I haven’t said anything before since it’s really (really!) not a big deal, but I am worried about the future. You need to work on how you handle actions scenes. Luckily, Balto is an NPC, but some of the things your doing could still be described as ‘god-moding’, specifically the bits in which you decide Margaret’s action and the result. Now, in these types of games, that’s perfectly fine with characters that are set up to fight her (the normal 1x1 arc fights) or characters you’re controlling, but had Balto been someone’s character, they might understandably be a little peeved. I actually was for a second, since I was planning for Balto to become a later foe, but that’s pretty much been thrown out the window since he’s clearly no threat. But like I said, that’s fine. It wasn't too hard to change that little idea so I did.
Even though he is an NPC though, I was still controlling him. Now, in the future, if we do a fight scene, it might be better to do a collab for it, but the normal way is: I make an attack, you respond and make an attack, I respond and make an attack, etc until the fight is over. For example, I had Balto attack with the wood and the bite, but I didn’t describe the wood hitting her or his teeth finding a place in her shoulder, that would have been god-moding. (Also, I suppose he just stopped trying to bite her after getting stabbed? I would imagine she’d have to respond to that before finding time to draw her blade and impale him. Like I said, work on it a little bit!) However, Margaret throwing him against the cabin or impaling him with the blade were examples of god-moding, since I didn’t have a chance to respond, you just acted and described the result. But again, don’t worry. I don’t mind this time, but I am glad it happened with a less important NPC. If it had been something I wasn’t able to work around, I’d have asked you to change it.
Now, I did god-mode a bit in the last post with Balto’s ‘escape’ in not giving Margaret a chance to stop him, since it was kind of a necessity for the plot. Unlike making Balto less important, I needed to do this, so my apologies. But yeah, in the future, don’t be afraid to ask for permission to do something like that.
Anyway, I’m trying to think of a way to divide up the arc fights. Balto’s gone, so there’s no helping that. We still have Captain Muscovy and Lieutenant Commander Barbary, but I’m not sure if you want to use Isis quite yet. Perhaps another officer can be introduced, like an Ensign? But if you have something in mind for Isis, do tell.