Name: Captain Lucan Reynolds
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 29
City-State: Indiga
Occupation: Merchant vessel captain
Height: 5'11"
History/Bio: Lucan has one love in his life. The Aurelia. A twin masted ship, she's not one of the biggest based out of Indiga but definitely one of the fastest. Lucan was born in Indiga to a fisherman and from an early age he set his sights on the seas. He worked on many ships, out of Indiga, in his youth, including The Aurelia, until he won her from her previous captain in a game of cards. For the last few years he has captained the ship, working as a member of the Sailor's Guild. Most of his time is spent hauling lumber from Indiga to other city-states and then usually bringing food back. Lucan is not a fan of the Sailor's Guild's level of control over his operations nor their tariffs. He still maintains his influence within the Guild, knowing its value, however he will often take less than legal shipments to supplement his income, smuggling anything from people to stolen goods. Lucan was in port in Crimsia the day of the eruption, having just dropped off a load of lumber. He managed to just make it out after originally being unable to leave due to the prophet's decision to lock down the harbour. The Sailor's Guild was initially displeased that he had chosen to fill his hold with Marked Ones rather than the incense he was meant to return with, and Lucan suspects that some members still feel he shouldn't have dumped the incense into Crimsia's harbour.
Likes: The Aurelia, Sailing, The Ocean, Gambling, Adventure
Dislikes: The Sailor's Guild
Skills: Sailing
Magic: None
Weapons: Lucan carries two swords, one on either hip, mostly in case of piracy.