large disregard of and hatred towards the concept of fate.
Yukio has a very tactical personality, when he is not enraged he will study his opponent thoroughly if given the opportunity. He has become a brilliant fighter because of this and on-top of his normal survival instincts, this advantage of his brain allows him to survive some of the most difficult battles. He is prone to using decoys and tricks to defeat his larger enemies, on-top of evasive maneuvers and hiding while looking for a weak spot. In his dearest needs, when facing death Yukio will act more like a wild animal with only the will to kill and survive. He will use anything that he can forge as a weapon and is not afraid to practically cover himself in blood to kill all of his enemies, making his will to survive in any situation grow stronger. Yukio is subject to bloodlust, getting an intense beastial satisfaction off of killing other people almost to the degree that he could be considered somewhat psychotic. He will occasionally grin in such a manner that makes him appear to be a demon and loves the feeling of killing scum. He's always open for a challenge and does not mind literally crushing somebody's body and internal organs to employ his battle techniques. That being said, Yukio has no morals on how he kills people and will easily slaughter anyone without giving it a second thought.
Yukio is, first and foremost, an incredibly resilient man. Despite the hardships, he has grown and changed considerably, gaining in both strength of body and mind. The brash stubbornness of his youth has melted into a somewhat "worldly" view on things and the people around him; he's come to realize over time what matters most to him and what he is willing to sacrifice to protect it - everything. He gives of himself relentlessly for the sake of those precious few who've managed to fight their ways into his heart despite the long voyage it took to get there; Yukio is both incredibly loyal and incredibly selfless, though this was not always the case. It took unfathomable loss for him to finally understand what his priorities truly were.
Beneath the outer layers of his personality the regret, the longing, the emotional distance, is an insatiable anger and blood lust that cannot hope to be tamed nor satisfied. He's constantly doing battle with himself in order to keep these emotions in check. The nature of these feelings are clear his hatred and pain caused by his childhood. Yukio suffers a kind of dementia brought on by post-traumatic stress. There have been times when he has hallucinated about a black dog that is the mental projection of all the pain and anguish he has suffered. The fact that the visions of the dog appear when he is awake indicate that he might be suffering from a mild form of schizophrenia as the dog has a life of its own and speaks to Yukio as if it is someone else.
The Yagami Clan (夜神一族, Yagami Ichizoku, lit. "Clan of the Night Gods") are a prominent clan of samurai in the Land of Iron. They are a renown clan of powerful warriors, who have thrived despite the numerous civil wars that have plagued the Land of Iron for centuries, rising to become one if its most influential non-shinobi clans. The Yagami clan were instrumental during the years of the bloody wars, where the Third Daimyo waged a war against all bloodline limit clans, by providing a safe haven for those who wished to escape.
Early Years
The Nagato Province is one of the small villages that is within the Land of Iron, located in its north western area. For as long as the village has remained inhabited the Yagami have acted as the ruling authority figures, as well as its military. While predominately a samurai clan, the Yagami trace their lineage back to a minor shinobi clan, the Higurashi, who migrated to the village when they were nearly destroyed by a rival clan during the Shinobi Warring Clans Era. At the time, they were severely weakened and were at the mercy of the inhabitants. The clan head - Yagami Ryuu formed an alliance with the shinobi clan, by marrying the clan heiress Higurashi Mikumo. Shortly after, the Higurashi were integrated into the family passing down their secret techniques. The Higurashi however were not the only shinobi clan that was displaced during the Shinobi Warring Clans Era, with many other clans undergoing a similar metamorphosis with other island inhabitants.
Warring States Era
In time, many of the samurai clans began to amass their power, and as a consequence their borders. Soon civil war erupted throughout the Land of Iron, each clan vying for power. The Yagami first warred with the Sanada clan, a conflict arising from their competition for natural resources in the unhabitable villages nearby. This however lasted only few months, as both were unexpectedly attacked by the much larger clan the Kanada. Forced to abandon their differences the Sanada and the Yagami allied themselves to fight the war against the Kanada, a war that lasted for many years. The two clans were finally able to land a decisive victory over the Kanada, when they trapped its forces in a deadly pincer attack, cut off from supply lines. After several exhausting weeks of guerrilla combat the Sanada and the Yagami were able to destroy the Kanada. The two clans had since developed such respect and dependence on one another that they formed a permanent alliance. Since then, the Yagami and Sanada clans have beaten the test of time, surviving through hundreds of small conflicts and several major wars that has plagued the history of the Land of Iron.
Population: The Yagami clan have undergone significant changes in their population since the years of the Bloody Mist. Prior to that, the Sanada clan composed roughly half of the clan's population, before their betrayal by the two elder brothers reducing them by two-thirds. After Kyo took the helm as clan head, they clan began to steadily rebuild itself, and experienced a boon in their population when they absorbed hundreds of bloodline limit users into their clan. With a new generation of clan members their total population is said to exceed almost a thousand, however not all members are of Yagami descent, many are splintered bloodline limit clans who are under their protection, and serve as additional forces.
Profession: The Yagami are primarily a military force, a samurai one at that and as such much of their exports/imports deal largely with the manufacture of weapons and armor. They have developed a highly advanced method of smiting, known as Hiden Kaji (秘伝鍛冶, "secret formula smiting") and is a closely guarded secret, which allows them to extract vast quantities of chakra from the rich chakra veins that comb through the island. It is also used as an all-purpose energy when electricity will not work. It can be infused into materials to strength, lighten or sharpen them; assemble goods from raw materials via chakra streams, and manipulate or negate the physical forces (gravity, friction, etc). It is their weapons though that garner the greatest respect, simply known as Yomibusou for the ebony metal of their weapons. These powerfully built weapons are extraordinarily durable, able to withstand extreme temperatures, damage from external forces and chakra based attacks. In fact, due to its high durability it is largely considered nigh indestructible. Weapons forged from the Yagami are highly prized, possessing some of the greatest sword-smiths outside of Hidden Mist itself.
Clan Politics: The Yagami are governed by a ruling council of members selected from the various families in the clan. However above them lies the clan head, who has the absolute authority, although the clan head will rarely overturn any decisions made by the council. The inheritance of clan head is passed down through two means, the first and most commonplace method is lineage. Now the Yagami have a rather complex method of determining who is next in line, when there are several children, as the clan head is free to choose who will be his heir. The other method is much rarer, but deals with the transmission of the clans most sacred art - the Gorin no Taisei. While nearly any member of the Yagami can learn the secrets of the Gorin no Taisei, very few show the potential to reach beyond normalcy in its use. There are those who are skilled enough, possessing the necessary traits to excel above and beyond others. In this case it is not uncommon for the clan head to choose one who has reached the pinnacle of their art. Now, the Yagami have always been philosophical in regards to the sword, codifying a foundation since the clans creation by which the clan head is to act and live their life. If these qualities are found in another, then they are to be considered a worthy choice for the clan.
Clan Religion: The Yagami along with many other clans are currently undergoing a cultural renaissance regarding the philosophy and use of the sword. For centuries the sword has been a tool, a means to an end given the constant civil wars plaguing the lands. But after the 2nd Great Shinobi War and the Bloodline Limit Purge, many clans have largely settled down. Before swordsmanship and other taijutsu skills were taught for the benefit that they would be used in war, but now that the time of war is over, many have begun to practice the martial arts for its own sake. The sword is evolving from "the sword that kills" to "the sword that gives life" a philosophy promoting the mastery and perfection of an art in a of religious fashion. As such there has been an explosive increase in the number of martial arts schools, all across the region, although clans tend to favor various ideals and concepts suiting the evolution of their own tradition. The Yagami specifically have a unique set of beliefs created since its founding, laid down by the first clan head Ryuu Yagami. It has since evolved into the present day Tsurugi-no-Kanjin (剣の肝心, "fundamentals of the sword").
Yomibusou (黄泉武装, lit. "Underworld Armaments"): These are the Yagami Clans most prized weapons, created using a Hiden known only by their most esteemed sword smiths. The amount of chakra infused in any one weapon is measured in shitan (no plural), which is enough chakra to fuel a single C-Rank Ninjutsu. The average armament contains anywhere from 10 to 15 shitan, while high quality and more powerful weapons possess exponentially more. Such weapons are said to possess unique or supernatural powers. Kiyoudo Yagami’s weapon the Amanoterasu, the ancestral blade of the Yagami clan contains about 1,000 shitan. Its scabbard contains 3,000 shitan.
History/Background:Yukio was born and trained to be a killer. Every living step molded him into the beast. Let loose into the world becoming corrupted by the Empire, Yukio was the weapon that the Land of Iron gifted to the rebellion. The Empire would not be allowed to take down the last bastion of hope for the world. One of the few Samurai that was able to make it in Konoha, he now prepares to extinguish the light of the Empire and free his own people.
Tools/Weapons:Fenrir - Fenrir has several abilities at its disposal that make this weapon very special to the user. The first ability Fenrir has is that it can store chakra from the user in its blade. The second ability Fenrir has it's that it can take the stored chakra and use it similar to the flying swallow technique. The third ability of Fenrir establishes fusion blade can be one great sword or six different blades at a blink of an eye.
Appearance/Picture: Fenrir is a six-piece sword assembly. The base sword and the others in its set are used by Yukio as his preferred weapon. As a set of six swords, Fenrir comes in a variety of shapes and sizes and are thus suited to a variety of combat situations, and can combine to a single large sword similar in size and function. This variety of uses and blades give the swords an array of uses by combining and separating different blades to suit the fighter's needs.
The main blade has two forms. In the first, the appearance is as described above, with the blade one solid length of metal except for the transition between the wide and thin halves. In the second, the blade is pulled in two lengthwise, the edges are locked apart and the sword's complex inner portion is visible, giving the blade an appearance not identical.
The hollow blade does not have an inner core as expected for a sword. Rather, it is essentially (though not exactly) a thick sheet of metal folded in a V-shape when looked from above, the sword's edge being the bottom point of the "V", with its lower one-third of its length wrapping around a red double-hilt. The hollow blade is locked onto the main blade's front edge, where it snugly covers the entire edge of the main blade, and its own edge serves as the striking point for the assembled sword. It is this addition that turns the completed construct from a symmetric shape.
The back blades are identical long swords, mirror images of each other, with one straight edge and one saw-toothed edge, with a long black hilt for each. The two swords are attached to the main blade's back, on both sides of the main blade's back edge, with the saw-teeth pointed forward toward the hollow blade. The addition of these two swords completes the fusion swords' trapezoidal silhouette.
The side blades are identical mirror image dagger-like swords, though they are long. They are single-edged, with a gear-like mechanism between the hilt and the blade that allows them to fold up like a switchblade. In the folded form the two side blades lock onto the two sides of the assembled sword, with their edges turned forward toward the main blade at the sword's front. One of the two blades can be quickly ejected from the assembly if needed, providing Yukio with a needed off-hand weapon.
Chakra Nature: Lightning, Wind, Earth
Kekkei Genkai: N/A
Special Traits:[Taijutsu and Kenjutsu] Yukio's melee combat focuses on his precision and his techniques that he has honed after years of training. As such he commonly employs evasive tactics to avoid would be attacks and has learned to take advantage of an opponent's weight and stance to keep them off balance. Along with his desire for perfection, Yukio attempts to quickly and accurately target his opponents in a way that will easily and effectively debilitate them, killing if he needs to. Furthermore, his use of acrobatic feats in conjunction with his natural speed, Yukio can strike at difficult angles..
While his taijutsu is usually average for his rank, his melee combat seems to be at its greatest strength when he is utilizing a blade. Additionally, Yukio appears to prefer to utilize a sword while in combat. When utilizing a sword he appears to switch between several different stances depending on the situation, obviously showing that he has had a formal education when it comes to kenjutsu. It has been noted that his flow of chakra appears to change when switches between these stances. In addition to his raw abilities in the sword arts, Yukio has the ability to channel various types of chakra down the length of his sword for the purpose of increasing its cutting edge or performing several original techniques. Yukio's skill with a sword has developed to a level that a significant portion of his fighting style incorporates the usage of blades, in one way or another.
It was through training under Shinsui that Yukio attained a secret fighting style of a forgotten clan of Samurai. It was an ability to aim the katana's will, a method in which one could cut through steel, by eliminating the ability to cut through anything else. In this regard, one could direct the might of ten strikes in a single slash with this method. This power allows him to cut right through even elemental ninjutsu, such as massive fireballs. This technique though can only be used five times a day as it takes extensive muscle control and could literally rip his arm off if he tries to go farther.
[Peak Strength] Yukio's frail body has always been a weakness, and no amount of physical conditioning would change that. Compared to his allies, his physical strength has always been the weakest but that was before his mastery in the Gorin no Taisei. The ability to control ones life energy, and then give it form through yang energy is truly a marvelous concept, one that Yukio has developed extensively, allowing him to translate his will directly into raw power. He is at the least able to swing Fenrir like paper.
[Immense Endurance] The development of one's physical body is part of the foundation of the Gorin no Taisei in order to cultivate and develop one's Yang Chakra - life energy. It is a necessary component and one the Yagami has spent centuries perfecting through their unique training regiments to build and improve the bodies condition quickly, and efficiently. Yukio has undergone tremendous amounts of physical conditioning, granting him near-superhuman levels of endurance. His frame may be small, but he is capable of suffering through tremendous punishment. His will and determination are unmatched allowing him to carry on when his body has long since fallen.
Canon Jutsu:
Samurai Sabre TechniqueEarth Release: Earth Spear (Only as tough as steel)
Custom Jutsu:
Name of Technique: Kakuō (Horned Falcon)
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Chakra Flow
Rank: A
Range: Short-Range
Nature Type: Lightning, Wind
Handseals: N/A
Description: By using Chakra Flow upon a sword, or any bladed weapon for that matter, the user is able to imbue this object with additional properties. So far this technique has only been utilized elemental chakra, so it is unknown if other variations are possible. While this technique has been no different to kenjutsu chakra flow already in place, the true ability of this technique is for one to quickly alter the nature of the being utilized through the blade. Yukio Yagami has demonstrated incredible mastery of this ability, rapidly switching between his wind and lightning natures. This ability to alter the chakra nature utilized increases the difficulty of Horned Falcon beyond most chakra flow techniques. This is due to the increased chakra control such a performance requires.
The known variations of chakra utilized include:
Lightning: As seen with other techniques enhancing a blade with lightning chakra dramatically increases its cutting potential, allowing such blades to cut through steel and stone without inhibition. Additionally, lightning chakra used in this manner can paralyze limbs of those that it comes in contact with, due to the effect the chakra has on the nervous system. Yukio's use of this variation makes a high frequency chirping noise when the sword cuts or pierces a target.
Wind: Like the lightning release variation the use of wind release in chakra flow increases the sharpness of the blade in question. Such blades could even theoretically cut through those utilizing lightning release chakra flow. Furthermore, the user is able to extend the reach of their sword, via a blade of chakra, effectively increasing the range of their strikes.
Name of Technique: Nendō (Path of Desire)
Type of Jutsu: Supplementary, Kenjutsu
Rank: N/A
Range: Short-Range
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Nendō is Yukio Yagami's trademark fighting style that exploits the user's chakra network to achieve extreme feats of physical ability. The simplest usage of this technique allows Yukio to include his sword as an extension of his chakra network. This is accomplished by flowing chakra in and out of the weapon in question at the same rate as the user's natural chakra flow. This allows a constant flow of chakra to be present within Yukio's sword while he is wielding it, thus allowing him to activate chakra based Kenjutsu and sword based Ninjutsu much quicker than normal.
The second usage of this technique allows the user to supplement their nervous system with their chakra network. Under this effect Yukio possesses extremely quick response time, surpassing some other abilities that provide similar enhancements. The third performance of Nendō allows Yukio to concentrate and release chakra upon the edge of his blade with extreme precision. This makes it possible for him to unnaturally multiply the force of his blows to extreme levels, allowing him to cleave through stone without the use of elemental chakra flow. Additionally, such precise bursts of chakra allow him to counteract the blows of much physically stronger opponents, to the dismay of others.
Name of Technique: Nendo: Samidare (Path of Desire: Early Summer Rain)
Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu
Rank: B
Range: Short
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: Samidare is a complex kenjutsu barrage maneuver disguised as a simple sword strike. This is accomplished by overlapping portions of the various cuts upon the course a normal sword slice. In this way observers will only visually pick up on the sword's consensus position, ignoring the outlying paths it may take. Taking advantage of this optical illusion Yukio is able to lure his enemies into blocking a single strike, when countless slashes have been launched upon a foe. He has also been shown to couple this technique with an iaidō-style sword draw, deflecting away several enemy attacks by simply unsheathing his blade. Though, due to the complex nature of the maneuver, Yukio usually reserves this technique for times of absolute necessity, instead of wasting this technique on lesser opponents.
Name of Technique: Strike Raid
Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu, Chakra Flow
Rank: C
Range: Short to Mid
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: The user must have their sword in hand, then, by channeling their chakra into the blade, the user throws the sword so that it spins whilst it flies at the enemy. Due to the chakra pulsing through the blade, it spins extremely fast, making it incredibly hard to catch. Only someone with advanced reflexes could. Once thrown, it acts as a boomerang, making a return trip to the user. It flies at about twenty miles an hour.
Name of Technique: Demon Fang
Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu, Chakra Flow
Rank: C
Range: Short to Mid
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A simple, yet powerful technique created by Yukio. Pouring chakra into his Katana or Sword with Chakra Flow, he is able to release it from the tip of the blade in the form of a wave, powerful enough to stun a man and/or knock him off his feet.
Name of Technique: Blade Beam
Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu, Chakra Flow
Rank: B
Range: Short to Mid
Nature Type: N/A
Handseals: N/A
Description: A large burst of chakra is released from the tip of the blade in a slicing beam. This beam travels along the ground in a vertical manner, cutting through the earth and stands at six feet from the ground. The beam can shoot out for 15 meters from the user and has it immense cutting power, able to cut through stone.
Name of Technique: Scar
Type of Jutsu: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Chakra Flow
Rank: A
Range: All
Nature Type:Wind
Handseals: N/A
Description: By infusing a sword with wind, Yukio is able to release a large concentrated burst of wind chakra by slamming the aforementioned blade into the air. His chakra is then able to whip the wind into razors that are called scars, which then travel at extremely high velocities. More specifically, their speed is beyond the normal tracking ability of the unaided eye, increasingly their lethality. The size of the scars is determined by the length of the sword arc used to generate it, while the destructive potential is great enough to slice through iron.
Name of Technique: Shrill Voice
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Chakra Flow
Rank: A
Range: All
Nature Type:Wind
Handseals: N/A
Description: At the instant of a pierce, the user directs lacerating winds forward from the tip of the blade, resulting in an extreme push of cutting wind accompanied with tremendous force and an ear-wrenching screech. The pierce takes the form of a cylindrical wave with accompanying rings which spin around the main blast, which then crush the target. During his time in Land of Iron, Yukio used it many times inadvertently without the accompanying rings, but towards the end of his training he managed to master it while taking note of the techniques difficulty. Shinsui would note that Shrill Voice was a powerful technique capable of great destruction, especially at close-range, and went on to detail the differences between the complete and in-complete variations.
The Incomplete variation lacks the distinctive rings circling the blast. Yukio made ample use of this version before he obtained mastery, but noted that it was much less powerful than its true form. The Complete variation has the distinctive rings, with more showcasing ones power. When used by Yukio the main cylindrical blast is ringed from source to end. In addition, Shrill Voice need not be a technique applied through Kenjutsu usage. Yukio showed himself perfectly fit to use it with a hand gesture
Name of Technique: Hurricane Edge
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Chakra Flow
Rank: S
Range: All
Nature Type:Wind
Handseals: N/A
Description: Hurricane Edge was the signature technique of Yagami Shinsui, which he developed during his nomadic travels. Shinsui would later pass this technique down to his student, Yukio, after the latter bested him in combat.
According to Shinsui, this technique possesses all of the force of a hurricane compressed into width of a swords blade. While it is entirely possible that this is simply an overstatement of the creator, this technique does have a destructive potential reminiscent of a natural disaster. The amount of destructive force generated by this technique is determined by three independent factors.
The first of these is a unnaturally high mastery of the element of wind, which allows the user to remain in generate of the massive of amount of chakra necessary for this technique. Inability to satisfy this condition will prevent the technique from ever being formed. Second is perfected shape manipulation, which is necessary to compact and channel the aforementioned mass of chakra into the sword and for the unique shape of blade of wind (discussed further on). It should be noted the only swords of incredible quality can handle the stress of Hurricane Edge's chakra flow. The final requirement, and perhaps the one most effective on the range of damage possible, is the speed at which the massive blade of wind is released from the user's sword and launched forward. While the speed at which an arc of wind is launched can effect its cutting potential, a true performance of this technique requires speed for a secondary reason. Unlike most techniques, which cut through the air, Hurricane Edge collects and augments itself with air as it travels forward. This is possible due to the unique shape of the blade of of wind, which cuts into the air and reroutes it into the blade itself. This design requires that the technique is launched with incredible speed, which without would cause the burst of wind expand dramatically as it traveled forward; this would cause its force to diminish too rapidly to serve any real function.
When Hurricane Edge is performed the user concentrates the necessary chakra onto their blade of choice and releases it in the form of the aforementioned shape and incredible speed. This process can take a considerable amount of time for beginners, as seen with Yukio when he was first learning the technique. Shinsui, on the other hand, could activate this technique in an instant with a simple flip of his wrist. Yukio, through several years of training, has been able to reduce the preparation time of this technique to a few seconds. In term of destructive capability the forefront of this technique possesses a blade of wind of considerable cutting potential. Behind this sharpened wind is a vacuum generated by blades quick traversal of space, causing a wave of destruction when it is violently filled with air.
Name of Technique: Earth Release: Earth Stomp
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu, Supplmentary
Rank: B
Range: Self
Nature Type: Earth
Handseals: N/A
Description: First, Yukio channels an enormous amount of chakra to his feet, transmorgifying it into the earth element. Stomping his foot into the ground, the earth chakra flows into the ground, creating "roots" which quickly shifts the ground beneath Yukio at amazing speeds, causing a small explosion in the form of earth around rocks to spring front the ground, launching him in any direction he wish at incomprehensible speeds. This has the added effect of causing small tremors within the ground. Yukio can also utilize this technique to catch airborne opponents by propelling himself high into the air. The time that is spent moving is all up to Yukio.