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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Daemyn Sterk

Daemyn Sterk

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sabin still had his pistol leveled in the air towards Dallas when the lights flickered back on, allowing him to see the man. Barking hell, he'd been aiming at an NCR ranger! He hadn't even noticed the man in the room, having been caught up in the whole business with Poe and the mutant, but why was an elite like a ranger here? He didn't understand why the NCR would waste one of the highest ranking soldiers in the land on some damned envoy mission, unless he was here on his own will? He stared in awe for a moment, astounded to see one in person. Sabin shook his head, he could pick up some pointers later, for now he had to deal with House. As the presentation started and an explanation of the entire expedition was finally revealed, he stared ahead at the screen with the man's face projected on it. Could this be the illustrious Mr. House, the one rumored to suck blood and steal the lives from others?

So that's what this was all about, electromagnetic railroads? He didn't know what all that blether meant, must be something fancy. Though it sounded like something that the NCR could perhaps use to extend their influence across the land. He filed that thought away for later. If that man was some bloke called Tenpenny, that must mean that the man on the screen is House. He'd never seen something like that, someone so lazy that they had to project their face onto a screen rather than show up in person. Perhaps House was skulking around, getting ready to feast from one of them that very second... Sabin peered around superstitiously, making sure that no one was waiting to drink their blood.

“Many thanks, Mr. House.” Tenpenny said, stepping to the center of the room again. “Any questions?”

"Where the hell is the real Mr. House, an' I'm not talkin' abou' that fake bloke on the screen! For all we know he cou' be hidin' in the shadows waitin' to steal our blood!"

Sabin would yell, probably sounding like a complete nincompoop. Nevertheless he still had a pistol in his hand, and he'd probably remember to turn off the safety this time. Probably.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

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"Many thanks, Mr. House. Any questions?" Well, that certainly sounded like an interesting job. Rail lines, being able to make it across the whole control in a matter of days. He could see the merits in that idea. Some of the others were already voicing their opinions, and most of them sounded pretty legitimate. The Brotherhood would be a pain in the ass for them, at least the Western chapters. Oh, sure they preached about reclaiming humanity's glory for the greater good, but what that meant was taking any kind of advanced technology from anyone that wasn't them, and generaly treating others like cavemen not to be trusted with anything more advanced than a toaster or a rifle.

Then, of course, Sabin had to make a jackass of himself. Del just pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke.

"Shut d'fuck up, kid. House don' need to show you jack shit 'bout where he is long as he's payin' us." He growled over at the kid, absently fingering the grip of his own Colt Police Special. "An' far as questions, Mr. Tenpenny, nah, none from me. I'll say dis, dough; Southern Line ain' a bad idea. Legion's disorganized as shit now. Caesar an' Lanius're dead. Dey too busy bea'in' de livin' shit outta eachotha' ova' who takes ova' righ' now to be payin' any attention t'folk workin' on dem lines. Know there's a lotta folk in The Delta lookin' to do some expandin' inta de worl', too." He didn't really expect them to want to take the Southern Line, no. They'd want to go up somewhere with seasons. He just wanted to remind them of their options.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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TheUnknowable Like Pineapple on Pizza

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Zero reactivated his ears when the lights came back up, listened to the fellow AI talk, and thought about it. The control of such technology would be quite lucrative, he realized. When it was time for questions, he organized his thoughts. "I would like a schematic of any and all technology that may be of use on this journey. I have many schematics in my memory banks, but I don't have anything that could produce the power necessary to drive this. As for where we are going, I would suggest that we take the red line as well. I have been to several cities along that line, and have extensive knowledge of Atlanta in particular. The people there have made amazing strides toward rebuilding, including agriculture and industry. They even produce some goods, such as rechargeable energy cells, that could be of much use to us.
Once they are connected, you could make significant profit moving foodstuffs and manufactured components to the other cities along the line. The money raised could then be used to rebuild the two lines to the North."
The Phoenix squadron would likely be there, as well, but they could be handle them easily if it came to a fight. As for them discovering his past, well, maybe seeing the Enclave in action would teach that racist Poe where bigotry lead in the end.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheLonePup


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ellie had just given Rebecca the one fingered salute when the entire room went dark.

As soon as the lights cut out, Ellie was on high alert. Dropping to a knee, her right hand pulls her hood up over her head, putting her face in shadow as she makes herself as small of a target as possible, her coat billowing out to make her form hard to discern under it. Her left hand grabs her rifle and flips it up under her arm, strap sliding down as she presses the butt against her shoulder and she stays there for a minute, holding her breath as she listens to her surroundings... Once the monitor flicked on, she'd pivot on her knee and aim right at it, her iron sights lining up with the man's nose before she realizes what it is and lowers her rifle,

When the lights come back on, she slowly rises, rifle still at the ready as she looks around warily, seeing people start taking the chairs in front of the monitor... She chooses instead to back up and press her back against the wall, watching the new guy from the shadow of her hood listening to him introduce himself and the face on the Monitor... So that's Mr. House? A man too cowardly to even show his face in front of those he hired... How the hell could he expect people to work for him if that's how he does things?

She already hated the man.... but knowing that this was the best way for her to find out information, she just ran with it... Sitting back and silently listening to his shpeal... the three lines, we're expendable... yadda yaddda yadda... he made it sound like they were going to their deaths... of course that was the cause almost any time you leave your home anymore, but it was never nice to be reminded of the fact.

As the time for questions arises she just sits back and silently listens to the others ask theirs... She was hoping for the northern line... would be the easiest way to get back home and report in... But that was when she started to actually thing; what were the odds that these tunnels hadn't caved in? If the power stations pretty much just slingshot you to the next, then if the tunnel had collapsed they'd be completely fucked. The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became.

"Yea, I got a question, how the hell do you know these tunnels aren't completely trashed? I don't feel like being slammed into a wall of rubble at a couple hundred miles an hour and I doubt anybody else would find that to be an enjoyable experience either"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Dallas noticed Sabin pointing his gun at him, then continued to watch as the trooper realised who he was pointing the gun at. he turned his head away from Sabin, leaning back on the wall he stood next to, His cowboy repeater, pressing against both the wall and his armour. Dallas realised he still had that old thing with him. He'd been meaning to get it repaired, or even replaced if it was too damaged. Dallas continued to lean on the wall silently as he listened to what everyone had to say. In particular, what Del had to say about the Southern Line. He did make a good point, The legion was in complete shambles after the deaths of Caesar and Lanius. Dallas had seen what had become of the Legion in the Nevada. The disorganisation of the legion would get so bad that it drove legionaries insane, killing others senselessly, maybe turning the barrel of the gun on themselves. But there was one group Dallas remembered who were organised for a change, and were smart to actually do something in retaliation. Dallas blocked the thought of 'That' group from coming back, and continued on what was going on as of now.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AtomicItalian


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Scrap said
"Scrap have, grah, Scrap have question, Penny Man. Why need two workers? Scrap fix anything, Gutsy not necessary." As if to illustrate his point, Scrap marched to where his satchel lay and shouldered his supplies. "Scrap fix anything," he repeated.

Hayley jumped in before Tenpenny or House could answer, hoping her familiarity with the Nightkin would calm his stresses.

"Don't worry Scrap. Mr. Zero is here to help you and Mr. Poe keep everything running. They're going to work WITH you, like me and Julie. They're friends." Her voice was sweet and leveled as she explained the situation to the Nightkin. "We need Mr. Poe's knowledge, Mr. Zero's tools, and your strength. It's ok."

Tenpenny pointed to the next raised hand.

Poe said
"Just one, great Grace." Poe said, a genuinely thoughtful expression visiting his lips. "You're contracting me to install a security network and hardware on-site at each of these powerstations, and those I can rig to be more inhospitable than the bottom of the ocean to trespassers. These lines though, they may be buried underground, but seeing as we'll likely be running into them anyway the Brotherhood of Steel at least - and a few others I can think of - will have both the capability and the desire to disrupt these lines not at the power stations, but along their lengths. I may be missing some nuance concerning your relationship with those boyscouts, but I've heard there's not much lost love between you."

"A reasonable question, Mr. Poe." House began, cutting off Tenpenny. "The fusion powerstations which generate the magnetic fields used by the trolleys also powered a variety of other utilities in their respective cities. As these utilities are, naturally, now offline, there will be a significant excess of power generated once the stations are activated. Until more permanent security measures are in place along the lines, we will utilize this excess power and direct it into the magnetic field. The strength of the field following the power redistribution will be able to strongly dissuade any hostile entities from interrupting the rails. I trust between Dr. Clarke and yourself, Mr. Poe, that this will be a manageable task until a more long term solution is enacted."

Another hand raised.

Sabin said
"Where the hell is the real Mr. House, an' I'm not talkin' abou' that fake bloke on the screen! For all we know he cou' be hidin' in the shadows waitin' to steal our blood!"

A confused expression crossed Tenpenny and Clarke's face, but before they could answer, Del had already spoken up.

Del said
"Shut d'fuck up, kid. House don' need to show you jack shit 'bout where he is long as he's payin' us." He growled over at the kid, absently fingering the grip of his own Colt Police Special. "An' far as questions, Mr. Tenpenny, nah, none from me. I'll say dis, dough; Southern Line ain' a bad idea. Legion's disorganized as shit now. Caesar an' Lanius're dead. Dey too busy bea'in' de livin' shit outta eachotha' ova' who takes ova' righ' now to be payin' any attention t'folk workin' on dem lines. Know there's a lotta folk in The Delta lookin' to do some expandin' inta de worl', too."

"This monitor is a projection of my consciousness. Though my physical body may not be present, I assure you, what you see and hear is me in my truest incarnation. Though lacking flesh, the mind is present, and strong. Something that, apparently, cannot be said of everyone in the room." House responded cooly.

"Concerning the southern line, that will be an option we will allow you to collectively come to terms with. Ultimately, Mr. Castillo will have the final say, as he will be responsible for keeping the expedition's forward momentum consistent. He has been advised, however, to take very seriously your opinions on the matter." Tenpenny said, ending his comment with a motion to Castillo.

Castillo, snapping back to attention at the mention of his name, sat up from his slouch and stood.

"When the grave is the destination, don't much matter which road you take. Whichever rail you lot want to run is fine by me." He lazily spat, returning to his slouch in the chair.

"Charming." House said, thick with sarcasm.

Mr. Zero said
"I would like a schematic of any and all technology that may be of use on this journey. I have many schematics in my memory banks, but I don't have anything that could produce the power necessary to drive this. As for where we are going, I would suggest that we take the red line as well. I have been to several cities along that line, and have extensive knowledge of Atlanta in particular. The people there have made amazing strides toward rebuilding, including agriculture and industry. They even produce some goods, such as rechargeable energy cells, that could be of much use to us.

Once they are connected, you could make significant profit moving foodstuffs and manufactured components to the other cities along the line. The money raised could then be used to rebuild the two lines to the North."

"Mr. Poe and I will have a hard drive full of common and not so common schematics for use on the trip. Much of it is Follower's technology, some recovered Brotherhood and old Enclave schematics, and a variety of schematics exclusively provided by Mr. House for this expedition. You'll have access to these as is necessary, Mr. Zero." Hayley responded. "Concerning the route, again, it will be up to the totality of the team's discretion."

Tenpenny took another question, this time from one of the women in the crowd.

Ellie said
"Yea, I got a question, how the hell do you know these tunnels aren't completely trashed? I don't feel like being slammed into a wall of rubble at a couple hundred miles an hour and I doubt anybody else would find that to be an enjoyable experience either."

"The rails are not actual rails. My apologies for the confusing jargon being used during this presentation. They are more like..." Tenpenny began, before Hayley cut in.

"They're more like emitters. They're buried deep underground, and emit the EM field needed for the trolleys. The trolleys themselves, however, operate on the surface. They levitate over the "rail" buried deep below. So, basically, no tunnels. Only raiders, artillery, and the occasional wayward Bhramin to worry about."

Tenpenny waited for any other hands to raise.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ZeeKiwi


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rebecca couldn't help but laugh. Really she expected so much more from Ellie then just a middle finger. But then everything fell into darkness in the room.

She saw lighters being light, heard holsters unclipping and steel being drawn. She pulled out a very small, pocket flashlight. Once turned on it produced almost no light, but it was enough to see alittle ways ahead of her self. Putting the dim light on Sabin's back, she moved it around the room for a moment, looking at all the others until the computer monitor flared to life with the image of a face.

Her good arm immediately shot to her holster but before she was able to pull the pistol from its holster, A man by the name of Tenpenny started to speak and soon enough, he introduced the face on the monitor as House. "That's House?' She thought, looking confused. As everyone thought about taking seats, she tucked her flashlight back into her pocket and took a seat in one of the back row chairs. Pulling her bag from behind her, she dug around for a pencil and her notebook. Steadily writing notes as house explained how the mag-rails worked, what exactly they where, what lines they could take, everything expected on the trip and more. She didn't bother to hide the notes, to lost in taking them to bother with anyone else.

Of course she looked up from her notes as House went on to explain the pay and perks of doing this job. A soft snort came from her as she listened to the promises. None of which she thought would be followed through. House knew how to present things how they where. Other then the bullshit promises of wealth and care, she saw facts and bluntness. Now, she was starting to warm up to the expedition.

"So any questions?" She had heard from Tenpenny. Before she could ask any questions, everyone else started in with their own.She looked up as everyone else started talking, scribbling quick, choppy notes of some thing exchanged between each other. But then.. Sabin had to ask his dumb question that made her smack her self in the head with the notebook. "God damn it kid.." She mumbled when Del started in on Sabin. With a sigh, she heard Ellie's question.

"Yea, I got a question, how the hell do you know these tunnels aren't completely trashed? I don't feel like being slammed into a wall of rubble at a couple hundred miles an hour and I doubt anybody else would find that to be an enjoyable experience either." Ellie had asked.

When it was all explained, she raided her hand and grunted. "Yea, so my questions.. How long are you thinking this trip is going to take, how long at each stop are you estimating?" Of course if they took the Northern line, it would be a quicker way back home then going on foot. "What if the generators or what ever is suppose to be at which ever stop isn't even their. Expect us to rebuild them from things we find on the road? Last one.. She mumbled, If the lines go so far across the country, where would the main headquarters be for the mag lines?"

Sitting back, pencil at the ready for the answers, if she got them that is.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Javier walked past to the scene occurring to the bar, he looked to the various drinks on the side, seeming to smirk at the collection. Javier poured himself a glass of Rum has he just watched the questions unfold, probably waiting to leave the location. He had a few questions in his hand, how much was the pay and all that stuff. But one question seem to elude his mind, he began to say his first words , right behind the bar.

“ Eh, Tenpenny right? Anywho, I ask this..” began Javier
“ The NCR and BoS are gunna’ learn of this sooner or later, maybe even the Legion will take interest, with all these factions in play and they’ll probably be sending men and women to attack us and all, but also tryna’ make it hell , what do we do if they sabotage, blockade or anything like that. Not only that but there be more complications, like angry locals and all that stuff that will complicate work. I don’t mind popping a few beams of Plasma at raiders and Fiends and even the legion but against the BoS and NCR, even angry locals and civilians? No thanks” said Javier
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Terminal
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Terminal Rancorous Narrative Proxy

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Javier said “ The NCR and BoS are gunna’ learn of this sooner or later, maybe even the Legion will take interest, with all these factions in play and they’ll probably be sending men and women to attack us and all, but also tryna’ make it hell , what do we do if they sabotage, blockade or anything like that. Not only that but there be more complications, like angry locals and all that stuff that will complicate work. I don’t mind popping a few beams of Plasma at raiders and Fiends and even the legion but against the BoS and NCR, even angry locals and civilians? No thanks”

"In the interests of not wasting the great Grace's time," Poe said, craning his neck to stare eerily at Javier through his goggles, "The NCR already knows and the House already told us the response to interception efforts. And if you aren't willing to do what you've been invited here for, get out." Poe thumbed at the elevator. "Bulletcatchers like you who don't know how to listen can be replaced."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Terminal said
"In the interests of not wasting the great Grace's time," Poe said, craning his neck to stare eerily at Javier through his goggles, "The NCR already knows and the House already told us the response to interception efforts. And if you aren't willing to do what you've been invited here for, get out." Poe thumbed at the elevator. "Bulletcatchers like you who don't know how to listen can be replaced."

" Heh' I don't mean it like that, but you don't know what tricks or things the NCR and BoS have up there sleeves now-a-days. I wouldn't mind killing either one, I just need verifcation on what to do, besides chatter on radio logs show that there has been some BoS movement in New Vegas recently"

Javier digs his face into his pip boy, using the encoder to find the radio tranmisson
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by WittyReference

WittyReference the Living Dead

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Scrap still wasn't convinced the others were necessary but if Haylee wanted them he wouldn't complain. Deep down, though he wouldn't admit it, Scrap was grateful someone else would have to give up their junk for the repairs. Selling his weapons was one thing, that could save someone's life someday, but leaving it to power some underground relay didn't seem that illustrious of a fate to Scrap.

Admittedly, he wouldn't know how to fix the relays themselves without some poking and prodding anyway; Scrap's mastery of repair boiled down to knowing how to listen to the parts he had. Every bit of junk had a story and a dream. Most just wanted to hurt, those voices were often the loudest, those Scrap would turn to weapons and sell them across the wasteland. Sometimes though a part had bigger aspirations. Maybe a part would want to be a doctor or a healer. Scrap could easily fashion it into a rudimentary water filter or an improvised food sanitizer. It wouldn't be as good as the real thing but it worked.

And that's all that mattered. Every junk has a use. Even Scrap.

Especially Scrap, he reminded himself.

Zero said I would like a schematic of any and all technology that may be of use on this journey. I have many schematics in my memory banks, but I don't have anything that could produce the power necessary to drive this.

That didn't sound much like "helping" to Scrap!

Pulled from his thoughts, Scrap clamored to be heard over the others, his growing concern restricting his vocabulary and tightening his chest. "Haylee! Scrap want schematics too!" Frantic to make sure his objections were noted, he called again. "Haylee! Voices need schematics!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AtomicItalian


Member Offline since relaunch

Rebecca said
"Yea, so my questions.. How long are you thinking this trip is going to take, how long at each stop are you estimating?" Of course if they took the Northern line, it would be a quicker way back home then going on foot. "What if the generators or what ever is suppose to be at which ever stop isn't even their. Expect us to rebuild them from things we find on the road? Last one.. She mumbled, If the lines go so far across the country, where would the main headquarters be for the mag lines?"

"There is no time frame. No estimations. No guesses. All I can say with certainty is that the trip will be long, it will be difficult. You will be moving targets on the wastes. I apologize if that does not satisfy your curiosity, but it is the truth." House replied.

"As far as the generators go," Hayley began, "The majority of them will still be there. For the ones that aren't, the second car of our train has been dedicated as a manufacturing area. Mr. Poe and I can create the necessary components for the powerstations. The larger components, like gauge assemblies and protective housing for the fusion cores will fall to Scrap and Mr. Zero to procure and install."

Javier said
“ Eh, Tenpenny right? Anywho, I ask this..” began Javier
“ The NCR and BoS are gunna’ learn of this sooner or later, maybe even the Legion will take interest, with all these factions in play and they’ll probably be sending men and women to attack us and all, but also tryna’ make it hell , what do we do if they sabotage, blockade or anything like that. Not only that but there be more complications, like angry locals and all that stuff that will complicate work. I don’t mind popping a few beams of Plasma at raiders and Fiends and even the legion but against the BoS and NCR, even angry locals and civilians? No thanks” said Javier.

Poe said
"In the interests of not wasting the great Grace's time," Poe said, craning his neck to stare eerily at Javier through his goggles, "The NCR already knows and the House already told us the response to interception efforts. And if you aren't willing to do what you've been invited here for, get out." Poe thumbed at the elevator. "Bulletcatchers like you who don't know how to listen can be replaced."

Javier said
" Heh' I don't mean it like that, but you don't know what tricks or things the NCR and BoS have up there sleeves now-a-days. I wouldn't mind killing either one, I just need verifcation on what to do, besides chatter on radio logs show that there has been some BoS movement in New Vegas recently"

House cut into the exchange, his volume suddenly louder.

"I would be careful as to the words you speak against the NCR here. Two of their members are currently present. As for the Brotherhood of Steel, any radio logs you are picking up are likely in error. I...disbanded the Brotherhood in the Mojave some fifteen years ago. Any presence now will not be tolerated under my leadership. Further out in the wastes, they likely will be a problem. But that is why you are being paid. I am not sending you on a vacation." House's words were sharp.

Scrap said
"Haylee! Scrap want schematics too!" Frantic to make sure his objections were noted, he called again. "Haylee! Voices need schematics!"

Tenpenny rolled his eyes and shot Hayley an annoyed glare.

"Don't worry Scrap." Hayley said, ignoring Tenpenny. "You're going to be my big shadow on this trip. Anything you need, we'll talk it over and get it sorted out." She smiled at the NIghtkin.

Castillo said
Without raising his hand, Castillo shot a question to the crowd.

"So how do we finish the job if Dr. Clarke takes a dirt nap out there?" Castillo asked, his voice's levity inappropriate for the weight of the question.

"She won't." Tenpenny snapped, his regal countenance now bearing a vicious scowl.

The room was taken back by the sudden outburst. Tenpenny quickly regained his composure and turned slightly from the group.

"If the lines are not finished, the mission is failed, regardless of the cause. I would advise you all to make it a top priority to keep Dr. Clarke in good health." House said.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


Member Offline since relaunch

Sovi3t said
“The NCR and BoS are gunna’ learn of this sooner or later, maybe even the Legion will take interest, with all these factions in play and they’ll probably be sending men and women to attack us and all, but also tryna’ make it hell , what do we do if they sabotage, blockade or anything like that. Not only that but there be more complications, like angry locals and all that stuff that will complicate work. I don’t mind popping a few beams of Plasma at raiders and Fiends and even the legion but against the BoS and NCR, even angry locals and civilians? No thanks” said Javier

Dallas perked up on what Javier had to say. 'NCR wouldn't send out troopers, hell even rangers that far out from here.' He said, looking at Javier. 'But if we make the wrong move in DC, brotherhood can easily catch wind of it I bet.' Dallas then added 'And brotherhood isn't the type to mess around with.' He looked back to his feet, then back to Javier. 'But back to the NCR.' Dallas said 'They would send groups out in the Nevada but once we're out of the Mojave, we're in the clear from the NCR.' Dallas knew that. NCR wouldn't have the guts to send out troopers. 'Unless our route passes through The Hub, We're in the clear.'
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