The Dentist opened the door and walked in the bakery, gesturing for them to follow. It was a bakery where you would go up to a counter and order your food, and there was tables. He looked at their menu. "You guys order what you want, I'm getting..." he narrowed his eyes and scanned the list, then looked up to the man. "I'd like a piece of your largest bread, a 'special delight sandwhich', and a chocolate cookie." he said, not knowing what those were. He payed and sat down at a table. He ate the bread. "Delicious! So warm!" he said to himself. he ate the sandwhich. "Also amazing!" he said to himself. And finally, ate the cookie. "The humans are geniouses! Creating something like this!" he said loudly to himself as he walked back over to the counter. "Seven of your special plater plate chocolate cookies." he payed fro the cookies, which were basiclaly normal chocolate chip cookies that were th size of a small plate, and ate them one by one very quickly. When he fnished, he moaned. "So tasty..." he said, before fallling asleep in the chair. Apparentally, he was exremely tired.