Hikikomori Virtual Academy is:
- Accepting Applications
- A mix of social simulation, RPG and Academy roleplay.
- Allowing a maximum of two character per players, with a maximum of ten characters in the game.
- Set in 2076 and follow the lives of Hikikomori in Japan.
- Mature, but that doesn't mean porn!
- Accepting all kind of characters, from any background, sexual preferences, ages or genders.

It is the year 2076, and the realm of the virtual and the internet has drastically progressed the last fifty years, to the point where, in Japan, the first entirely digital academy has opened its digital door this year to the growing population of young hermits in the capital and the countryside. You are one of these social outcasts, dubbed hikikomori, and have been taking refuge in your room for quite some time. Will this be the key to getting out of your self imposed slump?
The entry to this new institution is simple; have a working computer, an access to the internet, a virtual reality helmet and finally buy and download the file. Once there, you will be able to create your avatar and be placed in your first evaluation test to see where you stand in our premium education.
This could be the chance of a lifetime, will you take it?

Hikikomori Virtual Academy, or HVA for short, is a brand new attempt at bringing education and socialization to the growing population of hikikomori in Japan and, hopefully, bring them back into the fold of society. A virtual construct made for the best technology could offer, it is so lifelike that the users are able to touch, hear, see and even taste this virtual reality as it was made of physical components instead of a clever manipulation of bodily chemicals. Even more remarkably, however, is the ability to temporarily bring back lost senses or limbs within the confines of this make-believe academy.
Created by Kurozawa Enterprises and set upon the biggest server in the world, this marvel of technology is reachable with an access to internet and a Virtual Helmet, the latest in gaming controls. Half a game, half a formidable opportunity, the Academy is set to bring enlightenment of the mind and spirit by stimulating the fancy and training it's user into a healthy lifestyle, that it may be physical, mental or social.
The landscape and campus ever changing to fit the whims and needs of its users, the entirety of possible areas has been designed by the best architects of the world, and possess over a thousands different rooms and area as well as lifelike weather, temperature control and soundtracks. Once can change the sounds to a soothing or even energetic music by merely stating so, the same going for the world seen from windows or in the distance and the weather.
The courses, ranging from introductory to doctorate-level, are tailored for each student via a series of evaluation and questionnaire, providing each students with a challenging and stimulating experience, whatever path may it lead them to.

From High School age to the Golden Years, each student is welcome as long as they provide effort in their studies and are not harmful to other students. Upon first login, each student will be provided with the choice of a Persona, complete with an alias to promote anonymity and a carefree experience for all. A series of Tutorial and Examinations will be given at either need or demand, and Physical, Mental or Social Points will be handed for each good or exceptional effort made. Those points will be used to reach a set quota of grades, access more complicated courses, unlock special events and even gain special ability through their sacrifice.
While the general appearance of a student on the outside world is expected to be average or even bland, the Persona can take any humanoid form, from bright pink hair to pointed ears. Likewise, with enough practice, a student can far outperform their usual body in feats of athleticism, and thus should be careful when exiting the Academy as to not injure themselves in overconfidence.
To start your journey, merely fill the following Character Sheet and post it bellow:
Fashion Style:
Prior History:
Greatest Dream:
Greatest Fear:
What do they want to do and learn in the Academy?:

Thou shall not harm others, both OOC and IC.
Thou shall not use OOC knowledge for getting an edge for your character(s) OOC.
Thou shall not disappear without proper notice of absence.
Thou shall put in good effort in each post, and will advance the plot in the best of your abilities.
Thou shall use a spellchecker and be careful not to post anything vulgar or upsetting for others.
Thou shall have fun!

Lily Astire, played by Silver Fox.
Sophie Blackwell, played by Krauxis
Ryujii Takou, played by drewccapp
Soga Taiichiro, played by Mirth

None for now.