Physics-defying combatant is a go!
...If the Semblance is lolOP, I can change it for something else~
"Jeez! Just because I have a hood on all the time doesn't mean I'm a Faunus, dammit!"
Atalanta Agrotera
Atalanta's primary means of combat is something known as the "Accelerated Mobile Combat System (AMCS)", a homebrew weapons system consisting of two parts: "High-Speed Sword Skates (HSSS)" and the "Multi-Action Grapnel Gauntlets (MAGG)". They're exactly what they sound like; a pair of skates with blades on their sole, toe, and heel; and a pair of gauntlets that fire grapnel hooks. The grapnels are mainly used to steer and screw with enemies, while the skates are the primary damage dealers. Both the skates and the gauntlets take in Dust ammunition. Though in the former's case it's used to provide explosive bursts of momentum to amplify kicks and increase speed, both parts benefit from having dust channeled into their blades and grapnels, respectively.
Atalanta's Semblance is that of "Fusion", which allows her to, as one may expect, fuse things together. For example, if Atalanta were to, say, slash a Grimm's neck with her skates, the wound would just fuse back together. However, it wouldn't heal it, just leave it as dead tissue fused to dead tissue. The real fun part, however, is when Dust is brought into the equation. If a Dust-based weapon manages to cut the enemy, the Dust would get fused to the opponent, forcing them to retain the status effects until it wears off, which can either be short or long depending on how deep the wound was. Unfortunately that's the limit of her ability to fuse things together. She can't fuse people or animals together, no matter how much she wants to upstage the platypus.