Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago


Welcome to Platinum City!

Home of the World's First and Largest Demon Hunter Academy!

Demon Hunter Academy (DHA) is a school specialized in training young men and women into becoming the great demon hunters there are. After graduation they are sent into another town to work directly for the DHUnion. They fight, protect, and recruit. Such is the job of a Hunter, and the world's been fine just that way, but lately, something wonky's been happening. A lot more demons are coming out of nowhere, and Union members are either disappearing or dropping like flies. No one knows what's happening, except there are starting to be whispers of "The First Nightmare".

The First was thought to be the first demon released by the Earthly Mother, and went by many names. Its powers were reliant on eating lesser beings, be it humans, animals, or the other demons. It was basically a really strong eating machine, and defeated only by seven of the most high ranking Union members at the time(as well as a bunch of unnamed lesser deaths, but they're not important). He hasn't been heard of since. So, it's natural the people would be scared.

But that has nothing at all to do with you! As a student at the Academy, all you have to focus on is getting better at using your supplied weapons and graduating!
The Demon Hunters Academy is filled to the brim with students from all around the globe eager to defend the public from the wrath of demons. Divided into five ranks- A through E- students compete with one another as well as sometimes staff in order to hone their abilities to the finest. It's that time of year again- where majority of Rank A as well as a select number from B and C take a field trip to other cities. The annual field trip is meant to show students several Union buildings, places where they have the chance to seek employment post graduation. To prepare, the students have been training twice as hard, eager to show off when they get the chance. Truly, as the left over groups send them off with heartfelt farewells, such is a trip not to be forgotten.

So, why exactly are you still at school?

Well, the answer is simple. You were students scheduled to go on this field trip, but during a commotion during Lunch Break a week or so ago, well... let's say you got roped into it. Whether you started the brawl, were trying to stop it or were just too slow in running away, in the end, you are still being punished. And, considering this is a form of "detention", you aren't scheduled to go to your regular Rank classes. Not only have you been demoted, but you've been entrusted to watching the school and the nearby grounds. "Oh, cool, sort of like guard duty," you say- WRONG. Have you forgotten? This is Platinum City, Home of the World's First and Largest Demon Hunter Academy. Even the demons, through evolution, have learned to stay out of sight. So, demoted and left behind in rigorous Academy classes (and probably bored out of your minds), that is your punishment.

Sorry not sorry~!

*high-casual to advanced is what im expecting in terms of IC writing
*third person limited POV when writing
*keep in mind EVERYONE IS STILL A STUDENT- nothing OP
*dont worry about The First Nightmare
*max characters of 2 per player
*standard Guild rules
*may add more
*please do not forget i am god in this rp


Exorcists are that- they expell and vanquish demons. These guys are heavily reliant on chants, holy water, and some people defending them. Sort of like Priests in videogames, except now they're being trained to learn defense themselves, in order to be more efficien. With all the things you need to know, aim only for Exorcist if you're good at memorization!

Medics are healers. Gotta be good with hands, summoning, and most of all, treating other people. Demons- oh, right I forgot to mention, demons are joining now- are usually not in this group, but there are some that like to surprise.

Tamers are people who use familiars, or acquaint themselves with wild demons and take them. Most of lessons will be about how to draw a magic circle to summon said creatures given that circles are a pain to draw. By now, Tamers usually just tattoo their specific familiar's circle on their body to make it less tedious. Not everyone does it though so, eh, whatever floats your boat.

Archers are not necessarily archers- just people with a thing for long distance. The name has gotten old over the year, as archers now would rather be called assassins, given that the practice has branched out to snipers or ninja like sneaking prior to attacking. Formally they're still the Archers though, because the paperwork to change the name and all that is too much of a hassle.

Knights are the most common, and are basically close combat fighters. These divide into two parts- the Shields and the Swords. Shields specialize in defense, Swords in offense. They're lumped as Knights because both parties are still pretty decent at doing one anothers' jobs.
I N . R E G A R D S . T O . S O U L . W E A P O N S

In every person and demon is a bit of magic- it is why humans are able to see something as fantastical as a demon in the first place. In the Academy, students are trained to use this bit of magic, allowing them to use what is called a Soul Weapon. As the name states, it is a part of your soul, so no matter how long you have been practicing it for, it is a talent that almost seems natural. It is not a skill that needs "getting used to", unlike, say, scuba diving. That said, a weapon that is solely soul(hehehe) is not recommended for students given that it is a bit of a tiresome feat in itself to summon it. As easy and natural as it is to get used to, it's still something that requires good magical control. Each Soul Weapon is different, especially in it's un-finalized form, from literally adding another edge onto ones blade to sharpening ones hearing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago


Name: (standard)
Age: (eleven to nineteen)
Race: (demon or human)
Height; Weight: (just cause)
Primary: (Exorcist, Medic, Tamer, Archer, Knight)
Secondary: (Same as above; N/A if none)
Strengths: (Mentally, something dumb like "strong-hearted" over "can break fifty pencils at once"; N/A if none but that is sad)
Weaknesses: (fears can also be included, N/A if none- PSYCHE dont do that)
Physical Capabilities: ("can break a bundle of sticks easy peasy" > "has really decent will power"; N/A if none- kidding,, im sorry, ill try to be more serious)
Background Info: (can be as long or short as you want- basic info on your characters backstory. woohee)
Other: (maybe they like to knit?)

A C C E P T E D . C H A R A C T E R S

LetterA::Ixion Farbrigth and Angel Avlon
Liriia::Ase Belladonna
Sam12435::Jace Stone
Marshmellow::Darius Silvergilt
Spawnling::Hunter Williams
deadpixel101::Maxamillion "Hulk" Lovecannon and Sel'ar M. Eindz
Shiinen::Eika Munashii
Tokki::Jiro "Blake" Alphonse
HellOfALife::Lexion Osbourne and Niorin Matsune
NarcissisticPotato::Cara Stonewood
Scallops::Stephen Jelly
A S S I G N E D . P A R T N E R S H I P

Ixion and Ase
Darius and Niorin
Hunter and Eika
Jace and Blake
Lexion and Hulk
Angel and Sel'Ar
Cara and Stephen
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

вιтιng вelladonna

Ase Belladonna
Height; Weight:
4'9ft; 117lbs


+ Incredibly Smart
+ Stubborn
+ Calm
+ Perceptive
+ Resourceful
+ Wise
+ Independent
+ Selfless

- Stubborn
- Distant
- Socially Awkward
- Rude
- Apathetic
- Weak
- Cynical
- Self-loathing
- Fears Failure
- Fears Abandonment
- Fears Storms

Physical Capabilities:
While Ase isn't the most physically adept party member, she is definitely one of the smartest. Her brain and eyes are monsters, as she has the ability to pin-point on even the most minor of details in the midst of a stressful situation with only one glance, and from that glance she has opened up countless situation-based plans to be shared with the group. She is, however, very weak and slow. Ase's eye sight, hearing, and sense of smell is much more sensitive then a human's, and because of this she is well aware of her surroundings most of the time. Ase's pain tolerance is also surprisngly high, and she is able to take quite a few hits if needed. Her energy is also stronger then most, as it currently is being trained to be so by wielding Patron, and it takes the weapon (or anything that drains energy) a bit longer to sap it all away.

Background Info:
Belladonna, a name that spells danger. Not only does it belong to one of the most toxic plants on the planet, but it also happens to be the surname to a very prestigious and dangerous family of exorcists. The heads of the family were as strong as they come, two "lovers" who were nearly undefeated in their line of work. They were childless, rich, and nothing more. Enter a particularly persistent demon named Ada. He was quite interested in Cass, the wife of the head of the Belladonna family, and she would be lying if she said he didn't interest her as well. Ada was a different demon from what she usually fought, he was kind and strangely civil. He seemed to honestly like her, unlike the emotionless Daire who seemed to be only interested in working. They began to meet up behind Cass's husband's back, falling deeper and deeper in love.

A few weeks after one of their "meet ups", Cass was working a mission with Daire when she suddenly collapsed. Concerned and confused, her husband quickly let his prey escape to check on his wife, who cried out against sudden stomach cramps. A hospital trip and test later revealed to the two that Cass was currently pregnant, and Daire was obviously angered by this. He knew it wasn't his child, he knew because they hadn't attempted to produce offspring for over a year, and with sudden rage he interrogated his wife, forcing her to spill about her entire affair with Ada, including where they meet up and when. Needless to say, Daire went in place of Cass to the rendezvous to confront the demon, but it seemed Ada had been expecting him anyway. They conversed, civilly, and Ada introduced himself as an incubus. He explained that he was only using Cass to father his child, and in a fit of sudden rage Daire sprung forward to attack but only caught air. Ada had vanished, and he was never seen or heard from again.

Cass grew progressively weaker and sicker as the pregnancy went on, an obvious side effect from mating with a incubus, and by the finals months she was entirely bed-stricken, too weak to walk. The child was born in a mess of blood and shrieks, and as soon as she opened her mouth to cry out as well all of the house's servants in the room saw it and drew back in disgust. A tail whipped from the base of her back, small and pointed. She was a devil.

The child was named Ase, and she was raised by her mother's main maid, a woman named Rose, simply because her mother no longer had the strength to even walk on her own. Daire was extremely hard on her, from school to training, he drilled her like a sergeant. At no moment was he a father to her. Cass simply ignored her, and most of the servants were frightened by her tail, meaning Rose was her only source of comfort. The maid taught her many things about first aid and Pagan-style magic, and Ase found herself being taught many, many things. Over the course of her lessons, Ase discovered that she was very gifted with passive magic, and it became very well known around the house when she suddenly tried to heal her mother (though she was denied even being able to touch the woman).

Eventually, Ase was enrolled in the DHA by her father, as a way for her to hone her skills even more and stay away from the family.

  • Is really self-conscious of her tail. Like, really self-conscious, to the point of having anxiety attacks if someone were to see it.

  • Her tail is also very sensitive, and if touched even briefly she becomes extremely dizzy and uncomfortable. It takes a few minutes to recover.

  • Is effected by holy water and other Christian exorcist tools, which is why she uses Pagan and Wiccan-based magic in her exorcisms.

  • Medic Details

    A mixture of mainly magic and a bit of herbal first aid.

    When using the magic aspect of her abilities, Ase can manipulate a (willing) person's energy to focus on and help heal minor wounds, though this ability can be incredibly painful to the patient, since it feels like your flesh is being burned shut. She also uses whatever herbs and first aid equipment are available to give the patient a more comfortable experience.

    Healing Capabilities:
    10/100 (though it all depends on the wounds and how much energy Ase would have to use)
    Patron, herbs, and whatever else can be found or brought along.
    Exorcist Details

    Ase mainly uses Pagan and Wiccan-based magic.

    With the help of Patron, Ase can summon or draw small, easily-broken magic circles that can harm and trap lesser demons. She also has plenty of chants (most still need to be memorized), cleansed stones, and herbs. One particular tool Ase likes to use is a mixture of chamomile, frankincense, horehound, lavender, and water which can be splashed about as a form of weak holy water.

    Defensive Capabilities:
    3/100 (on a good day)
    A rowan-wood staff. The rod itself sounds hollow and is filled with countless herbs and flowers and roots, as well as a bit of Ase's blood, that have magical properties, and a magic circle is carved into the base. In the hook of the staff is a polished amber stone which glows brightly and gives off a pleasing aroma when in use. Patron was crafted by Ase.

    Weapon Detail:
    Patron, as the name reveals, is normally used as protection. Ase crafted it with rowan and amber for their magical properties that enhances protection against most spells and the ability to help heal both physical and mental wounds. It produces shields using the user's energy, assists Ase when she's dealing with deeper, more difficult demon-inflicted wounds, and helps with keeping calm in the midst of a stressful situation. The staff itself is incredibly sturdy and, thanks to being infused with some kinds of magic, will not break easily. Patron can also summon small magic circles when the bottom of the staff is dug into the ground. The main downside of this staff is that it is a major energy sapper, and relies mostly on the energy of the user to work fully. Other downsides include: Being really, really hot when used to make shields, and sometimes taking more energy than needed. If Ase is incredibly mad or upset or if her soul is incredibly fired up, the staff has a possibility of bursting into flames.
    Soul Weapon

    Ase's soul, while bright and large, only allows her to heal others. If someone with a bad injury needs to be healed, Ase's soul can be used to numb, clean, and, if she has lasted long enough, close the wound. Since this is incredibly taxing, though, Ase doesn't rely on it too often. Her ability to control (term used lightly) someone else's energy to heal them can probably be derived from her soul weapon. Is currently attempting to train her endurance using Patron.
    One to three minutes, depending on how deep or large the wound is.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellOfALife
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    HellOfALife stare into the abyss

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    "I'm not the blushing, bumbling, ditz you think I am."

    “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it."

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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    Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

    Member Seen 6 mos ago

    Here it is! Let me know if it needs changing.
    Name: Jace Stone

    Age: 17

    Race: Human

    Height: 5’8

    Weight: 160 pounds

    Primary: Tamer

    Secondary: Knight

    +Strong willed.
    +Protective of allies.
    +Born leader.

    -Extreme fear of spiders.
    -Kind of shy.
    -Has issues with making friends.
    -Finds talking to people hard.

    Physical Capabilities: He is quiet and quick, but when he carries his shield, he loses most of his ability to move around quickly. He may not be the strongest member of the school, or the smartest, but he has an uncanny ability of perception. If he quiets himself, he will be able to hear the footsteps of hidden enemies. Jace is decently fit, but couldn’t run a marathon. He as a surprisingly strong upper body due to his shield and has a strong affinity for anything magic.

    Background Info: Jace had a normal childhood in a loving family in the mountains. He had always admired his father, hearing all the stories of how he would travel around the world, hunting demons and slaying them. The day he told his father he wanted to be a demon hunter too was the happiest day he can remember. They had a big party to celebrate his decision, and the elder of their village came and assessed him. After a few tests, they had figured out Jace was attuned to being a Tamer. Though, Jace desperately wanted to be a Shield Knight like his dad. So, Jace decided to make Knight his secondary, to become the best rounded fighter he thought he could be. So he worked on his summoning, eventually summoning a hawk for his first ever familiar. Since then, he has become obsessed with summoning having brought almost a hundred creatures into his home. It was only one day, a few years before he enrolled in The Demon Hunters Academy that he was messing around and making some circles when he summoned a pair of wolves. They were just cubs, cuddled together for warmth in the cold air of the mountains.
    As time passed, Jace became good at using his new found wolves. They had grown and were now almost full grown when Jace’s father told him the good news. He was on his way to the Demon Hunters Academy. Needless to say, he was ecstatic. He loved his time at the school and was very excited to go on the upcoming field trip. He was hoping to end up working for the same Union building as his father. But right before the trip he jumped into the middle of a brawl, trying to break it up, and was given detention.

    Other: Has a habit of falling asleep at the wrong times. Calls zero distinction between demons and humans, seeing everyone as people alike. The only distinction he has made is that the ones that try to kill him, have to be killed.
    Tamer Details

    Primary: Tamer

    Type: Tattooed

    Detail: He has three familiars he uses all the time. He has his hawk that is tattooed to his right hand, the first familiar he ever managed to summon as a child. Its name is Aiah and it is his best friend. The other ones are two wolves that are tattooed on his back. Their names are Dib for the white wolf and Onai for the black one. They were both summoned at the same time, as being part of the same entity but are two separate beings.

    Summoning Capabilities: With all three familiars summoned he can last about half an hour. He doesn’t dare to try and last longer, because if he becomes too exhausted it starts to affect his familiars, causing them intense discomfort and pain.

    Tool(s): Carries a small dagger for carving circles into the ground in emergencies. He has a small book in his back pocket containing several large and powerful circles. They are incredibly powerful familiars, not all of which he has summoned before, but the circles can take upwards of half an hour to carve so they are not exactally useful in combat.
    Knight Details

    Type: Shield


    Weapon Abilities: His shield, known as The Door, is imbued with demons blood and can block most attacks. The only flaw is for it to work; it needs to drain the energy of the user. The more damage the shield takes, the more energy it must drain from the user to remain functional. If it runs out of energy to absorb, it may as well be a sheet of glass.

    Fighting Type: Defends himself while summoning his familiars and then fights with them. If an ally come into a dangerous situation, he will unconsciously jump in the line of fire for defense.
    Soul Weapon.

    Effect: Causes his familiars to grow in size. They become much larger, and much more dangerous. Using this ability causes his familiars slight pain, so he tries to stray from using it on a regular basis. His familiars have been with him for years after all, he loves them like family.

    Endurance: He can only last about 2 minutes with all of his familiars summoned.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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    Member Seen 8 mos ago

    Yeah sure, Inni and Sam, your characters are accepted.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
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    Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Nvm x2. x.x still gonna join soon.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshmellow


    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    now playing in threads near you

    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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    Member Seen 8 mos ago

    ooh, nice,, accepted
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Spawnling
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    Member Seen 6 yrs ago

    I'll toss my hat in. Seems I know most of the folks involved anyway.

    Name: Hunter Williams
    Age: 17
    Race: Human
    Height; Weight: 6' ; 150lbs
    Primary: Archer
    Secondary: Tamer
    Strengths: Brilliant mental focus, incredibly high pain tolerance, an extremely skilled shot with most firearms, especially rifles.
    Weaknesses: One track mind, tends to ignore his surroundings when focused, little to no physical prowess outside of his high pain tolerance, very weak constitution. Hunter carries a makarov pistol for close range encounters, but if anything ever gets close enough that he's unable to use his rifle or he must engage in melee, he flees and calls Voracia to his side. He is absolutely useless in melee and close range encounters, becoming a liability or a casualty.
    Physical Capabilities: Can get sick from a stale sandwich; despite his weak fortitude, however, he never seems to stay down for long, possibly due to Voracia's influence. While he is an almost flawless shot with his rifle, his physical abilities are null. An elementary school child has a better chance of winning in a fist fight than he does.
    Background Info: Hunter has always been an incredibly sickly and physically weak boy. It would be quicker to count the number of times he's been healthy rather than sick. Despite a terminal prognosis by numerous doctors, the boy seemed to endure, always making some kind of last minute recovery from some powerful illness. His parents became somewhat over protective, which gave way to a pall of melancholy over the boy. Spending most of his days shut up in his room, asleep, his depression grew worse and worse until one day, he was found unconscious with a faint, unsteady heartbeat. Doctors couldn't establish what the cause was outside of a simple unwillingness to live. He had simply stopped caring about his existence. As he grew progressively weaker and closer to death, a creature reached out, sensing his powerful spirit sputtering and dying.
    "It would be a shame...if such a vivid soul faded away."
    Voracia touched the boy's mind, sensing the melancholy, the doubt, the sorrow, and the sheer apathy of his being. He wasn't even putting up a fight against the demon. Curious and confused, she stopped her feeding and began to speak with the boy. He wasn't afraid of her, he didn't hate her, in fact he seemed completely neutral to her entire presence, answering her inquiries out of some weird feeling of obligation. She became fascinated as she spoke with the boy, how could a human with such potential be so incredibly blase about his entire existence? Her curiosity got the better of her, and she refused to allow the boy to die until it was satisfied. Night after night she visited him, keeping him alive through her own abilities, refusing to allow his body to fail. Hunter, for his part, started to enjoy her visits, in fact he began to look forward to them each night. The two began to grow closer, their friendship coming from seemingly no where and surprising both quite a bit. Hunter's body began to recover, much to his family's shock.

    But it wouldn't be long before such a bright soul attracted more attention. Another demon slid into the hospital, sensing the vibrant and succulent soul the boy had. For once, Hunter was afraid of death. Afraid that he would be devoured and removed from this world by this beast. But Voracia had developed a bond, and as he cried out in fear and desperation, she heard, and was pulled to his side. And for the first time in two years, Hunter opened his eyes in the waking world. The damage to the hospital room was fairly high. Inquiries chocked the attack up to a demon, and that Hunter was incredibly lucky to have survived. There was never a mention of the famine demon, and Hunter made sure to never mention her role in the situation.

    A year later, and Hunter enrolled in DHA. His body was still physically weak, and his combat scores in melee were, and still are, the absolute lowest in the academy's history. However, his sharpshooting skills and Voracia herself, now his familiar and partner, more than compensated. He was quickly drafted into the Sniper program, and he excels at Overwatch during missions and guard duty. If it happens on the battlefield, he probably knows about it, and can probably shoot it.

    Personality: Hunter is cheerful and kind, but generally keeps his thoughts to himself unless directly asked. He's sharp eyed, and seems to be aware of everything going on in the room even if not directly involved. That said, when he's focused or concentrating, he's absolutely clueless to the world around him, to the point where his fellow classmates *and Voracia* would play pranks on him. He greets everyone with a smile and a hello, but some are uncomfortable around him due to an unbelievably cut throat outlook on missions. While he cares for his comrades and friends, he is the first to bring up the most efficient, and unsavory, strategy. As a general rule, if no one wants to say it, he will.

    Other: He is very fond of playing chess, but is absolutely dreadful at it.

    Type: Sniper/Overwatch
    Weapon: Barrett 50 Caliber Rifle
    Weapon Abilities: It's a 50 caliber sniper rifle, have you seen what those things can do?
    Accuracy: 80/100
    Precision: 90/100

    Type: Tattooed, dead center on his back.

    Voracia, a minor demon of famine. Her hair acts similar to hands, able to grab and manipulate objects, but her main strength is the mouth on the back of her head, which she uses as a powerful weapon. She acts like a princess, treating Hunter like a vassal who should be absolutely thrilled to even be allowed the honor of seeing her every day. She mostly spends her time listening to music with Hunter's headphones, ignoring him, and eating gratuitous amounts of food that often drain Hunter's wallet and his cheerfulness. While he is able to send her away, he generally chooses to keep her around at all times, possibly as a bodyguard of sorts seeing as his melee abilities are nil. Despite her attitude, she is known to be not only very fond of, but absolutely loyal to the boy, relying on him for long ranged support while she moves through the fray. She will immediately disengage and head straight to his side if he is ever threatened. Whether this is because she would be sent back to her realm if he died or a deeper connection, she refuses to comment on.
    Summoning Capabilities: While able to summon more in a pinch, any demons past Voracia begin to drain heavily on his body and mind. His current record stands at Voracia + 3 minor demons, during which he spent ten minutes convulsing and foaming at the mouth while the extra demons ran amok and Voracia terrorized the school's cafeteria, eating three months worth of food. He's fairly confident that he could probably control them now for at least five minutes before passing out.
    Tool(s): He's almost always wearing a black backpack full of energy bars and sports drinks for Voracia, alongside a vial of thick black ink and a brush that he uses to make emergency summoning circles.

    Soul Weapon
    Effect: Hunter's soul is, as a demon would put it, "a surprisingly intense and savory main course". That is, his soul is much more powerful then most. While he has yet to develop any personal strengths with it, the boy has discovered a formidable use with his partner. Voracia reaches through his body and, essentially, devours his soul, using it as a sort of battery. While his soul is actually unharmed, his physical body goes into torpor, and he is completely helpless. However, Voracia becomes a whirling engine of destruction, her abilities amplified heavily by his powerful spirit.
    Endurance: Hunter immediately passes out while using this, and relies entirely on others to keep his physical body safe. However, Voracia can only hold this form for ten minutes, or else the power will literally burn her body up within, turning her to ash and obliterating Hunter's soul entirely. As such, the pair tries to avoid using this incredibly risky maneuver and Voracia tends to use her hair to strap Hunter's body to her back to avoid harm.

    ((I attempted to give him a very specialized role *long range, useless in close quarters* but if you think the long range abilities are too much, let me know and I'll balance him some))
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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    cerozer0 Starboy

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    So many colorful characters, this would make a wonderful demon slaying, Madoka-styled anime. And I only say Madoka because I expect some extremely sad, possibly bloody moments.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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    Sketcher The Sketchful

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Could you reserve me a spot? I'll work on an app as soon as I can :)
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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    deadpixel101 Still Around

    Member Seen 5 mos ago

    "I wasn't starting a fight, I was trying to end one before it happened."

    Name: Maxamillion "Hulk" Lovecannon

    Age: 18

    Race: Cursed human

    Height: 6'4

    Weight: 170 lbs

    Primary: Exorcist

    Secondary: Tamer

    +Strong willed
    +Willing to try new things
    +An apt fighter
    +Self reliant

    -Dislikes being helped
    -Can be overconfident
    -Largely introverted

    Physical Capabilities: "Little" Maxy here has a mental and physical deficiency, his brain is not able to properly relay specific pieces of information to his body parts , and he releases more adrenaline than usual due to this, this allows him to move faster than he normally would be able to, and push stronger and longer than he should as well. Of course, this is not all a good thing. When Max is fatigued it is far worse than any normal human, he needs extended periods of rest after exerting himself for extended periods of time. His bones can not keep up with his unnatural physical strength, and have been prone to break, usually in his feet or fists. He has chronic pains due to all his over extended movement and his brain is prone to other damage if he is not careful. Being cursed he cannot use specific rituals, and is restricted from using any catholic or pagan rituals. He, much like a demon, is weakened or even physically afflicted by such things, and has to rely on a mish-mash of different teachings and self styled equipment. Sure he can punch and run better than most, but he shouldn't be able to, and the backlogged damage is showing. He is a ticking time bomb, and may have a career even than most in the field
    Background info: Maxamillion was a boy born into an upper middle class family, his uncle unkown to the family, was a demon hunter before him, but that doesn't matter until later.

    Max grew in a free environment, his parents being slightly odd people they raised him with a somewhat hands-off approach, they gave him a lot of freedom, and when he messed up, he usually learned to not do something again, such as when he tried to climb a fence, and broke his leg. Or the time he tried to pet a large dog, and got bit. Or when he tried to follow a stranger home and, well, he actually didn't get hurt but certainly got lost. This cycle continued on and off for a while, him learning through misfortune yet being treated with the same level of warmness by his parents the whole while.

    The cycle ended when he reached middle-school, and he kept coming back with back bruises and scratches. This time the parents had to take matters into their own hands, and they learned their son had been fighting with many others for quite a while. The school had tried to inform them with sent notes and phone calls, but it seemed their son had made sure they never reached their target. After some yelling, and some properly placed confusion the parents had a nice sit down with their son. Asking why he had been doing this, and better yet why he had hidden it for so long.

    They learned he had been being made fun of, his "imaginary" friends he had at school would get him in trouble and he couldn't manage to stop them from coming. He got into fights with kids who pushed him a bit too far, and the led to another fight, which lead to another, and another, and so on and so forth. If he was still a younger boy his parents wouldn't have been so worried, yet he was nearing 14, and that was a bit too old for imaginary friends in their eyes.

    So the counseling began, Max was taken in to the hospital a few times to check for his more sever wounds, which lead to them discovering his odd features, and he would sit down twice a week to try and make the monsters go away, different pills and safety words and 'say no' tactics were applied but, the imaginary friends kept coming. It wasn't until Max's 16 birthday, when his parents could stop shrugging it off as his brain acting odd. He went missing, not coming home for a day out with his uncle, then two days, then nearly three. His parents searched, and found their boy, passed out on a hillside, covered by leaves and branches. He was different, his hair which before was a rusty orange was a flagrant red, his eyes became dark and matched the new fiery colour. More and more visits to the hospital were made, but more and more questions were given instead of answers.

    Until his uncle returned. After yelling and angry fits of words like "dangerous", "incompetent" and "Child stealing hairy pedophile" they sat down and had a civil talk. His uncle explained what had been happening to their "precious" boy, and that he had been sane this entire time. Demons had been visiting the odd spirit in the town of few demon aware people. and he had been taken to assure this on his birthday. An odd demon had tricked the uncle, and split the two apart, dragging the boy away to be nearly assimilated. His uncle made it in time to rid the boy of the demon, but couldn't get rid of it's lasting effect. He was cursed, and would never be able to return to his, "normal" life. He was sent immediately to the school, using funding from both parents and some weight from the uncle. Where he could escape all the doctors, the bullies and the counselors. Though the "imaginary" friends kept coming, oh boy did they.

    Other: Max is taught on the side by his uncle, and he has become more and more distanced from his parents through the years at the school. He secretly enjoys making jewelry.


    Type: Due to his curse, he uses a mainly customized form of exorcism, taught in main by his uncle, and in part by various other teachers using unconventional styles.

    Detail: He uses mainly binding techniques.

    Defensive Capabilities: 84/100 His physical abilities and support of summons make him formidable even without exorcism techniques. (He would honestly work best as a knight. Though seems to refuse to)

    Weapon: An extremely long rosary, many many beads with symbols carved from Taoism and Hinduism.

    Weapon Detail: A tool named "Vi", he made the rosary starting the first year he was there over a very long period of time, he uses it to bind his opponents (in tandem with brute force) and it is a decent match for his soul weapon. It is probably the thing he has worked hardest on for a long time.


    Type: His gloves each have a matching circle imprinted on the back of them.

    Detail: His uncle gifted him a "fairy" type demon, one named "Freya", one to help ease his unavoidable pains and wounds during battle. It's main function is to heal him and allies. It is a submissive spirit, not really needing much attention and not taking much effort to control, his uncle trained it well.

    Summoning Capabilities: He only ever bothers to summon the one, and doesn't take his role as a Tamer serious enough to train for summoning more.

    Tool(s): He does bring a rolled up parchment with the same circle on it, just in case his gloves are lost.

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------Soul weapon-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Effect: Max can bring an energy to things, this energy burns anything he deems an enemy, but only if they are toughing the surface he has applied the energy to. Can apply to one item at a time.
    Endurance: Longest time to date is 3 and a half minutes, that was on a good day.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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    Member Seen 8 mos ago

    spawn and pixel are accepted
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by HellOfALife
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    HellOfALife stare into the abyss

    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    >,< GAH this'll take forever especially with two characters, I'll be making a female character since I notice a good lack of any, and I'm changing Lexion's appearance. I'll probably be posting a WIP of the sheets tonight.
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by LetterA
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    Member Seen 8 mos ago


    is ok
    ill love u either way
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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    cerozer0 Starboy

    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    What about me Prince
    Do you love me too? (;(;(;(;
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Marshmellow


    Member Seen 5 yrs ago

    oh dang you are right this is turning into a sausage fest

    i thought there was at least one other girl in the intcheck but i can swap darius out for somebody with more x chromosomes no problem if we want a more balanced cast
    Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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    deadpixel101 Still Around

    Member Seen 5 mos ago

    HellOfALife said
    >,< GAH this'll take forever especially with two characters, I'll be making a female character since I notice a good lack of any, and I'm changing Lexion's appearance. I'll probably be posting a WIP of the sheets tonight.

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