Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


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" Are you sure, never mind I'll be genital." With that the darkest shadows in the room came to her and started to lift her up. The shadows made large spikes that came right up to her. Coming back down at a rapid pace she landed stood back up.

" I'm not done yet." Holding out her hand a shadow crept to it making a dagger in her hand. Tossing it thru one of the dark corners of the room it reappeared going straight to her stopping it self before dissipating. Ana proof of this little stunt sunk back into the shadows that were grasping at her and appeared on the other side of the gym just to go right back to her spot on the bleachers.

"So who's next" she said in a half sarcastic half sadistic kind of way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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On his way to the gym, Kyo noticed Katherin in the hallway. Did she know the way back to the gym? He wasn't sure. Walking up to her, he let the bell on his wrist chime again to let her know that he was there before taking her hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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YamiCuoreLaroux said
On his way to the gym, Kyo noticed Katherin in the hallway. Did she know the way back to the gym? He wasn't sure. Walking up to her, he let the bell on his wrist chime again to let her know that he was there before taking her hand.

Katherin skilled at Kido. It was nice that someone had come to help her. She knew the housekeeper left her wandering on purpose. "Thank you for your help. This place is so big. I'll memorize it eventually.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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KatherinWinter said
Katherin skilled at Kido. It was nice that someone had come to help her. She knew the housekeeper left her wandering on purpose. "Thank you for your help. This place is so big. I'll memorize it eventually.

Kyo squeezed her hand in response and started walking again. He had to admit that it could get a bit confusing finding places here, and not even being able to see them probably didn't help. When he got to the gym, he brought her to the bleachers before finding a seat himself and looking up at the housekeeper. He wasn't entirely sure if they had missed anything, but he thought he would understand if he just payed attention for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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YamiCuoreLaroux said
Kyo squeezed her hand in response and started walking again. He had to admit that it could get a bit confusing finding places here, and not even being able to see them probably didn't help. When he got to the gym, he brought her to the bleachers before finding a seat himself and looking up at the housekeeper. He wasn't entirely sure if they had missed anything, but he thought he would understand if he just payed attention for now.

"Why don't you go next Kyo." The housekeeper suggested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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KatherinWinter said
"Why don't you go next Kyo." The housekeeper suggested.

Kyo hesitated for a moment, but stood up and walked to the middle of the gym. They were just supposed to do something with powers, right? He could do that. Closing his eyes, he thought for a moment.

Perhaps he could make something good show up this time. Perhaps...Oh, that could work. Opening his eyes, he turned toward a spot to his right and snapped his fingers.
An image of the same boy appeared in the spot he had looked at. This boy looked back at the first before turning to the bleachers, holding out his hand with the palm up. After a moment, a small flame appeared in the outstretched hand. The first boy held out his hand as well, creating the image of a flame in his hand to mirror the other. Staring straight ahead, he let the room become darker until the only light came from the flames. Both images raised their free hands and clapped them over the little fires, leaving the room in darkness for a second before the light slowly came back.

Throughout the performance, small chiming noises came from the bell worn by the Kyo near the center, but no noise came from the other. That would have taken more concentration, and that much had already been enough to tire him out. As soon as the light was fully back only a few seconds later, only one Kyo was left standing. He walked back to the bleachers and sat down quietly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

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Once Blue ate his food he followed Chip. "So, what do we do here?" Blue asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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BluetheElf said
Once Blue ate his food he followed Chip. "So, what do we do here?" Blue asked.

"We are showing what we are capable of when it comes to our powers." Katherin answered. She pointed to where Kyo stood in the middle of the gym.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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After Keegan and Melissa had finished cleaning up the dishes and whatnot, they made their way to the gym. Keegan stretches his leg and back a little, whilst Melissa stands idly and somewhat awkwardly off to the side of him, keeping to herself. They both seem ready to listen to what's about to happen...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

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"Ahh... ok, right. Got any targets?" Blue asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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BluetheElf said
"Ahh... ok, right. Got any targets?" Blue asked.

The housekeeper nodded and waved her hands. Two fighting dumbs appeared in the middle of the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

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KatherinWinter said
The housekeeper nodded and waved her hands. Two fighting dumbs appeared in the middle of the room.

Keegan and Melissa both stare at the dummies in puzzlement. "What exactly are we doing, miss?" Asks Keegan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Delta44 said
Keegan and Melissa both stare at the dummies in puzzlement. "What are we doing, miss?" Asks Keegan.

"You children are displaying what you are currently capable of when it comes to using your powers. Blue is about to show us his abilities." The housekeeper announced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BluetheElf
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BluetheElf An abnormal wood elf

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"Yah!" Blue exclaimed as he appeared to throw something. A small ball of light flew out of his hand and flew towards one of the dummies. Once the light hit it the dummy exploded like a bomb. "Yay! Woo hoo! Yeah, I'm the best!" He exclaimed happily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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"Chip would you like to help Katherin to the middle of the gym?" The housekeeper asked. "I believe the two of you are the only ones left."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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"Yes, mam." he responded, getting up and walking towards Katherin, helping her towards the middle of the gym. "The dummies are directly infront of you, use your powers on them." he said as he walked over to a dummy of his own. He summoned a large bagsworth of diamonds, deeply sharpened to a point, and flung them all through the dummy, causing the dummy to rip apart into shreds and fall to the ground. He walked over to another dummy and summoned a bagsworth of pennies, all of them floating in the air, and going under the dummie's feet. It lifted the dummy into the air, then dropped the dummy. While it was falling, the diamonds ripped through it as it fell down, leaving only strnds of it laying on the floor. Chip looked over to Katherin to see what she could do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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Katherin smiled grateful for the help. She didn't need to know where the dummy was but the information would be helpful. She made a graceful gesture with her hand. Suddenly the gym was filled with snow. Snowflakes slowly drifted through the air. "Well that wasn't exactly what I had in mind but I guess it works as well as what I had in mind."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YamiCuoreLaroux
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YamiCuoreLaroux ...who?

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Kyo silently watched the other Kids show off their abilities. Chip certainly had an interesting one, and it seemed pretty creative how he used it. He couldn't really classify what it was that the excitable and smaller boy had done, but it was definitely powerful looking. As he smiled up at the snowflakes that Katherin had created, he couldn't help thinking about how pretty they were. That would be a good thing to try at Christmas...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by a00000000000
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Chip saw the snowflakes falling. He let out his hand, and swowflakes piled ontop. "Interesting, Katherin." he said as he walked back over to the bleachers, sitting where he was earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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"Thank you. I wasn't going for gentle flakes, but I guess they work as well as what I had in mind." Katherin fold him.
"Our next class would be self defense. Does anyone here already know how to fight or use a weapon?" The housekeeper asked.
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